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Moly-Cop Tools, Version 3.

About the BallParam_Direct Spreadsheet ...

Scope :

The BallParam_Direct spreadsheet was designed to be used - in conjunction with the BallSim_Direct spreadsheet in th
"tuning" of such simulator to any specific actual grinding system. The attached spreadsheets provide an effective algorithm
to search for the set of parameter values that best approximate the model response to the actual experimental
measurements obtained from a Pilot or Full Scale Ball Mill, operating in close circuit with hydrocyclones in a Direct
Circuit Configuration. BallParam_Direct combines in a single application the simultaneous closure of the Circuit Mass
Balance, plus the evaluation of the corresponding Classifier Constants (see About ... in CycloSim_Single) and the
estimation of the characteristic Ore Grinding Parameters, as an alternative to the concatenated use of the BallBal_Dire
and BallParam_Open spreadsheets, as originally proposed in Moly-Cop Tools, Version 1.0.

Theoretical Framework :

The reference ball mill model is described in the About ... worksheet of the BallSim_Direct spreadsheet. Similarly, the
reference hydrocyclone model is described in the About ... worksheet of the CycloSim_Single spreadsheet.

On the basis of Pilot or Full Scale Data, like those typically obtained from sampling campaigns around continuous
grinding/classification circuits, the BallParam_Direct routine allows for the calculation of all a's and b's (including dcrit) -
plus the classification parameters (Bpf, d50c and m; see CycloSim_Single) that minimize the least-squares Objective

3 n

f = S S wik [(fik - fik)/fik]2 (3)

k=1 i=1

where the fik's represent the experimental size distribution of the mill product (as % retained on screen 'i', i = 1,n) and the
fik's represent the model response for each corresponding fik, for a given set of model parameters. Also, the subscript k =
1, 2, 3 represents the cyclone feed, overflow and underflow streams, respectively. The a's and b's (including dcrit) and the
above listed classification parameters that yield the minimum possible value of f are so considered to be representative o
the particular ore and test conditions under analysis.

This evaluation methodology imposes the condition that the hydrocylones perform in good agreement with the Plitt´s
Classification Efficiency Curve (see About ... in CycloSim_Single).

Also in Equation 3, the wik's represent user defined Weighting Factors that quantify the relative quality and reliability of
each particular mesh value with respect to the other screens data. Relatively high values of such weighting factors indica
more reliable measurements. At the extreme, a wi factor equal to zero means that this particular measurement is not bein
included in the Objective Function.

The minimization problem stated above may be readily solved with the aid of the Excel Subroutine Solver.

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Moly-Cop Tools, Version 3.0
About the BallParam_Direct Spreadsheet ...

Data Input and Program Execution :

Most of the data required by the algorithm must be defined in each corresponding unprotected white background cell -
inside the red double-lined border - of the here attached Data_File worksheet. Gray background cells contain the results
of the corresponding formula there defined and are protected to avoid any accidental editing.

The remaining information required to run the program is entered in the Control_Panel worksheet, where the user is
requested to provide initial guesses of the grinding and classification parameters referred above.

To run the program, select the objective function Cell E36 in Control_Panel and then, from the Tools Menu, select
Solver ..., then Min and then By Changing any combination of Cells C19:F19, C21:D21, C25:E25, C27, C32:F32 and
E34. The same "parameter reduction hints" provided in About ... of BallParam_Batch apply in this case, but very
importantly, Cell E34 must always be included in the By Changing list. Clicking on the Solve button will execute the
desired calculations.

Important Notice : Solver ... must be run every time any element of input data gets to be modified. Otherwise, the
current outputs are not valid.

Calculation results are summarized in the Reports worksheet.

New Moly-Cop Tools users are invited to explore the brief comments inserted in each relevant cell, rendering the whole
utilization of the worksheets self-explanatory. Eventually, the user may wish to remove the view of the comments by
selecting Tools / Options / View / Comments / None.

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Moly-Cop Tools TM
(Version 3.0)


Sample N° 1
Weighting Factors :
Streams :
Mill Discharge 1
Cyclone U'flow 1
Cyclone O'flow 1

% Passing
Size Distributions 1
% Solids 1

Grinding Parameter Guesses :

alpha0 alpha1 alpha2 dcrit 10
0.00215 0.807 3.00 6292
alpha02 alpha12
0 1
0 1 Default Values

beta0 beta1 beta2 Mill Discharge

Cyclone U'flow
0.438 0.505 4.00 Cyclone O'flow
beta01 Column F
Column I
0 Column J
0 Default Value Fresh Feed

Classifiers Parameter Guesses : 1

Bpf Bpc d50c m 10 100 1000 10000
0.409 0.016 221.6 1.541 4 Particle Size, microns

Circulating Load : 2.615 Delta: 0.000

Obj. Function : 0.883 Note : Current calculations are not valid, if SOLVER has not been run after the last data modification.

Classifier Constants :
a1 a2 a3 a4 l
7.25 0.749 104.21 0.508 0.911

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Moly-Cop Tools TM (Version 3.0)
BALLPARAM_Direct : Simultaneous Mass Balance Closure and Grinding Parameters Estimation.

Circuit Type DIRECT Sample N° 1

Remarks Base Case Example

Mill Dimensions and Operating Conditions 567 Balls Charge Mill Charge Weight, tons Apparent
Eff. Diam. Eff. Length Speed Charge Balls Interstitial Lift 0 Overfilling Volume, Ball Slurry Density
ft ft % Critical Filling,% Filling,% Slurry Filling,% Angle, (°) 99 Slurry m3 Charge Interstitial Excess ton/m3
11.5 13.5 75.0 40.00 40.00 100.00 29.2 666 Net Power 15.91 74.48 13.07 0.00 5.501
rpm 16.94 10.0 % Losses
740 Gross kW Feedrate, ton/hr (dry) 78.0
Cyclone Dimensions (inches) and Operating Pressure (psi) Ore Density, ton/m3 2.90
Number Diameter Height Inlet Vortex Apex psi Balls Density, ton/m3 7.80
1 26.0 78.0 6.50 9.00 3.50 6.50 Make-up Ball Size, mm 76.20
Default Values: 78.0 6.5 9.1 4.6


Fresh Feed Mill Discharge Cyclone Feed Cyclone U'flow Cyclone O'flow
i Mesh Opening Mid-Size ton/hr % Retained % Passing ton/hr % Retained % Passing ton/hr % Retained % Passing ton/hr % Retained % Passing ton/hr % Retained % Passing

1 2" 50800 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

2 1" 25400 35921 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
3 0.75” 19000 21968 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
4 5/8” 16000 17436 0.06 0.08 99.92 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
5 1/2" 12500 14142 0.11 0.14 99.78 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
6 7/16” 11200 11832 1.87 2.40 97.38 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
7 3/8” 9500 10315 3.31 4.24 93.14 3.14 1.54 98.46 4.34 1.54 98.46 1.65 0.81 99.19 0.00 0.00 100.00
8 5/16” 8000 8718 5.19 6.65 86.49 3.53 1.73 96.73 4.88 1.73 96.73 2.24 1.10 98.09 0.00 0.00 100.00
9 1/4” 6300 7099 7.95 10.19 76.30 3.77 1.85 94.88 5.22 1.85 94.88 3.59 1.76 96.33 0.00 0.00 100.00
10 8 2360 3856 23.14 29.67 46.63 9.97 4.89 89.99 13.79 4.89 89.99 13.87 6.80 89.53 0.00 0.00 100.00
11 10 2000 2173 3.21 4.11 42.52 1.88 0.92 89.07 2.59 0.92 89.07 3.08 1.51 88.02 0.00 0.00 100.00
12 20 850 1304 10.69 13.71 28.81 15.83 7.76 81.31 21.88 7.76 81.31 23.99 11.76 76.26 0.05 0.07 99.93
13 40 425 601 5.77 7.40 21.41 32.21 15.79 65.52 44.52 15.79 65.52 44.20 21.67 54.59 1.98 2.54 97.39
14 60 250 326 3.50 4.49 16.92 33.78 16.56 48.96 46.70 16.56 48.96 38.16 18.71 35.88 8.94 11.46 85.93
15 100 150 194 2.78 3.57 13.35 28.25 13.85 35.11 39.05 13.85 35.11 26.80 13.14 22.74 14.22 18.23 67.70
16 140 106 126 1.41 1.81 11.54 13.42 6.58 28.53 18.55 6.58 28.53 11.24 5.51 17.23 7.74 9.92 57.78
17 200 75 89 1.26 1.61 9.93 10.95 5.37 23.16 15.14 5.37 23.16 7.67 3.76 13.47 7.85 10.06 47.72
18 270 53 63 0.97 1.24 8.69 7.85 3.85 19.31 10.86 3.85 19.31 4.81 2.36 11.11 6.02 7.72 40.00
19 325 45 49 0.51 0.66 8.03 3.83 1.88 17.43 5.30 1.88 17.43 1.96 0.96 10.15 2.61 3.34 36.66
20 400 38 41 0.30 0.38 7.65 2.08 1.02 16.41 2.88 1.02 16.41 1.29 0.63 9.52 2.04 2.62 34.04
21 -400 0 19 5.97 7.65 0.00 33.47 16.41 0.00 46.27 16.41 0.00 19.42 9.52 0.00 26.55 34.04 0.00
Totals 78.00 100.00 203.98 100.00 281.98 100.00 203.98 100.00 78.00 100.00

% Solids 98.28 78.31 63.63 76.26 48.41

Slurry Density, ton/m3 2.808 2.054 1.715 1.999 1.464
Weighting Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

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Moly-Cop Tools TM
(Version 3.0)
Simulation N° 0

Remarks Base Case Example

48.20 % Solids
40.15 % - Size 18
psi 6.50 213.1 P80

# of Cyclones 1
Vortex 9.00 Circ. Load 261.51
Apex 3.50 0.409 Bpf m3/hr 249
0.449 Bpw

% Solids 74.93

m3/hr 74.0
ton/hr 78.0 Water, 8.5
F80 6895 m3/hr

Gross kW 740.0
kWh/ton (Gross) 9.49 % Balls 40.00
Wio (metric) 16.80 % Critical 75.00
% Solids 78.31

% Solids 64.96

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Moly-Cop ToolsTM, Version 3.0 Sample N° 1
Conventional Closed Circuit Grinding Simulator

Remarks : Base Case Example


Configuration : DIRECT

Fresh Mill Mill Sump Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone

Feed Feed Discharge Water Feed U'flow O'flow
Ore, ton/hr 78.0 282.0 282.0 0.0 282.0 204.0 78.0
Water, m3/hr 1.4 69.6 78.1 74.0 152.1 68.3 83.8
Slurry, ton/hr 79.4 351.6 360.1 74.0 434.1 272.2 161.8
Slurry, m3/hr 28.3 166.9 175.3 74.0 249.3 138.6 110.7
Slurry Dens., ton/m3 2.808 2.107 2.054 1.000 1.741 1.964 1.462
% Solids (by volume) 95.2 58.3 55.5 0.0 39.0 50.7 24.3
% Solids (by weight) 98.28 80.20 78.31 0.00 64.96 74.93 48.20

Particle Size Distributions (Cummulative % Passing)

i Mesh Opening

1 2" 50800 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

2 1" 25400 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
3 0.75” 19000 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
4 5/8” 16000 99.92 99.94 99.96 0.00 99.96 99.95 100.00
5 1/2" 12500 99.78 99.85 99.91 0.00 99.91 99.88 99.99
6 7/16” 11200 97.38 98.68 99.40 0.00 99.40 99.18 99.97
7 3/8” 9500 93.14 96.70 98.58 0.00 98.58 98.06 99.92
8 5/16” 8000 86.49 93.81 97.51 0.00 97.51 96.61 99.86
9 1/4” 6300 76.30 89.58 96.07 0.00 96.07 94.66 99.78
10 8 2360 46.63 77.97 92.61 0.00 92.61 89.95 99.58
11 10 2000 42.52 74.65 90.40 0.00 90.40 86.94 99.46
12 20 850 28.81 62.40 81.81 0.00 81.81 75.25 98.97
13 40 425 21.41 45.43 66.29 0.00 66.29 54.61 96.81
14 60 250 16.92 30.19 49.23 0.00 49.23 35.27 85.74
15 100 150 13.35 20.18 35.49 0.00 35.49 22.80 68.69
16 140 106 11.54 15.67 28.24 0.00 28.24 17.24 57.01
17 200 75 9.93 12.64 23.07 0.00 23.07 13.67 47.63
18 270 53 8.69 10.50 19.21 0.00 19.21 11.20 40.15
19 325 45 8.03 9.59 17.57 0.00 17.57 10.19 36.88
20 400 38 7.65 8.88 16.19 0.00 16.19 9.35 34.07

