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Introduction to Pronouns

A pronoun, one of the eight parts of speech, is a word that replaces a noun or noun phrase.
Since a noun is typically "a person, place, or thing," so too are many pronouns, but the latter
are used in order to avoid repeating the noun over and over. And like nouns, pronouns can
be subjects and objects, but they have additional uses that go beyond those of simple nouns.

There are two main categories of pronouns – click the links for detailed lessons.

1) Personal pronouns
Grammatically speaking, "personal" means that the pronouns have different forms for each
grammatical person. Subject pronouns, object pronouns, and stressed pronouns are among
the various types of personal pronouns.

2) Impersonal pronouns
Impersonal pronouns do not have different forms for each grammatical person.
Demonstrative pronouns, possessive pronouns, and relative pronouns are a few of the
different kinds of impersonal pronouns.

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