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Mechanised Warfare in Colour

of World War II
including Post War Vehicles


illustrated by


FIOI publo!hed In 1971 CONTENTS

C 1971 BI,mdrQl"d PrI'U LId.

167 HIgh Holborn. LondonWCIV 6PH P",
• • 1
ISBN 0 7137 0?01 X

All nghtl r~ved. No p~n of Ihu book may be ~produced 01'

IUnSnlllted m any form or by any munl. ckctrom.: or mech·

13- loS
amal. mdudHlg phococopymg. recording 01' by any Informallon
ilongc and ~lr~VlI syilcm. wuhoul ~mlnlon m wnllng from
O...."lpuve Notes 00,
the j'ubluhcr
Indu '1 ,

Colour 1I«t>Ofl pnnted by Colour Rcproclucuons LId. Bulcnay

Tnt filnun by Keyspools Ltd. Colborni', WarnngtOn, ~na.
Pnnted and bound m Cr..u Unum by
C. Tinllng 6. Co. Ltd .• Prescot and London
Thl~ volume III the 'Mech"mcd Warfuc III Colour' so.""" u a direct conllnu~lIon of
our prevIous book 'Military Transpon of World W~r 1'. Despite In conveniently
dcfllllflVC tide the cuher volume covcrro a gcncroul period ofhuIOC"y both bdo~
and afler World War I. nghl up 10 19J91n (1(1, t(llhll ,-U the major and Imponanl
ckvclopmcnlJ of the Imer-wa. penod could b.. cks.:ribtd. IknuM: dcvdopmrnt In
World Wu 11 WUlOlnICn$lVC-U wuanalmou whoUymcchamsed war-thegrcnc.
pan oflh,l pr~TlI book d~n~ vchlf;:les produced III the 19.o-,tj penod. Towards
,he a>d, howevn, we have puxntro some o f the "ch,cles producro In the lj YUU
una: the war ended. mamly to mow Iypu dc\'doped cuh(T U I ~uJI ohhc JOKlm of
W orld War IJ or as rcplaccmt'nlS for {amow warume IYpc1.
M o. ohhl- vchldes buill III Ihc ' 9l9-.H penod wen: produced cOtlcum:mly II(l
thaI it IS almott ImpotSlbk to prncnl my kmd of chronologlc;tl order. Sim ilarly many
ofl~ Iype oflhe I\lJOS which were ckicnbed Ul dw: pr~vioU$ book ronunued m
product}()!l andlor ~rvlce throughout World War II ~nd ~yond. A due nglYCIl wuh
each dl'tCnpllOD which ~rvtuu gUide toa vehlek 'ldevelopmCllt ormtrOOuctlOrl, bUI
gern:rally everythmg !hown here: was In JCrvla for the duration of the Wir and oftCll
weD mto the 1\1501 or even laler, [n faet dw: convention of conventendy compul-
II1cnuhsmg the subJCCt mto pt'rioosls nOl: u n etly valid for nuhury vehlclC'lllllCe,
with me u:apuon of very short 11,1111 Immcthatdy aftn' bmh world Wlrs. develop-
mCllI of new models has contlnucd Jun as rapidly as commerCl;d vehiCk development.
MOIl armed services thereforc: have, II any ()rIC' lIllie, vehicles III serVIa: which span a
development pc:noo of lO yeal1 or more:, In I\lSS, for muana-, the Bnll!h Arm)'
)flU h..d m service a few AEC Marshals of decuicdly VlIltlgeapf'C'lr;J.nce, a t)'pe whICh
had entered servlcc in 1\135 and IS dCiCnbed In lhe prevIOus volume. As thne words are
wnttt'll III Iml I know of a couple ofBcdford watn' lanke" sull Ul cbi[y ~rvi", at an
oveneas British Army base afln' 17 yean ~rvice, ~ven though the model rona-rned
has not been !hown on any Officl;d veh icle Inventory for many )'eul. Cases of Amen-
can-bud! vehIcles 11111 In co mmon servlCl' wuh VUIOUI armies after I q1,l.;lrtCl' of a
cCIltury are: almOSIleglOn -the DUKW, for elumple, dCiCnbcd Ulthl1 book bemg
)fIll a lIanda n! ~rvi", type WIth several armies mcludmg the Bnluh and WC'Il ~r man,
5ulllbrly lhe Kornn War of 19So-B and tM SUet Camp~lgn of 1956 were: fought
alm Oil entirely Wllh W orld Wu II penooequlpment,lO II would not beentlrcly Cl)f-
rCCltothmk of the 1\140-.45 vehlclC'ldc5cnbcd here as being ngldlyconfined. 10 World
Wu II servIce.
There: arc: a number of crou-rcfcrc:nces UI dill book referred 10 as plate num~n­
e.g. 'sa: pille 106', Thne correspond to the relevlnt numb«td draWings bUIII!hou ld
allO be UndenlOOO thai IhlS Includes re:fercna: to the appropnalC descnpllvc text u
weD. 511mbrly there uea fcwerou-referm,rs IO veh icles Ihown In the prevloU$ book
but Ihne arc: dndy .dennfied as luch In the text.
Ikxh Derus Bishop and myself would like 10 thank P(,ler Chamberlalll, the staff or
the Impcri~1 W~r MU5eum.London. Sc~mmellLorri~~. LId .• Nod Ayliffe-Jonesof
British Leybnd. and the Par.chule Regiment MU5eurn. Aldershm. all of whom
.nisted in nriow ways in th~ location of visual references for the drawings. INTRODUCTION
Finally I would like to th.nk Mu. F. Wuson for making such an excellemjob of
typing rhe manuscript. The World War of t939-45 was the first almost wholly mechanisM conll;" in history.
CHRIS ELUS II involved Ihe production of mOlor vehicles.l. rate ~nd on. scale not previously
LONDON. 1971 thought possible. During the war ye.n there were four major producers of military
road vehicles. the United S~te5. Gre~1 Brilain, Canada and Germany. and theS<'
four countries. naturally. SCI the pacc in design and dcvdQpmcnl. TI>c French auto-
monve industry, like the Czech and orhers, was vinu.illy part of the German war
effort for lhe duratioll, while: the Italian. JapaneS<' and Russian industries. nOI parti_
cularly big in !,<,.cerime. virtually o.rried on with building existing designs during
Ihe w:ll" yean and introduced little th.1 W:l$ new. In this volume, therefore. Ihe vehicles
of the four major producers predominate.
The United Sures built over ),200.000 military vehicles during Ihe World War II
period. sufficient to equip not only the U .S. Army. but aho a large part of the various
Allied armies. By t94S. in the U.S. Army. there was one vehicle toevery four men-
in contrasl to 1918 when. after a massive mechanisation programme the r.tio was one
vehicle to every 40 men. BeCore AmeMo. entcud the war in December. 194' ~h~ W:l$
, already involved as a major supplier of equipment 10 Britain and het Allies. In '940
Ihu was on a direct .ules baris when Funce ~nd Britain in particular were the major
purchasers. Many vehicles ordered by France in 1919 wert' delivered to Britain in-
Itero after me f.ill of France. and after Dunkirk Bri~in made purchases to offS<'1 her
heavy losses of ~quipmel1l in the fighting in Francc and Randel"$. In March 1941 the
famous Lend-Lease Act became law which made equipment of all kinds, including
miliury vehicles available on. much bigger scale thn hitherto. Subsequendy many
thousands of vehicles were supplied to Britain and over 400.000 were sent to Soviet
Russia where American tYPe:! were in the majority on some fighting fronts.
Apart from the .Iheer size of the A merie:", truck indumy in 1940. il was also the most
advanced in terms of manufacturing methods and design. Also couditions in Amerio.,
longdisrana: haulage and a big commerci,j market made mo,t American truck types
fairly easily adaptable to military requirements. In fact. the m"jority of American
milituy vehicles weu of almO$I direct commercial origin and only. few typesactuaUy
originated from purely military requirements- of thesc p!'rh"ps the Jcep DUKW.
and the tracked LVTs and High Speed Tracton are the most obvious examples.
In pre-war days the procurement of military vehicle types w;u in the hands of the
Quartermaster CorfH and in peacetime rel.tively few vehicles were bought. and then
m.inly on com!,<,titive bidding for contracts from the mOlOr industry. While stan_
dardisation of military types was alwa~ talked about. this was never achieved. for it
was decided that to provide vehicles quickly in emergency il would be necessary to
buy whatever were Ihe most suitable designs from commercial builders. The only
'standardisM' requirement W:l$ in the load c1as5CS laid down .
Thu policy meant that in t940-41 when re-armament began on a massive scale.
dozens of different makes were procured, albeil in sttndard load o.tegories. This

provided the num~rs required fairly quickly but at the price of a storekeeper's night-
mare, for an inventory oflite.. lly millions of Ipa", parts waS needed for ",aintenanee. Where pouible the original offtcial designation or description has been used in this
By 194'. negoti.,,,,, cont had replaced competitive bidding and in 1941 the book. However. this was frequemly eithCTcom plicalI'd or incom ple!e (often omilling
original complications were greatly reduced by choosing the d~ign of One the manufacturer's name for in~ta"cc) and in such cases this has been added to the
i.eturer in each cbss and on the one chassis. In Augustt94Z. the responS!- titles.. Oflen there w21 nO really fixed designation and in such cases a suitably de~rip­
bili!)' for vehick procuremem was tunsierred to the Ordnance Departnl<'llt who lub- live one hOI b«n provid"" by the author. foHowillg ,he conventional style. The now
sequenrly took a much firmer conlTol over production programm~ and ,he supply universal chassU description is al«) used (whether u$Cd in connection with the original
of parts. Even 50 this did nO! prevent a few crises, noubly the severe shortage of'heavy- vehicle Or nor) which shows the !oral wheds and the driven wheels in the form (for
heavy' c1assrruckl in the late W1T period. largely due 10 inadequate forward pbnning example) 6 x 4-';X wheels in all, of which four arc driven_ Thus 4 x 4 indicates iour
~forc the United Stat"S had any actual campaign experience. wheels in all, all driven.
Closely allied 10 the Unit"" S13tes ina ptoduction sen..., WaS Canado who produced
the tmprc.sive toral of81S,719 motor vehicles in the years 1939-45. [n this coumry
subsidiaries of major United States automotive firms were well establi!hed and a
finc range of truck, was produced combining American manufacturing expertise
with Briti!h milituy requirements and specir.(::Itlons. More details of Canadian
production a", given with the individual vehicle histories.
In Brilain the War Office had cstabli\;hed design requirements in the 19105 and
19305 tht were very precise md weI<' originally still tied to a subsidy ~heme. By the
late (9)0$ the old requirement for 5ix-whccl-ch~§Si$ had ~en dropped and most of
the neW (i.c. late t930$) designs weI<' four-whedeu. Unlike the United State" there
waSllO gI<'~t com mercial mnket in Britain forfour-wheel-drive vehicles and develop-
ment ofthis type was initiated entirel y for military purpo,,", in 19l9. For mO$t manU-
faCTurers thil wasa neW classof vehicle. Other than that British designs we", esscntial! y
refmemen!s of pre-war types and had a good reputation fot reliability and rugged-
ness. 13ecaulO' of the exacting War Department requirements for body sizes elC. and
bcau$C there were fewer m~nufaC!uren. Britain did nO! get involved in any great
batde fur nandardisation.
G<:rmany Inrned the les50n abOut standardis:uion from the Americans well bdore
the War. [n the early 19305 the lIewly est~blislu:<i German Army (Reichswehr) ordered
vas! numbers of specialised types uf pur~-built vehicle, many of them expensive
and tOO complicated for commeTcial usc. In an effort to prevem the maimenance
problems that were already looming, the 'Schell Programme' of 1938 made a dean
sweep of the old production and design programmes (though vehicles of !he pre-
19)8 era remained in ICrvice) and introduced a complete new series of standordi$Cd
chassis designs for the different classes oi vehicle. These wcre so 'mndardised' that little
mOre than the bonnets and badges remained todininguish thedilferent vehicle manu-
facturers. Like the Americans, too. the Germans produced a series of simple small
vehicles of the 'fidd car' type which is. incidenta]] y. one of the few new classes ofevery-
doy vehicle which came into being as a result of World War II designs.
In thi\; book a mare detailed aceoum of development is given with the individual
vehicle hinories. What must be emphasised. however. is that the iIlustratiom and
entries givell here represent only a fraction oflhe di ffeTen! makes and models produced
in the period covered. OUtpUt was truly enormous and what we try to do is give a
representative picture of what went on.

Field Anillery Tractor, 4 ><4, Moms C8, U.K.

Field An.1l1ttY Tractor, 4 ><4, Ford (Can,chan MIlitary Panern),
Canada / U K
Medium Artillery Tractor. 4~4. AEC Matador, U.K.

MedIum Aniliery Tractor, . " 4, AEC Matador With 55 ioeh
Flight Rlfueller, 2,500 gallon, 6 . 6, AEC 0854, U It.
gun· howitt.r, U.K.
Truck. 3 ton, GS. 6 >< 4, Austin KJ, U K.

TnJck. 30 CWI. GS, 4 " 2. Chevrolet. convened for Long Range
7 Desert Group, U.K.
Truck. 3 lon, GS, 6-4, AfC Marlhal convened to Mobile
Church, U.K.
Truck. 1l-3 ton, Ordnioci Repair, GMC, USA

Tllctor, 3><2, SClmmell Mechanical Horse, U.K.

TrectOt', 3"2, SClmmell Mech.nlal Horse, U.1t. '3
Truck, 21 tM. 6"6, Cargo, GMC, converted to Ri ll Switcher.

Ambul,nce, 3 ton, 4 .. 2, Bedford Ml. U K.
MotOf· cycle, solo, Ariel 350 CC, U.K.

Tank lran'porIer. 18 lon, 6" ( . Whil. 920, U.SA/ U K./Fflnc. "
Car, Ugh! UtIlity, Austin 10, U,K.

Kh: 1 Kubetwagen, Volkswagen 82 (leichta Personenkrah-
wagen), Getmany • 2.Radio Truck.. 4 . 4, Crosslev a. U K.

Kfz 1/ 20 Schwlmmwagen, Volkswagen 166, Gltrmlny
lorry, 4 " 2, 30 cwt Anti-link Bedford ('rmoored), U K
Truck, 4 " 2, 4 ton, FOfdson Th.lMa, U K.

Car, Ught Utility. Standard 12 h _p., U.K.

23 25
Bus, AEC Re;ent, U K. Truck, 8 cwt. FFW, 4"2. Humbef, U .K.
Lelch" Zugkr.hwagen Sd Kfz 11 (H.nomag) converted to
MOIOf+cycle Combln.tion, BMW R75, GBfmany Ambul'l'ICe, GBfm.ny

Sfl (Sd Kh: 7/ 1) with 2 cm FI.kviBfhng, GBfmany 511 (Sd Kh: 7/ 2) with 3· 7 cm FI.k 36, G... many
lorry, 3 lon, 6 . 4, FOfd, with Balloon Winch. U.K.

Ambulance, 1i lon, 4 " 2, CheVlotel. U.S.A.{U.K.

31 33
LOfry, Ambulance, Indlln Afmy Type, AU5tfalia/ lndl.JU.K. lorry, 30 cwt. GS. 4 " 2. Dennil, U K.
34 Car, Heavy Utility, 4 . 4, Humber, U K
light Artillery Tractor, 6-6, Dennis Octolal, U.K.

Car, Heavy Ulliity. Ford, U K.
Truck. 15 ewt GS, 4" 2. Bedford. U.K. 39
Lorry, 15 cwt. 4><2, Bedford (Mobile Tel Car), U.K.

Truck. 15 cwt. Bedford, litled expenmentallv With 20 mm Lorry, 3 lon, 4 "2. Bedford (StorM Va n), UK.
Pollten Cannon
Tractor. 6 ton 4 "2, Bedford
With Torpedo Transponer
Semi· II.IIef. U.K.
Lorry, 3 lon, GS, 4"2. Bedford, U.K.

42 44
lorry. 3 lon, 4"2. Bedford (Bread Van), U.1t Tractor, 6 Ion 4"2, Bedford With 3-lon AIrcraft Transponef
Semi -tfeller
Tractor, 6 ton 4 " 2, Bedford wuh 3 -10n Cargo Seml-Iraller. U.K .
lony, 3 ton, 4 )< 2, 350 gallon Waler Carriet'o Beclford, U.K.

3 Ion Cargo Tllil4l1
LOlry, 310n, 4 x 4, Fire TerKIer, Bedford. U K.
.9 51
lOJry, 3 Ion. 4 . 4, Mobile laboratory, Bedford, U.K. •
Lorry, 3 lon, 4 - 4, Command Vehicle, Bedford, U.K.


, • n••
- - ,.--•
' , ~

• -II" •
..• "


•• J f'

- -
lorry, 3 lon, 4 " 4, Mobile Canteen, Bedford, U.K. "
lorry. 3 ton, 4 " 4, Mobile Oenta' Surgery. Bedford, U.K.

"Fi.1d Artillery Tractor. Bedford Tracl.!. U.K.

lQffY, 3 ton, 4" 4, Bedford, .xperiment.1 (Bedford GIr.ffe), U.K.

54 e.r. He.vy Utility, Ford. e.nld./ U.1l
lorry. 3 ton. GS, (Bedford n.1f treck ), U K.
Minl,rer G.landag8ngiger lallkrshweg." (Opel Blitz, A Type),
Mittler" P.raon.nkrahwagan (Opel Blilz), Germany

58 6()
GI'I$ken.n-, 2t. Maultl" (Opel Bhu), Germany Schwer., GelandegaogJger L.utlt,.ttwagen (BGwng·NAG).
Schwerlr l lSlkrahwltgen (0) (Tatra 6500/ 111), Czecho·
,IOlilkil/ Gennan\,
Truck. GS, 30 cwt. 4_4, CheYTolet C30, Canada/ U.1t.

.2 54
Lorry GS. 15 cwt. 4 x 2, ~odge, Canada/ U.K. Truck. 15 cwt, 4 - 2, Water Tanker, Chevrolet C15, Clnada/ U,K.

Truck. 8 cwt, 4 " 2. Wi"'I.... Ford FB. canada/ U.K.

Truck. Heavy Utility, 4 " 4, Chevrolet e8A, Canada/ U.K.

Truck. 15 ewt. 4 " 4, Cl'Ievroiel elSA. Canada/ U,K.
Truck, 3 lon, 4 . 4, Ambulance, Chevrolet COOL Canada/ U.K.
Clr, Light Sed,n, FOI'd 21A, U,S,A./Canad,/ U,K.
••lorry. 15 cwt Water Conl.min'lion, Mom' eS8, U.K.

7. 72
Cat, Heavy Utility, 4 " 2. Ford, Canada/ U.K. elll, He.vy Utility. 4 "2. FOld, U,S.A./ Canad./ U,K.
Kleine KellBnkraftrad. Sd Kfz 2 (used a' gun tractor), Germany

Kleine Kettenkraftr.d, Sd Kfl. 2, Germany

KI"ne KettenkraftrMl. ScI KI1. 2/ 1 (Une Layer) , Germeny
7'Huvy Artillery Tractor, 6"4, Albion C)(22. U.K.
Tank Trlnsponer and RecoVilf'(. 30 lon, Tractor and Semi-
tratler. Sc.mmetl, U.K.


7'Tractor, Heavy Breakdown, 6 >< 4, Scammell SV/2S, U K. 7'

W.O. Piller" rubber overall trackalor Scammell RUf 8ogll,
• .2
TUtClor, Heavy Breakdown. 6 " 4, Scammell SVi IT. U_K.

Heavy Artillery Tractor. 6 " 4. Scammell. R.l00. U.K. ,

Scammell P8Irol Bowser, for Bedford 6 -ton Prime Mover, U.K.
Field Artillery Tractor. 4 " 4,

84 88
Truck. 2, ton, 6 x4, Cargo, Studebaker. U.S.A. Truck. 21 lon, 6 1< 4, Cargo. GMC, U.S.A.

85 87
Truck, 21 lon, 6 " 4, Cargo. GMC, U SA Truck. 21 lon, 6 " 6, Cargo, Dump, GMC. U.S.A.
as 90
Truck, 2l ton, 6 " 6, GllOlin. rink, SlUdebiker, U.S.A.
Truck. i ton, 4 ,, 4, Ambu lance, ~odge, U.S.A.

Truck. 21 ton, 6 " 6, Cargo, GMC, USA. "
Truck, 6 lon, . " 4, Cargo, FWD, U.S.A

92 94
Truck. 21 ton, 6 - 6, GMC, COE Type. U.S.A. BUI, 2i ton, 4 " 2. International K7. U.S.A.