D80, microns 6895 2831 790 0 790 1222 213.1

Specific Energy Consumption : 9.49 kWh/ton (Gross)

Operational Work Index : 16.80 kWh/ton (metric)

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Moly-Cop ToolsTM, Version 3.0 Sample N° 1
Conventional Closed Circuit Grinding Simulator

Remarks : Base Case Example


Number of Cyclones : 1 Operating Conditions :

Cyclone Dimensions, in : Feed Flowrate, m3/hr 249.3
Diameter 26.00 Pressure, psi 6.50
Height 78.00 D50 (corr.), microns 221.6
Inlet 6.50 Water By-Pass, % 44.9
Vortex 9.00 Solids By-Pass, % 40.9
Apex 3.50 Plitt's Parameter 1.54
Ore Density, ton/m3 2.90 Circulating Load, % 261.5

Mass Balance around the Classifiers

Size Distributions, % Passing Classifier Efficiency

i Mesh Opening Mid-Size Feed U'flow O'flow Actual Corrected

1 2" 50800 35921 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.984 1.000

2 1" 25400 21968 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.984 1.000
3 0.75” 19000 17436 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.984 1.000
4 5/8” 16000 14142 99.96 99.95 100.00 0.984 1.000
5 1/2" 12500 11832 99.91 99.88 99.99 0.984 1.000
6 7/16” 11200 10315 99.40 99.18 99.97 0.984 1.000
7 3/8” 9500 8718 98.58 98.06 99.92 0.984 1.000
8 5/16” 8000 7099 97.51 96.61 99.86 0.984 1.000
9 1/4” 6300 3856 96.07 94.66 99.78 0.984 1.000
10 8 2360 2173 92.61 89.95 99.58 0.984 1.000
11 10 2000 1304 90.40 86.94 99.46 0.984 1.000
12 20 850 601 81.81 75.25 98.97 0.961 0.960
13 40 425 326 66.29 54.61 96.81 0.821 0.715
14 60 250 194 49.23 35.27 85.74 0.657 0.431
15 100 150 126 35.49 22.80 68.69 0.554 0.252
16 140 106 89 28.24 17.24 57.01 0.499 0.157
17 200 75 63 23.07 13.67 47.63 0.464 0.095
18 270 53 49 19.21 11.20 40.15 0.446 0.065
19 325 45 41 17.57 10.19 36.88 0.438 0.051
20 400 38 19 16.19 9.35 34.07 0.418 0.016

Ore, ton/hr 282.0 204.0 78.0 Classifier Constants

Water, m3/hr 152.1 68.3 83.8 a1 7.248
Slurry, ton/hr 434.1 272.2 161.8 a2 0.749
Slurry, m3/hr 249.3 138.6 110.7 a3 104.208
Slurry Dens., ton/m3 1.741 1.964 1.462 a4 0.508
% Solids (by volume) 39.0 50.7 24.3 l 0.911
% Solids (by weight) 65.0 74.9 48.2 Bpc 0.016

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Moly-Cop ToolsTM, Version 3.0 Sample N° 1
Conventional Closed Circuit Grinding Simulator

Remarks : Base Case Example


Eff. Diameter, ft 11.5 Mill Power, kW (Gross) 740

Eff. Length, ft 13.5 Mill Power, kW (Net) 666
Speed, % Critical 75.0 Throughput, ton/hr 282.0
App. Density, ton/m3 5.50 % Solids (by weight) 78.3
Charge Level, % 40.0 Sp. Energy, kWh/ton 2.62
Balls Filling, % 40.0 Reduction Ratio 3.59
Lift Angle, (°) 29.2 Arbiter's Flow Number 1.18

Size Distributions
Mill Mill
i Mesh Opening Mid-Size Feed Discharge

1 2" 50800 35921 100.00 100.00

2 1" 25400 21968 100.00 100.00
3 0.75” 19000 17436 100.00 100.00
4 5/8” 16000 14142 99.94 99.96
5 1/2" 12500 11832 99.85 99.91
6 7/16” 11200 10315 98.68 99.40
7 3/8” 9500 8718 96.70 98.58
8 5/16” 8000 7099 93.81 97.51
9 1/4” 6300 3856 89.58 96.07
10 8 2360 2173 77.97 92.61
11 10 2000 1304 74.65 90.40
12 20 850 601 62.40 81.81
13 40 425 326 45.43 66.29
14 60 250 194 30.19 49.23
15 100 150 126 20.18 35.49
16 140 106 89 15.67 28.24
17 200 75 63 12.64 23.07
18 270 53 49 10.50 19.21
19 325 45 41 9.59 17.57
20 400 38 19 8.88 16.19

D80, microns 2831 790

Selection Function Parameters Breakage Function Parameters

alpha01 alpha02 alpha11 alpha12 alpha2 Dcrit Beta00 Beta01 Beta1 Beta2
0.00215 0.0000000 0.807 1.000 3.00 6292 0.438 0.000 0.51 4.00

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Number of Cyclones 1
Classifier Dimensions, inches.
26 78 6.50 9.00 3.50
Classifier Constants
a1 a2 a3 a4 l Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone
7.2478206 0.749264 104.2081 0.5075943 0.9110516046 Feed U'flow O'flow
Circulating Load, CL 2.615111741 Solids, tons 281.98 203.98 78
Slurry Split, S 1.2518177492 Water, m3/hr 152.08 68.26 83.82
Cyclone Pressure, ft 8.622295063 Slurry, tons 434.05759 272.23785 161.81974
Cyclone Pressure, lb/in2 6.50 Slurry, m3/hr 249.31291 138.59662 110.71629
Corrected Cut Size, d50c, microns 221.57932076 Solids Density, ton/m3 2.90 2.90 2.90
Water By-Pass 0.4488403344 Slurry Density, ton/m3 1.7410153 1.9642459 1.4615712
Fines By-Pass 0.4089167069 % Solids (by volume) 39.000804 50.749786 24.293219
Coarse By-Pass 0.0156388198 % Solids (by weight) 64.96 74.93 48.20
Plitt's Parameter 1.5409184391
% Passing (model) % Passing (exp)
Opening Mid-Size Classifier Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone
Efficiency Feed U'flow O'flow Feed U'flow O'flow

1 50800
2 25400 35921.024 0.9843611802 100.00 100 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
3 19000 21968.159 0.9843611802 100.00 100 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
4 16000 17435.596 0.9843611802 100.00 100 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
5 12500 14142.136 0.9843611802 99.96 99.947941 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
6 11200 11832.16 0.9843611802 99.91 99.875417 99.99 100.00 100.00 100.00
7 9500 10315.038 0.9843611802 99.40 99.180084 99.97 100.00 100.00 100.00
8 8000 8717.7979 0.9843611802 98.58 98.06464 99.92 98.46 99.19 100.00
9 6300 7099.2957 0.9843611802 97.51 96.605216 99.86 96.73 98.09 100.00
10 2360 3855.9046 0.9843611802 96.07 94.657633 99.78 94.88 96.33 100.00
11 2000 2172.5561 0.9843611802 92.61 89.94972 99.58 89.99 89.53 100.00
12 850 1303.8405 0.9843473469 90.40 86.93702 99.46 89.07 88.02 100.00
13 425 601.04076 0.9614836948 81.81 75.251444 98.97 81.31 76.26 99.93
14 250 325.96012 0.8205062833 66.29 54.614246 96.81 65.52 54.59 97.39
15 150 193.64917 0.6566722621 49.23 35.265348 85.74 48.96 35.88 85.93
16 106 126.0952 0.5540852954 35.49 22.797517 68.69 35.11 22.74 67.70

Page 12

17 75 89.162773 0.4990860693 28.24 17.244711 57.01 28.53 17.23 57.78

18 53 63.047601 0.4636303279 23.07 13.67272 47.63 23.16 13.47 47.72
19 45 48.836462 0.4464252554 19.21 11.198383 40.15 19.31 11.11 40.00
20 38 41.352146 0.4381637151 17.57 10.191468 36.88 17.43 10.15 36.66
21 0 19 0.4179015332 16.19 9.3524578 34.07 16.41 9.52 34.04

Page 13

(Weighted Error)^2
Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone
Feed U'flow O'flow
1 1 1

0.000 0.000 0.000

0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.001 0.003 0.000
0.008 0.016 0.000
0.363 0.672 0.001
0.014 1.287 0.006
0.642 2.291 0.020
1.584 3.014 0.049
8.504 0.220 0.174
2.231 1.514 0.295
0.382 1.749 0.920
1.367 0.002 0.355
0.299 2.935 0.049
1.191 0.064 2.154

Page 14

1.007 0.007 1.789

0.163 2.265 0.034
0.291 0.633 0.133
0.684 0.167 0.363
1.814 3.097 0.006
1.027 0.997 0.317 0.781

Page 15

Selection Function :

alpha01 alpha02 alpha11 alpha12 alpha2 dcrit

0.0021524 0 0.8067485 1 3 6291.96

i Mesh Opening Mid-Size SiE

1 2" 50800
2 1" 25400 35921.024 0.0544421
3 0.75” 19000 21968.159 0.1572378
4 5/8” 16000 17435.596 0.2551562
5 1/2" 12500 14142.136 0.3886058
6 7/16” 11200 11832.16 0.5434958
7 3/8” 9500 10315.038 0.6885057
8 5/16” 8000 8717.7979 0.8879332
9 1/4” 6300 7099.2957 1.1301508
10 8 2360 3855.9046 1.3679565
11 10 2000 2172.5561 1.0174333
12 20 850 1303.8405 0.6954813
13 40 425 601.04076 0.3753431
14 60 250 325.96012 0.2292775
15 100 150 193.64917 0.1506482
16 140 106 126.0952 0.1065767
17 200 75 89.162773 0.0805817
18 270 53 63.047601 0.060927
19 325 45 48.836462 0.0495818
20 400 38 41.352146 0.0433548
21 -400 0 19 0

Page 16

Breakage Function :

