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Maria Andres Saenz
Cristian Ruiz
Dayhan Vera
Paola Huepe
Yuly Esperanza Poveda


Maria Ines Medina

University Corporation God's Minute

seventh semester

Ibague 2020
“Company last night”
We present our official motto:
“Enjoy your single life until the last day”

We extend a cordial welcome,today it cheers immensely the company's task force last night to gr
eet them,to begin with we want all of you to take a seat and enjoy the food we have prepared for 
Our work team is made up of:

Maria Andrea
And our main star: Cristian Applause please!. This guy exercises every day, not even on Sundays
rests,they can feel their muscles as they are strong,a lovely smile that is able to make them forget 
all the anxiety they're wearing tonight,and if you turn off the light you can see the shadows that f
rame your hips when you feel the music in the background.

What are we listening to? ¡Come  on Cristian, our audience  wants to hear your voice!

“Hello beautiful womens!!!,
I'm here to make the last night of your solteria, the best of every night of your life!
If you decide to hire our company, I promise you that I will dance to you like no one has ever do
ne with you.
I'll go for every position tonight and hand you a handle to wear when my main show starts.
If you decide that our company is in charge of your event, you will have the possibility to consu
me the best meals and drinks of Ibague
Tonight will be just a watering opener of what will be your last night as singles.

Well, I think Cristian's already freaked out all these women with their promises. Will they be tru
e? ¿What do you girls think?

Good evening, to get a little more into the matter, each of us will tell you a little about the
different services with which the company can help you, one of them is logistics and decoration:
First, a small interview is carried out with the host of the event to learn more about what they
want to create with the theme of the event, then we continue with the development of a proposal
for the event where we evaluate two possible decorations oriented to the theme that the host
wants these are some examples of what we do.
After the proposal is approved, we start with the logistics of the event so that the day chosen by
the host does not have to worry about anything just to enjoy.

My name is Maria Andrea, I´m the event organizer, I´ll tell you a little about the company this
was created for those brides who don´t want to let this last day without a little fun and
accompanied by a group of friends. The company is called “the last night” and offers an
unlimited cocktail package and special bachelorette and a show and lots of fun. Always thinking
about the needs of our customers. This show that we offer you will be the best memory you can
have of your singleness. The last show was awesome we had the best dancers of the city and the
bride had the best night of her singleness.
You will not regret.

Good night to all,
Andrea, Cristian's are true promises, excellent show.
My name is Yuly and I tell you that I am a very satisfied client with the "Company last night",
they made part of an unforgettable night in my life, this company has free parking service for all
the single ladies that decide to attend the place, the photo section is excellent, they offered me a
very complete package, cocktails without limits, snack, midnight show, night pool, total privacy.
It was a night to remember all my life. I am very happy and I recommend "Company last night"
the best in events.

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