93 95
Truck. 4- 5 ton, 4 >< 4, Federal with 10· ton Refrigerated M2 Hig h-speed Traclor, 7 ton. Cletr&e M2, U.SA.
Triller, U.S.A.
M20 Pume Mover, Truck, 12 lon, 6.4, Dllmond T. U.S.A. / U.K.

Truck. " ton, . >< 4, Bomb Servici Vehicle, U.S.A.

97 M9 Treiler, 40 toni. British MlriI. I. UK.
80mb Handling Trolley, USA
' 00
AUtOC8f10 UnifiealO Medio, 5 ton, 4 "2, Fiat 665, lIaly ,.2
M2 Truck -mounted Crane (Thew Shol/el! Me 6"6) and
M16 3-lon Trailer, U.S.A.

Trattore Medio, 4 " 4, Fiat TM40. hely/ Germany
M26 Truck -TractOl', 12 ton, 6 " 6, with M15 Tank Transporter
Semi-tla ilel, U.S.A.
Lorry. 3 ton, 6" 4, Signall Office, Austin K6, U.K.
' 06
lorry. 3 ton, GS, 4 >< 4, Austin 1<5, U.K.

. - -. •
. .' ~~.....
,OS '07
lorry, 4 " 4, Anti-Tank Pon" (6 pdf.), Austin 1<5, U Ie
LOlry. 310n. 6"4, Breakdown Gantry, Austin K6, U.K.
Truck. i ton, 4 _4, CGmmllnd RKonn.ilNnce, Ford GPW in
British SeMee ., Roy.1 Slgn,ls Un. ~.,..... U.S.A./U.K.

Truck. i lon, 4 " 4, Command Reconnaissance, Willyl MA, Truck, i lon, .. " " , Utility, Willys MB, with 3-huer Ambulance
U.S.A. Kit U.SA./U.K.

LOlry. 3 ton , ."4. B,eakdown Gantry, F()(d WOT6, U.K.

Tluck. i ton. 4 >< 4, Utility, Ford GPW, con ....rted fOf 'J"P
RallwlY', U.S.A./ U. K.


Truck, -l ton, 4-4, Amphibian, Ford GPA, U,S.A. Millery Tractor. $ ·80, US 5 R
lorry. 3 ton, 4 "2. Petrol arTier, Denni., U.1l

M5, 13 ton. High -speed Tractor, U.S.A.

lorry, 3 ton, 4 " 2. TIpPIng. Oennis, U K.

M4, 18 lon, High-speed Tractor, U.S.A. ".
M6, 38 Ion. High -speed Tr.ctor. U.S.A.

landing Vahlcle Tricked, Armoured, Mk 4 - LVT4, US.A .fU It

' 20
Truck, J lon, 4 _4, Comm.nd Cal, Dodge, U.S.A.

T,uck, J lon, 4 1e 4, Command Reconnaissance Car, Dodge,

Ktz 31 Kr.nkenkreftw.gen (4 " 4, Phano men Grlnit 1500A).

M29 C.~ Carrier, WeIsel, U.S.A./U.K.

M29C Cargo Camet, AmphibiOOI, Weasel, U.S.A./U.K.
'2' Persone nkrlftwagen (4 114, Phinomen Granit 1500A),
Truck. Amphibious, 2; lon, 6 - e, OUKW with Expeflmental
Mat-IaYIno Equipment U.S.A.

Truck. Amphibious. 2; ton, 6 . 6, OUKW, U.S.A./U.K.

Schwel" Gelal'ldeganglger
Merclld., Benz l4500A,. A
Type), Getman.,
offen (4_4
GAl·67S Field Car, U.S.S.R.
Rlupenschlepper -Olt (S leyr RSOtOl). Gennany

131 133
Ostr8dschleooer (4-4, Skoda 175), Gefmliny RlupenlCh"PIlI"Ost (Sleyr RSOt03). Gemwmy
.. . ', ' .
• • "
• •
.. • ••

'34 135
Tractor, 20 lon, 6"6. Scammell Constructor, U.K. Dozer on 20-lon low-loading Machinery TreUet'. U.K.

• •

• • •
Truck. 4 >< 4, 10 ton Scammell Mountaineer. U K. TrKtor, 10 lon, 6><6, GS Recovery. &.mmell, U K.
Truck. 71 lon, 6x6, Prime Mover. Mack NO, U.SA •
Truck. 4 lon, 6"6, Van. Diamond T, U.S.A.

Truck, 4 ton, 6"6, Dumper. Diamond T, U.S.A.
Truck, J lon, 4"4, Weaponl C.rri.... Dodge, U.S.A.
lKW, 10 lon, 6 " 6, Faun 908/ 54VA, Federal German,!,

Amphibious Personnel Carrier K-61 , U.S.S.R.


lKW, 10 lon, 6"6, Faun L912/ 21 HOH , Federal Germany
lKW, 12 lon, 6x6, Faun L912/ 64A, Feder.1 Germanv '.7
light Wheeled Loader, Michig.n, USA/ U.K.

• •
Truck, 10 Ion. 6 " 6, Bridging Crane. AEC Militant, U.K.
Aniculated Wheel l oader, Alhl-Chalmeq 645, U.K.
Tractor. Wheeled, 10 ton, GS. 8" 6, Medium Artillery, Leyl.nd.

Truck. GS, lIon, 4 >< 4, Rover 8 (Land Rover) with M40Al
106 mm Recoile" Rifle, U.K.

'50 Truck. GS, J lon, 4 ,, 4 Rover 9 (und Ro_) with Wombat
Tr.ctor, 10 ton, leVllnd with Bofon Ught AA gun, U K
Anti-link Gun, U.K.
Truck. Fir. Fighting. f ton, 4 . 4, lind Rover, U,K.
Truck. GS, Utility i IGn. 4 .4, lend Rover. U.K.

Truck. Cab Forward, Fir. Fighting, 1 ton, 4-4, Forward
Ambulance, 2-4 ""tener, t ton, ..... (Rover 9). U.K.
conlrol, lind Rover, U.K.
Truck. GS, I ton. w ith Rapier Ground -to-atr Missile uunching
Fire and Power Unit U.K.

Truck, 4 >< 4, i ton, GS. lightweight Ai, Ponable. Land Rover,

Rapulf Mlntt., fire, Power, and Trackmg Unlis. U.K.
160 162
Truck c.rgo, 1 IOn. .><4, LInd ROYtIl', Forward Control, U.K. Car. Medium, ."2, Austin 1800, U.1t

181 183
Car, Ught, ."2 Morrisl()()() Traveller, U.K. ell', Medium, ."2, Ford Zlphyr. U.1t
Tractor, Wh..led, 6 " 6, 20 ton, Scammell Super Constructor
wllh 50-60 Ion Semi ·traller Tank T'.nl9Ol1.... Crlne-
Fruehauf, U K.

Tractor. Wheeled, 6"8. 20 ton, Scammell Contractor With
SO- 50 ton Semi-trailer rank Transporter, Crane-Fruehauf, U K.
TrIClOl', Wheeled, 6><6, 20 Ion. Scammell Super Constructor
with sIn.., Body, U K.

Tractor, WhHled, 6><6, 20 ton, Scammell Contractor with
balla.t body

;.-;- -
) •
107 I '8'
Airfield Fire Tender, 6><6, Thornycroh Nubian Mk VII, U.K.

• • • • •• •• • •, ' I .:" •., • • c._ .• .

Truck. Cargo, 4 " 4, Air Panable, D,opslde Bedford AL. with
3 ' lon Transportable Contamer, U.K.
Truck. Cargo, 4 "4, 3 lon, BedlOl'd RL. U.K.

171 173
Thunderbird, Hlgh· level All Oelenee MISSIIIt, U.K. Tluck. mounted Repair Shop, 4 " 4, 3 ton, Bedford Rl U.K.
Rough Terrain Fork Lih Tractor, Eager 8eavet'. U,K.

CIIN 30 Tr.ckwlt'l' (ponable roadway) mounted on Truck.
Cargo, DrOPIlde, 4_4, 3 lon, BedfOfd RL, U.K.

Tracked Carrier, Volvo BV 200, Sweden/ UX

I Fi~JdArtillery Tnclor, • " ". engag'I1I'o ,,,,~,,'hffi dove 10 all gun

Morri. ca, 1\140-44, U.K nttpt fine n... cncmc wu tho- Slancbrd
four-qhnder pclToi WIll abo wed In
Enloe« ol d~ Brll.5h Army'. nnge of ocher conlemporary Morm.)"pl"I.
rull~ntkKd field anillery Inaon Ikspnc Ihl! veh.c! ..', fqlb«men. In
W.l$ the Guy Qu;ad Ani, wturll JP~u...i
prociu.n:'011 fTom 151« by .n '01 proved
in I\lJlau lowlngvdllcle {orlbe II-pd. (Mk V) ,"cn'OIl, lhe OI'lg.na1 '),pc- of
field gun. (ThIs parlleubr vehICle IS IrlClor nmalntd 10 Bmllh "rm y UK
.Juc"bed In the prevIoUS volume In unlli II kut '914 and (Ven In 197011 WOU
thIS kOel), l1Kw CII('Ioia:! ~hKIct WC1"C' powhk 10 KC vetuc:ks o( 1M I)'PC In
I major adVln« on prO'IOUI Iypa of commercul or public KTVi« (oU IIlO""-
amllery IrKtOf. having fiulngs and b,'. ploughs or light r«O~(fy lruck,).
QUI 'f'CC',lIy dnlgMd for Ihnr a"tllery
The MOf'OI CI r...1d ano.lkry maor
rok- Comforublo: .... nthcT·prOlWN Wll'4 Ii j m.Iong, -,J: f, ..,de, and 7 fl
Xlllni ",-,s provided (Of die loIlI:-11un 1 'n. hlah. The ntlPlY ..·.... ghl w;as J Ions
crrw ollhc I\UI denchlTlffll (dnvCf, gun 7CWL nns ~ehock Will popularly known
ronlmandt., and (ow gUrl numbrnl IS the 'Qwd' Ca,ud ..... Ford. and Chcv-
and thn'e wa, ilOUK<' for ammwullon rokl veh.da .... cre al.:) lumtd OUIII fidd
and bluery $lora 111 ,he rur c()mpan- uulkry Ifacton with umllar bodywork,
menl. J'hc,rc wu an opt'mng roof h,;uch
above 11K pllKfllCT Kit, and I I Field Arlillery Tnoctor. 4 x 4.
!mockCI on die .Iop'", ~u body pine Ford (CalLldlan Mililuy Panern),
10 ukc C1lho:r I IPI~ wheel or !he gun
177 194'-4'. Carucb/U, K
Ir.lVCnlflll plllform The vehlde IOWro
Tractor, Wheeled, GS, 20 to n, 6"6, Scammell, U K. '" IUltd lbo~, the foo:,ld nlliltty ..;te-
I hmbtt (ronum'lII ammunltl(lnjand
thr field 1l1l'i .. """11 mnully an .on. buill In IrLlcb (rom 1941 onwud!
II-pdf. a w ..~pon npbc.-d by tho- .... dl- (or Dru"" and Commonwahh UK
known 1 j-pdr lun-hownur (rom 1940· Ud:an (nd<*<l body bued on !be Boush
By 1919 fidd ~11.lkry Inc.oo ~·n .. WD pallan. fine Inlroduced 10 lhe Guy
bnng produced by MOfTIIII ....·..11 "II Guy 'Qu~ An" (pla.e 1)6, prev.ou. volume
~nd the Morm v.. I1I011 ( CI m dill tcnft,) and .he Morm ell (PbIC I,
by MOtT.s-Comm .. rclaI Can L.d) b.-- abo,"e). 1be earudlln-budl \"chKln
a.m.. on.- of.he: bel-known ~nd mOSt were tNlC'd on ford and Chc\"ToIC1
(lnuhu of III nl.hury 'ypa. d ... SII$. Over Ihc ynnKvcnl producuon
ThIS vehode hid • fouf_whe.-l-dnvc changn look platt III hne wllh .h<*
choU," (u.urtd a 4-1011 w.nch mlfoduaci 011 the Brmsh ~ducla. The
driven (rom lhe InnSkT gurbox and F AT-I had a fully eO(IOKti roof wllh
~bk 10 be led for .... ud or 10 the rcar In lhc only a h)lch 0"'" the fro.n paJKngtt KU
OI'lguul model III.- vd"de could only be U ",0"'TI DO lhe Monlt el IllUSlrlOOO
doven Ihrough aD fow wbttb. LJ,ltt (p1a.e I). "pIn from !he bonnrI slupc"
model .. ho .... cvn, Iud provHKIO for du- WI! cxlenu.lIy u mdu 10!he Morns. 1be

178 '"
Truck, 5 ton, Cargo, High Mobility Load Carner. 6"6, Alv.,
51alwan Mk 2. U K

FAT-J h;o<h I~TJC ~n KCtlomn thuoof Iraeton whlf:h proVlckd KIting (or lhe 9 In. I""" 10 Ii J In. hogh, and 7 It 104 Ill. Manlul 8ndglna: VehlCk.1iluIiTaled In
wuh a canyu covn plus ' .... 0 ~n1,U rCI, gun crew and n:ady-ux ammumllon Wide. ou oogllu! (orn, on PUte IH oflhe pre--
Vln.' windoW$, 'I,m nuIu IIrlc to
IfI ... IIO .... '~ In lhe InKk-type body, Th$ VIGIlS volume, Thu WI! • mlunlllni
the bin' prodlKtlOO Morns CI. Tht veludes hauird {he6 In. 4 ' j In. , or j ' j U1. vdude ",him hlod IU bnd~ endles
FAT_) h~ tilt nltJn' rcar $lopma roof
oprn wun , an~"I1 COVtt. and Inlr~
hOWIlUT (Ph~ 4) md latn- (poII_Wlr
Imlrill') "'Cf'C uxd 10 puU lhe J7 In. All.
} and 6 Fll,hl Rlrfuclln, l,!OO
lons, 6 III 6, AEC oII~ 1941. U.K
,al- rcmoved 10 kavc ,he I»re chuu" A
woodm caTlYUI Iypc IIrUCture was
duced IIv: new tundud No_ I) ab With glln and lIS UlOC"\ated gUKrllor and bwl! 011 and itllubly decorated n,c
ThIS vchICk .. u pnnclp~lIy uied by till:
dlltmcttw sloped forwnd. WIt\dKT«n nlllr traalcn. Early vclucks ~ a II~I doon II the rcar opmed 10 n'vcal an
(for mprt' dn~" _ undtt Plul'66). Thr Ro)'ll AU" FQr« u a high ClIpICIly fuel
ClIb roo(, lun- repiattd by a ClInVlS roof. ~l!.ar. and church ~rVICCI were Ulually
bowser Though lupeT6cu.Jly I[ no-
FAT-4 Iud I tpl", whm on ,he rnt roof ...Ith uthn- a cutv» <X'Ivcn:d balch or a lKld utlhe opm IIr 'The me of d~ IInK-
~mbled the Mn.dor. I[ wu., III fKl.
In plaa of die rnvn-1l"l pili form for- areubr mull-fnmed h.uehw.r.y. n.c bated on the eh;wa oflhe AEC Marshal
Iurr fonned an oIfiu and quancn (or the
nxrty earned hen' _ Tht UtI'IT roo( body had IIdc doors., lU"ps. and a canYIS ~dre .... ho dro~ lumklf around (rom
(pbrr I J4. prevlQUI volume UI !Ius
tcCUOn \QI opm and provtdoed ....'l'h a nil With roU-up licks. SheD ClIltIC" "'·cre WUIIO WUI
~nn) whtdi was mlroduad In till:
cany. COyeT. 1lIc FAT-S \Ut mrulu aluched 10 rllnno:rl on the body I\oor to
but fuDy ..... n'lmtnl for 'Ub-rcro ttm- fxuII.lIte $I,,;irng the rounda up to lhe
'9101. ub. !TUl$nuUK)rl and wheels
wcre. howcvn, all ukcn the Mau-
~muru. Tho: FAT~. bK t}'pC pro- uilglu when lhe gUll wu nnpla«<i (or
dar. The vch,cle h1(( a SIJI-cyhndcr dtcxl • TflOClr., J IOn, GS, 6 III 4, AlUlln
dU«d, h~ an OJ!C'n body wnh anVil aetJOll. Onculy yducks {Purr J) I ~mlll
CDlme lIVing 9j b.h.p It wu the IUgaI Kl, 19J9. U.K
covn Ami"', 10 tht b~ producuon plat(o rm 111 front of the Wlrwhcr~ ClIr-
(\KI!ona: yehlck In RAF XTVI« and was
MorrIS CI FAT (Plue '. ). ned , gil-detector ~teh but !Ius wl.l Devclo pment of lhe ubtqulloUi Dnmh
mamly used on bomber IlaliOns. The
AU I~ "'chicks wen' Wlnch-fillnl, luCO'dlSCllrded. 6 )I 4 J-<OII moluary Iruell WIS dncnbed
drawlnl' show the opemng rcar doors
wen '4 ft 1 In or \I m. lon8. and 7! fI The Matador hd a ",,-cylinder 7-,8 \II detli1 on 1M preYlous volume. By 19J9
govlng ICCft$ 10 the pump eonlTob and a
wllk They h~ a Mercury VI cOlliie' In 1I1n' AECmg'1lC of9j b.h.p. Th'JgIYC a plans wen: m hand to rrplace the 6 III 4
folding rear laddcr.
tnc elK of' ,he Ford model Of I IUI- top I~ of about J6 m,p.h. A 7-1011
AllOIh\"l" widdy uxd vehlCk bUllion
J-(on Iype by a IKW 4 III 4 J-<OII Iype.
cyhnckr GMC mgme In ,he ca.le of the .... meh wnh 1JO It of WIn' rope was HoweYer. production of four-wl>td
dlls rhn\.l$ wn the Coles VI1 Moblk
externally umdu Chevrolet modd$. mounted mll~ tht ehHiu members dnve typcs did not "an unul cull' 1941.
Cmlr which was ailo uxd by the RAF
with puU 10 lhe from or relr, The 10 Inc 6 )( 4 type rrlTlllned In Wide ute
for alfenft recovery and lu.ndhng, Thu
vehICle could lOW up 10 611011', PI~lc 4 dunng the urly w:ar ~UI MOIl of the
J Medium "nUl..,y Tl'llclor. .. IoC 4, hlod a J60' sk... lng }-<on CoIn cnlY
show1 a Mmodor In luly 1ft 194J d,s- t YPCSIfI producnon pnOi" 10 the outbruk
AEC, mounted on a fUmubk lowardl tnc
plapng d~ lhom CUrrml 8nluh liT cl waT rcmllncd In XI"Vl« throughoul
.. MedlumArtilieryTnocllM'• • )( 4. rear of the challu (ramc , In thIS a.x a
rccogmlJon marklllg ofa red-wlulc--b11lC' lhe .. hok 1919-4} penod, and many of
AEC Matador wilh S sin. ,un_ xpantc Ford VI mgme wu a.rned
roundd IImllar 10 lhe RAF IITeraft thcm luyed \II productlOli IS wcll.
bowl!,>:u, '9J9-.U, U K wltlun lhe erane houllng 10 provide a
maritlng TOlal prodUCtion ofMalMior1 Veludcs 111 thu ClIlClory wcre made by
po"'cr souroe for operaIJnl,
The Mnador ""'" tilt loop-llyed of' (or the BnOlh army rexbed 1,61.1. n.c AEC, Albion. TNwnycrofl. CrOlUcY,
me, 1\111 ,,,,non produad by 8nt11n U1 oc.htt map Matador UKT wl.l the Karntt, Ford, and Ltybnd. A 1)·Plca!
World Will" lIandKOraoffhcx (amou. Au Fora ..'hate 400 vchlCks were In 19J9 prod\lCllOll vdude wu the AUMm
7 Truck. liOn, GS, 6 )( 4,AEC
vdudcs wcre Mill fO be ICm UI 1970~rv­ uthtt Iwd ClImeT (licel dropllde body), KJ{YF wluch followed the MantUrd GS
Marsha.! mnvand 10 Mobillr
U1g U1 I CIvilian apxlfy II nwdH)(_ Batbed. or mobile mficld control (ornu. uyouc With wdkype body. WD ~tml
aU-work (or CIvil mgln«f1na: (Gnfn( - n,c utteo" Iud a box-<ypc otfitt body , Ch"rch, 1941. U .K In!Cuilled rear ~. and (01d1l11 ClI .....
Ion and ~1"Vl« lUllom. Somt OlMn Some Mandan renwnedm RAF servia Sho..,. ~ u a most unlllua! 10cal Y» lOp !CltCIIf,. n,c bonnet was
suO remllncd 1ft ICfVloe uw III 1970. U llie u 1910- Further vanallons on till: mOlt.f.Cluon which WIIClIrned OUI by a the contcmponry Iype uled VI AUMIn
hnll8 fhen up 10 JO yun old and IS good c/taSNJ mcluded armoured command. Army Ordnance Corps wo..kshop commcrcuJ Yducks oflbe ",me: penod
u new n,c Maudor ""nor fin! mdarrnouccd ~mobuon vclucks, whde In the Nonh Afncandcicrfm the 194'-41 A companIOn "'1th early 6 III 4 J-IOII
Ippcaml culy In 19J9 and Inn a Wu tMre wu alto an ex~nmmlal vervon pmod. TIus wu the ·Motor ChltTCh of I)·pcs IlICh II tbe KatnC'T and Crouky
Offia sp«ll1anon (or mtdlum gun With half-<nclu. n,c Ml~Oi" WU 1IO Ii Sf G«wgc· ,nd IIlned hfe I! an AEC (Plates 10j and 106. f'n'V10UI volumc)

