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- Pertains to the body of statutes, rules and
doctrines that governs the rights and duties
LABOR CODE – ATTY CACHO’S BOOK of workers and employers respecting terms
and conditions of employment by
prescribing certain standards.
Rule of conduct with obligatory recourse for
observance and enacted by the rule making
Every possible human exertion including mental, authority – legislative department
physical and even spiritual
Bodily or intellectual exertion done wholly or partly - Labor Code
for a purpose other than the pleasure derived from o BOOK III – Labor Standards
its performance  Holiday Pay
 Special Holiday Pay
 Overtime Pay
Physical and mental work performed by an  Differential Pay
employee, and physical work performed by anyone, - Special Labor Laws
whether employed or not. o SSS Law
o Maternity Benefits
o Salary Standardization Law
LABOR LAW Wage Orders
o 13th month pay
Body of statutes, rules and doctrines that define
state policies on labor and employment and o Paternity Leave
governs the rights and duties of workers and o Magna Carta for Women
employers respecting terms and conditions of o RA No. 9262
employment by prescribing certain standards
therefore, or by establishing a legal framework C. LABOR RELATIONS LAW
within which better terms and conditions of work - It is the body of statutes, rules and doctrines
are obtained through collective bargaining or other that governs the rights and duties of workers
concerted activity and employers by establishing a legal
framework within which better terms and
conditions of work could be obtained
ELEMENTS OF LABOR LAW - Sets the parameters whereby workers may
undertake concerted activities to secure
A. LABOR POLICIES better conditions of employment than those
- Principles and guidelines that define State prescribed by labor standards law
policies regarding employment
- May be classified into two:
o Constitutional (Section 3, Article RELATIONSHIPS AND DISTINCTIONS
o Statutory (Book I and II, Labor
Code) - Prescribe the demarcation in terms of
conditions of employment and are
essentially substantive
- Their purpose is either SL – treats matters remote or indirect to
o Protective workers
o Ameliorative
- Fixed by law
LABOR RELATIONS LL – Labor law provides benefits to workers
actively employed
- Provides the procedure that governs the
methods by which terms and conditions SL – concerned with those whose
ABOVE the demarcation provided by labor employment is interrupted by sickness, disability,
standards law may be obtained death, retirement, or other causes
- Terms and conditions however are
BEYOND the labor standards and NOT
FOUND on labor standards, but in SOCIAL JUSTICE
collective bargaining agreements,
- Calalang v. Williams
arbitration awards, and decisions
- President Magsaysay
o “Those who have less in life should
have more in law”
- Body of rules and statute aimed at
protecting the general welfare of all
people with SPECIAL REFERENCE to
a. Section 18, Article 2
b. Section 3, Article 13
- Labor constitutes the great majority of the
- Pertains to state authority to enact
legislation that may interfere with the
personal liberty or property in order to
promote the general welfare.
- Its aim is to promote the welfare of society
- It consists of:
- Labor as the weakest link
o Imposition of restraint upon liberty
LABOR LAW V. SOCIAL LAW and property
o In order to foster the common good
- It’s an ever expanding scope to meet the
LL – To improve the well-being of labor in exigencies of the times
general - It does not own its origin in the Constitution;
it is INBORN in the very fact of statehood
SL – Aims to promote the welfare of society
and sovereignty
in general
LL – deals on subjects of proximate and
direct interest to work
- Article 1700, New Civil Code present his own case and
- Relations between capital and labor are not submit evidence in support
merely contractual. They are so impressed o The Tribunal Must Consider his
with public interest that labor contracts must Evidence
yield to common good  Not only must the party be
given an opportunity to
present his case and to
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CONSTITUTION adduce evidence tending to
TO LABOR establish the rights which he
asserts but the tribunal must
- The Constitution introduces new provisions
consider the evidence
which are significant to labor law
o It defines State policies in labor
o Having something to support its
o It guarantees individual and
collective right of workers  While the duty to deliberate
o It contains nationalistic provisions does not impose the
protecting Filipino labor obligation to decide right, it
does imply a necessity which
NEW CONSTITUTIONAL POLICIES cannot be disregarded,
CONCERNING LABOR namely that of having
something to support its
- Article 2, Section 8 decision
- Article 12, Section 12 o Evidence must be Substantial
- Article 13, Section 3  Not only must here be some
- Article 13, Section 14 evidence to support a finding
or conclusion, but the
evidence must be substantial
 The rules of evidence
CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF LABOR prevailing the courts of law
shall not be controlling.
