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Name : Ni Luh Putu Ayu Herawati ( Engineer )

R. Hasta Brahmana ( Scientist )

Raka Fajar Triadi ( Interviewer )


The Mad Scientist R. Hasta Brahmana and Superior Aircraft Engineer Ni Luh Putu Ayu
Herawati is having an Intensive talkshow with the interesting host Mr. Raka Fajar Triadi in his
Absolute show called the Raka Fajar Talkshow
The Talkshow has audiences at the studio and is also live at the Electrical Avionics TV,
the Show starts at 7 pm until 9 pm on Thursday, this is a special and exclusive 2 hours show
because the guests interviewed are extremely famous for their Brilliant ideas.
Intro : Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, good afternoon everyone. How are
you ? Welcome back to Raka Fajar Talkshow, this afternoon we have 2 unpredicted
guests for this talkshow. These 2 guests come from the aviation world, so this aviaton topic
today will open our eyes to the future of aviation world, and these 2 guests are very famous
of inventing and discovering famous work for aviation world. So now there is nothing to be
waited for, lets call our guests ! here we go Mr. R. Hasta Brahmana and Mrs. Ni Luh Putu Ayu
( Audience Clapping )
Okay here we are with our 2 guests, so how are you ?
R “ im doing good “
H “ Im fine thanks “
So Mr. R and Mrs Hera, I heard that you have the interest of making impressive ideas for the
aircraft today and in the future, is that Correct ?
R : “Yes, that’s me, well its not only an interest but also my innovation until this day to keep
improving the aviation world”
yH : “Im actually not that mad or crazy engineer type of person, but I make the ideas for the
future world of aviation.”
When did you start to have the interest in aviation world ?
R “ It was started when I was 5 years old, I saw an airplane flying above me, and I started
thinking how such airplane could be maintained to be able to fly without any problem, there
should be an airplane mechanics, and my interest began”
H “ It was my father that worked as airplane mechanic who became my source of interest. He
taught me a lot about airplane, and because of that, my interest began”
Where did you learn your Aviation world technology ?
R: “Oh yes I was a student of State Polytechnic of Malang.”
H : “Me too.”
Where did you do some of your work, what company you were in ?
H: I was a Master engineer from the CFM company and I found some aircract static electricity
R : I was a scientist from the Rolls – Royce company.
Oh Well, what is your focus for the future of aviation world ?
R : im focusing the safety and survival aspect of the airplane, and also the power of the airplane
of space travel.
H : im focusing the airplane electricity.
For Mr. R, The newest idea coming from you is the capsule cabin system of airplane, At first,
how do you come with this futuristic idea ?
R “ Well, as I see today the airplane has a really low survival rate when it is having trouble in
the air and has a higher probability of having crash. When an airplane fails to maintain its
movement in the sky or there is a failure in its system, the airplane is obviously hard to be
prevented from crash and it will cause death. “
So this futuristic technology increases the survival rate of an airplane ?
R ” Yes it will increase the survival rate of the passanger and the crew, but not the airplane
Okay, and then how does it work ?
R “ The System is both the cabin and the cockpit are one unified capsule attached inside the
airplane body, so when there is any failure or accident in the sky, this capsule will be
deattached from the airplane body. “
That’s absolutely brilliant, then how the capsule reach the land ?
R “ The capsule uses a really big and strong parachute to reach the land safely “
Interesting, and now I wanna ask Mr. Hera our superior aircraft engineer here. At first what is
your main problem for the futuristic airplane technology ?
H “ Nowadays, the failure of the airplane doesn’t always come from its own system. The danger
coming from the surrounding environment in the sky can also be enormous and dangerous.
What is that problem coming from the outside of the airplane you’re talking about ?
H “in this case, the cumulonimbus cloud is one of the fear in the sky. This type of cloud
contains a really high concentration of electricity. According to the problem, the airplane may
have a crash, thus should be prevented in the future.
Why is this dangerous ?
H “ One problem that comes to my mind is the static electricity in the cloud that may be
harmful to the airplane, this static electricity may destroy the static electricity inside the
airplane, thus destroying the system, and may cause accident”
So what will be the The Futuristic Technology for this problem ?
H “ In my mind, I will make the Improved Electric Discharge System in the future that has the
ability to pass the static electricity of the cumulonimbus cloud to the ground of the earth. So
this will be a safe technology to face such great amount of electricity.”
Okay Mr. Hera that’s an absolute brilliant innovation of technology, and now Mr. R you also
come with another idea, can you tell us about that ?
R “ As we know, airplanes have engines attached on the body or the wings. These engines
generate thrust for the forward movement of the airplane. “
Okay what will be the major innovation of technology in the future ?
R “ The thing that I want to be improved in the future is the direction of the engine thrust, and
the movement generated from the engine.”
What will be the newest direction of movement ?
R “ We know that the airplane only has one forward direction of movement. We imagine that
the airplane will have a cool 360o engine that gives the airplane the ability to move to all
directions in the sky and is able to land and take off outside the airport. This furutristic
improvement makes the airplane acts as both airplane and helicopter but with more 360 o
direction we want.”
So this will bring those imaginatic airplane in Sci – Fi movies come to reality right ?
R “ Well the look wont be the same and I have my own vision of this futuristic technology.”
Okay, and now for both of you. Well you know that I actually have some kind of futuristic
vision of these aviation world thing, especially the future aircraft. And we know that
airplanes today only has the ability of flying from one place to the other place on our planet
earth only. I have the imagination of a further journey of our flying journey. I imagine that
there will be the space airplane, or a spacecraft that can move further to our space and the
universe. Farthest place we have reached was the moon right, what about the others ? will
that be possible for us ?
H “ im actually really nervous about this idea. Im really sure this will be a good future
technology of the airplanes. But this may take a really long time”
R “ Oh this is one of my future ideas, in the future we will able to fly further into the space.
H “ Agreed, this will actually take time, we just need to wait “
R “ we will have the technology, the energy, the ability, the knowledge to do this. My company
will keep growing and innovating for this type of technology. “
H “ The power Of the airplane must be really massive to energize the airplane to the space”
R “ There will also be a strong energy source in the future that will be able to energize the
airplane for interstellar journey, but how the airplane is going to work is still unknown to this
Okay that’s the greatest, and then now the time has come for the audiences to ask questions,
it will be answered directly by the guests, just raise your hand and tell your name before
asking questions. Okay, audiences you can ask questions now.
( Audiences raising their hands and asking questions )
Okay Mr. Raka and Mrs. Hera, you can answer the question.
( Next question )

Ending : That’s all for talkshow this afternoon everyone, we are so sorry for any mistaken
words or any discomfort.For the Last words, the aviation world is really massive and
enormous, it is one of the most improving things at this time and soon will keep improving in
the future. Thank you so much for watching, see you next time, wassalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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