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We all have basic needs in our lives. Look at the pictures below.

What basic
needs are they? What other basic needs can you think of?
Need a Food
Need Study
Need a House
Need Drink water
Need to go a doctor.
Needs clothes.
Need a name.

B Listen for details. Listen to the introduction to a short talk and fill in the
missing words.
Can money buy happiness? That is, if you have more money, will you be happier?
What do you think?
C Take notes. Now listen to the full talk. Complete the outline with the missing
1. The Smith family now
a. four children
b. barely getting by
c. worry about paying their bills and having money to buy food
2. Basic needs—the things you need to survive
a. a safe place to live
b. enough food to eat
c. a way to make money
3. The Smith family after receiving money
a. they are less worried
b. they can pay their bills
c. they have less stress

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