- The Constitution is the bedrock of the most  This is to free administrative
fundamental rights in labor. These are boards from the compulsion
classified into: of technical rules so that mere
o Individual Rights – Article 3, admission of matter which
Charter of Individual Liberties would be deemed
o Collective Rights - Section 3, incompetent in judicial
Article 3; enshrined in the Protection proceedings would not
to Labor clause invalidate the administrative
 Desirable flexibility in
administrative procedure
A. RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS  Mere uncorroborated
- Article 3, Section 1 hearsay or rumor does not
- Ang Tibay v. CIR, which enumerated the constitute substantial
Cardinal Rights of Due Process: evidence
o Right to a Hearing o Decisions must be rendered on the
 Includes the right of the party evidence presented
interested or affected to
 The decision must be COMPONENTS OF DUE PROCESS
rendered on the evidence
1. Substantive – requires the intrinsic validity
presented at the hearing or at
of the laws in interfering with the rights of
least contained in the record
the person to his life, liberty or property
and disclosed to the parties
2. Procedural - consists in the two basic
rights of notice and hearing and the
 By confining the
guarantee of being heard by an impartial
administrative tribunal to the
and competent court
evidence disclosed to the
parties, can the latter be VALID DISMISSAL
protected in their right to
know and meet the case In order for a dismissal to be valid, the employer
against them must comply with both substantive and procedural
 The CIR may refer any due process requirements.
industrial or agricultural Substantive due process requires that the dismissal
dispute or any matter under must be pursuant to either a just or an authorized
its consideration to a local cause (Articles 297-299, Labor Code)
board of inquiry, a provincial
fiscal, a justice of the peace Procedural due process mandates that the employer
or any public official in any must observe the twin requirements of notice and
part of the Philippines for hearing before the dismissal can be effected
investigation, report, The Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor
recommendation, and may Code, Section 2 (1), Rule 23, Book 5 provides for
delegate powers as the Court the required standard procedural due process
may deem necessary accorded to employees who stand to be terminated
from work:
o Must act on its own independent
consideration of law and facts of 1. Must be based on Just Causes found in the
the controversy LC
 The CIR of any of its judges, a. Written notice served on the
therefore must act on its or employee
his own independent b. Hearing or conference
consideration of the law and c. Written notice of termination
facts of the controversy and DO 147-15 Series of 2015, promulgated by the
not simply accept the views SOLE that governs the application of just and
of a subordinate in arriving at authorized causes of termination of employment
a decision under the Labor Code.
o The parties to the proceeding can
know the various issues involved - Serving of two written notices to the
 The CIR should in all employee. It shall contain:
controversial questions o Specific Causes for termination
render its decision in such a o Detailed narration of the facts and
manner that the parties to the circumstances
proceeding can know the o Directive; to give the employee to
various issues involved and submit a written explanation within
the reasons for the decisions reasonable period
 Reasonable period: 5 create an impression that a labor
Calendar Days from the dispute with which they have no
receipt of notice connection or interest exists between
- After serving the notice, the er should afford then and the picketing union or
the ee ample opportunity to be heard and to constitute an invasion of their right
defend himself o The picket is merely regulated to
o Ample opportunity pertains to any protect the rights of third parties
meaningful opportunity verbal or - The prohibition against injunction does
written given to the ee to answer the NOT APPLY when petitioned by a third
charges against him or her and party whose property is sought to be levied
submit evidence in support of his or against another
her defense whether in a hearing, - The Courts, in the exercise of its equity
conference, or some other fair jurisdiction
o A Formal Hearing shall only be
mandatory only when requested by
the employee in writing OR C. FREEDOM FROM ASSOCIATION
substantial evidentiary disputes - Section 8, Article 3
exists or a company rule or practice - The exercise of religious profession is
requires it superior to contract rights
- After determination that the termination of - The freedom of religion enjoys a preferred
the ee is justified, the er shall serve the ee position in the constitutional system
with a written notice of termination - Religious freedom is a fundamental personal
indicating that (1) all circumstances right and liberty and has perfected a
involving the charge against the ee have preferred position in the hierarchy of values.
been considered (2) the grounds have been Contractual rights must yield to freedom of
established to justify the severance of the religion
employment - In case of conflict, contractual rights must
- The requirement of hearing is complied with yield to religious rights
as long as there was an opportunity to be - Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Workers Union
heard, and not necessarily that an actual o RA No. 3350 was intended to serve
hearing was conducted the secular purpose of advancing the
constitutional right to the free
exercise of religion by averting that
B. FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION certain persons be refused to work,
- Article 3, Section 4 or be dismissed from work, or be
- Peaceful picketing as a phase of disposed of their right to work and of
Constitutional right of free utterance being impeded to pursue a modest
- What is protected is the element of means of livelihood by reason of
communication and not the act of patrolling union security agreement
or marching which may be subject of
reasonable regulation.
