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Tesla’s $0 advertising strategy

Tesla does not spend on ad budget, yet millions of people are aware about it.


Let’s find out.

Elon Musk: The walking advertisement of Tesla

Elon Musk is the most influential CEO on social media, with 39 million followers on Twitter.

And he hates traditional advertising.

His constant interaction with his followers, controversial views, success or failure stories, all put
Tesla in a limelight.

His shares on social media make people talk about Tesla, which creates brand awareness for free.

Products that add value

Tesla’s mission is “to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy” 

And it offers products which are incredibly valuable to the society, given the drastic climate change.

Solar panels, Solar Roof System, Zero-emission transport with their Electric Vehicles(EV),etc. create
a sustainable energy eco-system.

The word of mouth strategy

Tesla relies heavily on current owners spreading the word and converting people they know into
new electric car owners.   

Word of mouth is more than enough for Tesla to drive their demand in excess of production.

The disastrous launch of Cybertruck

Tesla’s Cybertruck, was claimed as bulletproof.

But at its launch when Elon Musk got Tesla’s chief designer to throw a metal ball at its armored
windows, it smashed, not once but twice.

Musk then explained on Twitter (as he always interacts with his followers), why it had happened.
Regardless of this mishap at launch, pre-orders for the Cybertruck approached 2,50,000 within a

By building something that matters to the people, and having a showmanship like that of Elon Musk,
one can definitely reduce their advertisement spends, if not cut it down to zero.

What is your take on this?

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