'" '"
10f" and Sick door-. "'ne removrd, 10 and II Tractor, 3 x :a, Scammell
sho""" how Ionk 1M baSK byouc dunged Juloa"", decbrcd Wit m 1'}40 Ind IC<'med
be,1 .... fIO:fI 1916 and 19J9 bkely 10 In\'ack Eg)-pI, Unll'" (orca conckllKn were: filled to the nduton 10 MKhankal Ho rllC, 19'0. U.K
Evm aftn • II • Iypa sutud 10 be, werc Ibmly dumbuled 10 IlIo1td lhe conKI'Ve 00011"1 ..... In. Nnd dunnds The Scimmc:U MH6 Mcclwucal Hone
ptodU«d btn on, 1M 6 II • I ype CO\Inlry ,nd WCTC greatly oulnumbe,rcd .nd can"," unci nun we~ cnovd, ...·iIIS buocally I commercul I)'pc o{
tenlo1uw In WIck KtVlCe, m panICwu by 1M Itlballi. 8agn.old, who hftd In p,n{kI werc filled 10 ukc mKhlnc lUlU, yehlck. much llsed by Bnmh nil .... y
fot ,wcdlo1ry roar. for .... hICh Jpccu.1 EglPI. lud}Otned 1M army ,,"'lose no ka{ spn"p WCTC KrmglhelKd. and
'b.Il00n· I)'TU rcpb«d lhe nornul
campania ror parcell ckhv~ work.
bodlCS we~ 100 long 10 fillhe: new 4 II • I1InC' UI "'ggrmng 10 ~ncnI Wayell, The onilioul dall" appc'rcd III abolll
eh,",,- Aunm 6 II 4 vehlCks rem~lIw lhe Smuh commlndc-t- 1ft Egypl, Ihl lyres. Two ION of lItorn, ammurul10n 19JO. and 11 willS mlcnded, as lIS name
In production thmughou{ {hr .... ar. The lTmro m<Monsed rcc:onlWSAtIa p.trols and demohuon equIpment ....ere: earned Imphn, illS I rcpbttment (or 1M horsc on
KJ WH repbttd In production by Ihe would be • so mpk me.", o{ purolhng on the: back and vchlck$ usu.lly hd • commer"il urtage ICfYlce, The euly
K6 from 1944, a vehlde whim ""I and prOlKung Ihr ttlbnd IUnu of the crew of four men. Dy Inc AUllulI 1940 models had an allachmenl whereby th~
bUlcilly Jlmllir 10 lhe: KJ bur which h~ (ronller With mlmmum manpowtT, the fir. patrol mack III fine. IOnIC to front IUTlluble of a holW-du"'n duy
a nlodlficd VCOlon oflhe: Awltn com- The luhaN we~ well meehimsed Ind rreonnoilrc the lOuthe:m flank of {he could be IIIKhcd ror lowlnll Subtc-
mneul ClIb and i IOmphfttd bonlloCl. The therc WlJ. poUIblblY Ih.1 they would Egypt-Libya hordn. Subtequcncly. lhe qucntly rubbcr""rred ICm>-luUcn .... e~
KJ n'll(k .... all! ft II UL kmg, 7iflWllk, make m<MonKd fon)'ll mto Egyp'. Lonll fU ... Dnt-n Group (LRDG) n II provlCkd. Mcch.nKal Hones we~ pur-
and 10 Ii 41 'II- high. II hua Jlx-cyhndn, Cc roClaI WiveD _ mOlt rcccpove 10 willSeallcd m~ ISCI 1<."1 01' now k~ry chased on lOme numbcn b)' the 8nmh
71 bhp. engille. Signol.d·s Ickn; he Iud Ilrc~)' em- pattols onto lhe Watcm Dtxll......ell lCfVica UI 19]9-40 and WCTC mlInly
ployed mOionw Illdllll panla on hchmd lilt {ronl hne ..... tcIun&......111"1 uK<! UllCon: Ind IIIpply yards.dock)'1rds,
pcaccl1mc minocuVfn IOIIlC )'C'ln p~ and re:porl1nl onmcm y movn. OnRlmc Ind.1t balCl, {or lencrll Cilrgo ,nd SIOU
9 Truc:k, )0 cwl, GS, • II 1, OCQiIom the patrols alto"'- ubougc
v>owy .nd he now pul B.gnold 1ft hmdhnl. Mosc ICrVlcc "ehKlcs had •
C hevrolet , converted for Lonl and riKh"l mlwor. bue thew 'CllVltlC1
du.8I' o{ lhor drien pauol proJ«1 'Tho: InUalC body .nd lowed IrlitrIS of bghl
Ranle Often Group, 1941, U,K .... CTC lKondary to the: mam one whld!
pacrol foror WillS org,lmK<! .1 top ipftd {our·wh«llll,kn (towu pcCIU~) whKh
In June 1940 {hr War I~ad 10 North and Uallnold rccfluledcrews{rom {nends willS g"henng and scndtng UI{ormalloo could he left IS mjucred alongwck r,,1
AfnCll when luly dedarrd wn OIl wnh desert dnytnll cxpcnenor, .nd on enemy troop moyemenu. A patrol _gonl or heavy uucb (Of tralUhlp-
Bnum and evcncually mack Ihrulenmg volunteen from both New Zciblld.nd could bioi {or m.ny wttk, under thc menl. Therc .... erc 5(\'eraJ vinanon, on
mo\'emenu from Llby' agamJl Ihr Bnu'" WlIU, 11Ic vehICles uw h.d 10 be, duen lunlnd lhe~ ..... ere many d«<k of thr baSK dalsn. 11Ic lop drawing shows
Egypmn bordn .... hlch was p"mllcd by rugged and capKlOUS enough 10 carry Ireat herOism by IndiVIduals .mong the I Royal Navy vduck wilh 10ft can ....s
Bnll>h {OfCft. ~ nluc rrf mocot Inm.- J!orn{or lonllJourncys. U'lIno1.d sclCClCd ere....... Purok uswUy conuRed of four cab lOp and fronl lOW b>-r. wluk the:
pon (Of pobnllfl and JUuolhnl ViJl lhe Chevrolet }o-cwt ITUck ...·hld! wu nuck,- 11Ic n.liYlptor', >'ChKk earned a lo ...·n dUWlng shows • Royal Army
InCb 01' dncil Iud bcft:o Imply o.,rnon-. chm hctng dd,,'crcd 10 lhe Egypuan ,un-compa. on III da ... bolfd. LRDG SerVIce Corps vehlde wllh lilt more
Knled b)' 1M Lighl CM Palrok 01' thor Army Some Ij-<"'1 Chcvroki Irucu opcrallom conllnued on a his scak ( ..,th uswl hndtop cab. Intemonglyenough
feUI World Wit, .... lud!1ud opcl.led III ...'tte alto acquired lhough the drawl"l
UKrasutg nunpown and morc JUtrols) IhlS Jmk-known SCrvlce Iype wu alto
the Wftlcm l~n, Mnopounllo1 and deplCCI 1M ]D-<WI VC'fJIon. 80th IhcK wml bte I~ when 1M uruquc IIml ....s one of the lonlle.! bved. ~y WCTC tnlI
Panme. Their UplolU arc duellbed m Iypel of lrud. ..... CTC based on lilt 1939 dlibandcd wllh lilt CUSlllon of lhe: dcscl t In IUCby lbe 8nluh Army illSlne: illS 1967-
the prcVIOUl book ttl thll 5(11($. In lilt Cu~dWl Chntolcc chuJIJ.nd bonnc1 fighting ~ ptnk colour IClltmc shown 68lonll ,{ItT Ihry had dlJ,lppcarcd rrom
19JOt Kvenl French and 8nmh pnYalC bUI lhey had mlhury GS bodIes. The WH chosen 10 blend InlO lhe: pcnklsh commernal U!oe:ln (avouronaletckstlns.
UpedllKlm had crmte<l thor North JCH:WI WiS budl on Can.da and uported duenund. The Meell-1nlCal Hone had • cab-
A{ncan deKn, one led byR. A. UlglI Old, Wlolle the Ij-CWI models .....c-re.ucmblcd TM bUK Chevrolet truck had. 8$ h.p mounled J6 h p. engIne and Iuwheelbasc
• keen uplorff w~ lubscq\lC'1lt work ttl loci ... from Can~l~n parIS, w:o<-cyhndn ells,ne:.nd a I H tn. wheel-
wII9 ft1 Jm
mcluckd I Rudy of the pbY*'eaI d,nK- To lUll tilt vehICles to the nlloun of baw: Awck from lhe: baSIC !Tuck. the: ]n-
ICnitta of dntn lopognphy. He alto driet1 palmi work, ~gn.old Iud them C"'1 Clltvrokl was alto produced III u Truck, I ~l lon, Ordnance Re-
ambuJM\Cl' Ind unkn (orms and
pcrfeet«! I melnt of dcKll .... Vlg.IKIIl
bDcd on JlU Ind ,... IOghu, Ilmlbr In
lCyk 10 ma~ .... ' .. g,lilOlL WMn lhor
ulmJlvely modclicd. mcorpoull"l
chlni<" IUggnied by hH pcacetlme
UPCIKtIa on Jcsc" CXpedilKlll'- Cab ...
lhe Iypc was w!dely used ttl lhe: MIddle
peir. GMC, 19'0, U.S.A.
The U.S Army Qu,U1crnwtn Corpt
" J
W~ ""fl'OI1l1ble for m,luny Inn_port mculll~ gWln! lI!hefront, and heavy 13 Truck, ai l o n, ' x " Car lO , mg"''' and a 164 m ... hn:J~K. [I "-If
lQ!he AmttlaJ> ArmypNWloJl1Iy 19~ dUly I)"TU- The ChaSSIS "';as kno"'"tI u, GM C, eon verl ..s 10 R .II SWilCMr, U fl I~'n.IonI "",ib 17I'1c1rJ0body."The
[n the 19m! and 19J'" lhey mOlde nNn. COE IYpl' (cab-ovtt rngInr) a loyou! 1943. U.S A dump Irudt ~nKMIi h~ !hen '" hee[baK
able ~"'oru-wllhlll !he: KYn'r hmu .... know'n iH ·fo....."";Ird control' m 8nlllll reduced by lboul .a m
110m ollhe ddrnn. budgffl of die' n~ Thu I~on 4 X 4 Ilpe nmc IlIIO ""1Ok TIw 1~0II 6 x 6 COE Iypc WII VIT-
-10 p~re' for funha upa,",on and 1C1V1OC m 1940 wllb dlC' m~UI>'C' ~xp_ lually a Iblee-uk ven;lOll 0( Ihc I ~OII U Ambul.ncc. J l o n , 4 x 2, B ~·
10 "~nd.ncbK mll'luy Inmport Iyllft ~ orlhe U.S. Army. modcl shown In Pille 11 Alam" wn
fo r d M L, 1940-.,. UK
and reqUlrcmml:$ WIer the: 'Iandnd The ordll.1.nce rrpa" truck sho""n bncd on the comlTl(1'cuI GMC ab and
l1'U(k programnw oflht 19'7-19 pl'Tlod carrinl work bench and look and lhe clu.UlI6 x • model, and wu eonvcrlc-d "The iundard Bnush helvy mUilary
- Ihe ' l l}x,rlY' trucks-had proved lo .... er llde p'nch dropped 10 form , by lhe manufaclurcn 10 6 x 6 Iype by ambubnCl: ustd Ihroughoul World
wm~lhlllg ofa fiakO(nr«ounttd III ,he working pLalform. The upper "de d~ add'lIon or a Inmfer box and hve War II and ""dlll1to the 19}0I (and even
Pre'VlOUS volume). [n flCt, I' provtd p,ncll were nlstd 10 form an awnillg. front ule Unhke tbe 1~-ton model. lbe- 1960t In a frw cun) fCllurtd a lorgc.
Impowbk for bolh po]mc:al and rUl.llrlClal The body I-InKlUre' featured plywood however. llus l}-tonntt remall10Cci m box_like wood and fabne body budl by
re'IJOn' 10 evolve sundnd mlhlary and bght met.u shcrong Odltt IYf" 011 prodUCIIOll and 1CrVICC unltl the ",.. r Marm Egn"IOIl. lhe wdl-kno"'"tI roach-
IInlgn" but w~ lpI'ri6c: rrqUlrClIlmll thB UIIlC' eha_ incIl>dcd III all" oom- mded. II ....n IXIIII by the: Ycllow Truck bulldu,& firm Shulttt and mushroom
for IhI' fUNre' W~ formulaltd In preuot" unll, carlO body and ordna..,c UId COKh Mfg. Co .• I iubsMl~ry of t)'pe "mublon w~ IIlCCM'pOI"IItd and
xptcmber '9J9, ",hmlN:WlrlQ Europe m'llItclW1n' vdurln .... th mlcosral VIII- Gt-mnl MOIQI1.. 11M' carlO ltuck model It!c-n ... ~ !Will rear- doon. though wmr
Marini II w~ dtadtd 10 sptord up pro- l}'pI' bM.., The ordrunn. fmlrllmann. had ailed body and thll ",;as produced III ,~h.dn ba.d only a nnViH te~ The
rorrrncnc 0( Ihc vutly tl1CUlstd num- lrucks w~ Jllpphc-d .... th dlK=1 1001 both Ihon and Ions body form$. TIw m:ap chaW! ustd for thu ambulancc
ber oflrucks r.ceded by mndulilllng I'qulpmmt and 1II1rnW loyoutt for a short ( I' ft) body hxl folcbnl thnc-d WiH lbe- AWoIIn K2 of",hleh o,·tt 13,000
on five dl~ of ctws.J-~on, Ii-Ion, vanny 0( cbfl'c-rml 'pl'CUlh" lub III- bench SCII:! for sceotWry UK as a noup ..-cre bwll Thll h~, pmtl" from cnd !O
l~-Ion, 4'lon Ind 7~-lon. The- Iruck, dumnl .mall arms repair. lrIiUllmml carncr l k Ionl (17 1'1) body WiH aflO tbe- AUKIlI J·tonl1oCf lho ... n III Plot~
Ihcnudvn.. Ihough, W~re' 10 be ordllluy rep"r. aUlomouve repaIr. lank mam_ only. IUwtr.led here Ii. local modlfin- The nexl mOIl w,dely ustd ChaWl WIS
rommercul Iyllft wllh ,U(h m'nlma[ I~nall(t .....ddmg. machmmg. and to on. non 0( !h~ short·bodled vernon "'.. Ih liS lbe- Bedford ML. mown be-.e. ""hlCh
alu:nllom II were' n«<kd 10 'Ull Ihem Som~ of Ih~ IYIIft were iuhKqucndy wheel! repbcc-d by ll.anled rll]way ,upc'rflClally very pmlbr 10 the
for mdlllT)' U1C. A lyplCal nuhury provldc-d to the: Unruh and odltt Alhc-d .... httb and KTap "011 balloll wClghu III AUllln exn.JK for lbe- Bedford com·
re'qulre'mml w" foc four.wbrd-dnve umln. From urly 19o1l- onwud" thne lhe body IC"Clion. A number of vcrucks mcrCUH)"]!C bonnet ... hleh ha.d extn
for velucla m ccrum roki, 0.., of whICh COE ~Iude! wcre' rep1acc-d by "'mtlar ",.~ 10 COr\Vttlc-d 10 1(1 ;as 1""lIchen $Ide \"CTIIS for ,mprovc-d coolIng The
wos ordnann. rrp.alr or nu,"I~TIn. Iyllft on the: l~oa GMC normal con- (shunlen) II U.S. Ordnance CorJB rall- ehHSas "''"' baled 011 lhe nomnJ Ikdford
wbc-l'C' lrucks fnqumtly ha.d 10 Opc-nl~ m lrol chaSSK. Afler !Ius the: ordll.1.nn. heads If! Europe ., 19.4-4'. 11M' Ord- JO ""1 commcrcul ~haWl :and.. m faet.
or..,u frone hnrcoodmon$. FWD rour- repaIT truch of the: Iype lhown Wtre' tLllIOC Corp badwe can be IeCfl on !he lbe Bnmh Army also ustd lbe ordInary
wbn.I-dTlve v~hlCln ha.d btcn "'m,brly nnpped of ibnr mlrnW fi'"n" and nb doon.. Duffinl pble and iIIppon Btdford lorry on lhe .... ~ chus., "The
UIC"d ror IhlS rok III 191 1-19 "'lIh Irul w~ llied I I arlO allKI$. gmkn wcre added. ph. an ICCnlloddtt .... ~ ambubTln. body ",,;as a]wustd on"
,uccna. In lhe I ~on cli. no MI.lIablt In addllKIII to thr • II 4 oonvenKXI 10 lbe nb. Morn1-CommCl'~ dLl1Sl$. The Bcd-
rour-wh~d-drtve ct\;auu w.u available dncnbcd Ind shown here. lbe- GMC. Dunng 194.l lhere' wu a producnon ford "'.is 19 fi long. 9 ft l Ill. h'Ih and 7 fi
w norm.u 4 K .l GMC (Gt-mnJ MOlon COE 1~_lon Iype w:at .Ito ustd In change whm lhe prnstd lied cab "'"";Ii J Ill. wide It had a 7l b.h p. eng"'c ThIS
Corporallon) 4 x 1 lrucks werc uscd ,It onguLlI 4 II • form, ma'nly wllh ~hmllulc-d and repbccd by I canvu roof Iype of ambulaner could Clrry 4 Kfr!'
IIIIICld. Jp«lally convenc-d 10 • X 4 an IIl1rgr.u pand van Iypl' body filled and lick shceu. The .ppc'ltaocc WIS !hen chr." .wo nch lick. or 10 Klled woun·
confilllllUon by IheaddlllOll ofa power u a lIgnal truck wllh wmdowi and ' Im,l" 10 lhe COE Iype shown III Platc drd. It a ..... Ickly.ustd !ypc ",·hleh
Inmfer Inrbox and ]m~ fronl aa. od<d~ 91. nns GMC COE IYPC w'"' Wlckly uw SCl'VIOC 011 aU fronu and "'"iH alw
11M' ChlWllnd nb re'mamtd lbe- normll 'Illu GMC "chlCle Iud I loo-hp. ilj- ustd IhroughoUilhe wu Some vdudn iupphn! 10 mOIl 0( lbe- Allin! 1II110ru.
rommc:nuJ !ype but mlhlu)' addmonJ cyhnder mgllK. a IJ m... bn.lbasc, and were refillc-d ",.. th short """I npPUII mcludml AtllttlCi. So~ vducks of
Included umy plllHn lOWing pmllt. In o.-.:-raIJ kngth oil I m dumpn- bodlCl for EnalllC'C" Corps usc. thn I )'pe ""Cre' ustd by lhe Civil Dd"mn.
Thllvduele bada 104-b.h p .• $l.x-cyhndc-r organl .... oon III Gre'll Bnllm n ","cU.