- Liwayway Publications v. Permanent D. NON-IMPAIRMENT CLAUSE
Concrete - Section 10, Article 3
o The right is NOT ABSOLUTE - Sanctity of employment contracts
o The right may be regulated at the - The contracts protected by the non-
instance of third parties or innocent impairment clause are confined to those
by standers, if it appears that the respecting property or property rights,
inevitable results of its exercise is to such as employment contracts
o Subsequent laws or ordinance G. RIGHT AGAINST INVOLUNTARY
which destroys or diminishes the SERVITUDE
value of these contracts or deviates - Par. 2, Section 18, Article 3
from their terms IMPAIRS their - Kaisahan v. Golamco Sawsmills
obligations o The voluntariness of the employee’s
o XPN: Police power; Police power is entering into such a contract of
superior than non-impairment clause employment – he has a free choice
between entering into it or not – with
such an implied condition negatives
E. FREE ACCES TO COURS OR QUASI the possibility of involuntary
JUDICIAL BODIES servitude ensuing
- Section 11, Article 3 - Yusen Air and Sea Service Philippines, Inc
- Employees who are aggrieved by the v. Isagani Villamor
personal action of their er can easily file o Claims for damages under Par. 4 of
their complaints before the Arbitration Article 217 to be cognizable by the
Branch of the NLRC without the need to pay LA must have a reasonable causal
docket fees connection with any of the claims
- Ees can walk-in and fill-up pro forma provided in that Article. Only if there
complaint and have it raffled at once before is such connection with the other
the designated Labor Arbiter claims can a claim for damages be
- At present walk-in clients must undergo considered as arising from ee-er
Single Entry Approach (SENA) relationship.
proceedings where the objective is to settle
labor disputes before mediation and
conciliation level so as to not swamp the COLLECTIVE RIGHTS OF LABOR
Labor Arbiters with cases.
o If there is no settlement –
- Existing inequality between workers and
Complaints are conferred to the
complaint unit of the Arbitration
- State as the heart of unionism
- Union serves as he mouthpiece
- Legal assistance is provided to ees by the
- Who can join: Rank and file employees
PAO; other NGOs likewise provide free
(Labor Notes)
legal services to indigent litigants: MABINI;
- Who cannot join: HR/Managerial
FLAG; IBP; National Center for Legal Aid
Positions/Employees occupying position
which are confidential and high technical
(Labor Notes)
- Section 16, Article 3 BARGAINING NEGOTIATION
- Covers all forms of labor dispute - Ultimate objective why workers form a
- Grounded on the fact that workers do not union
have the resources to sustain a protracted - Able to negotiate with the employer on the
litigation same level
- Justice delayed is justice denied o Improvement of working conditions
- XPNS: (Who cannot join)
o High level
o Members of the AFP, PNP, Firemen, o CBA – where labor
Jail guards standards/benefits are included,
- Forms of Collective bargaining takes in usually applies to workers in the
form of: private sector; laws between parties
o Negotiation – major conditions of o CBN – negotiate only; applies to
employment government employees
o Grievance Meetings
- Applicability to Government Employees ACTIVITIES
o Government employees in the civil - The right to organization does not involve
service but subject to restrictions the right to strike
 Terms and conditions may be - Public employees are PROHIBITED from
negotiated except those striking
which are already fixed by - Employees from government corporations
law formed under the Corporation Code can
 Salary of government engage in strike (AGW v. Minister of
employees are governed by Labor)
the SSL. - Strike must have Employee-Employer
o Salaries of government employees Relationship (Labor Notes)
 Fixed by salary - A strike must have a ground (Labor Notes)
standardization - A strike must have a procedure – notice of
 Can be changed through strike (Labor Notes)
lobbying - If violence ensued, the strike is considered
o Government corporations with illegal (Labor Notes)
original charters
 Enjoy Fiscal autonomy
 Increase salary through
- Alliance of Government Workers v. - Article 294, Labor Code
Minister of Labor and Employment - Just Causes of Termination
o Difference between workers in the o Article 297, Labor Code
private sector and the Government - Authorized Causes of Termination
o Government employees o Articles 297-298, Labor Code
 Terms and conditions of - Classification of Employees
employment are subject to o Regular – performs activities that
law. are usually necessary or desirable in
o Relations between private employers the usual business or trade of the
and employees employer
 Voluntary basis o Project – those employment who are
 Terms and conditions of fixed for a specific purpose
employment are settled o Seasonal – performs services on a
through collective seasonal nature
bargaining o Casual – those who are not regular,
- Collective Bargaining Agreement v.