Beta00 Beta01 Beta1 Beta2

0.4381894 0 0.5050147 4

i Mesh Opening Beta0J Cummulative

1 2" 50800 0.4381894 1

2 1" 25400 0.4381894 1 1
3 0.75” 19000 0.4381894 0.554335 1 1
4 5/8” 16000 0.4381894 0.4354328 0.6842879 1 1
5 1/2" 12500 0.4381894 0.3392593 0.4599215 0.59612 1 1
6 7/16” 11200 0.4381894 0.3110202 0.403373 0.5008511 0.7766443 1 1
7 3/8” 9500 0.4381894 0.2776582 0.3438847 0.4065901 0.5689115 0.694045 1 1
8 5/16” 8000 0.4381894 0.2500258 0.3007619 0.3438847 0.444024 0.5159572 0.6842879 1 1
9 1/4” 6300 0.4381894 0.2188362 0.2577203 0.2871838 0.3462669 0.3839397 0.4647601 0.6044578 1 1
10 8 2360 0.4381894 0.1320274 0.1529602 0.1669483 0.189527 0.2006877 0.2190215 0.2408 0.2779389 1 1
11 10 2000 0.4381894 0.1214233 0.1406404 0.1534534 0.1740406 0.1841473 0.2005938 0.2197714 0.2511815 0.692827 1 1
12 20 850 0.4381894 0.078806 0.0912512 0.0995265 0.1127478 0.1191831 0.1295309 0.141307 0.1595312 0.2710863 0.3027707 1
13 40 425 0.4381894 0.0555305 0.064299 0.0701288 0.0794404 0.0839708 0.0912512 0.0995265 0.1122946 0.1849509 0.2015781 0.3438847
14 60 250 0.4381894 0.0424767 0.049184 0.0536432 0.0607656 0.0642308 0.0697991 0.0761276 0.0858897 0.1410927 0.1534534 0.2403918
15 100 150 0.4381894 0.0328182 0.0380002 0.0414455 0.0469483 0.0496256 0.0539276 0.058817 0.0663588 0.1089648 0.1184722 0.183027
16 140 106 0.4381894 0.0275401 0.0318888 0.0347799 0.0393977 0.0416444 0.0452545 0.0493575 0.0556863 0.0914349 0.0994081 0.1532698
17 200 75 0.4381894 0.0231254 0.026777 0.0292047 0.0330823 0.0349688 0.0380002 0.0414455 0.0467598 0.0767765 0.0834704 0.1286207
18 270 53 0.4381894 0.0194062 0.0224705 0.0245078 0.0277617 0.0293448 0.0318888 0.0347799 0.0392395 0.0644284 0.0700454 0.1079148
19 325 45 0.4381894 0.017867 0.0206883 0.022564 0.0255599 0.0270174 0.0293596 0.0320214 0.0361273 0.0593183 0.0644898 0.0993523
20 400 38 0.4381894 0.0164048 0.0189951 0.0207173 0.023468 0.0248062 0.0269567 0.0294007 0.0331706 0.0544635 0.0592117 0.0912193

Page 17

i Mesh Opening Partial

1 2" 50800 0
2 1" 25400 0.445665 0
3 0.75” 19000 0.1189021 0.3157121 0
4 5/8” 16000 0.0961735 0.2243664 0.40388 0
5 1/2" 12500 0.0282391 0.0565484 0.0952688 0.2233557 0
6 7/16” 11200 0.033362 0.0594883 0.0942611 0.2077328 0.305955 0
7 3/8” 9500 0.0276324 0.0431228 0.0627053 0.1248875 0.1780878 0.3157121 0
8 5/16” 8000 0.0311896 0.0430416 0.0567009 0.0977571 0.1320175 0.2195277 0.3955422 0
9 1/4” 6300 0.0868089 0.1047601 0.1202356 0.1567399 0.183252 0.2457387 0.3636578 0.7220611 0
10 8 2360 0.0106041 0.0123198 0.0134949 0.0154864 0.0165405 0.0184276 0.0210286 0.0267574 0.307173 0
11 10 2000 0.0426172 0.0493892 0.0539269 0.0612928 0.0649641 0.071063 0.0784644 0.0916502 0.4217407 0.6972293 0
12 20 850 0.0232756 0.0269522 0.0293977 0.0333074 0.0352123 0.0382797 0.0417806 0.0472366 0.0861354 0.1011926 0.6561153
13 40 425 0.0130538 0.0151151 0.0164856 0.0186748 0.01974 0.0214522 0.0233989 0.026405 0.0438582 0.0481247 0.103493
14 60 250 0.0096586 0.0111837 0.0121977 0.0138172 0.0146052 0.0158714 0.0173106 0.0195309 0.0321279 0.0349812 0.0573648
15 100 150 0.0052781 0.0061115 0.0066656 0.0075506 0.0079812 0.0086731 0.0094594 0.0106724 0.01753 0.0190641 0.0297572
16 140 106 0.0044147 0.0051118 0.0055752 0.0063155 0.0066756 0.0072543 0.007912 0.0089265 0.0146583 0.0159377 0.0246492
17 200 75 0.0037192 0.0043065 0.0046969 0.0053205 0.005624 0.0061115 0.0066656 0.0075203 0.0123481 0.013425 0.0207058
18 270 53 0.0015392 0.0017822 0.0019438 0.0022019 0.0023274 0.0025292 0.0027585 0.0031122 0.0051101 0.0055556 0.0085625
19 325 45 0.0014623 0.0016932 0.0018467 0.0020919 0.0022112 0.0024029 0.0026207 0.0029567 0.0048548 0.005278 0.008133
20 400 38 0.0164048 0.0189951 0.0207173 0.023468 0.0248062 0.0269567 0.0294007 0.0331706 0.0544635 0.0592117 0.0912193

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 18

1 1
0.4024486 1 1
0.2676849 0.4113623 1 1
0.2194922 0.3022606 0.5078197 1 1
0.183027 0.2431122 0.3438847 0.5087506 1 1
0.1532698 0.2013291 0.267869 0.3438847 0.5078197 1 1
0.141059 0.184906 0.2431122 0.30253 0.4113623 0.6954041 1 1
0.1294855 0.1695312 0.2213511 0.2702947 0.3478675 0.5188811 0.6880033 1 1

Page 19

0.5975514 0
0.1347637 0.5886377 0
0.0481928 0.1091017 0.4921803 0
0.0364652 0.0591484 0.163935 0.4912494 0
0.0297572 0.0417831 0.0760157 0.1648659 0.4921803 0
0.0122108 0.0164231 0.0247568 0.0413547 0.0964574 0.3045959 0
0.0115735 0.0153747 0.0217611 0.0322353 0.0634948 0.176523 0.3119967 0
0.1294855 0.1695312 0.2213511 0.2702947 0.3478675 0.5188811 0.6880033 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Page 20

Mill Throughput, ton/hr 281.978715801 Reynolds Number 0.99704294226

Water 78.1013707793 Slurry Viscosity, cp 25.0744593879
Slurry, m3/hr 175.335410711
Slurry Dens., ton/m3 2.05366437459
% Solids (by volume) 55.4560197152
Ebar 2.0092100433 N 1.65139251634
L/D 1.1739130435

Matrix J
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.89950083215 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0.7489533453 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0.63987755363 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0.52762458833 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0.43248562266 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0.36608620698 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.29829073128 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.23967547002 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.19823439582 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.26441123614
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Page 21

Matrix T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0.23603084402 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0.09062791968 0.5069718785 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0.06853595334 0.3782873382 0.77222023446 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0.02410335054 0.1399312243 0.31676209015 0.56038018665 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 0.02483107496 0.1418367661 0.32090154232 0.57989049033 1.14671643983 1 0 0 0 0
7 0.0187302153 0.1062356331 0.24319889293 0.45825989513 1.00468538757 1.08996776374 1 0 0 0
8 0.01791479264 0.0999709136 0.2290866122 0.44069171656 1.01922472906 1.20902318061 1.4499983325 1 0 0
9 0.03261323823 0.1725300845 0.38554141311 0.73766238054 1.75842857136 2.21908045355 3.13767592074 3.43153172207 1 0
10 0.01753526304 0.1005824913 0.24726231555 0.55700706057 1.71332650749 3.04643314889 10.6638441797 -13.060684782 -1.1987773786 1
11 0.06787989885 0.4166830503 1.12994281107 3.16172864369 16.4283158061 529.192092136 -49.855668506 16.5222936878 0.40666323336 -2.2033849677
12 0.1346962195 1.1437372092 5.32307657324 -125.65270291 -47.70151304 -773.35294471 41.2957660151 -8.8133975762 -0.1813135413 1.40553896464
13 0.23800092868 4.4119249452 -51.791861956 174.725050437 29.4317938178 293.987135068 -9.7897109978 1.32235674672 0.00886650052 -0.2608793317
14 0.48267997684 -105.15853105 63.4186000594 -73.276115578 -6.1382193144 -40.776113475 0.89059284868 -0.101971945 -0.0078315322 0.01895315187
15 0.92455859312 150.90168816 -23.909532706 11.4295052499 0.30773380984 -2.4667347608 0.19924159775 -0.0479211315 -0.0043648228 0.00647714469
16 2.63012857278 -70.401019604 1.56893268498 1.52091123063 0.03858943851 -2.3959460139 0.16388130661 -0.040616939 -0.0037294806 0.00539069316
17 20.4617424795 13.238629431 0.17343525615 0.69972730544 0.00417178764 -2.0619610981 0.13711430009 -0.0342360951 -0.0031516066 0.0045234935
18 -84.094764962 0.0058014865 0.0473109055 0.24689745655 -0.0003090794 -0.8380467995 0.0557146747 -0.0139863742 -0.001291322 0.0018433391
19 95.611844315 0.1553082875 0.04456654615 0.23457611201 -0.0006997772 -0.8059143747 0.05335978233 -0.0133738584 -0.0012334659 0.00176358262
20 -37.987688674 2.6394317591 0.48055672438 2.57653032142 -0.0122450845 -9.0460705146 0.59819054541 -0.1499934556 -0.013836584 0.01977392991

Vector SiE
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.05444211158 0.1572377696 0.25515616266 0.38860575915 0.5434957761 0.6885056759 0.88793322124 1.13015076739 1.36795650893 1.0174333226

Matrix bij
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0.44566504166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Page 22

3 0.11890214845 0.3157121332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0.09617353668 0.2243663992 0.40388003026 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0.02823907076 0.0565484178 0.09526883317 0.22335566204 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0.03336199646 0.0594883226 0.09426107996 0.20773278899 0.30595497399 0 0 0 0 0
7 0.02763239945 0.0431228318 0.06270532942 0.12488750166 0.1780878224 0.31571213315 0 0 0 0
8 0.03118956331 0.0430416186 0.05670090066 0.09775713003 0.13201750997 0.21952772348 0.39554217548 0 0 0
9 0.08680887774 0.1047600986 0.12023555721 0.15673994116 0.18325197317 0.24573868898 0.36365780983 0.72206113498 0 0
10 0.01060407907 0.0123197764 0.01349487963 0.01548641281 0.01654045551 0.01842761214 0.02102857736 0.02675740634 0.30717297204 0
11 0.04261723865 0.0493891791 0.05392692292 0.0612927968 0.06496414425 0.07106296541 0.07846441217 0.09165021787 0.42174069354 0.69722930405
12 0.02327556832 0.0269522038 0.02939769939 0.03330740841 0.03521232439 0.03827965417 0.04178055839 0.04723659313 0.08613543192 0.10119257485
13 0.01305375395 0.0151150646 0.01648557173 0.01867478078 0.01974003239 0.02145216561 0.02339888872 0.02640496536 0.04385822619 0.04812473142
14 0.00965857549 0.0111837064 0.01219768194 0.01381724128 0.01460520477 0.01587143492 0.01731061721 0.019530925 0.03212785517 0.03498120222
15 0.00527806715 0.0061114928 0.00666558815 0.00755059858 0.00798117394 0.00867307465 0.00945943599 0.01067243111 0.01752996642 0.01906409061
16 0.00441466964 0.0051117611 0.00557521545 0.00631545081 0.00667558892 0.00725429966 0.00791201115 0.00892653301 0.01465833506 0.01593770856
17 0.00371920645 0.0043064817 0.00469692577 0.00532054766 0.00562395085 0.00611149277 0.00666558815 0.00752027546 0.01234812709 0.0134250037
18 0.00153916668 0.0017822063 0.0019437887 0.00220187002 0.00232743116 0.00252919666 0.00275850461 0.00311220944 0.00511007369 0.00555562861
19 0.00146227839 0.0016931771 0.00184668771 0.00209187669 0.00221116547 0.00240285182 0.0026207047 0.00295674004 0.00485477387 0.00527804437
20 0.01640476169 0.0189951288 0.02071730792 0.02346799228 0.02480624881 0.02695670657 0.02940071625 0.03317056827 0.05446354501 0.05921171161

