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Name: Peter Pham Anh Tuan.

Congregation: Claretian Missionary.

1. Why is making “judgements” unproductive?
Each person is born as a completely separate individual, no one has the
responsibility to please everyone around us and vice versa, we also have no right to
force others to do something according to our wishes.
In my opinion, the judgment of others comes from the selfishness of one person.
Currently, the development of social networks is also a condition for the more
judgmental people to have the opportunity to do it, but of course, no one is
forbidden because commenting, giving a personal opinion is their right. And they
naturally grant themselves the right to disparage others publicly. It is also very
normal that you comment on another person, we can completely help someone
become better with our sincere comments, but not everyone can do it. there. People
tend to impose others on their own measures, wanting others to do what they think
is right. Each person has their own views and thoughts, the things you should
remember about other people, they are only objective, suggestive, they are not
obligated to comply with whatever you give. suits them. By the way, I have heard
from somewhere a poet said: “Not everyone is nice, but there is always something
good about anyone. Never be in a hurry to judge others because every saint has a
past and every sinner has a future. " The person you meet today, you judge, you do
not know how they went through yesterday, do not because they are different from
you, they can be hurt by the excessive words of a friend. If people are not hurt,
then you are losing your good values because it is a bad habit to blame. If you keep
that habit, you will gradually become an unpleasant person, always have negative
thoughts, even if you don't judge others, you can't stand it, and then your friends
will leave you. Who likes a judgmental person? The judgment also comes from
jealousy, jealousy. In life, no one wants me to lose to others, but not because of
that I drown others down to elevate myself because it is completely meaningless,
completely impossible. Instead of sitting there gazing at the judgment, why don't
you think "how can I be like them?" from which we try more to improve ourselves.
You may be inferior to the people right now, but that doesn't mean the same will be
true forever. Let people who are better than you are your goals, but what you don't
like about them you can change after having a success like them. Try putting
yourself in the shoes of others to see how you feel when judged. Why does anyone
like that feeling, then why do we just have to go and spread those bad things to
others? The judgment shows a lack of self-esteem because you are fighting with
yourself. To get rid of your pain, you throw slanderous statements at others to feel
better. Judgment can become a barrier to your soul from forgetting it. From an
early understanding of the meaning of life, you label and judge what you like and
dislike. Furthermore, the mind's inherent tendencies toward the negativity mean
that you are judging unintentionally to explain the actions of others, which is too
unfortunate. Judgment will perpetuate a negative mind because you hold on to the
negativity when you judge others as a pastime. To avoid criticizing others, be
mindful of your thoughts before you say them.
In the end, imagine what a world full of judges would turn into? If that's the case,
it's too bad. one more time, in the name of Jesus please don't judgments others.
Instead of judgment we will love, prayer, and understand them.

2. Identify the characteristics of Mrs. Thompson and Teddy Stallard. Which of

these characteristics do you think you sometimes manifest?
After seeing the movie, there are some similarities between me and Mrs.
Thompson and Teddy Stallard. Frist says of Mrs. Thompson, sometimes I get
judged easily others. That's because of their looks, the way they talk and act,
sometimes, I can isolate myself from someone I don't like. But I don't know that
may be in their past there was a story, I don't know. When I know their story, I feel
ashamed and I have to think about what happened to me? Why would I do that to
him / her.? The second is Teddy Stallard. I am also a cheerful person, I always
smile and be happy with everyone, especially the people around me. But it is not
easy for me to share what I have passed. Sometimes they don't understand me they
misunderstand me but I don't want to share anything and I just leave time to
reconcile me with others.
3 What does the following phrase mean: “On that very day, she quit teaching
reading writing, arithmetic. Instead, she began to teach children.”
In my opinion, I think it was because she realized that she was wrong to make
judgments about others without thinking and understanding them. As a teacher, of
course, she always wants her class to be the best and perfect. For example, if you
are a teacher in a very good and perfect class with your students, of course, you
don't want underperforming students in your class. It could be your principal or it
could be a bonus and a raise. In particular, nowadays, there are so many teachers
doing this way, they never care about the student's back story. applies to the story
when Mrs. Thompson learned she was wrong in judging her students. so she
changed her way of teaching instead of teaching any subject in school, she teaches
her students by understanding them and encouraging them instead of nagging and
being insolent with them.

4. Write down your thoughts/ideas and feelings from today’s topic/discussion.

What learning did you have?
Today is a good day when I still have a chance to learn in the subject of
understanding myself. The more I learn, the more I can go deep and understand
myself better. As I learned today, I know definitions and know more information
about sex. This is a long topic that we discuss. In terms of sex today, not only can a
man be attracted to the opposite sex, but It can also be a man who is attracted to the
same sex. Today, many young people go to hospitals to transgender. I know How
to call the man transfer and the girl transfer is. There are two ways to see this
problem that some people have agreed with their decision that Just becomes a real
person, especially you are living you are real-life and don't ignore it and do not
accept who you are. Can't accept transgender people, the real example is that our
Catholic doctrine has yet to accept it. But the important thing I learned today is
Don't judge others when you're not know them and we must think before doing
anything, especially judging others.

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