'" '"
I,T.nk T""upo,ler. II ton.' II • •
Whll.9'" 1940. U.SA /U K fFnncc
",,10 Iypesof' machllX used by Inc Bnmh
"'~I!nc HO cCAnd, a convcnnonal I ypo:
Kfl.l Kubelw.,en. Volk ...... 'en
(Leicht. Pe'lOnenkraftwI,en).
prodll<:l100 and mcmbly. The drll,n
w:a ~,dy for approval '" lkamba"
"';lIh O_H V eng.,.., and gmtlC1" forh. II 1940-45. Germany 19J9 and ""1llIC prolOlypa wen: Iml 10
In Fnnce d~ uka had e ..ol ..«1 dunn, _ Nsed 00 lhe ordllury comllKrClal Poland for 'f",1d ma.IJ' by Plnzer d,,,,,,,
World War I of earr)'t"l unit! OIl !ruck,
ArKI lypiC with no lpenal c~nga for Tht Volklw'&m Tyl'C' Sa w:lIla mllll"Y liOUL Here the vdllda wen: f, ..ouubly
10 d~ Nllie 1000e. !hereby cOIIKrvlnl
mdllary 1e1'Vlu, The draw'"g ,,"0""-' a doenvallon oflhe VolklwlIgcn 'People's ~I"cd bema easy 10 ~ndle and hlvl",
11K !neb and mOlon 10 dlt Ia. mlnu!e
dnpatch ncia oi !he I. A nnoured Co,' .... h"h <bled back on C'OrICICpIlOI"I 10 an ucellml (.( I COunlry I'C'rfoxmana:.
before ,01111 InIO KnOll Thu w;al
0, .....00 '" earl)' 1941 .....lCanng a pro- 19l1 ",'hen Hilln liked lhe nOI«I lulo- SoIlllC ordlUnor oKta-n hid n,heT
munly d~ !O tlK milam! mec~runl
I«I.W anll·"I_ WlI, and anD-Ju rnpo- mob,le m,IIKU Dr FCl'dllUnd Ponehe f~lred !lw the ""all n:IT_mounted
unrthabtlllY of ,IK early LInk,. The
IlItor Nott how !he nupbo.lord opml, 10 a $Imrie and ,nexpmSlvc nr m"ne and lack of four·wheel--dnvlC
Amn1nm. ",110 IHed ffmeh tankt In
altO lhe pl)'1U00 of I~ flmOUl lSI ",hICh would pul 1II00onng ..,thon 1M ",-oukI n:nda lhe vdtlCle WI",,~bk for
1911. follo .....«1 11K IoIme practKe After
Armoured DlVlIKIn bomrd rhll'lO«rOllJ filUncuI n:a.:h of In. Early," 19J4 mlhll,y ow. Thcy wen: proved ...... rona:.
1918 bod! tlK new French and new
emblem on I~ fud unk.. PoncM Compleled tkwl«! Ip«Ifia- bo..·tvl:'l", and the: Voll",o.aJC1l Kubel-
Amn1can anlr.-bulld"'l prOJummn
Thtl vducIc - 1 ft long and 111 HO CC IK)<II fot approval and "'It g ...m!he go- w;aJC1l bccallllC lhe mOIl ... ukly IHed and
nil«! fot tanb wnh hmm b lon,-
'mglc-<ybndtt engule gavc u§ b hp. ahead 10 make prolOCypes and 1...,,0 pre-- bat·kno .....n German vchlCle of lhe war
b,tll; I} ton.-medlum) whICh a1Io....-rd
production Ntcha of JO nn ncb for po:nod. 8y M,y 194' no It:w Ib;on }I,o ll
Ihem 10 be nrned 00 !Tuch. Thc Whlle
910 wu 0I'IIl' of Kvelll Amencan hravy t1 ea,.Li,h, UtililY. Au"ln 10. Intlng and dcmonSlnnon. The vdllck VolkJwlgms had hem built and lhey
1940-.5. UK. "'11 10 ~v~ a 996-« rUI-mounlcd 'If· were used by.U arll'tl oithe Weh,machl
comrmm.ll Iypes of trll<:k ,ulubk for
cool«! mBlne and WII 10 be told u Including IhI:' NI"y and Luflwalf"e_
carrylnl unh oiup 10 aboUl I' 10m In
Thll bghl vehick wlm ..... halll now caUed DM 1,000. A nlCw faCiory WIilIO be budt Producnon IctuaUy lurtcd in March
.....aghl. and vehlcln of thtl type were I 'plck.up' lruck body w» used cxtt'n- al WoIfsbur,lo produa lhe IIC'W car til 1940 and a few vchlCln wen: m KrVla III
orderrd by Frana In 19)9. By tlK ume
Slvcly by Unush and Alli«l fOlea from quanuty. The Volbwlgen wu I sm.ul Itme for the mVUI0l1 of France and
Ikbva'Y Wil due III 1940. howeva',
1940 onwards, numly in Europe In IhI:' strumlln«l ted,n and foW' <kcadn bier Ran<krL Gcm.a1 Rommd wn. II Ihlt
Fnna had bttn overrun and the Bnmh
euly <b)'1 oflhc war IhlC)' were ,1110 used tlK Ikvelopcd VerlJ,OrI of IhlJ ume blilC Itme. a dlvluonal gelllCral but ..... hert he
Army 100II: them over. With mlXhfica-
by fighung unl", but lalo:r Ihey wt're dalgn rcmaml fanuhar ,U ovt'r Inc .....em 10 lau command of lhe Afnka
UON to the bodlt'S and IImj>l they werc
put mlO Krv,a In Untau, and In the more ralnCl«l 10 bome. ba~. or dtPOI world as IIx VolkJwagen ·lkede·. one Korp$ In 194' he n:ahKd !hlt VoJkJ-
IerVitt lJ.ncc lhe ArmnClln J«p (Pble of lhe hal_limB an of aU Itm~. The .....Igens would be ukal ror ute In the
Watem Dacrl. TheK vehlda could
101) 100II: OV .... lnc funclloo oflhe bghl VolkJwagrn car did nOI, In fa(!, t'nll:'I" de5(11 Hen: whok r«Onnll ..... na: bu·
carry tnc hcavlnI CI'\I,ICI' tanlt! lhen m
unlily CIT In flCk! urnll. The vehldlC prodllCuon unld aflCr 1945, ho .....evo:r. 111""ns Weft equ,pped WIth Kubd·
Bnmh Krvla. Inch It lhe AI) (CrUlIlCr
Jbown wu Nsed on lbe 19J9 AUlun 10 fOf ttl 19J9 Germany muched InlO wagmsand lhe velucle mo~ IbanJulI!-
TllIk Mk I) _ ..hown In tnc dnwlllg.
cv and had a bonnICt (cxa", for Ihrrc lode Cl«hodovakll and WIT became ,...,,,,t_ fied Its CX'"m«. Thc m~or demand for
W,lh mLidl b188" unkJ Com lne: inlo
Iouvm) md cab odc-nneallo IIv: car. The able. P()f1o(Ix WII aik«l lodn!gn Imm/:'- Kubelwagmll WII 011 lhe EalllCm Frool,
krVicc. ho....-ever. ~ vehlCln ..... mt
Ipare wheel Wit mounted In a Itt... 00 diliely a mlhunsed VCfVOIl of !he howtVa', afta' GlCrmany had mvaded
QUI of Ute U unk lumpontn. Thc fold-
tbe cab roof and lben: WIS a removabk Volk,wagm for lhe Gr-rman Anny RIHW In mkll~I Hc~ lito: utrema of
In(! ramp$ wen: wound up and down by
hand Wlll(hn. Thc Whllc 9X! Wit 19 fI anvlS till 0'·1C1" the ~ JP ..... ROOIIn ",htch wu 5IIlI, II Ihl'l IIIne. Ins dun dlmalC proved u b" an t'flCmy as the
(Hdlnun). Moms, and Sundard all adtq~!dy eqwpped wllh mOlor tnnt- Red Army II Itma, and mud and IUGW
10 Ul. lona ahd lot ft wuk. Empey
milk illrubr vduda based on Ihcu- port daplllC the dfilCH,ncyoilts armoura.i prov«l nuJot oCsucln 10 troop mov/:,-
.... e'ght was I I 10m 4 ('WI_
~,vc 10 Of 11 h,p car cqwvaknll. d,vKlons, The md.11r}' VolkJwagcn .... mCflU.,!he wmtlC1" monl,". The Kubel-
The Nlvy and RAF ..1110 wed thc:to: based dOldy 011 !he car. uttltsln(! !he .....agm ....-;u one oilhe fo:w mOiot WhiM
16 MOlor lCycle. 1010. Ariel HO IX. vdllcla.. ThcwhedNKoilheAusun 10 .... me re. engine, chn,. p'n.. whcclsand wluch p'ov«l 10 be 'iI h()(flC" '" IbcK
l\lo4o-4l. U.K. Llghl Uubty WIS 7 ft loj In .. and "wu IU'pmSlOll. The 5cdIn type body 'NIl, rondil>ODJ; IU .. cry hghl Welghl (i Ion)
I} ft long:. Typ!eal rmploymml WlIIIfI howr, compktdy ~pbud ''''''It a pn:-vml«l boa'"g do"'"" and II could be
Tht mOior cycle was wllkly wed by all Slgnall, uul"ary polta, or divlSlonaJ HQ IImpltf1c.d box-h~ opm 1tnICI\1~ re- manlundkd by 1.... 0 1llICn. The KubeI-
forca In World WIT II TyplCl! oi many WUII. duced rnmely 10 IUt panels for Ule of w;agcn (offiaally It'Ichtr Penonmknft-