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Matrix Tij (inverse)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 -1.857884E-17 -8.360477E-17 -4.644709E-17 -5.573651E-17 -5.573651E-17 -1.857884E-17 -4.644709E-17 -6.502593E-17 -7.431535E-17
2 -0.236030844 1 8.0011004E-18 1.7243751E-16 5.1041502E-17 5.1427762E-16 -1.278797E-16 2.2872111E-16 -3.080883E-16 7.2469737E-17
3 0.02903308069 -0.5069718785 1 1.9531396E-15 -2.761985E-15 6.8991738E-15 -2.185849E-16 -4.938701E-16 6.1942563E-16 4.5978195E-16
4 -0.001668406 0.0132066047 -0.7722202345 1 -1.796801E-15 2.1918599E-15 2.0947535E-16 4.0247165E-16 -2.009439E-16 -1.253608E-16
5 0.00066309679 0.0132575279 0.11597482897 -0.5603801867 1 7.7839025E-15 6.7438187E-16 4.941919E-16 -7.222805E-18 -6.120377E-17
6 -0.0004628749 -0.0020097181 -0.0060886149 0.06270668226 -1.1467164398 1 -3.773391E-16 3.9385939E-16 -3.51913E-16 -2.038094E-16
7 -0.0001132636 -0.0001218075 0.00079684871 0.03639762765 0.24519856599 -1.0899677637 1 -8.998527E-16 2.8758676E-16 2.8084268E-16
8 -0.0001863971 -0.0005564686 -0.0007741179 0.00187129552 0.01164451645 0.3714282593 -1.4499983325 1 -7.544265E-18 -1.418322E-16

Page 23

9 -0.0009973912 -0.0033744031 -0.0061697661 -0.0120503922 -0.0230846979 -0.0736827011 1.83803935419 -3.4315317221 1 2.243514E-17

10 -0.0021924475 -0.0091897084 -0.0232885393 -0.1660685144 -0.7102788884 13.3395915029 -27.398415336 8.94704217905 1.19877737865 1
11 0.23000333896 0.9443836639 2.63209679229 -25.716808793 600.881470248 -560.24779099 12.6962472851 4.58696234079 2.23470482243 2.20338496775
12 -0.2214834862 3.6510693436 -97.787508433 109.504763353 8.33548034866 4.3135629885 2.86449458631 2.15392397905 1.68167007313 1.73510345061
13 2.25137318987 -27.674149985 33.54414053 5.45501057629 3.41251269822 2.63983168007 2.19556594912 1.91230860246 1.69871311974 1.7544124307
14 -23.246108906 88.299728258 6.40202138694 3.51754196591 2.79398556067 2.42920274743 2.18733331296 2.01879821418 1.890441046 1.9424567157
15 -5.6054129233 8.8653007056 4.10028976565 2.92203237374 2.53407048377 2.31608875079 2.16238446507 2.05125413385 1.96849627506 2.01260040767
16 -9.3286085587 6.4431657149 4.0870960902 3.24974391991 2.9399574694 2.75652945519 2.62306968733 2.52486412716 2.45365833426 2.49889422591
17 -33.110985251 5.1490078488 3.8281485594 3.26028434125 3.03407485484 2.89535095515 2.79221576193 2.71545849527 2.66133945398 2.70086830637
18 37.5560612451 4.1497834036 3.31869670323 2.92781116375 2.76603010132 2.66495040027 2.58892224288 2.53201715369 2.49270728998 2.52398909318
19 25.2214822818 6.1786020689 5.12043880263 4.60009344376 4.3804264025 4.2418326793 4.13694507763 4.05821522851 4.00451266209 4.04937438
20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 24

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.3633111914 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.53731142845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.6660995654 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.75735183124 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.81762953612 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0.85688439647 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.88861575806 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.90780017724 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.918614 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Page 25

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-1.4253716265 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.53134408706 -1.5355215115 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.072514039 0.69718329125 -1.7164257422 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.0048003871 -0.1167251625 0.83334097364 -1.6824024732 1 0 0 0 0 0
-0.0045497267 -0.0134681936 -0.0995444157 0.90466779577 -2.0140746619 1 0 0 0 0
-0.0039009965 -0.0059084647 -0.0036742683 -0.1980598884 1.36493487652 -2.0178701842 1 0 0 0
-0.0015847748 -0.0020650371 -0.0010846701 0.00325963166 -0.2470967637 0.95726340422 -1.6357625364 1 0 0
-0.0015235792 -0.0019619509 -0.0010516481 -0.0004414206 -0.0630785548 0.04774674781 0.82796629635 -2.4842676109 1 0
-0.0170989574 -0.021532971 -0.0115602292 -0.0270236452 -0.0406848961 0.01286003217 -0.19220376 1.48426761086 -1 1

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0.69548126347 0.37534308306 0.2292775471 0.15064822265 0.10657667331 0.08058174567 0.06092698986 0.04958175366 0.0433548 0

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Page 26

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.65611527281 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.10349295878 0.59755136747 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.05736479957 0.13476370726 0.58863765027 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.02975715282 0.04819276075 0.10910174707 0.49218027469 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.02464916002 0.03646519567 0.05914840722 0.16393499811 0.4912493838 0 0 0 0 0
0.02070584544 0.02975715282 0.0417831251 0.07601571849 0.16486588901 0.49218027469 0 0 0 0
0.00856246489 0.01221079112 0.0164230983 0.02475681327 0.04135474353 0.09645737557 0.30459591708 0 0 0
0.00813302541 0.01157351271 0.01537472383 0.02176109486 0.03223532607 0.06349482564 0.17652298589 0.31199665799 0 0
0.09121932026 0.12948551219 0.16953124821 0.22135110058 0.27029465759 0.34786752409 0.51888109703 0.68800334201 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-9.289418E-18 -4.644709E-17 -3.715767E-17 -1.857884E-17 -2.786826E-17 -5.573651E-17 -4.644709E-17 -1.857884E-17 -1.16E-18 0
-3.545315E-17 -3.011908E-17 -4.246561E-16 -2.245366E-16 -1.284315E-16 -4.073204E-16 -1.95981E-16 -1.217869E-16 -2.6E-18 0
2.5328411E-16 2.5389525E-16 5.2958787E-16 1.1397785E-16 1.4972961E-16 4.1221479E-16 9.3759257E-17 5.2269555E-17 2.224E-18 0
-2.098322E-16 -3.312841E-17 -1.371686E-16 1.2609881E-16 -1.385879E-16 -1.587569E-16 -3.252018E-18 1.3543315E-18 -3.17E-18 0
4.3336828E-17 -1.368531E-17 -3.953535E-17 -4.865889E-17 5.1700075E-17 1.1404428E-17 1.1404428E-18 1.9007381E-18 6.653E-19 0
-1.059791E-17 4.4217341E-17 -2.148081E-16 -5.655189E-17 -7.289404E-17 -1.416024E-17 -7.302763E-18 -7.43635E-18 3.64E-18 0
-2.215911E-17 1.0597837E-17 2.1051158E-16 4.1427908E-17 1.1464933E-16 1.6378475E-17 4.8171986E-18 3.1311791E-18 -2.53E-18 0
5.5827559E-17 -7.846035E-17 -5.884526E-17 -1.282525E-17 -1.02602E-16 1.5088529E-18 3.0177059E-18 1.5088529E-18 -3.77E-19 0

Page 27

-1.710679E-16 1.121757E-17 -3.084832E-17 2.243514E-17 7.2914206E-17 -1.402196E-17 -8.413178E-18 -2.804393E-18 2.804E-18 0

7.0112285E-16 -1.226965E-15 -2.395503E-15 -3.505614E-16 -2.337076E-15 -1.168538E-16 0 0 1.461E-17 0
1 -2.417715E-14 1.2088576E-13 3.2236202E-14 4.0295252E-14 8.0590505E-15 4.0295252E-15 4.0295252E-15 -2.01E-15 0
1.42537162648 1 -2.109194E-14 1.4061293E-14 -1.687355E-14 -2.109194E-14 -7.030647E-16 0 -3.52E-16 0
1.65734470728 1.53552151149 1 7.7145768E-15 5.7859326E-15 1.818436E-14 5.2348914E-15 3.0307266E-15 1.033E-16 0
1.92347787647 1.93842535883 1.71642574223 1 -1.124061E-14 -3.458649E-14 -1.729324E-14 -1.080828E-14 -2.16E-16 0
2.02610780627 2.09832378883 2.05437794014 1.68240247319 1 -2.626307E-15 -1.652032E-15 -1.080175E-15 -1.06E-17 0
2.52935022236 2.63887056418 2.68441987807 2.48381639658 2.01407466188 1 -9.792785E-16 -6.994846E-16 0 0
2.73777128781 2.8562976027 2.95634809297 2.91370912606 2.69920633245 2.0178701842 1 0 0 0
2.55779004613 2.66203142769 2.76930643891 2.80092626575 2.73435739306 2.34349304634 1.63576253636 1 -2.8E-16 0
4.10140041318 4.25907449241 4.43516589584 4.5337682308 4.52493667778 4.10338862055 3.23570559178 2.48426761086 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Page 28

1 0.05444211158
2 0.15723776962
3 0.25515616266
4 0.38860575915
5 0.5434957761
6 0.6885056759
7 0.88793322124
8 1.13015076739
9 1.36795650893
10 1.0174333226
11 0.69548126347
12 0.37534308306
13 0.2292775471
14 0.15064822265
15 0.10657667331
16 0.08058174567
17 0.06092698986
18 0.04958175366
19 0.04335483134
20 0

Page 29

Matrix J
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.89950083215 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0.74895334533 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0 0 0.63987755363 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0 0 0 0.52762458833 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0 0 0 0 0.43248562266 0 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0 0 0 0.36608620698 0 0 0 0
7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.29829073128 0 0 0
8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.23967547002 0 0
9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.19823439582 0
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.26441123614
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Page 30

Matrix T
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0.23603084402 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0.09062791968 0.5069718785 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0.06853595334 0.37828733818 0.77222023446 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0.02410335054 0.13993122434 0.31676209015 0.56038018665 1 0 0 0 0 0
6 0.02483107496 0.14183676609 0.32090154232 0.57989049033 1.14671643983 1 0 0 0 0
7 0.0187302153 0.10623563313 0.24319889293 0.45825989513 1.00468538757 1.08996776374 1 0 0 0
8 0.01791479264 0.09997091355 0.2290866122 0.44069171656 1.01922472906 1.20902318061 1.4499983325 1 0 0
9 0.03261323823 0.17253008446 0.38554141311 0.73766238054 1.75842857136 2.21908045355 3.13767592074 3.43153172207 1 0
10 0.01753526304 0.10058249127 0.24726231555 0.55700706057 1.71332650749 3.04643314889 10.6638441797 -13.060684782 -1.1987773786 1
11 0.06787989885 0.41668305031 1.12994281107 3.16172864369 16.4283158061 529.192092136 -49.855668506 16.5222936878 0.40666323336 -2.2033849677
12 0.1346962195 1.14373720921 5.32307657324 -125.65270291 -47.70151304 -773.35294471 41.2957660151 -8.8133975762 -0.1813135413 1.40553896464
13 0.23800092868 4.41192494518 -51.791861956 174.725050437 29.4317938178 293.987135068 -9.7897109978 1.32235674672 0.00886650052 -0.2608793317
14 0.48267997684 -105.15853105 63.4186000594 -73.276115578 -6.1382193144 -40.776113475 0.89059284868 -0.101971945 -0.0078315322 0.01895315187
15 0.92455859312 150.901688159 -23.909532706 11.4295052499 0.30773380984 -2.4667347608 0.19924159775 -0.0479211315 -0.0043648228 0.00647714469
16 2.63012857278 -70.401019604 1.56893268498 1.52091123063 0.03858943851 -2.3959460139 0.16388130661 -0.040616939 -0.0037294806 0.00539069316
17 20.4617424795 13.2386294313 0.17343525615 0.69972730544 0.00417178764 -2.0619610981 0.13711430009 -0.0342360951 -0.0031516066 0.0045234935
18 -84.094764962 0.0058014865 0.0473109055 0.24689745655 -0.0003090794 -0.8380467995 0.0557146747 -0.0139863742 -0.001291322 0.0018433391
19 95.611844315 0.15530828749 0.04456654615 0.23457611201 -0.0006997772 -0.8059143747 0.05335978233 -0.0133738584 -0.0012334659 0.00176358262
20 -37.987688674 2.63943175907 0.48055672438 2.57653032142 -0.0122450845 -9.0460705146 0.59819054541 -0.1499934556 -0.013836584 0.01977392991