seasonal or project employees
Collective Bargaining Negotiation
o Fixed-term – Added by
o Often used interchangeably
jurisprudence (Leyte Geothermal
Power Progressive Employees
Union-ALU-TUCP V. PNOV- other on equal terms not one
Energy Development Corporation) exercising moral dominance over the
- Probationary Employee o Criteria for fixed contracts (PNOC v.
o Undergo trial before regularization NLRC):
(Labor Notes) a. The fixed period of employment was
o Employer ensures the fitness of the knowingly voluntarily agreed upon by
employee for the job (Labor Notes) the parties without duress or improper
o Enjoys security of tenure pressure being brought to bear upon the
o May be terminated through: (JAF) employee and absent any other
 Just cause circumstances vitiating his consent
 Authorized cause b. It satisfactorily appears that the
 Failure to qualify as a regular employer and employee dealt with each
employee in accordance with other on more or less equal terms with
the reasonable standards no moral dominance whatever being
made known by the employer exercised by the former on the latter
to the employee at the time of o It cannot be independent, because an
the engagement employer-employee relationship
o Failure of the employer to inform the exists (Fuji Network Television v.
employee of the reasonable standards Espiritu)
(regularization standards)
 employee is deemed a - Project Employees
regular employee o Principal Test: In determining
 Duties of the employer (CE) whether an employee is a project
 The employer must employee and not a regular worker is
Communicate the whether he was assigned to carry out
regularization a specific project or undertaking the
standard to the duration and scope of which were
probationary specified at the time he was engaged
employee to the project
 The employer must make  Therefore, length of service
such communication at the is NOT THE
time of the probationary CONTROLLING
employees Employment FACTOR of the employment
o XPN: tenure of a project employee
 When the job is Self- o The end or completion of a project
descriptive in nature effectively terminates the
 Maids employment of the project
 Cooks employees.
 Drivers o If the employees are extended long
 Messengers after the supposed project was
completed, the employees are
- Contractual or Fixed-Term Employees removed from the scope of project
o Only allowed by the Labor Code if employees and shall be considered as
regulars (Villa v. NLRC)
the term was voluntarily and
o Proof of Termination: Upon the
knowingly entered into by the
parties who must dealt with each completion of the project, the
employer must present proof of o Regulates the working conditions of
termination of the services of the special group of employees:
project employees at the nearest working women, minors,
public employment employees househelpers and houseworkers
o Regular Employee v. Project - Empowerment of SOLE
Employee o Provided by the Labor Code. The
 RE – legally entitled to SOLE is authorized to order the
remain in the service of their stoppage of work or suspension of
employer until that service is operations of an establishment when
terminated by one or another non compliance with the law
of the recognized modes of imposes a grave or imminent danger
terminated of service under to the health and safety workers in
the Labor Code the workplace
 PE – coterminous with the
project any may be
terminated upon the F. RIGHT TO LIVING WAGE
completion of the project - It pertains not only to the worker, but also
o Kinds of Projects his family, as well and the intent is to secure
 First, a project could refer to the health, decency and well being and
a particular job or improved quality of life for his family
undertaking that is within the imbued as it is with social justice
regular or usual business of implications
the employer company, but - Minimum Wage v. Living Wage
which is distinct and separate o MW – Pertains to the floor wage,
and identifiable as such from below which renumeration cannot
other undertakings of the fall
company  A Quantitative Concept
 Second, a project may refer equated with subsistence
to a particular job or wage
undertaking that is not  The least wage on which an
within the regular business ordinary individual can be
of the corporation self-sustaining and obtain
ordinary requirements in life
E. RIGHT TO HUMAN CONDITIONS OF o LW – takes into consideration not
WORK only the workers himself, but also his
- Concerns about the health, safety and family.