". '"
.. qen_bgbt prnon.aI amn-) .... u ustd XI JUdlo Truc:k, • x •• OOMlIY There wrrc IaI thm 100 unb leA til thr pmll~r 10 the Armadillo II but Iud lleel
byaUbnnchnof'tbtAtmyandWafl'"tn- Q. 194~4l. U . K coumry. mOIl ollhcm obtoIctc fnmllll pbtes m!lead of wood.. 1lIr cab and
SS Roltt Included M~ff at. hghtlmbu- vchJdcs. As llC'bp-sap while the (.tetoncs bonnet wen: abo more utmPvely
Wlnle the Bnlllh Anny WtTC bter than
bna. ammunlU(W'I arno:r. and asuuh built mOft c:mb and umoured can all armou'~ aDd funhcr ptOlccnon ... u
lhe Germaftllnd AmrnarIJ In gemng
etIgllteel' amer The bttel" Involved Int _tI of road vehlcltt "crt" acqu,mi and gIven 10 rhe whee" and (uel tlnk The:
all-wheel drt~ vch lcles IIIto terVlee (_
addluoo of ~ exl~ $lOrft locket In d\C glVnl ruchmentary .trmour rtotecnon umal1lCtll wu a Ooys anll-unIc nAc Ind
Pbtes.3lnd 106). the, Alt Foree
tight hand'rt:u lelt The Kubclwagetl tc:ady to race dlC exp«led Geroun unkJ. I Orrll gun (tho:- rormer be'"llobown)_ In
Iud ,he Crossley Q 4 x 4 In terVIa III
was ul ft long. ,iii: WlIk. ,j fi hIgh SollY vehld... were hght lhe d~ .."\"1 the cut-down remalnl of
mld-l9-4Q M)OIIC r Ihan:my type ordcTcd
(wHh tbt nJlYl.1 nit ulIed) and Iud a7 fi armoumi can by fimng new putly lhe OIllinaI ab Ind ""ndKf«n can be
(or the Army. Pnor 10 1941 lhr RAF
II In. ,,·hcdbllC. II weighed ' •• 70 IbI
look~ after the pfOCW"Cmmt o( 1IJ own
mclOlCd bodlCllO sufi'" elr ,haUl\. seen. ThcIlC vduckt wmt 10
and Iud I 9I'~ rear-mounlo:d lit_ A much cntdcr Iype. however. _ lhe dlvtUOOI III south calli Enal..and where
tnn_port through the Air M,nutry and
cooled eng",e, ~Icr vehlCltt (from lhe Armadillo . .t ~ncnc nllm for .t the I I I V I _ WIlId he upectcd, but
dKI nne elepcnd 00 !Ix War Offitt !tIany
I~J) had I 1.1 J I~ tngme :meIsmallrr " 'boIit group of IUOtled Iypes ... hKh rortunucly lhe InVlliOl\ mver clme Ind
way. ThUltho: RAF had 5evnallype or
ntadbghtJ. wcre prcxKl~ urgely by wood pncc thnc CTIldc 1m proVlsauont wert: nOl pUI
vthl~k nne u~ by the Army. or .. hlch
lleellnd armour rlale wen: In rxcl'pnon- ro II\C rest
19 K(t. Schwlmmwigen.
I llO lhe Crossley Q ~I oroe examrle The
ally shon lupply. The Armadillo wa, Another type of ulemporl5ed
Volklwllen 1641, 19.1-... Germany CfOIllcy " U surplled In argo. fire-
dnlgnc-d by the London., Midland ;u,d armourc-d lorry at thtl penod the
tenckr. Iht-bed. or balbJl body form ..
Popularly nUcd lhe Sch"'lmmwalen Sc:otillb R.ttJway (... hOK plam. like 10 Buon .. h,da COtlItsro:d of:m old mjWII-
and allO Wllh, boJ: body (mobile offitt)
but officu.lly known u a Schwlmmfah... many other commercul concerns ~I 1100~d Mavy InlCk etu.. " 'Ith I cem-
1". th. was :an ampl'nbtous YCnIOII or
as Iobo ...n _ ~rnnWr "ducle d~wn
I'v,,", ovn 10 ..", ..ork)_ 8111C1Uy lhr actc luperuructurt".
wu eqUIPped ... a mobile fighler conn<ll
the sundard Volbwagm Type h. Thn Atnudtllo ..~ a JUndard tnKIr; or lorry
UlUt (or ute on desert.t... ,mplill 1941-41:
vehlCk was mechanlCllly $11mb. to the WIth a prOlected fighl1ng compartll\Cnr
The Cf(mky Q w;al 10 fI 1 111. 1000g. 11 Truc:k • • )( 1. 4 lon, FordlOn
Type h but had I ~IWlpcd ptaKd added. The ArmadIllo Mk 1_ the: name
11 Ii: "'leIe, and II Ii: hIgh Thames, 1940-#, U K
Mal body wllh alhrcc-budcd propeller IIvm 10 an UlOtll1\Cnl of rellwsU!oned
OIl '''fllIIl rt:arum. Dr. Ponchedalgncd commercul tr\Ku of vanoUl makes and Thil vehtCk wu an ordmlrY commeraal
I I Lony • • x 1,)0 O;:WI. Anti-lank
lhe Schwlmm""alm ~ClfiCllly (or tI\C a 100aI of1 u Were cOIIverled Illlhe ",rn- 1yPl' whiCh I.IW wlt\c:spread mlhury
Bedfo rd (..mouled). '1140. V_K
..'n condmom cn(O\I.ntcrcd on the mcroflll4D- Many oflhC'tr "'ert: utcd by tetVtct. It " 'ilS I COIIvenuonaJ (or.. ard
£l,Mcm Front, bue thnr vduda ..~ On May loch 1941). Gft-many Inv.tdcci the RAF (or atr(~1d defmer, The II«t conlrol vehICle "1th :m alklcciuPPIIll
abo utcd uter on the Wncem Front. On Fbndc., I$IIJ the . Billumi' batch of vducks 10 he umllarly co- body, It ...., mOM exlcrutvcly utcd by
land the ~'dllde _ dnvm normally. but tacucs 0/" .tnnoumi ...ufne whICh _ vrrt~ "'Crt" about Joo Bedford 10<'V0'1 lhe Alf Foroe for ;ltrfic,1d con-
once II entered the ~ter the gun wert" ",Ited If\ Franee's apllulauon In Jwt and 1-100 Ifmy Iornes.. The prOIKCo:d IIIrtKtton work and pmtlar task!. In
In III TlCutuL lhe propeller arm WI! overa month The Bnmb ExpcdllKM1UY box ~s madeoft"'ola)'enofIIIOUI wood addulOtllO the cnd-uppct" veRlon Iobown
lowered. a ' procket enllgc-d the: crank- Foree whIch ptOlrcted the Fbndrn wllh a 6 In. gap between lhe laye.. IMrt: was I lon8 whcclbate arlO trud;
Iobaft end :meIlh" dtO~ a cham wtudl m !bnk wu forced back to lhe lea It Dun- which ""11 packo:d WIth fJl'bbles. Thll and a pnmc mover ror km"It1l1lcn.
tum drove the propeller Steenll8 W3J kirk and" the end 0/" May lhe BEF WII lalff I crnlln amOWlI or protecttOn One of Grncnl MOnlgoli\Cry·. map
effected by lUmlnJ the (ront .. hrd!. A IfIItChed (rom the DunkIrk (rom machlDt gun fire, Loopholes werr aUl'alll In 19«-45 ..~ haukd by the
total of ' •• 16"7 SchwlmmwlgCltl "'crt" or
by Iht: (amow arnPd.a ·linloillps'. In provided for ofl'"rrutlff fi~ by the (few. pnmr--movCt v~ the lCmI-tr.U!cr
bwlt :mel prodllCtlOn ccastd In mid- the speed olthe ..... lhd~ ....-aJ ai_ail the andlt,hlpeel pbtes wrrc filt~ round the bCII" of the p.ar11n:hrucon r)"~ ThIS
t9-4. The SCh ..... mm .. alms aD Iud the BEFs Iuru. unks. Il1Kh and umo\ll"o:d cab and engU\C, Somt of the I-lOll "duck IS tnlI presrrv~ by lhe
blgl" I.'JI~ mlllX and weighed an were of nccaJIly kfi behind and vehICles wen: armed ..... Ih I lighl gun Ford MOIor Co_ In View of IIUIIO(i.tUon
1.991 Ibs.. The length w" 11 A 11 m., WtTC fllher ckstroy~ or aptllred by the and ... en: called the ArmKbl10 Mk III ..... th Bnllln'l mOM famOUlumy com-
wIdth. A I~ III. and heIght WIth hood Germani. Btllltn W.II now left 11mOll The thm! model produced was the mandl'T of World War II YClanocher
erecled wu J A 11 In Top lpeed ofboth dll.lrmed.tnd wasfaccd luth Il«mlllgly Iype .lIwtnted. the Ikd(ord JO-C'" venKM1 of the Fordson Thames wed by
,hnc Volhwa~ftI '0 mp.h Imnllncnt InI'.tWlll by German rorca. 'lorry Armour~. Anll-unk' Thn ..";IS the RAF ... u the Truaor. I ~'chlcle WIth
," n,
I woodm dropsock bod)' and lobonoeMd v~hlck bo.l"iI baKd on the Snndud wlud! the body could be Slood On Inc the ere....,' pc-nonal cqu.pmem. and lhe
du~". It hid to""Il'Il gear and could lII' Flymi Twclv~. I VC'I) MlCa'Sliul f,nuIy ground, II rouId ml.&J be uKd;as" pomble MG)4 mad",., gunon III bar moum on
uta! fOl' fOWl"l a....~nfi iH wdl IS for (U of lhe 19}8-}9 penod Only tnc offitt. ellher" an oft>a (or (iI~) battahon tiloC Sidecar In dc-"'II opermons It "al
alT)'I"Ialr SI<>ra. bonnet and (ront "''''1 p~ngt of liloC HQ In the ""I.e of ,ilOC CS vcnoon or as a pratne.. 10 keep ,he- broech oflhe- gun
eu Wtft utlbKd In mls VC'hlCk, however I wuele. IUIIotI. V~w:1C5 In liloC s-c.."t cO"eredlo pre\"cm uod ~tllng VI. and
tiloC me of dw: bod)'work bema com- clas wen: mack by ford. Morns. and the gunnc-r can be- SOInt holdmg the an ...s
1) B .... Me R " I ""f. 19,.0. U,K plcldy new The ab wil open wlih a Humbo.r Tht~uly produ<tlon Humber cover III placc. In German t~rnunolog)'
AI rile oUIb«lk of wu m Scp'~mbcT ClnVIl top and removabk pcnpe" SIck vehw:les unlned the chaws of the ciVlhan mil heavy motOt c)'('k and ..dear ""'n
19}\lIM Bnllsll Army (ound H~I( very JCT«ns II In lhe luger CS lrucks. The Humber Snl~ hmoujl"". 19J9 prod\IC- known II a SCh ..... ercr Knflnd mil
lobon of all kmds of motor Irampon producllon vehid.... oflhe 1\1)9- 40 lion model. Thc bonnn and rldmor xucn"" agen
Aft.". lhe UEf', wuhdnwll from penod had liloC radlatOt gnlle of Ih~ grdle we~ dcllved from liloC lime
fnna tM shornge became ~"en mort flylllg T ..... ~lve or. but lubloCq~OI vehIcle. In Ihf body 1\ thf un w.u the 17 Sf! ($d Kfz 7 1) whh J em Flak-
acut~. Until producuon of new mdnuy v~h,,1a.. as shown here. had a Slmphflnl JIIndard No. II w"dnllCl then on ute.
Wlrt mm gnlk and slotted bonnci vl " rIiDI . 1941 - 41. Grrman)'
,,~hw:la bll1lt up the lobomge IUS a t<1bk. and blllCry Mowagt' for the
1I1('\'llled by dloC Kqwsmon of large gda for cooling Tht Stand.ud Lighl ndlO. The ball~"" "'~~ ~h.afged Developmc-nt of thf V;lnOUi dassn of
numbn1 of commcrcuJ "duda.. In Unilly "'II one o(m~ IIlO$t IUCc.mfui of (rom a gCl'III'ntOl' dnven oK 1M maIO half-Irxk pnm~ mo,'er produced VI
1940 busa ....·~rt a fa"oun~ ufJCl $Ina the vanous makC5 VI us dill .nd Ihf Iype InnlmlSlOn. Thc CS .,duck Iud the brg~ numbn1 h» h«n cov~red In the
lhex COI.IId lII' wed U U~nI uoop or umalned III ute long ~fter World War I.I.II'III' body but lacked m.- ",rekss prO-IOU! volume, Hen: we show Klme
~nonnd tumportm of a lund.. Tbe II. some IInng In Tnntonal Army IoCr- fillings. A hlhl ambubne.. bod)' could ",",me ckvdopmcnts _ though lhe
dl"ISlOIH drawn up liang the South lI"1a w~U InIO Ihf 19SQl. Thu "chide Iud 11'10 be fined 10 mil cha-l$ls. Tht Humber ])age modc:b of the 19}QJ conlmurd VI
Cwst of Enlland 10 ck(md the «LIS! a four-cyhn.ckt« b.h.p ntllne and "" fFW had a Slx-cylmder I S b .h.p rollne serVice and In producuoo Ihroughout
agllM theupn:ted German inVaSion In I J it 10 In loog It \\'11 wed by the RAf and w.u I d It long Wo rld War II
the summer o( 1\140 WCrt IYued With and Ro)~ Navy II ..... dl:as the umy. A map vanam bued on 1M Sd Kfz
luge numbe-n of busa 110 thai troops 7 II-ton half-tnck ( haYtI wn a sclf-
16 Motor-cyd e Co mbinati o n,
could be ru,hn:I qUickly to any landing pro~lledlW. v~hlck 10 glVc IIr defnt«
Truck, 8 ( wt.
.I} FFW, 4 If 1, BMW R", 1\l40--4}. Germany
zone. Tbe t)'plal "chlCk ulustutedll I to umn 111 lhe fidd ThIJ Iype of vehlde.
Humber. 19,.0. U.K.
former Crttn Lmc couh wluch In Ihn In IIJ baSIC (orm li'1oC HMW R7S motor- designated Sd K(z 7/ 1 appeared In 1941
allC' It In \IX ;u an ImbulaDel'. Other Tbe nUt cia. of "dude a~ the hghl cycle combllLluon WII silo""",, (;as Plal~ Ind "'" eiKntully a Sd Kfz 7 gun
butcs "'''~~ uK'Ii u offices. command UIUllY" Bnmh 1CTV1a: UK IIlliloC 19J9- 149) m tbe pr~'·lOUJ book III mJl SCTICJ,. tractor 'IImh lbe scali rcmoved and
VC'h..cld. and ;as molnk dnuoomJ for 40 ~nod w;as rned at 8 ('\0·1. In appelr- It n'mamcd a nllJor ser''K"t I)'pc wlm n'J'11CI:d by a mOUlll fOt me fbkVlCl"hnC
IU'Ill"l cou~ The Ropl Navy ....tft ana: the vdudes ronc:n'IlC'd (dl mid- tbe German Army fOt thf whole of ) qlddNpk .1-cm AA gun. "flu!;
.,. Ultn of n'qWJIuonnI buies for d_ ",.. y hec ..... em the Ij-eVo"t CS Iruck and WOtId War II bolUS Impoillner dmu- powerful ... upon wu a bghl hand
rooms or tnlOlIII duplays. for lrutln« Ihf hght uuhly· SIner the I}-CWI nu.hcd as time " 'enl on (or 1[1 funcuon II controlled mount ..... lth a rllc offill' from
they bd a mobde cxh.blllon co"enng ( h,ws and ,ilOC unlit'" hetw«n them a reconlLl~nc.. V~ICIe ""'as largel)' 1[1 fo .. IurIl'k combIned o( Soo rounds
anu-Ilr~r.dt dnn>« of snlpt, and tlul coukl uwy he wed for 1M rokl undrT- ukro over by lilt VW Kubclwagcn ptr mlnUle. 1llc SlM raul round the rcar
Vtllled dock)'ll'ds all round Bntaln for taken by kwt Irucb. th .. Inter of (Pll~ 18) and other light and medium or plalform wc~ covered by hghl WIn'
the bend;t of m~rchanl slup crewi. vchlck w;as dropped :lItosnhrT In blc t)·pes. Tbe Illumatlotl he~ snows a m~ and OlXned Sldewa)" ..... hOl liloC
1941 III thf Inlerests of rlllOluhllllOIi BMW R7S combm""on m !He with a ¥~h"k WII deared (or aCllon. For
The majOr Iypes on the 8-c .....1 (haull r~onlUlsuna: ~Inhon oflhc Afnka Ip~lrana of the Mandard Sd Kf:r. 7
14 Car. Licht Utilit y , Standard we~ both UIc-rnIUy very ilmllar. ThcK Korpi In the Wntem Dc,..11 10 1941 tUCtOl'" lee Plltc tll In lbe prevlOUl
II h .p .• 1\l4t- H. U.K, ..... en: lhe CS (Ge""n.I ScTVKC) and ffW wiloCrt J ml"tu~ cl Kubdwagem and ¥oluIMlIlthn ICIlCJ. The SiI (Sd K& 7/ 1)
Another of the hghl unlllY I)'pa III the (fllted for W t~pcs. They mocor-cycla m lhe loImc umt was - ilia known II tbe M.ttkrc-r Zugknfi-
UIM da. II the AUIlln sho""'Il III Plale had a dctxhabk .....dkypc bod)' " '''h l)'Inal. Vlilbk hen: a", the vabsaon the wagt'ft 81 mn l-cm fllkVlcrhng }8_
17. the Sundan! """" I $I,ghtly largn onvil nit and foIdmg kgt by m~l/u of Slckcar wluctr arned ammwuDOll ~nd had, l o m~ ('fcwmd ..... e>ghnl II~ 10m.
,» '"
La", produc:non vduda 0( Ihll Iype hmceforth fined m t.M lup 1-1011 )1 l.orTy. Anlbulanu, Indian WInd! opc:rllor from any brnbgc 0(
(I~)- «) Iud ;wJ umoutro ab II chuN~ ,he MW ,ype bet ........ gruled Army Type, Au"..lia. 1941. AuJlr.>- tIw balloon abk dunng \0;1001 .... In or
!oho"'n In Plue J9. Sd Kfz 111 (MHoon ZugkranwaFtl 8t h. India/U K QUt opr1"lllon. Thu ~Juck .. as known.u
nm )'7-<nt Aak )6). Early veh>eln model WOTI by Ford. It mrorpomed
The Im,U AUJluJ~n Army pr>ot 10
h~ no nmour p'OC«UOIl and h~ the: lhe nornul FoldJon rommtrcuJ Iype
18 Lekhle Zuekraflwa,en Sd Kfz World War 11 obla,~ most Q/" liS
Ame appcarance . ..,lIh open ~dC1; and p,esM:d Jled ab (ef. Plate ll) but Iud a
I I ( Manomae) con verted to Ambu- hmllcci nUniNn of military ...ehICles
cab. :u w,own III Pbte n, Thc lilt'!' WD p~nem bonnet and mesh raJlnor
lance. 1~0-4a. CArm~ny
The buIc )-1011 Gc::tnun lulf_lnd
vdnck$ had an nmourro abo III
Irmoum ducld for the radlllor. ,nd
from Canacil. UlllIg whal were ba~a1Jy
comlTlCTcialcluwl, mamly Ford. Dodge.
gnlle TM V-8 '5b.h.p. enll'lIe' ....",Ihe
UIYW II 'hat fillro 10 thf romnKtCw
and Clk'vrokt. n- (IuJAI Wl't\'
dc:vc:lopc:d III t.M 1\1)01. abo shown \II "'oodm dropudn ~pl<1<mg the lubulat Fordson Th~mes uudt of the pc:r1od
Imporud In ·knocked down' form and
dw previOlll volulYW (i'b", U7). nus mtul Atk mb of the euher vrluck, nw ukmblcd III AlISlnha. LocaJly nude:
Anotbc:r !p«uI pUtpoi<' type em 1M
lighte, I)'pe of;aek "'u 110( usn! armou~ (:lIb""2$ open .f lhe bKk ,nd ume: ch_ used by 1M RAF "-as a
bodN:S we~ fillro to lUll rtqUI~ roks.
U lhe: bm,of;wJ AA vdude. betng u:tomdcd rearwards fu enough 10 COVCT tnsh lender whIch featured ~ f~m
This pncnce connnucd though on ~
ullh~ " I gun traClO'. mWUllon, tbe bmch M:at on whICh four m(m~nof compound link ~nd high prnlun:
larlln Kale: In World War II The
"tner, or d«onunlln~l1on veh lck, A 1M 7-m;l.l1 crew rode. Most vehldes Iud <khvery hotn and a",ocUied pumps,
veh.clnhown ISo( '1141 vintage wllh Ihf
few vdud", were, hO"'evCT, con ... ened a utlcld for the Flak )611un, though thc:~
Aultrahan Pallnrl fabnc ambulance
for a 'pc:c:w role-lhe: meUf of alrmm u noc orw on the example: drawn. nw body, Cab, bonllC'l. and elu",1 wert
H Lony,,)Oewf. GS,4 1e ~,DennlJ.
... hoK Iltenn "'l't\' dinugro III nadl addlllOO of armour 10 lliar Vthtc:1c:s III 1\140-41, U,K
(.om tho: Wondard 1940 mockl Chevrolet
upon Bnum and ... hld! UIYW down III t.M latin IN" oftbe " -ar tdlms t.M Ill- h,be If\I(L Thu I)'pc of \·thtc:k Wli Thu ,,<,h~k Wlli bwli f'OIll romlYWtniI
tM IC~ CIl rou", 10 lhc:v bDc:, Tht iulf- Cfnj,lng domlrunam!he au-oftbt Alhcd
"'Iddy u,ro on Far Ulinri froou,lNtU- Dmnu componcno 10 lhe lo-cwt
Inck conligunuon .. a. cboIm dUf to III :ur forces on all frona u dw .. M pro-
cularly III Indu 10 whld! many nhicics nllng for gmcrallllC on a"fwlth by lhe
IUII.&b.hry for opCTuaon on t.M ~ICIw:s grnl<d
of thll t)·~ wen: Iupplied. Ordinary Royal Air Force. The ab and bonncc
and dunes ofHoUand and Fnnce. Thne
dropildc argo truck! we~ .110 built 011 wen: ldentlal to Olhe. C'IlTrmt ~nnlS
vehlck$ patrolled thor eoU( wllh a mellor
)0 Ambulance. I ~ Ion. 4 Ie a, Ihll cha"l~ aU In d~ lO-CWI clau_ model!. A wooden WD tyPf body wal
crew. medial lIorn. and dUlghlCl
C hevrolel , 11140-41, U,S,A.fU K filled, pJw ~ huvy dUI), lowmg pmtk
aboard rudy 10 lid Iny Ilrmm ipOIud
p Lon", J IOn, 6 Ie 4, Ford. II lhe back In iC1"V1U mll vehlde, knoWft
III t.M IC~ MU tht co.ILK In t.M dIK""" Thll widr:ly uw modd wu baw on dw
whh Balloon Wlnch, 1\1.40-«, UK II t.M Dmni:l AM (Au- Mlnutry), ,,',11
~ w:o:n ~ FJC"1C1cr !i.tord. If"Xln pblle' rom IYWrnal CMvrolct Plnd nn and
used for any lisk from a'ryl" d~bUll
~IMJ uxd In dw meUf work. 1"hew h2Jf- I'CUIMd t.M 'Clv,ban' hood and gnlk Llkr AWlln (pu", f) For-d produced I
10 10Wtng bomb 1nUcn. It had I four_
Incb we~ opc:nkd by the ~ but kid heavy duty t)"fft and Othc:r 6 Ie 4 dW:llS UI tbe l-ton dUll and
(,)·Ian&r. 7J-bh.p CIlglIIC and .... III ft
Guud. The clussu wll $I1ncil.rd, ..,lIh nulHary fimnp. II rould «try four \tu, WII fined with M:Vetall)"pa o(body
10 In. loog, Thu ... chlck wu not u,ro m
only !he aravan-type body added Rretchn or 10 lC~ted P'&l}enl$. It rangIng from cargo type to houx IyPf
quanlily by any othrr ICTVIU
tq.IlPpnl all urns of thf AlYWtlCIn $Imllar 10 that fined to the Au1tm
forcl'l and wu 5C1lt .broad undo:!- lbe (Plale lOot). A mo~ ehlllelnUllC role:
111 S8 (Sd Kfz 7 1) with) 7 em Flak 14 Llghl Auillery Tracl o r, 6 Ie 6,
Lta.le-Lend Kheme: and mill)' wcre for Ih" Ford. howevC1". WII II a wllIch
J6, III.p- «. CArm.&ny Dennd Octo llt. 1\14)-44- UK
used by t.M BntlSh and Free F~nch. Tbt lorry for barngr ba.lloon opCI",uon.
Thc k(o..d m~1lI ty~ 0( moblk AA INrt,CIila. vehICk dnWft hll 1M mark_ Man)' hundreds of Ih. t~ of ... dude The U1S1ed only In CZflCT'-
... chlck on t.M iulf-tnck trxtor wu lOp of the PolISh O' ... ,~on .. h!ch lC1"Ved ~ used by lbe Ro)-aI Ait Foret 10 mcnt~1 prototype: fonn and WII dcsagntd
oneuuliy (1\141 ) !wed on !he }-Ion under BfIIlSh romm~nd. Thc Chc:vrokt prov.dc t.M powt'!' for t.M balloon to meet ~ .tqUIIC1llC1l[ (or IlImple: euy-
(Sd Kfz 6) chUIIS .. h,ch .. allM hghlo:st 4 )C .& hid a Ilx-cylmdo:!- m-boo: CIlIlIIIe' barugCl WI prOl«lro key nUl of Io-produce and malllUUl gUll trlctor In
type Ihal could uke the 1-1011 Wtlght of gtVI", 1 b.h_p . • nd wu '4 ft long and Bnt~m III the 1ll11l-4J pc:uod. A I<'pa- piau of 1M rdatlVdy com phalcci QWLd
lhe )'7-m1 Flak )6 gun mounl.ln 11141, 6 ft tOIn ..... <k Ilwcnt OUI Q/"p.odUCllon • lIt Pftro! mItlie' wu mounll'd on lhe naccon then In UM: for IN, fie!'! lndltty .
howe ... er, producllon oft ..... S-IOO traCior In 11141 but ~mamed 10 UI< IInul the rear body 10 dn ... e thf mclOkd Winch The design "'011 no ...d. In particular In
W<IS dropped and 1M Flak )6 gUrl wu war·, md. drum and a mesh age: proc«kd t.M dUPfn$lng "lIh ConVCllUOru! ~ptUlp,
on "J

Any .ough "d"'l wu abtorbrd 'nJr~:td 4_lltrcmI1l1<:orljb.h p .. thtumcpowrr pi," of 1M Ulu,,! 8cdf'ord bonnet o( tiM: Oycnlllel1gth ofthc NS>C vthlCk wal
by 1M 8QnI Iym. The OI"'I'IUJ pLan ratmg as Iht Ford whICh Iud a V-3 lime 111 orlin 10 cku lhe CIln-b~ atr 14 Ii 41n. and II Wit 11 It hllh or, Ii J In
aDown:! for ~llhl "'mil (hl:na ,he mgtn(". ThcHumbtrw;lS '. It I m. 1one (oIlCt whKh lhe "'rmy h"d, Iptofotd. The, " 'Ithout Iht (oldlns cab lOp The "X·
n~me Octobr) bur ,nne were: reduced to wh.k IIx Ford wllt 4 m, lonln' "lil The bon"" Wit rqardcd al a lem ponry cylmlin mJl.w ckveloped 11 b,h P
$IX In ordn' 10""1' dlC' vchock'i ,",,,,p. Ford (ckSlglUl~ won by IIx com· txpedltnt for Iht buill wu, .. Un. $evcnl spK1.l1 pucpow bod.!a wert
and DyenD Imgth 10 a mInimum. n.c ~ny) Iud a sbdmg wn-,oo[ TIw rClamcd for wbKquo:nt vdudes duo: to IUpplled on Ihll chulI' Including the
Oaobt fu,u,ni, umpk pb,form body modificallon .. u muk to sonx Hum- IU IImphaly and Ute oJ producnon, mobtk In nr shown (Plaie 39) whod!
...,th a InlCk I)'PI' ab on ,he prococypr_ Ixn. aho. nJ>"Uolly 10 tho.- uttd by In 1931 , more pownful m~ ..~ _ ont of a group of vclucki purchated
ThIS ...... rq>la«d by a bchdy ••m()\lned olfi«n. ckvdopcd and linn! and CO<Inngmcy by pubbc w,*npuon (or UK by ~I(I",
body "',Ih cmlrll conlrol poIIllon and pb.-. w~~ mack for prodUCI)OO 111 tN: ICn'Kft, The vduck dluslTun! belonstd
311 overlll cm ... uh The body (uturcd cvo:nc of .. u ... proV'lllOftoll pbn ;olIowrd 10 the yMC. .... "'norhtr common
J1 Truck. I, <:wt, GS • • " 1, Bed.
Immunlllon lod.en. Pawn QIIK (rom (or 1.000 'S CWO 10 be buill Wlthm 6-7 I)'pt Wl!t the Jill g~ Wain' unkn-
fo rd
I 9" -bt!"e u)'bnd cngu'Ie and the monlt. of III ordcT bema pbud. In whKh II oIluJlrated (Plale 141) 111 lhe
31 Truck. I, CWI. BedfoTd. filled
.. duck 'us abow XI fi long Ovcnll "'ujJ\ltl19l9thc lint SO Ikdford IS C'A'U prev.ous book 111 thIS 1CI"1a.
experimentally ... ilb lO-mm Pollteo
baght \O<II?~ ft Thcurl)n" ..ducks had wert orckml. ~ to be 'pank:!' for One IYpt whICh d>d not _ WlOo-
TWln-!kdfon! nllmct. N o prodl>C'uon carrying l-pd r ,nllo(ank gUDS. One of lpread IItTYloa WM Iht Bedford 'S cwt
J9 Lorry. I, eWI • • " 1. Bedfo rd
ordo:r for IhlS Ln~rnu"l vdl>d~ wilt IIocK vchlCk$ II ~own 111 PlaKe 141111 Iht filled wllh lhe PollIl'n »-mm lun 10
(Mobile TN Car). 19J9-4S. U.K
placed. The n.lIQV CX1olal"'. an abbrt- prn'IOUI Yolume, 1bcw vdllcki h"d, make a molnk ...... mounl. The Pol.lIm
V1~lIon for rlgln (.... ItH!) hght amDery The ongm o(11x Bed(ord I j ....... llruck. GS bodies bul weI"( filtn! ..,th ramps. WH I np,d-finlll machIne cannOll
tunor. o.w o( IIx hHt known of IU mllllny chocks. and ,mmunmol1 lodtnJ. In dnignrd 10 luppkmmt thc Ot:hkon
ychlCks, cUlts bxk 10 19H whm Iht Scptcmbtr 19J9 whm W;1f WIS ckcIaml gun of lO-l1lm calibre. TM IWI barm
War Oflicr htld llml (or new types of the planned ordn for 1.000 vth,des ..'"U wal PUI lillO producllon and VauxhaD
H Ca" Hnvy Utili, ,., " x ••
lorry lnd inVited VauxhlU Moton Lid. pla«d. Of theK 4110 Wt~ eqUIpped aJ were ~Jked to dcJign I IUlllbk mounl
mlken of Ikdford Irucks. 10 enln' Iht 'portfts' and the olhcn Wt~ buolllS GS wluch could be uted on lhe vehick.
]6 Car, Heny V .Uhy. " )( 2,
COtnptllllon, The firm Jubmllted a bsht truck$. Wnhm a few Wctb. howe veT. remoyed lnd convened ' 0 a lowed
Ford, '1141 - 44, U K
VIll and IhelrJllndud commerrull·lon new CO<IIUCU wcre pb«d for ' 1.000 w~apon. and brokni down IntO blll(
TheM: ...'ere.he pnnclpaL Bnusb Iypn of lorry. Wbik tht van SI'o'C' III indJfftrC'llI ' S"",'t lruekJ. 511btequendy duJ I1Um- rompomnlS for mule tran,pon, The
vchock uxd ;III m.Wand command nn pcrrorm;m" IIx lo(on lorry proved 10 be ber was con$lcknbly Inc~;ued and Iony mount wu abo adapubloe (or
II ncry nnpo.unl lcYC'1 of command. 1M mOIl cfflClenl in IU dau, n'm Bedford IS twlS mack up 10 a I.a~ pro- ground linfll In IhlJ QK the wheell_
WhIle of IIclKnUy .. mUir alK .nd IS;oJnll $pta~ milll~ry dCSlgnJ. Vau •• poruon of the ljO,ooo vclucki budt by wruch WCK mounled on Ilub ule$. were
.hlpt'. dlC' Humbn- h~ (O\.Ir-...!ttt1- hili accordmsly finn! IuS'" I)rtllnd I Bcd(orddunng the Sc:00ild WorK! War. remo'lCd Ind JKks WCK filled ID lhar
dn~ unlike dlC' Ford. The bod'C$ wnc brg'" 'coloruaJ' Myk ndUle." and forrIl nus 1S-cwc dwsa was known as the pia« Dnogn o( th_ PolllCO-S.... mounl
all $lf'd and wen: Slx-tC'llm WIth four lhe vchlck 10 Iht "'rmy (or 1n.W. With Btd(ord MW 10 10 nukcn. The NS>C lluud m Jurw: IW and the (omplne
.nd<V1du,,! tn.1S "lid (wo 11~Uf' ' 0«'1. revwon 10 lhe duua 10 'mpt'ovt GS trlKk _ltWDly II1lended u a I~ $plftrl wu ready (or (CIt I(Yen weeki
$IoruJ' KIIS " 1M hiCk. There wa III ground cklnna :and. I.1tn', modt(1Q- ponvdtlCk (or IIx II1fantr)' plalOOll but lain, Pbm w'"' nude for 11);1.000 of
opmIntI(Wo-P~ udgau and I (oId1ntl lion to 1M cooling Iplan ,Ix vehlck II wu, In fact, W\ckly ulft! by aD umJ. In ~ gun mOWlII, but duo: 10 lack of
map uhk bdund dx (rom tn.u. The 100II ~n In dar 1936 tnlls. By 19J11 lIS OI"Ismai form the Bedford IS 0.""1 had productJon rKlllllft Vauxh.all mw
IWO reu KIIS couJd Ix (olded down to plUpilK.bwlt Bedford WD (War III optn cab. (oIdmt 'ICf'O' Iypt .....nO- only 100 for uub.. u1mllllind demon-
Ia~ tlx body ckar (or kNd (UTY'ntI DrpIrIlt,",I) pfOlOlype Iud b«n com- Iludd!; and canval llde loCiCUl$. ... foldlnl IlrallOll. In 1M eYmt duJ IImpk and
..·hm ffilUtml In 1M Ww:em DrKu pkt~ sull bued on the ~oo commn- hood ga~ hmlt~ COVCT 111 batt wealher. ctftctl\'t weapon was not uta! 111 com-
both IIInt I)'pn Wtl"( tomtuma modt- CI~ ch_ nus ...;as nted &I IS 0.'1 and From (94). howe\'n. a mo~ mdoscd bal una the ... llied llf lupenonty of IIx
(1ft! to lUll the duruu by CIItUr\I oKlht w;as ltno'N1l;lS Modd WD I 10 Bedford cab WIth llde door.. a canval lOp. and la. h.J.I( ohlx "'II' ,wdued mobile ......
roof and rtpbeJnll( with. nnYl!t (old- ... dlJllnctlW; (~IIU~ ..~ tN: wmpk penpe. lIde ICr~ repbad the culy moWluofduJ IUIUI"( qUI~ unnculluy.
1111"11. Thc Humbtr Iud I ...~ylmdn'. tq~rcd-oK bonnrt ....!ucla w;as fiurd 111
open cab.