Matrix T (inverse)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1 1.8578837E-17 2.7868255E-17 -1.393413E-16 8.3604765E-17 -2.7868255E-17 6.5025928E-17 0 1.1147302E-16 -1.393413E-16
2 -0.236030844 1 9.0214706E-16 -4.364738E-16 4.395547E-16 -1.0516389E-16 3.7766113E-16 -1.3348962E-16 1.7492061E-16 1.3160431E-16

Page 31

3 0.02903308069 -0.5069718785 1 5.4435711E-16 -3.375028E-15 6.4736158E-15 -7.283106E-16 4.715634E-16 7.55099E-17 7.537409E-17

4 -0.001668406 0.01320660469 -0.7722202345 1 3.1178009E-16 -7.6276438E-16 3.2646689E-16 -5.2482374E-16 -3.423134E-17 -3.866333E-16
5 0.00066309679 0.01325752794 0.11597482897 -0.5603801867 1 -6.1659943E-16 -1.713705E-15 8.8688438E-16 6.7666275E-17 2.8777174E-16
6 -0.0004628749 -0.0020097181 -0.0060886149 0.06270668226 -1.1467164398 1 1.2847965E-15 -3.6331247E-16 -3.755134E-16 -1.692549E-16
7 -0.0001132636 -0.0001218075 0.00079684871 0.03639762765 0.24519856599 -1.0899677637 1 -3.4057594E-16 3.9308341E-16 5.9251543E-17
8 -0.0001863971 -0.0005564686 -0.0007741179 0.00187129552 0.01164451645 0.3714282593 -1.4499983325 1 -1.584296E-16 -5.205543E-17
9 -0.0009973912 -0.0033744031 -0.0061697661 -0.0120503922 -0.0230846979 -0.0736827011 1.83803935419 -3.4315317221 1 -2.804393E-18
10 -0.0021924475 -0.0091897084 -0.0232885393 -0.1660685144 -0.7102788884 13.3395915029 -27.398415336 8.94704217905 1.19877737865 1
11 0.23000333896 0.94438366395 2.63209679229 -25.716808793 600.881470248 -560.24779099 12.6962472851 4.58696234079 2.23470482243 2.20338496775
12 -0.2214834862 3.65106934363 -97.787508433 109.504763353 8.33548034866 4.3135629885 2.86449458631 2.15392397905 1.68167007313 1.73510345061
13 2.25137318987 -27.674149985 33.54414053 5.45501057629 3.41251269822 2.63983168007 2.19556594912 1.91230860246 1.69871311974 1.7544124307
14 -23.246108906 88.2997282579 6.40202138694 3.51754196591 2.79398556067 2.42920274743 2.18733331296 2.01879821418 1.890441046 1.9424567157
15 -5.6054129233 8.86530070559 4.10028976565 2.92203237374 2.53407048377 2.31608875079 2.16238446507 2.05125413385 1.96849627506 2.01260040767
16 -9.3286085587 6.44316571491 4.0870960902 3.24974391991 2.9399574694 2.75652945519 2.62306968733 2.52486412716 2.45365833426 2.49889422591
17 -33.110985251 5.14900784885 3.8281485594 3.26028434125 3.03407485484 2.89535095515 2.79221576193 2.71545849527 2.66133945398 2.70086830637
18 37.5560612451 4.14978340364 3.31869670323 2.92781116375 2.76603010132 2.66495040028 2.58892224288 2.53201715369 2.49270728998 2.52398909318
19 25.2214822818 6.17860206889 5.12043880263 4.60009344376 4.3804264025 4.2418326793 4.13694507763 4.05821522851 4.00451266209 4.04937438
20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Matrix T*J
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.89950083215 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 0.21230994061 0.74895334533 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 0.08151988917 0.37969828439 0.63987755363 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 0.06164814706 0.28331956743 0.49412639449 0.52762458833 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 0.02168098387 0.10480195859 0.20268895133 0.29567036529 0.43248562266 0 0 0 0 0
6 0.02233557259 0.10622912046 0.20533769386 0.30596448124 0.49593837349 0.36608620698 0 0 0 0
7 0.01684784425 0.07956553283 0.15561751265 0.24178918852 0.43451198542 0.39902216436 0.29829073128 0 0 0
8 0.01611437089 0.07487355014 0.14658738098 0.23251978553 0.44080004158 0.44260671034 0.43252106296 0.23967547002 0 0

Page 32

9 0.02933563493 0.12921698393 0.24669929625 0.38920880986 0.76049507558 0.81237474622 0.93593964492 0.82245397837 0.19823439582 0

10 0.0157729837 0.07533159332 0.15821760558 0.29389062103 0.7409890814 1.11525715629 3.18092587865 -3.1303257638 -0.2376389094 0.26441123614
11 0.0610580255 0.31207616448 0.72302504169 1.66820577405 7.1050103906 193.729925772 -14.871483817 3.95998850539 0.08061464037 -0.582599743
12 0.12115936153 0.85660580902 3.4061172155 -66.297455645 -20.630218569 -283.11384618 12.3181442435 -2.1123552065 -0.0359425803 0.37164029509
13 0.2140820334 3.30432594706 -33.140449926 92.1892328082 12.7288276752 107.624635177 -2.9201800526 0.3169364748 0.00175764537 -0.0689794266
14 0.43417104083 -78.758833623 40.5801386609 -38.662280316 -2.6546916022 -14.927572717 0.26565559211 -0.0244401738 -0.001552479 0.00501142632
15 0.83164122388 113.018324163 -15.299173296 6.03048800233 0.13309044836 -0.9030375722 0.0594319219 -0.0114855197 -0.000865258 0.00171262983
16 2.36580283988 -52.727079147 1.00392480828 0.80247016195 0.01668937734 -0.8771227884 0.04888427479 -0.009734884 -0.0007393113 0.00142535984
17 18.4053543876 9.91511580025 0.11097732742 0.36919333148 0.00180423818 -0.7548555173 0.04089992484 -0.0082055522 -0.0006247568 0.00119606251
18 -75.643311063 0.00434504272 0.03027318647 0.13026916887 -0.0001336724 -0.3067973741 0.01661917106 -0.0033521908 -0.0002559844 0.00048739957
19 86.0029335248 0.11631866148 0.02851713252 0.12376812453 -0.0003026436 -0.2950341366 0.01591672849 -0.0032053858 -0.0002445154 0.00046631106
20 -34.169957574 1.97681124574 0.30749746118 1.35944075017 -0.005295823 -3.3116416427 0.17843469524 -0.035949752 -0.0027428869 0.00522844925

Matrix [T*J*T(inv.)]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.89950083215 1.6711679E-17 2.5067519E-17 -1.253376E-16 7.5202556E-17 -2.5067519E-17 5.8490877E-17 0 1.0027007E-16 -1.253376E-16
2 0.03553385038 0.74895334533 6.8158277E-16 -3.564821E-16 3.4695609E-16 -8.4679554E-17 2.9665622E-16 -9.99775E-17 1.5467421E-16 6.8981948E-17
3 0.01047699928 0.05529835902 0.63987755363 1.7123445E-16 -1.985891E-15 4.1001191E-15 -3.173314E-16 2.5105705E-16 1.2382141E-16 8.6841033E-17
4 0.00824170989 0.03977951036 0.08668401118 0.52762458833 -1.373499E-15 2.7648182E-15 -7.661803E-17 -8.1718212E-17 7.5680675E-17 -1.380569E-16
5 0.00262265542 0.01168285204 0.02452375864 0.05331399134 0.43248562266 8.0830759E-16 -7.512574E-16 3.0998063E-16 5.5197389E-17 3.618997E-17
6 0.0028727395 0.0120086228 0.02435314053 0.05100649439 0.07614130155 0.36608620698 -3.876374E-16 2.2890815E-16 -7.780905E-17 -1.11958E-17
7 0.00225221832 0.00878734302 0.01710366229 0.03417571207 0.05008716926 0.07389488304 0.29829073128 7.4667162E-17 1.6086391E-17 1.5473539E-18
8 0.00230360737 0.0083970151 0.01561686208 0.02944981854 0.04210009981 0.0601949372 0.08499203109 0.23967547002 1.3670289E-17 -6.155134E-18
9 0.00502074923 0.01649654862 0.02828249329 0.04719999747 0.06342355533 0.08310690824 0.1077453686 0.14220636071 0.19823439582 -2.553115E-17
10 0.00195125437 0.00630983965 0.01068141483 0.01746274943 0.0232928033 0.0301067959 0.03865448157 0.05083817454 0.07933129917 0.26441123614
11 0.00635137858 0.02020137235 0.03368316447 0.05355879679 0.07027544361 0.08834046055 0.10971079588 0.13730708832 0.19410051908 0.21791467472
12 0.00594754035 0.01879916262 0.03117049497 0.04899317976 0.06393676264 0.07934917515 0.09696677745 0.11801792702 0.15590231475 0.16290067101
13 0.00400058658 0.01261473706 0.02086931267 0.0326354717 0.04248174164 0.05238489033 0.06345000601 0.07591128811 0.09450605846 0.09342978075
14 0.00294032466 0.00925855326 0.01529604631 0.02385007072 0.03098948432 0.0380713509 0.04587057866 0.0543282405 0.0651152484 0.06222564116

Page 33

15 0.00164352564 0.00517301813 0.00854285556 0.0133077576 0.01728195996 0.02120431863 0.025500863 0.03008981598 0.03551149209 0.03344174618
16 0.00133680755 0.00420631298 0.00694423137 0.01081105508 0.01403322218 0.01720601055 0.02067200235 0.02434960513 0.02855625767 0.02675544066
17 0.00111801162 0.00351745858 0.00580631996 0.00903748086 0.01172905361 0.01437696422 0.01726647006 0.02032423335 0.0237741656 0.02222732248
18 0.00047082782 0.00148139737 0.00244552099 0.00380675369 0.00494098888 0.00605686104 0.00727470422 0.0085631796 0.01001258768 0.00935335565
19 0.00044306084 0.00139395571 0.00230104078 0.00358152379 0.00464825465 0.00569746746 0.0068421936 0.00805263598 0.00941137406 0.00879030045
20 0.00497132043 0.01564059598 0.02581811645 0.04018455842 0.05215253662 0.0639227698 0.07676299622 0.09033598075 0.10554428723 0.09854983079

