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“An ISO Certified Company”

RO Questionnaire
1. Do you presently have an RO at a facility you treat?
a. If so, are you providing antiscalants?

2. Do you have any customer accounts where a competitor is treating an RO?

3. How many prospects accounts have RO’s?

a. <10%; 10 - 25%, 25 - 50%; 50%>

4. What is your RO experience level?

a. None, some, enough to be dangerous, do it in my sleep

5. Have you had any formal training on RO processes?

6. Have you ever calculated the blowdown heat savings based upon use of RO
make up?

7. Have you ever calculated the water/sewer saved by adding water from an
existing RO to a tower?

8. Do you see value in increasing your skills regarding RO systems?

“Serving Water Treatment Needs In Industry”

8287 - 214th Street West  Lakeville, Minnesota 55044  (952) 469-4965  FAX (952) 469-1252

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