." u,
40 Lorry. J lOll. 4 )( :I. Bedford (Plate 40) wu mamly UHd. IN...., nthtt ntaI hona and Inlkn JlIU UHd m ncnl"l firm. It fonned I rradIe 10 hold
(Slorn V • .o) dun III the field and had I ~nl«hrucon ~rcelt«h.wy wori:. an .ur(nR fUJCblle, and h'8h OI.Ilnga:cn
41 Lcwry. )lo n.GS.4 K 1. Bedfo rd body. The unlU.w bread nn (Pbte u) The Bntuh Army .....dc rd,,"vcly could be illite! al Ibr "don 10 IUpporl
4J Lorry. J Ion . .. K 1 , Bedfo rd w;as used by field INkma and could hlNled UIC 0( al'l1cuLued kwI c.amen Wings verlle~lly. Sma.llllrcran could be
(B,eitd V.n) . 194O-.U, U,K. carTy 1,600 Io.avn fully loaded. Vl World War II Such veluda .. Wnl! ca rried complete, as wllh the Spitfire
The 8cdford ayO j-tOMtt had a IlICd were employed mamly " depot. illustnlcd, but VCTY I~rle alrcrafl .e-
ACttt d~ 8-<.... 1 and IS"",'tloma the IllloCybnckr, 7l--b.b.p. mgLl~ and "'"al ralher than III luppon o( (orward qUIJed .... veral luticn 10 carry the III
Bomn M~tu.ruj;lnon ~nmml pbn- lO ft , III.. long, 7 R I ~ In. WlIk and lOft ~helom. ~ maJ01 UICf1 of these seCtlonL Ann altttnatlve to lhe Bedford,
nat new Iorncs ttl the )0><'" and )~on .I 111_ blSh. Bed(ord ~on outfitS weI\' lhe RO)"a1 CrOll-ky or Commer pome mown
al~ora. ~ )0><'" cb....;as a con- Navy and Royal All" Force for whom a were used With lhe 'Quem Mny" , ~
unwlUOII. of the Inlu-wn 'lIpl lorry' 4l TncCor, 6 10D, .. )( ~, s.dford, number IIllpeaal purpotr Ir.llien Wtte Scammel coupbng devlCt was noc UHd
c<u~ory but (;as (u as MW moods WmI) with Torpedo Tnnsporter Sem.l_ budl WIth lhe ' Qu«n M>.ry'. Instcad a baD
.. 4 K l Ulher Iblll lhe old 6 K 4 con- Iniler Pbte 4l .noWl. Roy;>! Navy veludc Iype fleXIble couphOll dailncd by
filluuu(>n. n..:, j~onm'n of the mttt- .... Tnc:to., 6 lOll., 4 K 1, Bedford, Wlth a torpedo carner trailer whIch wu Tl1ktt wu UHd and lhe oulfil wu per-
wu penod Wnl! abo of 6 K 4 type wltb )-IOn AircnR Tnn.porter used on nav;>!alr 'lulontand fordo.ohve"" IIla~ntly coupled III normal elreum_
bul the M .... buildll1g prognmme called Semi-nailer lOll torpedoes from ordnJnce depou, Sl~ncn.

(or 4)( 1 Wr»Ol1l. Vawdl;ill. who H Tr.clor. 6 lon, 4 K 1, Bedford, Above II Ii iIlown the Swordfuh, maR The Bed(ord OXC model &-Ion
malk Ikdford" had not had any .... rVlOl: with J-Ion <ArlO Semi-tnoiler famous III the RN lorpedo bombers. In prImo.' mover relllllntd III productton
cOIltnm Nfon: the "lr and the '5-<W1 46 l-IOII <ArCO Tnller, 1940-45, Pbte 4J IS sho ...... the.Mme oxe pnffiC until Ibr end of the w.n. Somt vchKla
(pble )7-79) wu!har lint Ytty StIro U.K. mOVtt With the JUndard WO pattern of th..lS type ... el\' IUpp[1I!d III .maD
(ut cffort. [n M1y 19)9 the firm wu carlO lrailer, whICh Ii more (ully shown numben 10 comlllCTcuJ openlon under
lilted II) prqluc 10 bwld jo-cwt and The Ikd(ord oxe ~on pnn1C moYtt Wlth ItS Scammd cou pl,,'1 dcviee- W~ntmt ngulallortl and Incx Wnl!
J-Ionnc,"" 181111 UII[,SlII(I U IJI.'"8 com- WII a ,.,m ple .dJpuuon of the Jllndard III Pllte 46. ThIS ItIIler wu budt by used either WIth the cargo .... ml-lr.ukr or
mercial dnlgns kuubly adapted, Soon 1~1 eb._ wblcb more usually .... ven J fi rlTlS 10 llllltdird don' lln. T .... o co mmercul Iype ICml-lullcn. T wo
a(ltt w;lr brokeout contracts Wnl! placed formed rht: ~ ... of an ordlllary I~d other IC n\l~ r.ulen ~mg the Scammdl nolHCrvlcc tYF" of ICmH n 11cr used III
(or 5,000 Jo-cwt and It,OOO l~on carner, and w.u Wo UHd for lhe 'lorry, coupbOll devICe were a 1 .7~lon sovttnmmt ' ... orks' ICTVlce ...ere a
vchKJa.. lbnc "'e~ lubtcqumtly m- armOl.l~ ann-unk' mown 111 Pbcc (uri unktt and a ~11xd Iniler. Bod! ~ntcchmcon I~ enclosed load carner
c~ased g~atlyand by 19<1' ova ljO,OOO II ProdIKtKlll of lo-cwt Irwks w;lS were IUppbcd (or the Bed(ord ~on wllb lick and end doon and a bus or
Ikd(ord tnKks (of aD 10m) had bcm redU«d for military IIIC afltt 1940 m prime movtt_ pcnouocl carJ1t'l" WIth SIck WIndOW'
mMk. ~ Jo-cwt If\I(ks (1CC Place ll) faVQUfofthemorrllSCfulandlulef J~on Pille ..... hows .... hlt JS probably the and ... ooden slatted .... ~ts for SO P"-
we~ duconlmuro urly on but the 1- types. The lo-cwt chU$l" ho ..... ever, bat k.nown ofall the w"'" me anKUialed scngcn. A few oflhe lalltt WCfC.ascd by
tonuer beame the major BnUln ICn'lce remalOed III producllOn III III modlfic.od vehICle" the 'Quem Mary' alfenfl the Ro yal Navy, tlOmc conwrled to
Iypcand Bedford Wnl! lhe mam builders form .u a pnme mover and "''U filled tnmpotter ICmHniler. CJbc mCktuffiC mobile cIiurooml for dock y~ rd tUlnlll ll
wllb thnr (amoU$ Mode[ OY ThIS With the pJlenl Scammell coupll'f (or owed Its onglO 10 the great Jo-(I length ~.

whKle had the comml'f(lli Iype pund ICml-lr.lIlcn whICh .... u automatic In III the scmHrailer.) Hundreds of thnc
Meel cm wnh the umOUJ 'sqw.1\' ~' actlOft and aDowed lhe pnme mowr 10 'Qu«n Marys' were used by lhe Roy;>! 47 Lorry. ) tOll, .. )( 1, pilon
bonnet (hood) dUI had bcm IJItrodU«d bad. up 10 the scrru-uaikf and couple up AU" For(l' for the tKovery 0( da ..... gcd W.ler <A rrier, Bedford, 19<10-45,
m the I s-<.., . Thr lU~rd cargo Ind: aUlomuclly. [I could ,," rckuc Ilman or the debvtty 0( new ones to UK
(pbcc 41) had a wooIkn WD pUittn 1'-' ....mHrWc-r to leave II for k»dtng, airfields or depotS To Ibr publIC lhe
body whtda W;IS bier repbced by a md Ibr ..... clsht at the (ronl end oflhc tr.ukr 'Qu«n M>.ry' w;IS _ and ml.l IS-I A tlUJor I)'pe .uppomng forw~rd «he--
body (Pble 41 ). btl", rakm by roUer- filled retracl.ble Ipecucubr ,,!!hI. The ' Queen Muy' Ions WM the 'w;lttt boWiICf', lhe
11lcre were numttous lpecill bod~ 11m. filled each , Ide o( t'-' coupler. ThIS !I"alln wuofthe low IoadlOll vanny and mlJor lundlrd Bedford OYC J-Ion
and vanana of the ~'K vehKIe and twO (.. mow mechanKal deVla: Wlll bt (amI- W;IS sp«ully bul[1 by o( chaws.. n.e, link I'C"Stcd on ~ cndle
of thex are $bown bert. The Jlora Vlll bar 10 eVC1"yonc who hu ICCIllhe mcctu.- Andovtt, lhe Ibm well-known eOll'- .n.. ched 10 IN;- dUo"" memben and

". '"
lund-", od;w p"mp on Ihr luk "''' "wd "'hm drvdoprnrnl of Ihr • S~WI Iype Dt-nnn mobile fi~ pump. F,~ Tcn<kn txh,b,uon vrhlcies for Army dupby
(or ftlhng and rmp()mg ",brrI O"I"dr WII proc"(hn, V,uJdt,lI', r"l'''"'' were wed by Ihr .... rmy F,~ Scrvltt .... ork. Thc .. chKIe dn .... n _ a
sourcn .... rrr ROC n~,I,bk. Th .. walrr Mlggntrd dlt fuublilty of prodUCing bod! In 8nla," and o\'eTlex 10 protect "Iuadron tommlndcr', vehlCk III thor
'"nk ..... "'. produrN frmn 1\1••. bu, " four· .... hrr:l-drlw Brdford and IUtrd nllllllry mlulbuom. Bcrkilu~ and Watmlmla Orlloom
Ill ..... II "'u gwftl " hra"a jC'C g.ulon W"", Offino ptntllJPOll to procttd w'lh The other ",ehocles Wao ....n here Mve (I Tcrmorul urnl) III 1965.
link. A "ar lImlbr look,... vdude ""Ii , d.nlgn. Inlrrrsl ,,~rxprHSO:d but I~~ varlOlil YiIIIH)'pt bod"" ror !-p«liI Thrrc wac: other Imporunt \'truoru
Ihr I'C'lroi unka velVOO ",'ho~h h"d. ..... no urgml requlTernrm, Howe ........ rob The Mobtk Canteen (pb~ ~) orlhe Brd(ord QL amOTlf lhem I Iroop
howeva., brgn d.iamo:ler link olloo- won: on " Btdford • l( • ydllek p~ _ oprrited and manned by ea ........... IIh Pdr cIoort Ind It~II ITI the
C.ulon OpiCll)', A 1M'11I fnmework ""'11 ettdcd on I 'Iow pnomy' !miL The dlt N.AA F,I (Navy. Army &nd Au body, a pnnlt mov .... for a J'"'OO tll"Jo
P'0YlCkd round !tit unk and In f,,",ud OUlbreak ofw"", III Srplembrr 19l9glve Fora InstlNlr) for ...·ork In North West: Intler lIihov."IIlTI Pblt.6. a lUll "'ctor
,~. dUl IUS oovnrd by" (;ulYU nil 10 I m"JOl boo- 10 Ihr prOJ«1. V'UJdt,U', Europe 'Rer tbt .... lItcd bndtngl of (or J Bofon ,.o-mm AA IlUl. a.nd ,
dll.guut thll Imp<n1M11 n~'1 lrue asked 10 gl~ lop pnonly 10 p~ June 19+1 II ..... filled out III tbt wua.! petrol ank..... The ~ Brdford Ql
funrnon (,om tlltmy iuallt and uul- duang the Ij-("\l,,,, lO-CV'... and j.IOft way for mobtk eatenng. ",th In urn$, GS lolT)' ...... 19 It. In. long. 7~ It "'.,
In)-_ I)·pet.. IIrr1<ly dftcnbcd. as Ibnc- Wt~ conftcllOncT}' ncks. and botplna for and 9 It 10 UL high
,,~ndy nreded. Meanwh,1e they wac: d.iJprIUlOil $rI.Icb 10 oK-duty IOIdtcn
10 proettd at ona w build lOme prOl~ and ' .. men. The Mobile Labonwry
" LOrTY. l ton, .. ){ • • Fin T ende •• jJ Lony. J Ion, 4 l( ... Bedfo fd,
I)']X. II( 4 models. The clru>led ~fi. "nd ,,",1;&/ Su.,ery uwd by Fldd
Bedfo rd experimltnral (Bltdford Glnrf'e)
Clllon ... as apP'oved by OcIObrr 1919 Hospulll, lhe Lauer oulfil betng fully
"9 LOrTY. lIon • • l( • • Mobile and on February 1$1., .~o. the fint lodf-conlilntd wnh Ihr Or.lV3.ll Inlier
j . LorrY. lIOn, as
(Bedford half.
Labonlo.y. Bedford Inck). 19.0-.5. UK
.so LOrTY. lIon. 4 II( 4. Mobile prolOlYpe Brdford "x • lru~k was ...... 1"1 as a laborilory_
~"dy for 1ru.1I.. an ulOIUuungly rUt Thr Command Vehlek (Plale 51) n Thcx .... ere t....o elL"I'C'Tlnltnu! vefllODl
Canleen. Bedfo.d dr~elopmml ptnod evm by ...... rtlme oflhe Bedford Q L WhKh did noc _
j I Lorry liOn. 4 II( ... Command
rcp rnc:nliUvt of a nngc of ~ry im·
Vehlde, Bedford
mndmb. Thc Bc-clford QI.. (II II WII ponant Iypa whICh ..u had ," nibr S<"VICl' bUI a~ nonthdesl Bood uampla
b ...... nlled by Vaull~l) .... an cnllrdy ""ooden '00\,"" bodta bUI were o( lhe uk .... !lUI .... err m cd OUIIO Improye
j1 LOrTY l .on. .. II( " . Mobile
new tk1Ign. bul u pro\'rd to be almo'll equIpped for d,Kercnl rolrL These I~ pOImllal of motor Ir.lnlport und«
Denial Su'Cery. Bedford. 19.o-H.
murely fret' from 'leethmB lroubles' Included offitt. elpM oKItt, .... Ireless combat condmonl.
UK Wlllkt man)· ne.... models, and Wlrek. ,ernunal v"hocb. T~re TM BedfordGtnft'e ",..,anaUtmpI IO
ProtNbl) thr most r,moUi iU Dmuhor Produ~lIon of the Bedford Q L !-lifled wac: ",vew denll d,K.... mcn bet ...een mIke a moIor vehtdc oplble of very
World Wu II umy kll'T'lef; "';lj I~ very In February 19. ' and conllllued 10 lhe lypa,l[!I(lud lnll vaned cIoonnd .... moow cI«p \Ioad1l18 In nva erOlPnp and
ramdur K]~rt-fronltd Btdrord QI.. end ol l~ "''''. by wtum lime jl,J.5. p6'1tlQrU.. A frtqumdy '"'" filll"l ...~ amphomo..LancltngL A 'y"emof
(QL belllg fkdford', mood dnlgru· had brtn built, a numbrr whiCh &r a pmthoult (Itrlled) UtcrulOll to each P'oofi,. yeludl" for sh,lIow \Io-..du'l
lion). nus vehod" IOU aC'lu;&lIy drv.,.. e.ettdcd the loW for any other Ind!- 5MIe of lhe body whICh _ rolled up and was evolved dun,. the ...... ye~n. bUI
Joptd Ip«'.illy ror nuhllry Wol'. '" (on-- mOlkL ..lIched to tbt body .... heft the yelude lhere ....u a SWplClOll llul tins mllhl
tTlle to t~ 15-("\1,'1, JO-C ...... "nd J·lon Mmy dlffi.ormt 1)lX' of 1p«W body· ...·x on the mow. A ,ma.U pruol-dnven not prow adeq~1C AI I lI.and-by ror
• II( J mockk whIm wac: 111 !mially work ...·t~ producrd for t~ Bedford lmentor Jnd U ln baurry sto..... producuon If netcltd. V,uxh.ill IIlem!
wpllllOru of commacul cksogns. Ql. and 6\-,:, eumples I~ iho....n here. "''M proVIded In I~ rna,1lI of .ill thae a Bedford QllO WI ,II rnaillt ob Ind
Ap.JM from I fe'" tJtl'C'nmenlll IYpn Tho: FII"e Tcndtt (pla~ <lS) wu amI-- bou,.,..bodtcd veluda to pro\W pown gt::arboJl: ""'<'tt on ;ul dtYiltd Ilrder
&nd 1M AmeflQll FWDof 191' ymuge. lar 10 lhe baSIC 1'"'00 load carner YtnlOO, (or the: ...."ea and bghll"l equtp~DI . fnmr.... ork 7 It lbove ,round Icvd.
tbr Bnmh Ann) had noc p~ ...ously ...,th $lcd GS body. Thc onv. nil. Btdronl Qu ol Ihll I}"pt .... e~ 1M CIwn dnw from Ihr garb(lI; 10 the
uxd fow- ...·Mc-I-dnw (. II( . ) vehleb. ho ....eva. concnJcd a m,* romprt- Ionga1Alyed of IU ....arnme Bnmh Inmfer boll O~Tnme lhe tnnSmIM-IOn
The adYlom~ga of dill I)·I'C'. bod! ror nr.u.w ttl offirc fighWll gor including ~hKks and I few rrnwnrd In "'tv"" probkllL Thll proved IDOII luccaafuJ
on- and oK-road work lOe~ obYIOUS, bddcn. t.oto:--..acks, toOk and ;ul auxl-- • blC. 191'0- A pricr-ume role wluc:h and .... ouId undoubl:cdly ha" Ix-m of
ho ... e,·rr V,,,:dull's IIllerne In thn lyl'C' hI!) mOlor..dro vnl pump butll In it 1M ... 11 round (or IOmt: ofthctc .. ducks ...·u Yllue III .rup 10 lhore IUMfa of' arBo

of vthtdr ",,·ml back to D«cmbrr 1918 back. Thn; y"h,ck norm.uly 10...ed a u mobik rccru,,"'1 off,", and mobile Iud the nrcd for such a vehKk amnl. AI