Matrix [T*J*T(inv.)] (inverse)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 1.1117277097 -2.751899E-17 -6.72465E-17 2.9950147E-16 -1.652652E-16 1.6590616E-16 -1.14888E-16 3.3680421E-16 -8.982942E-16 3.8323753E-16
2 -0.0527455633 1.33519665307 -1.491329E-15 1.0466252E-15 -9.731535E-16 6.1808154E-16 -1.261374E-15 1.1828676E-15 -7.567842E-16 -2.984369E-16
3 -0.0136445282 -0.1153879886 1.56279899853 5.7475365E-17 1.0334771E-14 -1.7633163E-14 2.4210475E-15 -1.1891103E-15 -5.205471E-16 -2.505009E-16
4 -0.0111472859 -0.0817080484 -0.2567539286 1.89528695613 6.8710949E-15 -1.1583893E-14 1.2659623E-16 1.190166E-15 -1.611976E-15 2.2034318E-16
5 -0.0031689809 -0.0194526133 -0.0569663532 -0.2336385468 2.31221559195 -3.4904294E-15 6.6819689E-15 -2.7287071E-15 -1.599489E-16 -1.936828E-16
6 -0.0038737901 -0.020691915 -0.0563404279 -0.2154749317 -0.480911603 2.73159704174 2.5617779E-15 -2.8117645E-15 1.5782553E-15 4.6405221E-16
7 -0.0032888846 -0.0149635561 -0.0366698798 -0.124536196 -0.2691180739 -0.6766923097 3.35243403542 1.6603222E-16 -3.318546E-16 -4.00992E-17
8 -0.0038826779 -0.015300241 -0.0331210974 -0.0935622097 -0.1899367163 -0.4460817728 -1.1888166017 4.17230849669 -2.777823E-16 7.845392E-17
9 -0.0119560625 -0.0411866788 -0.0762972515 -0.1513791643 -0.25563385 -0.457380045 -0.9693169421 -2.9930668925 5.04453324496 3.7299304E-16
10 -0.0001232632 -0.0002488999 -0.0001214307 0.00155800903 0.00362747638 0.01089247205 0.02930222893 0.09580280276 -1.513511233 3.78198753801
11 -0.0031170155 -0.0102499546 -0.0178950401 -0.0289066256 -0.0428696559 -0.0534413068 -0.0627718733 -0.0352549844 -1.7872562936 -2.2684426014
12 -0.001311654 -0.0043823005 -0.0078234615 -0.013375026 -0.0209727201 -0.0292217699 -0.0425438292 -0.0607538144 -0.1798510843 -0.0995335499
13 -0.0007727245 -0.0025894642 -0.0046369413 -0.008006554 -0.0125898973 -0.0177801308 -0.0264081893 -0.0398335647 -0.1253878722 -0.0888795599
14 -0.0006078452 -0.0020374784 -0.0036472947 -0.0063053334 -0.0098819503 -0.0139590933 -0.0207218915 -0.0313734114 -0.0987478401 -0.0727534366
15 -0.0003305155 -0.0011080096 -0.0019838158 -0.0034306377 -0.0053792515 -0.0076026989 -0.0112953746 -0.0171274658 -0.0541991262 -0.0401675259
16 -0.0002817403 -0.0009444358 -0.0016904966 -0.0029232025 -0.0045778374 -0.0064666629 -0.0095977762 -0.0145408249 -0.0457646026 -0.0339922784
17 -0.0002382368 -0.0007985967 -0.0014293794 -0.0024716602 -0.003869766 -0.0054659248 -0.0081109613 -0.0122865201 -0.0386321709 -0.0287113284
18 -9.762568E-05 -0.0003272676 -0.0005858535 -0.0010131211 -0.0015872561 -0.0022426614 -0.0033298933 -0.005047157 -0.0159219971 -0.0118287117
19 -9.325099E-05 -0.0003125949 -0.0005595415 -0.0009675854 -0.0015153629 -0.0021407208 -0.0031775197 -0.0048147033 -0.0151621253 -0.0112675438
20 -0.0010460647 -0.0035066097 -0.0062768052 -0.0108541707 -0.0169991275 -0.0240144167 -0.035645412 -0.0540119611 -0.1700988998 -0.126411002

Page 34

Matrix { [T*J*T(inv.)] (inverse) - C}

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0.12736652947 -2.751899E-17 -6.72465E-17 2.9950147E-16 -1.652652E-16 1.6590616E-16 -1.14888E-16 3.3680421E-16 -8.982942E-16 3.8323753E-16
2 -0.0527455633 0.35083547285 -1.491329E-15 1.0466252E-15 -9.731535E-16 6.1808154E-16 -1.261374E-15 1.1828676E-15 -7.567842E-16 -2.984369E-16
3 -0.0136445282 -0.1153879886 0.5784378183 5.7475365E-17 1.0334771E-14 -1.7633163E-14 2.4210475E-15 -1.1891103E-15 -5.205471E-16 -2.505009E-16
4 -0.0111472859 -0.0817080484 -0.2567539286 0.9109257759 6.8710949E-15 -1.1583893E-14 1.2659623E-16 1.190166E-15 -1.611976E-15 2.2034318E-16
5 -0.0031689809 -0.0194526133 -0.0569663532 -0.2336385468 1.32785441172 -3.4904294E-15 6.6819689E-15 -2.7287071E-15 -1.599489E-16 -1.936828E-16
6 -0.0038737901 -0.020691915 -0.0563404279 -0.2154749317 -0.480911603 1.74723586151 2.5617779E-15 -2.8117645E-15 1.5782553E-15 4.6405221E-16
7 -0.0032888846 -0.0149635561 -0.0366698798 -0.124536196 -0.2691180739 -0.6766923097 2.36807285519 1.6603222E-16 -3.318546E-16 -4.00992E-17
8 -0.0038826779 -0.015300241 -0.0331210974 -0.0935622097 -0.1899367163 -0.4460817728 -1.1888166017 3.18794731646 -2.777823E-16 7.845392E-17
9 -0.0119560625 -0.0411866788 -0.0762972515 -0.1513791643 -0.25563385 -0.457380045 -0.9693169421 -2.9930668925 4.06017206473 3.7299304E-16
10 -0.0001232632 -0.0002488999 -0.0001214307 0.00155800903 0.00362747638 0.01089247205 0.02930222893 0.09580280276 -1.513511233 2.79762635782
11 -0.0031170155 -0.0102499546 -0.0178950401 -0.0289066256 -0.0428696559 -0.0534413068 -0.0627718733 -0.0352549844 -1.7872562936 -2.2684426014
12 -0.001311654 -0.0043823005 -0.0078234615 -0.013375026 -0.0209727201 -0.0292217699 -0.0425438292 -0.0607538144 -0.1798510843 -0.0995335499
13 -0.0007727245 -0.0025894642 -0.0046369413 -0.008006554 -0.0125898973 -0.0177801308 -0.0264081893 -0.0398335647 -0.1253878722 -0.0888795599
14 -0.0006078452 -0.0020374784 -0.0036472947 -0.0063053334 -0.0098819503 -0.0139590933 -0.0207218915 -0.0313734114 -0.0987478401 -0.0727534366
15 -0.0003305155 -0.0011080096 -0.0019838158 -0.0034306377 -0.0053792515 -0.0076026989 -0.0112953746 -0.0171274658 -0.0541991262 -0.0401675259
16 -0.0002817403 -0.0009444358 -0.0016904966 -0.0029232025 -0.0045778374 -0.0064666629 -0.0095977762 -0.0145408249 -0.0457646026 -0.0339922784
17 -0.0002382368 -0.0007985967 -0.0014293794 -0.0024716602 -0.003869766 -0.0054659248 -0.0081109613 -0.0122865201 -0.0386321709 -0.0287113284
18 -9.762568E-05 -0.0003272676 -0.0005858535 -0.0010131211 -0.0015872561 -0.0022426614 -0.0033298933 -0.005047157 -0.0159219971 -0.0118287117
19 -9.325099E-05 -0.0003125949 -0.0005595415 -0.0009675854 -0.0015153629 -0.0021407208 -0.0031775197 -0.0048147033 -0.0151621253 -0.0112675438
20 -0.0010460647 -0.0035066097 -0.0062768052 -0.0108541707 -0.0169991275 -0.0240144167 -0.035645412 -0.0540119611 -0.1700988998 -0.126411002

Page 35

Matrix { [T*J*T(inv.)] (inverse) - C} (inverse)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 7.85135627189 -3.96039E-16 -5.63224E-16 -2.894057E-15 3.9595168E-16 -1.0395598E-15 -6.151804E-17 -7.9129511E-16 4.3330807E-17 -2.412868E-15
2 1.18039434839 2.8503389121 7.6525797E-15 -1.76421E-15 3.5612901E-15 6.630113E-16 2.7232222E-15 6.1190659E-16 1.8601344E-15 1.1564358E-15
3 0.42066990423 0.5685915816 1.7287942945 1.54646E-15 -6.662891E-15 1.7267552E-14 -7.81767E-16 8.9000394E-16 5.5366514E-16 2.5507486E-16
4 0.32052851061 0.41593262827 0.48727869883 1.09778428326 -4.820715E-15 1.1956717E-14 -2.612775E-16 -1.2259638E-16 3.0009329E-16 -4.107005E-16
5 0.11047476083 0.1393338175 0.15990472414 0.19315726358 0.75309460975 3.9120294E-15 -1.749218E-15 7.6539054E-16 2.132837E-16 7.1022023E-17
6 0.11488677944 0.14173470969 0.15985099549 0.18854727631 0.20728279678 0.57233257514 -1.099544E-15 4.9539953E-16 -1.138751E-16 -9.057613E-17
7 0.08711816961 0.10502552516 0.11624714359 0.1335619724 0.14481735415 0.16354777739 0.42228430507 2.6596551E-16 8.0193895E-17 -9.425538E-18
8 0.08415027642 0.09909347928 0.10750659588 0.11991633961 0.1278774801 0.14107367469 0.15747392998 0.31368146984 5.1473123E-17 -4.438027E-17
9 0.15767944009 0.17796856668 0.18573364814 0.19461699162 0.1996081061 0.20751486935 0.21690148189 0.23123887539 0.24629498062 -1.043632E-16
10 0.08121032593 0.09110140967 0.09455649767 0.09818617847 0.1003082355 0.10349287729 0.10752776661 0.11435804161 0.13324517721 0.3574458745
11 0.30468094045 0.33922114827 0.34950063003 0.35815664924 0.36267767533 0.36845806929 0.37533690397 0.38671524349 0.41991144438 0.45859342982
12 0.51251924413 0.56924164462 0.58512572264 0.59693417514 0.60296255068 0.60913675216 0.6159270408 0.62619696624 0.6569939615 0.68718884689
13 0.54395810672 0.60362748318 0.6199356703 0.63135806511 0.63709858961 0.642129911 0.64718584381 0.65386482197 0.6717323357 0.68712291388
14 0.42799704957 0.47467198253 0.48721656367 0.49563697158 0.49978539058 0.50297199082 0.50585286141 0.50899214528 0.51551693214 0.51991174675
15 0.22466976427 0.24909146726 0.25559340544 0.25984714315 0.26191918437 0.26336220405 0.26454586817 0.26555054873 0.26663395724 0.26652862254
16 0.15876252336 0.1759795619 0.18053142303 0.18345472069 0.18486202755 0.18577099332 0.18645069474 0.18686523935 0.18659678043 0.18551724523
17 0.11938241497 0.13231086726 0.13571469987 0.13787607915 0.13890916202 0.13954313159 0.13998402634 0.14016278389 0.13949271227 0.13822311941
18 0.04850308671 0.05375399828 0.05513517958 0.05600944717 0.05642727056 0.05667905514 0.05684965729 0.0569040819 0.05655954198 0.05596257022
19 0.04414730785 0.04892510008 0.05018057572 0.05097326625 0.05135120515 0.05157646631 0.05172631804 0.05176631461 0.05142206204 0.05085255295
20 0.46854175536 0.51923332821 0.53254125174 0.54092143168 0.54491090879 0.54725694912 0.54878365695 0.54908542351 0.54499101176 0.53850554292

Circuit Balance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fresh Mill Mill Sump Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone
Feed Feed Discharge Water Feed U'flow O'flow
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Page 36

3 0.062 0.169 0.108 0.000 0.108 0.106 0.002

4 0.109 0.257 0.150 0.000 0.150 0.148 0.002
5 1.872 3.290 1.441 0.000 1.441 1.418 0.023
6 3.307 5.582 2.311 0.000 2.311 2.275 0.036
7 5.187 8.164 3.024 0.000 3.024 2.977 0.047
8 7.948 11.921 4.036 0.000 4.036 3.973 0.063
9 23.143 32.746 9.756 0.000 9.756 9.603 0.153
10 3.206 9.351 6.243 0.000 6.243 6.145 0.098
11 10.694 34.530 24.215 0.000 24.215 23.836 0.379
12 5.772 47.867 43.782 0.000 43.782 42.095 1.686
13 3.502 42.970 48.102 0.000 48.102 39.468 8.634
14 2.785 28.216 38.728 0.000 38.728 25.432 13.296
15 1.412 12.738 20.442 0.000 20.442 11.327 9.115
16 1.256 8.542 14.599 0.000 14.599 7.286 7.313
17 0.967 6.014 10.886 0.000 10.886 5.047 5.839
18 0.515 2.569 4.601 0.000 4.601 2.054 2.547
19 0.296 2.008 3.906 0.000 3.906 1.711 2.194
20 5.967 25.044 45.650 0.000 45.650 19.077 26.573

