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GED 108 Dr. Joan Amor P.

Diaz- Instructor
Name JASON N. GONZALES Date Submitted


LEARNING CONTINUES: Making Distance Learning using Online Educational Resources

Country and Resource Speaker Modality use in Availability and Accessibility Government support
Teaching-Learning materials

NORWAY Online Distance Learning Open Education Online ICDE – International Council for
Torunn Gjelsrik Online Learning Open and Distance Education
TV/Radio OER 4 Covid
Digital delivery The College and University
Singapore Online Distance Learning Technology Development President
Chor Meng, Tan Seminars, Tutorial and Lecture University Leadership and Board
Online Teaching
Philippines Online Learning Fully online class in University University of the Philippines
Prof. Dr. Melinda Modular Learning Open Distance Learning DedEd
Blended Learning MOOC’s CHED

China Online Learning Smart Classroom UNESCO -ICHEI

Hassan Shehzard Blended Learning Hardware device The International Institute of
Online Learning Online Education

United Kingdom Online Distance Learning Teaching in Online Nisaia Group

Dr. Dhruv Patel Online Learning
Blended Approach

Online Distance Learning Digital Learning LabTech International

Dr. Steven McKee Education Platform

595 words

My reaction on SEAMEO Webinar entitled: LEARNING CONTINUES: Making Distance Learning -Using Online Educational Resources.
Every country had their own ways to push the Education during this pandemic, the speaker of Norway Torunn Gjelsrik said that the child can
be learned even they are at home for the online class. The International Council for Open and Distance Education help the learners on their
online class even the lower class is lack of mobile or internet connection on their area but still the government still looking for a solution they
used TV and Radio for there class. The other speaker from Singapore Dr. Chor Meng Tan also share the platform that there school, or the
government will use in the opening of the class. Even their country the corona virus is active, but the education will push through the way of
digital delivery example of this is the Google Classroom that rank number 1 on the student survey. They will also develop the technology for
the remote areas that the internet is very slow in speed. They will use module or Printed Books like what Malaysia did. All of that by the help
of their government at the private sectors like College and University President, University Leadership and Board. The speaker of the
Philippine Prof. Dr. Melinda share her knowledge on the opening of the class in our country she said that the Department of Education is still
preparing the best way that the low class family their children can also join the lesson even it is modular or worksheet. She also said that the
University of The Philippines will implementing the fully online learning and open distance learning to their students. And they also use the
MOOC’s in online learning. Then the CHED is also helping the other universities in the way that their students can still be learn even they
are at home. Speaker Dr. Hassan Shehzad from China the UNESCO – ICHEI and The International Online Education will help to promote
the smart classroom hardware device and the online learning internet. Before the pandemic the China already use the online learning for the
student that home schooling base. And today even the national television helps the government in the education implementing by showing
some lesson that the student will follow what the lesson that being show on that day. Dr. Steven Mc Kee said that the Lab Tech International
in U.S will use the Digital Learning under of this are the following Infrastructure, Info Structure and Info Culture that is for the college
students. In Junior High they will be use some Educational Platform like Edmodo, Google Classroom and Zoom. But he said that some parts
of U.S is now using Blended Learning. The last speaker Dr. Dhruv Patel from United Kingdom said that the Nisai Group made an
educational platform for the students. UK will use the online modes of learning but in blended Approach. Their teachers undergo seminars
and training before the opening of the class. And they have their own Teaching online learning program for the teachers. All countries in the
pandemic are using the powerful tools for the education system that the face to face are not allowed because of the corona virus (COVID).
The government is still focusing on how the education in our country will push even we are belonging to the lower-class country. Poor
internet connection. The Department of Education make their survey if the parents are in favor to open the class for this School Year. And we
are thankful for the support of the government.

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595 words

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