IC h~l'pcncd me u(emponn method ckploymetM oC me DOIOno.. '". an~ UoptcallO am"". The vcluda I'vt' :Ill n Milderotr Geland.,. ...I ••r
evolved for vnccrproofinc yetudcs _ tlnIt Illni thar proved deadly I p ' _ U«lknl pcri"ormanec. could. dlmb a Lud"..flwa."", (Opel 81hz, A
su(cdsful ~nd wre Wit no funher Bnluh laW IrI ICVCnJ oC the mlJor I Ina lInd!enl, w*106 ft dRp, and had Trpe)
rcqwrcmc:nt for Jp«lIhJcd (ypes,
The Bedford H~f.(nek (popubrly
danl enlagcmenlJ of 194;l. ScYcnl
German half-tncb were c:aplu~ In
J JFeed kner thin i' m_ph. Plans for
ma produCtIOn w~ PUI In Nod. bul
Sl Gll'i",.nen·Lkw. lT, M.uhil'f
(O~ 8litz)
c:aUed the 'Bedford-8rcn,) Wit a ychldc lood orckr, and one ....... Jc'nIIO Vaux- lhe wlr ended hefore any furlher pro- '9 Mildefl'r Penonenk..flw ••en
Jlmibrmconccpuon 10lheGcrm,n Opel h,II'1 (or complece oYerhaul,nd ICIOnl Ifni Will mack 10 IhlJ connecnon. AU (OpeIBlhz) Wl'rmac.hlbu., 19.. 0-4$,
Mlulner (pble Sl). In pn~lpaI ob,FC1 AJ a rHul1 oJlhu work VaullhaD were «)<lInea were cancelled and tIuJ promu- Germany
was 10 dupc_ With me rear lyres II , ad;nllo design, dOIC «Ipy of!hc Jun- IlII design W<ilI premalurely
time whm rubbn" Wit tara ,fter me dndGernun Sd. KE7 h..aJf·D"Iaembody- The Bed(ord BT wat 21 ft 10l'Il, 7~ fi In lhe bile 111.101 die GerJllMl WaKenaml
J'PUlCX ottupallon of ~ ol the Ina aU me fealure oJ (he German WIde. and nurly 9 Ii hllh. Tnul welghl (Orcbuncc: [)rq>Jnmml) Iud dnwn Upl
ru~ .... produona: counlrlCS olme EuL vducle bill: UIUlJlI1g at (ar III posahle ...·.6 IOnJ 161 <:Wt Tl"C!U'~mI'TIl (01" ~ IlmenJ mlhury load
The MUluny olSupply dlerefore look J Mandard Bed(ord parts. The rcsulo"l carrlC'!" In the l·lon (bs wuh 1M 6 to: 4
"Jncbrd Bedford QL and replaced the YehlCle Will dCSlgnarni !he: 1kd(Of'd 8T dun. ronfiguulIOrt. Thu Iypc of
Ten wheels with the ITKk umlJ fTom I (8T - Bedford-TraCtor) and code-. yehlCle wn Ycry Amlin 10 the IOn of
,6 Car, Heavy Ulililr. Ford, 1940-
8ren Gun uTTler. The TUT ,xIe ollhc named. 'Tncbt ' for 'Trl(ked bpI lruck kltlJ ptodllCtd lfl 8ntall1 II Ihal
4', CanadIjU.K
Bedford ....... g",rnllO dnyc (he sprocket ar ..Ucry In(fQr'. Tho:- y~Iu(1e wI.! 10 be' nme. An adnnllJC o(dIe 6 lit 4 byoul
whcch oC me Ina _mbbcs, The raul! 'uruvcral' in fimn($10 enahle 1110 haul Yf:! Inother velucle bated on 2 ovilian ..... n$ rcI,l1Y1: .. mpholy. !he dnye
WM J vdudo: oJ clIC\'pu(nw tnct...~ '7 pdr_. 2, pdr., and Bofors suns wlm IYPC yelude. llus wat .....,.uaUy !be beltlJ confined IQ the rar bofpc. ,ndlhc:
power wludl could wc:D luw been pr~ MlUable aowage for !lilt yanous Iypn of Nome at me Ford Heavy Ullin)' 5hown Ion« hlp CIuI40l ....1udI (aciliUlcd lbc
dU(Cd In IIJOwn nghl It a sundard Iypc. ammurullOCl 10 Pine 72 ucq>e mill! WM baJcd on the fimlll of 'p«:DiUt bodywork. $evenl
However, me 8nruil miliary 'uth~ Like the German h,lf·lncu-de-- 1904' pToducuon mock! Ulber than the manufKlu~rs buili n-uda IQ ,Jut tpttdi·
1IeI, unlike the Gernu", (and me Knbcd 10 lhe previous yolume-Ihu 194-:1 model. 10 Iyplcal HUce c;ar body 011100, Indudmll Krupp, DilImlcr_Beru.
A mcnnnnllhn tln~)d!d nOI f,your (he Y1:hI<:1e had do...: 10 lhe 'prockcu Ind differed JJlghdy In Jlyh"ll (rom ,he 19<4~ MaglNS, and Hauchel. 11Ie gencnl
half·uKk mode ollrlCOon. A. It lup- Mee~ ItI Ihc: UJuai manner on lhe rronl vt'rJlon Ind II wu Ie. iayuhly cqulpped 'pprl/";anc:e of me Iype II Ihown In
pmcd the Jhorugcolrubbn- wastMX., axle However. Ii>«e _ aha a lleenng for mlhury ..ork. Some ychlda oClluJ Place 122 of lhe prcYM>US yolume whICh
leyere III had n fin!: been envwged and 'yscem hoked IUIOnuoca1ty 10 me Iypr had roo{NlCha (\R Ul,nd (Id and ponnys me HcnKhcl model, Dilimler·
no (,,"her productIOn or devdopmml Incb whICh operated when me MCCO", WI!CT nru an"bed on lhe OUlJlde. The Scm alto produad tome ali-wiled
look pb« with lhe Bedford-Brm, wbcd -ml kyond. a «ruin mllumum V-S CI1I"'" WaJ nlcd'l liS hop, 2nd lhe dr,...: yc/UM 0( thnr own. .,me of
lock. To proyook me rw<' I ary POWCT II .... hedb;lk' 2nd ocher wcre lhe whICh enum! miltll/")' IeTYlOC, and lhe
nurum~ ClIpcn~. IWQ ordmary Bedford IOIme <ill lbote of the 1942 model. n"s Waffcruml lito produad 10 19J6 'u
,ruock I'TII"lC'I wc~ uJcd 10 (he aT 1941 Y1:hlCk.,1 4,2JO Ibt w. nearly 20Q own dcsIp, lhe EmhcnsdlttCl, a 6 lit 6
H Field Arlille,.,. T...::tor, Bed-
mounted lick by SIck and gearnl 10 a Ibs he,ylC'!" INn III suc«UQr. howcycr , (aU wheel dnyc) IT\I( k or IOph'II1Clllcd
ford Tradal, 1940-45, U.K.
common dl1ye shafL In many WIYS the Thctc can were uJcd by lhe Canadian design wluch wu lfllendcd u an cyenlual
Though ,he Bntuh Army Iud ehOlftlIO 8T WM Mlpcnor 10 me German onlmal and IJnmh AnnlCS, mOIl of thOle sup- replaamenl (or !he 6 lit 4 1YJ'C'l. M IU
suncbrcbx on wheeled amlkty tnt:ton, Nugm, pal'tlCllbrly 111 10 Mow'lc pbed 10 die ialla- mill cmP'oymlrl me name Imphcs mlJ vduc:1c Will dJdlCj..
thor; huge ItICOeII oC the Gcntl.lD h..aJf_ arnngcmeno. AU Iockrn W~ I(CUo WCSIcm Dacn and luly_ The pam- enllned. panly 11k,", InlO KCO\InI
rnck pmoc movt'rs (~ p~iouJ Slhle frQm oulJlck the vduck Ind Ipaa: cubr Yehlcle 5hown Wit UKd III the Germ,"y'J prtrokum mrugc-II ;ill
yolume) p~arly III the WCJlCTlI Wat weU IIICd. Even lhe IpaOt WIder the Watcrn Dcw:n and ponn)'J a rayOWllC Iud IQ be' Imponcd - wluc:h mllht well
Dnen CJmJmgn led to Ieco.w;I!houghlJ lealJ Ul the rear rompanmcnl WIJ uJcd IoaI modlfial1on, the remov~ ol!hc become ICUIIe 10 lhe O'UII of, blockade.
on ,he JubJ«t. The German lem!- (or 'rady usc' ammurul10n lIowallc. complcce roo( II ,I., duplays lhe red! [Thll pcnal lhorugc a Inyc
Irl(:ktd Yehidc, gayC J Ycry hIgh 'go Sill Bedford TrKlon wcn: bUill for whllcfbluc 'Ir Tecosmllon Jilin uJcd 'n ~,llIy, o( rounc, lala- lfl lhe w,r.)
anywhere' suncbrd o( moblllly wluch tnals m 19<44 and lhac werc ICllcd by the 194-:1 In the dacn, '1w;llhe camel marklnll TOJflher With lhe numeroUi dellgnl
wat uJcd 10 load adyanllJC III lhe flSl Army under condulOlU nnlml (rom ollhe HQ MIddk ElM bel", prodllCCd III other load c;al~O~

'JO 'J.
!tile Gamm nuI,ury Innlf>Ol'1'ny~nIOfT and frone dnve wfi added "villi ' by the W alfcn-SS toovcrcomc dte ICYCrc !he ml* .mporum and ,,'ucovued by
Iud b«onw cnorm~y cottIy and ch"," oi tm fOfWlOrd IFCC I. Exlenu.Uy, mud and II'IOW condmOlll o(the RUliUn tbe Opd Bho. and otMr maka. B
txlremdy comrllc.uotd III ~nns of """''evn, lbe two moddl ~ppearfd (.one. wluch dereua:! tvro (our.whetl ck ..."bed lbove. An ~ucdy ",nlliar
'P'" pun ~nd n""nnu.- by ItIt bll: ,Iml* idmllal. Necdlal to uy !he dl1v~ In .. luI proYa:! , IUcau/i.ll prodUCIKll1 ,rnnlftJlelU Will mack (or
19JOI. The:re W~" oY~r 100 In.d; Iypc! Opd Blitz T)~ A h..d I rnsolUble Upcrlmtnl lhe: compk~ IfI(k iWCm· lheM'YY (... h ... ern) t.uckl" the: 4 , Ind
,10I1ie. In add.iuOll ItIt n~w ",nd.ud IYpc'S crOM-Counuy performanc:e Ind WII bha (rom obsoklt Plkprw I hlht "nb 6'S"'0I1 Clltgona Dllmler·lknz, DUf-
like 'Emhcm.(hn~l' "'~" very txpmllW de'llUta:! 'mmkrn (I~lanckl'nilln) wen: addtd 10 lhe rell mullt rnmn. IInl-NAG, ~ura, MAN,arid Hm ...hcl
10 produa, To nl>on,hM' Iht molor L~kJ'lft ...Jo~' (mcdJwn nOil ~OUntry The dnve wI!: Wli reduad 1Il1mlth ;l/ld produced deIIl'" 10 met! the lp«lfia.-
Inrupon SlIIUllon, c::m.-n1 VOll Scht:U lnack). The Opel Dha ..--. bwlt Ul Ylil the • .do: _ moY'Cd forwlrd 10 hnc up n()l'llnnm~roneor both ofthea~lorlc:!o.
.. 110 "'U o.ff'Ctor 01 Medumunoo numbers. A total of 40.000 v~hocki wu wllh lite $prClCkC'l wh«k. The C',.,wng TItc B; " np,i!Wlltinve 0(
mlodc m'Jor rfYUlON III tht millury K~ukd fOO' '1M' p.odllCtlOl1 alone. bnke drllll1l Wtft rcwntd for SlCftIlll the whole tertcl, being produced II
vduck prOC\lr~mctl( The There were also, of courx, nuny Ipceul attherelr.ll ....iU bewm that thercsu.lllni atha' an 5 Type (.. x l ) or an A Ty~
ilIm 10 WI down 011 Iht num~ oi purpOlC vamnts, oyer 100 d.ltr~mll veh.cIe "<IS noc unlike lhe Bntoo Bcd- (4 x 4). II h..d, Slx-cybndcr 10, b.h.p
mockli u~ 10 ~hmllulC ovn-cl,bon~ types bellll recordnl. MOM Imporunt (ord·B.en (piaI(' S4). The Iccady 1m· dll:iClmBlIlCand ""u6(t 10m long The:
Ind cosily deSlgni, and .at f" u posslb~ of Ihc:w: (ulura:! a houtMype body prova:! performance ltd 10 lhe M,ulll~r vehlck mown W;at the mockl "SooA
adopt designs Iud both m.hury (E> which could Ix helng ,dopca:! H' Mandard 'ype, By mid which Wli III prodllCtlon (rom 194' on.
Ind commaaal ,ppUcaUOtil. In tht caM' filled II' worbhop,laundry, bbontory, 194J m~rc we ... ,,400 Maulucn m As tbe model deIIgtullOl1 .ndKalc:l llus
o(tnacb Iht (OOOf JOddrnnlldcsigllloi (()mmmd c.lrav&n.. ndlo ¥Jon, apba ICIVIOC producllon ceaied at thll WB' .. .,-ton veluclc. but Buwnl·NAG
nrbn lb.,., were rtducotd 10 JO b3PC olfi«, .mbul~ or for dounI oi ocher tllJtc Ul (,vour oI'purp!lle-bwit lIacton ,Iso produad an extemaUy lloular
mockls, purpolft. The box-like houx body Wli (or tht £litem front COIlYn\lOCU to III the 6' 5-1011 cluJ.
In Iht J-IOI1 (or motdlum) n1tl<WY lhr mler.: oi wood and compCCSKd ard, Mlulucn Wnl' amcd out on Fordi,
IlUJor and mOK ilKcnUlIi design wu p.utly (or calC o( prodUCIIOI1 and 10 uve Dllmkn and ocher Iypes H wdI II 011
the Opel Blitz. TIus WB I 19j1 dntgn m~tli uter III tbe Blltz'l producnon Ope1s. 61 Schwerct Lastkraltw •• tn (0)
(rom Opel (ttlt German lubsldllry lire II ' ....11 11Il"luly fina:! wllh Ihe The: Opel Bha ccmained I mlJOf type (Tal" 650<1/111). 1940-4', Cucha-
then, u now, of Gen~ral Mocon) and (,moUi 'nUll· ab, a wood and FrnICd for many )'cars. [n 194J Dl1mla·Bcm $lovakll/Gernuny
WB qUllc eonyen\lonallll byout. The: cud ItNCtucc kno..'ll ;at the 'tulhem- commmcC'd bwldtnl 81nz'l WIder-
Opd Mock! SJ.~j6. IOgl~ III maker'l r,hrerluut' , 'I;un B a INJOO' «OI>Omy licmcc III (,vour of lbe comparable Desp.tedlt nOOll·hutJOn broulbl ,bout
dcsilJloluon, "'U I 4 II l ~luck wllh m~uu.n: ...·hom Mm b«amt lhort. D"mkr d.mln, and lbe Opel b«,me by the ScheU Prot;ummc, tbe W~hr·
prnted JItd cab and bonnet. a j ,6l6-« The IUrnbrd Opel Dba. • ~own .. lhr m,JOI' German mlliluy lnack o[ machl SIll obulned nu"".. OUI vnuclel
"-cyhnder roglllCdcvdopmc " b.hp., Pb~ H, .. !uk PIaI(' sl ~ows ,nocba W orld War II The Blitz eonllmicd U1 wluch (cU 0II1:SIer.: the ...opt orllul
and I S i~ prbo• . SUlpe!lSIOI1 "'u commoo vduck me lO-<aDa:! ' Wn- productKll1 weU p,iSl tbe tnd of lhr war programme. For Iht mOIl pan .hetIC
by con ventional Iea( Ipnnp. Under mach,·UUI' wB.lonl ( IS fi 1 Ill.) and III .IIS-T)'pe (orm beamelhr rtWD- ..ere typc'S whIch cmalUltd from ~oun.
Iht ScheU Prognmm~ aU ttlt 4 x 1 whetl!»M' verSlOl1 of lhe 8hlz Willi an iUy of fOIt·wu German commcr~w tnc:!. likc fnnc:e ;l/ld Czechoa1ov)k 'a
v~hlCln Wnl' dc:!.lglUttd Type 5 (5 _ ~nclO5cd ommbus Iype body. f11ltd Ir;l/lsport. whOit illdultria ... cre IUmtd 10 German
Sundud). It wu then plumed to pro- " ' ,m M'alS III Iht nornuJ Wly " could ~ aftC! thcor .c:!.pcctlve countnct ~
.III« (our·whcd dnv~ Vn\lOlll o( all any lei Joldacn. The: iClU " 'ere remov· bcaI ()\·cr.J'\ll\. Cucbodovalc.u h..d a
iuncbrd Iypo. prcdom.lUntly ro.- mUt.- Ibbndlht vcb~kcould be filta:!lIlMe..d 60 Schwertt GelandepDcicl!t' vcry adntlCcd mOlO£ mduury and Will
ury IIJe and tbcx"'nl' daillUttd Typoe wlm Itmctter ncb 10 KCOmlllOCUlt Laltkral'twac e " ()Jiiuinc·NAG). IUnu"l OUt Wlme of the be.; c,", uucb.
A (A - Allndantrxb _ ~ whetl 1J mnt Ul the 'mbubn« rok (B ill ..... 1940-4$, Gammy and unb .. the world when lbe counrry
dnye), II w~ 19.40 bc(On' the Type A Mutcd). AI yet ,nocha , II (ell IIltO Genn;l/l lunds In 1919. For
y;manu wml 11110 production. In m~ could Ix filled;at a command o r The SctltU Prosummc o( lund.l.rdllCd ~rmlny lhe acqulSllI()l'l or I quanUly of
cne oi lhe Blla th~ .. h~lbOliC Will map anY;l/l (or M'1llor officcn, trueu called (or vchlda. III the I' ,-tOO, good qlUbty nulll"y equipment Ind
ibortcnC'd by 6 tn, III ItIt A van'lX and Tht third vchlCk ibown hen: (PIlle J"'on, 4 '$-I0Il, lrid 6',·tOl1 chua. O( wcD eqUIPped fa((ontl provtd 1m·
lhen "B a IWO ipeed Inmfl'!' ~ubo. SI), the MauillCl' (Muk) wu dcvdopcd lhtiC lbe J-ton cb. Wli numencally portant. 1111: SIIIld.l.rd Cuch link be-