Total 78.000 281.979 281.979 0.000 281.979 203.979 78.000

CL = 2.615111853

Circuit Balance (Cumm. Size Distributions)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fresh Mill Mill Sump Cyclone Cyclone Cyclone
Feed Feed Discharge Water Feed U'flow O'flow
1 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
2 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
3 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000
4 99.920 99.940 99.962 99.962 99.948 99.998
5 99.780 99.849 99.908 99.908 99.875 99.995
6 97.380 98.682 99.397 99.397 99.180 99.966
7 93.140 96.702 98.578 98.578 98.065 99.920
8 86.490 93.807 97.505 97.505 96.605 99.859
9 76.300 89.580 96.074 96.074 94.658 99.778
10 46.630 77.967 92.614 92.614 89.950 99.582

Page 37

11 42.520 74.651 90.400 90.400 86.937 99.457

12 28.810 62.405 81.813 81.813 75.251 98.971
13 21.410 45.429 66.286 66.286 54.614 96.809
14 16.920 30.191 49.228 49.228 35.265 85.740
15 13.350 20.184 35.493 35.493 22.798 68.694
16 11.540 15.667 28.244 28.244 17.245 57.007
17 9.930 12.637 23.066 23.066 13.673 47.632
18 8.690 10.505 19.206 19.206 11.198 40.146
19 8.030 9.594 17.574 17.574 10.191 36.881
20 7.650 8.882 16.189 16.189 9.352 34.067

Page 38

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.3633111914 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.53731142845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.6660995654 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.75735183124 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.81762953612 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0.85688439647 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.88861575806 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.90780017724 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.91861402367 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Page 39

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-1.4253716265 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.53134408706 -1.5355215115 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.072514039 0.69718329125 -1.7164257422 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.0048003871 -0.1167251625 0.83334097364 -1.6824024732 1 0 0 0 0 0
-0.0045497267 -0.0134681936 -0.0995444157 0.90466779577 -2.0140746619 1 0 0 0 0
-0.0039009965 -0.0059084647 -0.0036742683 -0.1980598884 1.36493487652 -2.0178701842 1 0 0 0
-0.0015847748 -0.0020650371 -0.0010846701 0.00325963166 -0.2470967637 0.95726340422 -1.6357625364 1 0 0
-0.0015235792 -0.0019619509 -0.0010516481 -0.0004414206 -0.0630785548 0.04774674781 0.82796629635 -2.4842676109 1 0
-0.0170989574 -0.021532971 -0.0115602292 -0.0270236452 -0.0406848961 0.01286003217 -0.19220376 1.48426761086 -1 1

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-5.573651E-17 -3.715767E-17 -6.502593E-17 -9.2894183E-17 3.7157673E-17 -2.786826E-17 -8.3604765E-17 3.2512964E-17 3.4835319E-17 0
1.7841534E-17 2.7304905E-16 3.2887282E-16 1.5993004E-16 -3.011908E-17 1.9956768E-17 -3.4211602E-17 1.9161256E-16 -3.86375E-17 0

Page 40

1.1716936E-16 -2.546422E-16 -1.784872E-16 -2.1563101E-16 -3.013606E-16 -2.410613E-17 6.5239331E-17 -9.3114164E-17 2.1882253E-17 0

-4.787116E-16 8.5136362E-17 2.4360937E-16 -2.2618148E-17 1.1485867E-16 2.3899491E-17 -3.2155237E-17 -2.8627487E-18 -5.086853E-18 0
3.3110857E-16 1.0948251E-16 -2.721857E-16 -2.9651514E-17 6.9947161E-17 -6.462509E-18 6.0823618E-18 4.1816237E-18 -2.375923E-18 0
3.6736461E-17 -1.953489E-16 -2.947823E-17 6.1450081E-17 -7.556579E-17 -1.433835E-17 -1.4605526E-17 -7.3472922E-18 7.4140858E-18 0
-1.748643E-16 1.5607724E-16 1.8016323E-16 -2.4085993E-18 7.5148299E-17 1.2042997E-17 1.2524716E-17 6.0214983E-18 -4.576339E-18 0
6.0354118E-17 -1.403233E-16 -1.056197E-16 4.5265588E-18 -8.525019E-17 3.0177059E-18 -1.1316397E-18 -7.5442647E-19 9.4303309E-19 0
-1.682636E-17 1.0656692E-16 1.3180645E-16 -5.6087851E-18 1.514372E-16 -1.121757E-17 -5.6087851E-18 -2.8043926E-18 7.0109814E-19 0
2.1033686E-15 -3.038199E-15 -2.687638E-15 -1.1685381E-16 -1.635953E-15 -5.84269E-17 -1.1685381E-16 -5.8426904E-17 4.3820178E-17 0
1 1.0476766E-13 2.4177151E-14 -3.2236202E-14 4.0295252E-14 8.0590505E-15 8.0590505E-15 4.0295252E-15 -4.029525E-15 0
1.42537162648 1 2.5310328E-14 -1.4061293E-15 1.6873552E-14 2.8122586E-15 -4.2183879E-15 0 -7.030647E-16 0
1.65734470728 1.53552151149 1 -1.0194262E-14 -1.046978E-14 -9.643221E-16 2.6174457E-15 -5.2348914E-15 1.1020824E-15 0
1.92347787647 1.93842535883 1.71642574223 1 -5.187973E-15 1.7293243E-15 -2.5939865E-15 1.6860912E-14 -3.458649E-15 0
2.02610780627 2.09832378883 2.05437794014 1.68240247319 1 2.1179896E-16 1.2707937E-16 1.5884922E-15 -4.341879E-16 0
2.52935022236 2.63887056418 2.68441987807 2.48381639658 2.01407466188 1 5.5958771E-16 9.7927849E-16 -4.896392E-16 0
2.73777128781 2.8562976027 2.95634809297 2.91370912606 2.69920633245 2.0178701842 1 0 -1.274167E-15 0
2.55779004613 2.66203142769 2.76930643891 2.80092626575 2.73435739306 2.34349304634 1.63576253636 1 1.121429E-15 0
4.10140041318 4.25907449241 4.43516589584 4.5337682308 4.52493667778 4.10338862055 3.23570559178 2.48426761086 1 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Page 41

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.3633111914 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.5178534638 0.53731142845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.19304325331 -0.8250532568 0.6660995654 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.0263451619 0.37460455012 -1.1433104409 0.75735183124 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.0017440344 -0.0627177638 0.55508806037 -1.2741705939 0.81762953612 0 0 0 0 0
-0.0016529666 -0.0072366143 -0.0663064921 0.68515181178 -1.6467669315 0.85688439647 0 0 0 0
-0.0014172757 -0.0031746856 -0.0024474285 -0.1500010192 1.11601106992 -1.7290814749 0.88861575806 0 0 0
-0.0005757664 -0.001109568 -0.0007224983 0.00246868801 -0.2020336123 0.82026407439 -1.4535643663 0.90780017724 0 0
-0.0005535334 -0.0010541786 -0.0007005023 -0.0003343107 -0.0515748895 0.04091344318 0.73574389808 -2.2552185774 0.91861402367 0
-0.0062122426 -0.0115699114 -0.0077002637 -0.0204664072 -0.0332651727 0.01101956091 -0.1707952899 1.34741840021 -0.9186140237 1

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-5.013504E-17 -3.342336E-17 -5.849088E-17 -8.3558395E-17 3.3423358E-17 -2.506752E-17 -7.5202556E-17 2.9245438E-17 3.1334398E-17 0
1.5290616E-18 1.9661205E-16 2.3250474E-16 1.0005778E-16 -1.466885E-17 9.0299803E-18 -4.3373016E-17 1.5041169E-16 -2.15418E-17 0
7.7204811E-17 -6.229266E-17 5.3615818E-18 -8.4825006E-17 -2.012409E-16 -1.011924E-17 2.1939646E-17 1.582375E-17 2.1711422E-18 0
-1.930647E-16 -5.835957E-18 1.2950643E-16 -7.889831E-17 -9.455057E-17 4.6346015E-18 4.2368687E-19 8.7713289E-18 -6.705763E-19 0
2.6069206E-17 4.8719212E-17 -4.880902E-17 -4.8470449E-17 7.7806707E-19 8.726802E-19 9.4839863E-19 2.8751346E-18 -1.390315E-18 0
5.5899084E-17 -1.528108E-17 -7.440976E-17 -2.8492439E-17 -2.208171E-17 -4.594044E-18 -4.2743003E-18 4.6936761E-19 1.1463778E-18 0
9.3357504E-18 1.8236842E-17 -2.009162E-17 -1.694739E-17 1.7606867E-18 -1.79139E-18 -1.2020934E-18 1.2925428E-18 2.4894094E-19 0
7.3487138E-18 -2.014277E-18 -2.636074E-17 -1.2219389E-17 -9.667462E-18 -1.942005E-19 -4.5966958E-19 1.5705378E-18 1.7416716E-19 0
7.5478859E-18 -1.913269E-17 -3.168949E-17 -1.6331242E-17 -1.039658E-17 8.3060186E-20 -8.5367482E-19 3.2986803E-18 2.9532855E-19 0
-2.037283E-17 -2.495447E-17 -5.712837E-18 -3.5015898E-17 -1.070247E-17 -4.274886E-19 -9.8797584E-19 1.0113312E-18 2.5035828E-20 0
0.3633111914 -6.107282E-17 -5.969194E-18 -4.5756231E-17 -2.591936E-17 -2.786416E-18 -3.7378608E-18 1.2523724E-18 -7.994063E-19 0
0.2480150009 0.53731142845 -5.731626E-18 -3.9205968E-17 -2.025627E-17 -1.842383E-18 -2.4154398E-18 2.0139323E-18 -2.770406E-19 0
0.12099234002 0.1977569547 0.6660995654 -3.1077884E-17 -8.128797E-18 -3.319323E-19 -1.128019E-18 1.6351384E-18 2.7240152E-19 0
0.06949551902 0.08709676896 0.15662773812 0.75735183124 -2.531967E-17 1.3270984E-18 3.781511E-18 3.5254492E-18 7.8676443E-19 0

Page 42

0.03459874105 0.035398809 0.04778893513 0.10141135977 0.81762953612 1.9135127E-18 -1.0150987E-18 -1.9810362E-19 4.3275488E-18 0

0.02684721067 0.02482077107 0.02686156549 0.04297056737 0.07906221959 0.85688439647 -4.2404061E-18 6.8984555E-19 -4.755844E-18 0
0.02201057889 0.01938288469 0.01827230345 0.02202569034 0.03206916419 0.06402976846 0.88861575806 5.0090505E-17 6.7374994E-18 0
0.00922243515 0.00798536089 0.00712924555 0.0073697977 0.00881946001 0.01458328172 0.03138115417 0.90780017724 -8.759016E-17 0
0.00865482392 0.00745297131 0.00652955459 0.00634328723 0.00684912672 0.00989039552 0.01910637087 0.02686448844 0.91861402367 0
0.09685215898 0.08279405091 0.07069109227 0.06252746636 0.05557049338 0.05461215783 0.06089671689 0.06533533432 0.08138597633 1