welfare of the workers
- Book 4 on Health Safety and Social
o Provide for medical and dental
services, - Under the helmship of Minister of Labor and
o Occupational health and safety Employment, Blas Ople
o Compensation program for - Objective: To consolidate 60 scattered labor
employees and their dependents in laws before, during and after the
the event of work connected Commonwealth and to reorient them to the
disability benefits needs of the economic development and
- Title 3 of Book3 justice
a. Must be responsive and responsible for - Article 1700
national development - Article 1701
b. Substitute rationality for confrontation - Article 19
during period of national emergency - Article 20
c. Labor justice can be made expeditious - Article 21
without sacrificing due process
d. Manpower development and employment
must be considered as a major dimension of - Article 289
labor policy
e. Global market available to qualified SPECIAL LAWS
Filipinos - SSS
f. Labor laws must have command adequate - GSIS
resources and acquire a capable machinery - Agrarian Reform Law
for effective and sustained implementation - 13th Month Pay
g. Popular representation in national policy - Magna Carta for Public Health Workers
making known as Tripartism
In the absence of any jurisprudence by our Supreme - INTERNATIONAL LABOR
Court, the interpretation and construction by the ORGANIZATION
United States Supreme Court shall be controlling o Formulates international labor
standards through:
CODE  Recommendations
- Oriented towards national development - INTERNATIONA COMMITMENTS
under the character of a developmental law o Labor is not a commodity
- Aside from regulating the employer- o Freedom of expression and of
employee relationship, it also acts as a tool association are essential to sustained
for national development progress
o That poverty anywhere constitute
BASIC APPROACH IN THE ENACTMENT danger to prosperity everywhere
OF THE LABOR CODE – TRIPARTISM o That war against want requires to be
It pertains to the participation and cooperation carried on with unrelenting vigor
among Government, Labor, Management in the within each nation and by continuous
evolvement and formulation of labor policies and and concerted international effort in
standards. which the representatives of workers
and employers enjoying equal status
The SOLE or his duly authorized representatives with those of government
may call a national, regional, or industrial tripartite - ILO CORE CONVENTIONS
conference of representative of the government, o Freedom of Labor Convention
workers and employers for the adoption of
o Freedom of Association and
voluntary codes designed to promote industrial
Protection of Right to Organize
peace and social justice or to align labor movement
relations with established priorities in economic and
o Right to Organize and Collective
social development
Bargaining Convention
RELATED LAWS o Equal Renumeration Convention
o Abolition of Forced Labor o Recognition of the employer’s right
Convention to conduct the affairs of his business.
o Discrimination Convention o Employers enjoy a wide latitude of
o Minimum Wage Convention discretion to REGULATE all the
o Worst Forms of Labor Convention aspects of employment
o In order for these conventions to be exercise of its management
binding it must be RATIFIED by prerogative, is that policies, rules
the member-states and regulates on work related
activities must be FAIR AND
REASONABLE, and penalties
ARTICLES 3-4 imposed must be
COMMENSURATE to the offense
o Liberal interpretation extends not o Right of the employer to sell his
only in the provisions of the Labor labor to such person as he may
Code and its Implementing Rules, choose is the same as the right of an
but also to the Resolution of Labor employer to purchase labor from any
disputes person it chooses
 Labor as marginalized; Social - RIGHT TO TRANSFER OR
 PLDT v. NLRC o Traditionally identified as a
- CONCERN FOR LOWLY WORKER management prerogative
o The law looks upon the lowly worker o Based on the employer’s inherent
with tenderness, favor and always right to control and manage
with faith and hope in his capacity to effectively its enterprise
help in shaping the nation’s future
a. There is greater supply than CORPORATIONS
demand for labor
b. The need for employment by - PNOC-EDC; FTI; NHA – are government
labor comes from vital and even agencies organized in furtherance of the
desperate necessity proprietary functions of the government
o These are subject to the provisions of
the Labor Code, since they were
- RIGHTS TO ROI incorporated under the Corporation
o Section 3, Article 13 Code of the Philippines
o “Greed is Good”; the existence of NON-APPLICABILITY TO GOVERNMENT
Surplus arms the employer when AGENCIES
confronted by the Union in a
collective bargaining - sharing their - Government agencies are subject to the
profits to employees Civil Service Laws
- Article 106

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