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
8.9501733E-17 2.3176549E-17 6.8734318E-17 1.2585906E-16 -5.107366E-17 2.6368087E-17 9.6124801E-17 -3.4692899E-17 -3.792161E-17 0
3.7261718E-16 -3.048657E-16 -4.282688E-16 -1.8498589E-16 2.7226746E-17 -1.730784E-17 6.7781885E-17 -2.2050679E-16 3.3109976E-17 0
-5.122243E-16 1.8788567E-16 -3.288183E-17 1.3765056E-16 3.8282238E-16 2.2829711E-17 -4.4979076E-17 -7.5073573E-18 -5.934136E-18 0
1.0584113E-15 1.2702625E-16 -3.867539E-16 1.580468E-16 1.5617959E-16 -1.279097E-17 4.9257244E-19 4.6559991E-20 4.5453146E-19 0
-1.574985E-16 -3.012031E-16 1.9553956E-16 1.2540412E-16 -4.324338E-17 -1.508523E-18 -2.2048896E-18 -8.3973057E-19 3.1155311E-18 0
-6.015924E-16 -2.872063E-18 3.0639127E-16 3.9826992E-17 3.324346E-17 1.4653963E-17 1.3663134E-17 6.861579E-18 -4.513961E-18 0
5.0561406E-17 -1.219056E-16 3.3128108E-17 2.3198003E-17 -4.923296E-17 3.8372959E-18 1.5077675E-18 8.7780785E-19 -7.14287E-19 0
-6.425139E-17 2.7802973E-17 8.8261771E-17 -2.6942935E-18 2.1342694E-17 -3.443432E-18 -1.5779061E-18 -5.3962799E-19 -4.160517E-19 0
-1.46929E-16 1.9289795E-16 7.0241137E-17 -1.2312683E-17 -1.723632E-17 -5.287509E-18 -9.5877032E-19 -6.9163635E-19 -1.095931E-18 0
1.4952077E-16 1.2153568E-16 -6.917541E-17 1.4081609E-16 3.1459331E-17 1.9269447E-18 2.8224863E-18 1.0837064E-18 3.4909455E-19 0
2.75246131603 1.7791846E-16 -8.739002E-17 8.2037351E-18 2.4318681E-17 6.9279242E-18 6.3757055E-18 7.8408894E-18 2.9443479E-18 0
-1.2704953955 1.86111805378 -1.020586E-17 5.2939545E-18 -2.57583E-18 -3.353919E-19 -8.7924637E-19 -3.15577E-19 -5.053296E-19 0
-0.1227705876 -0.5525435802 1.50127706419 1.615486E-17 -8.240861E-18 -1.145163E-18 -5.2019708E-19 3.3744628E-20 -6.873341E-19 0
-0.0810698566 -0.0997603951 -0.3104787249 1.32039028462 2.8745266E-17 -2.214E-18 -6.8241709E-18 -3.1585288E-18 -1.114712E-18 0
-0.044236651 -0.0359075285 -0.0492379015 -0.1637692479 1.22304779344 -2.885858E-18 1.6200362E-18 1.8695846E-18 -5.642534E-18 0
-0.0374407071 -0.0282727869 -0.0269491982 -0.0511036957 -0.1128470464 1.16701856647 5.1010514E-18 -2.6116259E-19 6.5956148E-18 0
-0.0316363149 -0.023427985 -0.0194557799 -0.0231353165 -0.036007183 -0.0840902583 1.12534578745 -6.1156524E-17 -8.518825E-18 0
-0.0130396161 -0.0096090247 -0.0076856156 -0.0075075778 -0.0088246225 -0.0158406129 -0.0389013469 1.10156400613 1.0527785E-16 0
-0.0124199846 -0.0091429669 -0.007240517 -0.0066456459 -0.0068969901 -0.010352624 -0.0222685575 -0.0322147853 1.08859648801 0
-0.1393522025 -0.1024537865 -0.0802293272 -0.0682288008 -0.0584719514 -0.0567350713 -0.064175883 -0.0693492209 -0.088596488 1

Page 43

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
8.9501733E-17 2.3176549E-17 6.8734318E-17 1.2585906E-16 -5.107366E-17 2.6368087E-17 9.6124801E-17 -3.4692899E-17 -3.792161E-17 0
3.7261718E-16 -3.048657E-16 -4.282688E-16 -1.8498589E-16 2.7226746E-17 -1.730784E-17 6.7781885E-17 -2.2050679E-16 3.3109976E-17 0
-5.122243E-16 1.8788567E-16 -3.288183E-17 1.3765056E-16 3.8282238E-16 2.2829711E-17 -4.4979076E-17 -7.5073573E-18 -5.934136E-18 0
1.0584113E-15 1.2702625E-16 -3.867539E-16 1.580468E-16 1.5617959E-16 -1.279097E-17 4.9257244E-19 4.6559991E-20 4.5453146E-19 0
-1.574985E-16 -3.012031E-16 1.9553956E-16 1.2540412E-16 -4.324338E-17 -1.508523E-18 -2.2048896E-18 -8.3973057E-19 3.1155311E-18 0
-6.015924E-16 -2.872063E-18 3.0639127E-16 3.9826992E-17 3.324346E-17 1.4653963E-17 1.3663134E-17 6.861579E-18 -4.513961E-18 0
5.0561406E-17 -1.219056E-16 3.3128108E-17 2.3198003E-17 -4.923296E-17 3.8372959E-18 1.5077675E-18 8.7780785E-19 -7.14287E-19 0
-6.425139E-17 2.7802973E-17 8.8261771E-17 -2.6942935E-18 2.1342694E-17 -3.443432E-18 -1.5779061E-18 -5.3962799E-19 -4.160517E-19 0
-1.46929E-16 1.9289795E-16 7.0241137E-17 -1.2312683E-17 -1.723632E-17 -5.287509E-18 -9.5877032E-19 -6.9163635E-19 -1.095931E-18 0
1.4952077E-16 1.2153568E-16 -6.917541E-17 1.4081609E-16 3.1459331E-17 1.9269447E-18 2.8224863E-18 1.0837064E-18 3.4909455E-19 0
1.76811396915 1.7791846E-16 -8.739002E-17 8.2037351E-18 2.4318681E-17 6.9279242E-18 6.3757055E-18 7.8408894E-18 2.9443479E-18 0
-1.2704953955 0.89963435895 -1.020586E-17 5.2939545E-18 -2.57583E-18 -3.353919E-19 -8.7924637E-19 -3.15577E-19 -5.053296E-19 0
-0.1227705876 -0.5525435802 0.68077078088 1.615486E-17 -8.240861E-18 -1.145163E-18 -5.2019708E-19 3.3744628E-20 -6.873341E-19 0
-0.0810698566 -0.0997603951 -0.3104787249 0.6637180225 2.8745266E-17 -2.214E-18 -6.8241709E-18 -3.1585288E-18 -1.114712E-18 0
-0.044236651 -0.0359075285 -0.0492379015 -0.1637692479 0.66896249807 -2.885858E-18 1.6200362E-18 1.8695846E-18 -5.642534E-18 0
-0.0374407071 -0.0282727869 -0.0269491982 -0.0511036957 -0.1128470464 0.66793249717 5.1010514E-18 -2.6116259E-19 6.5956148E-18 0
-0.0316363149 -0.023427985 -0.0194557799 -0.0231353165 -0.036007183 -0.0840902583 0.66171545955 -6.1156524E-17 -8.518825E-18 0
-0.0130396161 -0.0096090247 -0.0076856156 -0.0075075778 -0.0088246225 -0.0158406129 -0.0389013469 0.65513875072 1.0527785E-16 0
-0.0124199846 -0.0091429669 -0.007240517 -0.0066456459 -0.0068969901 -0.010352624 -0.0222685575 -0.0322147853 0.65043277294 0
-0.1393522025 -0.1024537865 -0.0802293272 -0.0682288008 -0.0584719514 -0.0567350713 -0.064175883 -0.0693492209 -0.088596488 0.58209846684

Page 44

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-1.483656E-15 -1.265642E-15 -1.450264E-15 -1.4328234E-15 4.780764E-16 -4.308664E-16 -1.0993653E-15 4.3827761E-16 4.5775067E-16 0
1.0625886E-15 2.1778959E-15 1.9251163E-15 5.5841274E-16 -3.525899E-17 -9.089109E-19 -4.0615437E-16 1.0181251E-15 -7.627568E-17 0
1.5973027E-16 -2.204443E-16 8.9473219E-17 -5.2395897E-16 -9.855397E-16 -5.368824E-17 1.2300117E-17 2.3402222E-16 1.1354479E-17 0
-4.649499E-16 1.99574E-16 6.3936737E-16 -4.3734938E-16 -5.279209E-16 4.1428109E-19 -4.7267319E-17 1.6253279E-16 1.1931089E-18 0
3.2905354E-17 1.2732363E-16 -1.308368E-16 -2.2463182E-16 -8.542653E-17 -1.301879E-18 -1.3928495E-17 5.5386818E-17 -2.935197E-18 0
1.0574935E-17 -1.019191E-16 -2.153961E-16 -1.7287489E-16 -1.512653E-16 -1.715089E-17 -2.8538384E-17 5.0064992E-17 3.7889023E-18 0
7.8717025E-18 4.851508E-17 -5.31215E-17 -1.1194663E-16 -6.492412E-17 -9.017583E-18 -1.7105037E-17 3.9271303E-17 1.6052144E-18 0
-1.971402E-17 -1.182648E-17 -7.228237E-17 -9.7611802E-17 -8.545663E-17 -5.191334E-18 -1.4978966E-17 3.7839971E-17 1.4989528E-18 0
-4.470815E-17 -4.414443E-17 -7.960083E-17 -1.5060606E-16 -1.313538E-16 -8.253667E-18 -2.7718833E-17 6.8753868E-17 2.9772794E-18 0
-1.002414E-16 -8.267758E-17 -4.087347E-17 -1.5600937E-16 -8.360088E-17 -5.391795E-18 -1.5798706E-17 3.4650683E-17 1.3529791E-18 0
0.56557440157 -2.12905E-16 -6.155593E-17 -3.9401755E-16 -2.908002E-16 -2.435299E-17 -6.127621E-17 1.237647E-16 2.8145793E-18 0
0.79872413256 1.11156270328 -9.365649E-17 -6.4460412E-16 -4.733167E-16 -3.831741E-17 -9.9535006E-17 2.103214E-16 6.2274319E-18 0
0.75027572835 0.90219329763 1.46892320894 -7.001836E-16 -4.786474E-16 -3.70005E-17 -1.0360639E-16 2.24159E-16 8.3547843E-18 0
0.54010394479 0.58910824463 0.68714331902 1.50666392369 -4.424277E-16 -2.22255E-17 -6.5392099E-17 1.8425586E-16 8.7772025E-18 0
0.26771866396 0.27028927458 0.27633782368 0.36884760856 1.49485210739 -7.545116E-18 -4.2190696E-17 9.1179634E-17 1.6799005E-17 0
0.18233812642 0.17419023125 0.15852765572 0.17759198475 0.25255492998 1.49715727897 -4.0881168E-17 6.589168E-17 -1.04492E-17 0
0.13400097551 0.12332160296 0.10239613097 0.09531599281 0.11343670704 0.19025751998 1.51122357135 1.9171376E-16 2.0682449E-17 0
0.05393470978 0.04881344218 0.03874211463 0.03218772181 0.03297770295 0.04749705709 0.08973462857 1.52639421634 -2.453472E-16 0
0.04889743155 0.04396541825 0.03425047927 0.02698927128 0.02538775501 0.03269573007 0.05618344014 0.07559960682 1.53743790535 0
0.51599897576 0.45927278377 0.34732670895 0.24940993739 0.19507315866 0.17753333161 0.18585307359 0.19335579066 0.23400095809 1.71792240826

Page 45

Page 46

Fresh Mill
Feed Discharge
1 0.00 1 -4.919714E-14
2 0.00 2 1.0717767E-13
3 0.06 3 0.10787676398
4 0.11 4 0.15028423454
5 1.87 5 1.44086393742
6 3.31 6 2.31141575278
7 5.19 7 3.02421077586
8 7.95 8 4.03576910895
9 23.14 9 9.75570854014
10 3.21 10 6.24289785098
11 10.69 11 24.2151202449
12 5.77 12 43.7818068172
13 3.50 13 48.1015627874
14 2.78 14 38.7281845293
15 1.41 15 20.441872421
16 1.26 16 14.5988886744
17 0.97 17 10.8860897064
18 0.51 18 4.60075590068
19 0.30 19 3.90584918212
20 5.97 20 45.6495673056

78 281.978724534

Page 47

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