'J' 'll
(;lime an 'mport2rv: ""ncb, d ~nnan Wntnn 0 ....."'1 by !be 8nl"". The (;lib ..mraon<il· vducla. and the VanQUI Ford (GS) Iypc corrnporodma ID Kyle 10 Incl'
Iy~ (and go I~ helpm nub up the and hanna wen: h commen:lll Utilillft (pIlla. 56 and 72) and !be Bnllsh cqwvaJen.c:s.
numben of unitt n:aiUbir for me, (;11m-. prewnp but the cab roof Will made Dodge trueb (pblle 61) were I)']»QI of ulemaUy the CMP vdueIa looked
p.1'gns cI thlll y(;ll'). S'm,b,ly , VUI n:movabk for II'IIPPlII8 and/or opel'll_ veb,da In tIus alC1ory. all abkc, cbffcn"l only III Mna1l <kU1Is
numbcrofirudutttud lhe Wo:hrllllchl mg The body ~ allRed. 1lleft" w;u Canadun uuek produalOll raDy got like !be anlk or the mHCJ1' hadgu.
Ind n:1IlI1~ VI p,oducaon for supply 10 abo I waIn- l:lIIkn- Verll()n of Ihll mOO III s.mdc af.CJ June 19-40 wbm dw Imcnu.lly they dilfen:d m having !:Other
Germ'ny. The Tun. 6jOO ,nd l1ooo VChleR with. body Slmib, 10 Ihal shown Bnnsh A,my 10M lhe .rclln- p.1rt of III • Ford V-a en8'1IC and InnsmlUlOll, or a
models wen: ulC',mlly Slmuu, riled I( on Plate 6-. "Jbac, vducks wC'n: UKd for motor transport and tanJu III Fnncc at CbC'vroIClRn.'Shc we: C'ngllk and tr.nJ.o
6·S 10ni a,1d , .OIU respectively They rhe Arne roJa ill rhe 8m""'-made the lime of .he Dunk,,1r cvacuauon. mllDOn, :t«O«tmg 10 manllfactura.
we'n: u~ as huvy (;II rgo (;limen by lhe rqulYllent 'ypes. The Dodge 'S-(:WI W n:h BnlUh mdwtry al,eady fuDy 'Thc first CM P p, odualOf\ veh,(1a
German AmlY, They wen: aboul ~, fl wu ,6 ft 9 VI. long, 7 ft I In. WIde, and M,elched and Dnum lInde-r lhe Ihrul of wen: n:ldy by Inc begmnmg of I 94cund
long, Iud a V-Il dIesel au-cocobi IIId a ..... ~ylmder 9S b.h.p. mglllC. mvasoon and bombing, the Onlnh firlt equlppm the C'Xpandlng Canacban
engm.o:, and wC'" of.he 6 K 4'ypt· Tbc 1lleft" w~ abo> JO<W1 and J-tOQ da Govl'nlmenl looked 10 Canacb ill a Army. By mid lIMO luppha were bcllll
1,1Ie prodU(UQn vduc:k thown has !be Dodge rrucks of Rmlbr Iypc and With IOUr« of frfth IUpphn. 80th links and knt 10 Onmn :and Commonwealth

Emhemf,hn:rhll.B ' _ t t ' eab whteh
Inlroduced nrly VI 1!U-4- Thll
wood ,nd com~ end Knoetun
tht Nnw Ityk of ab Ind bonnet.. motor vchKIa were ordc:It:~ on brge
numbcn mel IhlS wu the bq:mrung of
Can,cb'l b'F ICI.Ic mvolvemcm In
trOOp III the Middk East and lOme WC'n:
amvl.1Il 8ntalll.. By 19-41 prnduc:oon
had ,eached a mammoth seale WIth
whICh .eplaced the urba- pll I'M ,,"I 6) T ruck . GS, )0 on. 4 )11 " , miliury lruek p«)ducuon. narly 1110,000 ~Iudcs compktcd. A
(;lib, ,he ob.tca bang 10 AW Km whte:h C h... rol~ C )O 'The nttd for lIK:n:ateei numben of year blCJ dus had reached nea,ly
by thll lime _ VI very thoR IUpply. 64 Trudr;, 1.5 c wt, 4 )11 I, W.ter mlbury vcluc:la In .he cvml of hOltlb- JOO,ooo.. TouJ lruck prodUCtIOn by
Th.t:s Ame p.1l1em ab-n:cogIUAbIr by Cbevrol~ C I.5 Ua. had bttn 10 _ ClIICnt forel'!n 10 I9-4S was OVCJ " S,OOO and CMP uuckt:
III !oquan: bu ...-IIn wpc-w. allO 6S Truclr, I cwt. 4 )II 1, Wlt.le... tht mod-th,rt>Ct and cxport models of formed numcrKally an ImpOitant pro-
filled 10 mOIl of rbc ScheU Programmc Ford Fa levcnl typel of Irll(k WCfC al,eady portIon of Onllsh and Allord Vch'CR
vehlCl~ meludmg !be Opd BII'I. 66 T r uclr, 1.5 CWI. 4 )II .., C hevro lel belll8 lupplled 10 such Commonwealth stTcnglh
The (0) III .he Gennan cksIgn;mon of C I.5 A or 8rmsh-prOlecl«l COWllnei ill Alliin- Ourmg rhe 1\I4O-4S prodlktlon
thll vchlCk Mood for 'handt,bllblte:h' 67 Tru<:Ir, HNVy Ud lhy. ,, )II 4, Iii, Indu., South Afnca, and Esypc· perIod ,here wcn: I few map changes..,
whICh IndlQ!cd a commcreu..lIYpc, I.C. Cbevrol~ CIA Subsequmtly the IWO Ia,gnt vc.hKk cksIgn, Inc mlln one bung a ehange of
a dn"" outlKic lhe Schc:U Proanmmc. 61 Trl>Clr. ) IOn, .. )II ... Ambulance, bwlden, Ford and General MOIon. (;lib and bonnet ",hlch wu qWIIe d ....
The Tun III n:1lW.OCd go product>(lll Chcy,ol~ C60L deodedoo pool thCIrdaip In !be (Vent nnalvt. The early Db WII known ill
VI ClCCboliovaltu fot many y(;1ln potI_ 10 Car, HN'7 U tilit y, ,, )11 " Ford, of fulurC CnlCrscncr p~ IU a the CMIl No. II and WII of fnlly eoo-
w"" and IOIUC an: lUll 10 be IoC'ftI m com- 1940-41, wnacbfU K. n:suk of thll a lerla of dc:sIglII known ill vcnllonai appcann«. wcD ~"'n VI
maaal taVlU. CaIUdw! Mlillary Paltcm types ...m: Pb,c ~ It Will IMk openmg and the
Tnacu mack In Canada playro a vll<il workrdoul by Ford and Gc'Klal Moton hudlampt wen: mOllnled on the wtnp.
role on the Onmh and Common wnlth (Chcvrokt) In COIIJWlCtlon w,th the: A shghdy mod,fied Iy~ Wll the CM P
61 Lorry. GS , 1.5 eWI. 4 K I. war flfort, wnacb Iud a growIng Canad ...n War Department's Army No. 11, shown VI Plate 6), wluc:h cbf_
Dod,e, 19-4o-4S. CanadafU.K all.omOlI~ mduJlry In lhe Imm«bale EnglTlecnng ~gn Branch The range fned VI haVing a bonna ' ....1 opened
p,t'-wu era, mOM]y by CanacilaTl- corresponded cxacdy WIth the cJancs from lhe top on IO-OIIcd 'alli gllor'
Thtl wnadlln-bwll Dodge I s-ewl wu N~ IUMldllnes of maJor AnlCnan tncn (19)1-40) bt'tng evolved and pro- "ylc, Thll orIgInal Iy~ of (;lib was
u~ by tht CalUdan Army, bUIll wu firmL In p,t'-wu yeus ,nc very small duced m Bnta'n, IUlTII'ly kwl, I s-cwr, cnlK'.cd by 11S1I5CTI for bang crampm.
supplied III IMgn numhn-l .0 .he IUndlllg WlUd,an Army II~ adapled )O<WI, l-ton rrucu :and fidd IrtllJ,cry and n:stnc:led. Thll Jed 10 tht mcrodllCO-
Onlun Army and !be fn:C' fund! (one commcraaJ lyptJ of lnack.. Modlfic:a- IraCIOn. Unlma.ambuilnttl,:andochcr non on 1941 of, new p.1l1em ab, CMP
of WhOK vduda ~aluns III the dnw- 1_ IIIdudcd web fc,rurel u nclVY spKUl bodocd lypaI Wen' 10 be pr0- No. I), .... hlCh wu ww:lo:r and lnCOt"-
mg), • wd ill OIber AlIHICi :mTI.oa. Thll dllty .)'res :and other military limnp. duced on the. Vll1O\ll e " - alio. 'Thc porlled lhe hndbmp m a WIdened
1)'pC" W. p"ueubrly wu.kly wed m dw Thete W\"IC u.o,..Tt as 'MoWfitd Con- uuck bod .... ,,'nI' of the 1J<'IlC" <iI taVk:C bonnet. ~ was a ww:Io:r Ikcper WInd-
'J< OJ,
JCTen. which IIQpnI forwa,d vc'y petrol unit VcnKlOll of thII modd WffC "rum" and other IOUrM of waUT millury \Itc. Thc frone md wu uknucal
duuncCl~cly alld ......:11 sho .... n In PI..~ produced Filially Pbtd 67 and 68 lobO"" Iuppl). wre 10 rein>( cMmlOb In.o bill the Malf l"lIr had ihr Mock mree-Ioghl
66. VUIO.. nIlKhfiw versions of ,hHr vtrslOni o(tbe helvy uuh,y trucb budl lhe: Wiler '0 rtnder II unlit for human Alooo. body. unadun ..btllh Kdm had
abs lito UlHW (c.l. QpCll-I OppW 00 CM!' chaull. The: major Iype wu W cOnJun'p"on. Only Inllll numbcn of "ght·hand dove while U.S. buill v"h,_
')'pa) but .hac .... Cf( .dlm·dy nrc I-c.... t. CIA, II ,modd ... h,ch (ntered lhat; I'clu(lc. wcrr ~Ih and dIU 'ype' clCl- uwd (,"ly by US forcn - relamed
1lIC' vehldn Johown h<tr ....... JIW a few prod...rnoo In 1941. 11 ... .ua vcry popular, al trud.: ..... dropped II an carly dal( dl>( the: ongmal left_hand dnvc ~nd .....:R'
I)'plal CMP modeb ill!Ulnllntl majOr ""'cJkqwpped trpe uwd by ,.u armJ In to the I'n)" Iomlln! u>( 10 whKh" could MlIIdard '" cvery ...·1)·.....,th lhe 'Moo:k '
be put. 'yrCllnd ftndn-t.. All that; Ford. Fordor-
Pial( 61 shoWi .he: lo-cwt, .. II ,
thecommandandbllllOll.ob. The:body
w.u ,II N«I. Am~bn«, ,uK CU, Wire- blloed vchlcla h~ I ... h«lblo~ of 114 In.,
model. In Ihll ca~ wlm CMP No . •1 Ie,., and nllchll>Cry and bght repllt a 9,·h.p V-8 ("IIUlC and .... Crt 16J; ft long
(;lb. The: unloC vehICle wlS b\lIh wlm l'enlOtlI weI( abo budt UloInlll ibr Arnt 71 C." Lilb, Sw-n, Ford llA and Ii II I III. Wide (Ii ft 7 In. III the heavy
!he No . 11 and No. I) abs. and WIS pro- bloilC bod) . The 4 II 1 mOOd (Pblc 7l C u, H""y U tlill y , 4 II I,Fo rd., unlny) .
duced by boch Che:vrokt (C,O) and 701 .... uwd mamly In lhe pcnonnd 194~ U.S.A./Canada/U K
Ford (F,O). It ....:u alto ",""de wlm:an AA UrT)'1I18 role :and ..... an carly produc_
Ir.ictw body, 11 mobdt offi«, and a lion type, dloC body btu", buill In BnulO Thll II anoc.hrr u~.. mple oi .. bUI(;IUy 7) Kkine Keutnkn.Rnd, Sd K{z J for l·pdr ann-tank 1I\1f\. II was 00 1M blo.: kw. duUII. commerCial 'rpe which wu PUI 1IItO 74 Kleine Keueun.Rnd ScI Kf"
I~ ftlonll andlhc:Chnrolctllx-cyiLndc. The fM..1d an u luy lra(tor bUll, '" tlloC mihury k!"V\(C In lar~ numbcrs wlm J / I ( Lln .... l.yer)
mgme was ntn! a. 8S b.h p. CM!' range u cov..... n! u . ller In I'b(( 1 only Imlll changn 10 lUI! 11 to umy " Kleine Kellenkuflnd Sd Kfx 1
Ph~ a.. shaWl a wain" tankn 00 tbe AI can ~ scm from JUlllhr fcw exampln rtqwrcn>(nll. Ford 0( Ca!lllb produced (uMd u lun tJ"K.or ), 1940-.... Gcr-
Ij-<'ll't du._ and wlm the unw ~ Included here, the Iknbwty ofibr CMP thll I)'pc fOl" Bnmh \IX, mough many
pIlon uuk I i 00 Botuh IJ-cw1 WD nn~ WH rrmarkably compktt ....,th many w(t"( abo wed by 1M Canadl1ln
1}'pC wun tanktn. In Pb~ 66 II Iobown
:an kwt wlrrl~ Irud: c:unly IImilar
.0 llntnh ty ..... (t« I'ble lJ). The body
maXimum In' .....chan~abdlly of pam
whICh 100II: full adv;onu~ of ,be lughly
developed How bnc p.odUcnOil Iylleml
Army. It ....u bllCd on 1M IW Ford
Fordor 1I111011 Wlg<lll whiCh one of
lhe Ford flllillC of can mcnlOld 111 U.S.A .
The iO-Callcd Kiconc KCllcnknf'nd
(tmaD lraeto.) wu unlql,l( '" bctnl
Virtually a h.. lf.u.ldt mOlo,""ycle. It
.....0$ rrmovable and could bt IUpported wed by ibr Cmadlln 'nICk manu- and Ca~da. For nlunary k!"VI« II WII WIS cicullnnl by the: Walf(naml (Gcr·
00 fold,", JXIu. A perro! drlVm gC!I(- rlauren.. gll'CfI Ollhl-Nnd dn\'t' (lInCI: It wll nun Ordnancr Dcpartment) ua 1940
nUll" for chartlntl the ndao blon~ pnnopally ror deb"rry to Bnum), Ipcofiully 10 proVIde a bghl lramport
could bc(;lrncd In lhe: 'pia bc!:.... fftI me, heavy dUly tyres. ~1dnI lM'adlamps. vehl(1e for parachul( urutl. In prxaor
body and tbr ab. 69 LOITY, 15 CW', 4 II( a, W ••cc IImpbflCd and lucngtho:ntd ftllden n _ bwIlro tbr ftUXimum d,mC11l1OlU
Thel"\' Will abo a pcnonncl anlC'r C on'.miDlltiOD, Monlt C SI, '940- rrom and rClr, roll-up bbekolM. bhnd$. and ....elghl whKh alIown! I! 10 ~
verston of thll vehicle wlm IInlLllr body. 'S, U.K nAc racks IIIlIck, and Other milnary carried mlll.k a Junkc" Sl th .cc-molor
The: 'S-(""''t urp truck '" m, II ,form IUnd.ard fimn~ mcludmg a lin! aid Irlnspan alfC:rlrt. wluch wn 'M "an-
IIshownmPhte66.l1IccDrnpkdrawn A I~ ...·cll-kno .... n type' ohp«o.>l pur- lock ...... It could arry Up to 5tJI paUtnlltn dard 'toop a.rncr of'M luf, .... af]'"e. The
Jus tbr CMP No. I) ab and 11«1 body. poK truck, thll vduc:Ic "'"lI1 bun! 00 the pha ,he dnver. In KI"VlCI: thll I'chode rront forks and limnp u.rnc from I moods h~ the CMP No. I. or 11 "UKbrd Mom..<:Gmmcrtui t S-<'ll't _ mlmly wed by HQ",ffi In aU trpcs mOior-cyclc whUr 'M uxk UIIlU ....crr
ab:and a wood body. A nrtanl h~ an maws (l'late 154 In prcVlOllll'oIumc). II ofro rmlnOll. Many ....Crt wed by InI)(M" almall KUr VCTllOO Inc:ks uICd on
ollicc body of the: canvu covcrni lund rnoembln! ~ wuer or fuel bowxr bUI III o/fi(c.... A .oof rxk wu I sundud ,he normal half-track tnaon. 1\ q-
which wn cx,cmally IImlw 10 I1M' GS m~ rWicnon w.u tho: mOl( IUUIICT One' fimng though thu wu tomCllnid re-- htl( Opel J~b.h.p. rour-c)'luadcr car
lruclt. Piate 61 shows dloC 1-ton. .. II .. al .... un COOlanilrUllOn-l"\'mk-onc all moved. lU '" 'M vchlC~ IlllUlrlln!. Cnll'llC was wed as tbr po .... n unit $.coall
ambubntt modd ",.. hKh had a houSl!- drlOk,", wuer outlets unuuble to tbr On tbe ume chl_ boda Fo.d of .... uc provided for lhe d,l\"n and tWO
I)-P: body for four IIm:Chc-n or lOlltling mrmy. In 1940 ...·hen IOI'IIIOn thra- C.ullIcb and Ford U .S.A bu.oll IhrIt pallCnacn, and IItr body ....·ork (.... luch
CIIa Thll ~hl(le w.u 19 ft long alld
7i ft ... ide Cargo, GS 'nlCk, upper,
offiCI:, denial lurgc.y, breakdown, and
lmed:ll any mOnK'lll, numbcn of
vehicles ...·cre held ready to d.nCI:nd on
wuer pom!!, wlter maim, nvrn.
wdl~ry Fordor.rom for military UK.
mawy.a $Wf ca. Thll "ch,CIe had dloC
IOIInC ch)nlles u tbe ulilily to $UII " fOl"
prnscd IItti. The vthl(~ w.
alto ulCorporaln! dloC rru IitHI) .... u m
bwlt by
NSU, tho: .... rll·kno .... n molo. -cydc

'J' 'l7
firm. and wml 1010 terYltt III 1941. II role wben II. proved to be 1O",",,1u1 un- 191C1f and the modd R 100 heavy On th" vdlldr lben " 'ere (Wo lar~
...11 fin! UKd on acun ",rvlOl: III the 11.- sam{acrory, Thc artdlery Itxtor "cnIOQ artdkry lractor m ,a fuwllm form lIowaF bo~ which formed me bod)'-
borroc bndmp ill Crne the same ynr. n:pla«d " III produrnon Ind fint nllered Xrv1cc In '1117. II Ius already work elm Sldt of rho: JIb, Tbcx acled II
The vchICk _ Ulotd pnll(lp:illy :II ~ mitred ",.VIOl: tarty In 19+4 II ncvn hem delcnbcd and IlluMl'lItcd In lho: 1001 bo~ and al", orned Uti'll balust
~pply and ammUIUUOII carner or as ~ ~pla«d me 1000g ",... mg Scammtll. prcVl()UI vo!UIllt. bUI II " ho:rc ~own w~lghu. Tho:n: "'as at", an """f" or
Inelor for lhe Ii gh I weIghIIOU_QIII< guo, howtver, IhQugh IhIt model of AlbIon (Plare 80) In Iii 1Cn<IU form III II appeared nsid toW'''Ilrm, whld! could be wed
or hOWIlzn1 (plale n) IUCd by LuftwaKe ~malncd In post war Krvlce for lOme In ' wupamt' In 19« Tow'llI a 7·1-10. for h,uLJ"I hghler Iypa of vehICle An
pnachule I'CJlmcnll. The Sd K& 1 ~an. A bclll:'f known. and mon: IUC_ gun. U>e vduck dJwtraled bdonsed 10 I-ton wmch. dnvm Vl1 power I1ke-olf
remamed In . . . WIth lho: pan(hu~ drY>- cntiul vchlCk was lho: AII»on ICHon onr of tM AGR..... (Army Group from me tnnJLnUI>On, wu Ioated m-
_ until the end of the war eVCQ argo lrud (modd CXl)N) wh>e:h Royal AmllCTy) tcrV1,.. JII haly under ade lhe chaws. The Scammd
though .Ivy thvwons WftY 1'lIn:ly used Iud d~ 1I<IlC mgmc and "':11 of wmlar tit Annycommand.. Jllusan ' A' battery down {factor W:II 3 mOlt Uld'uI and
In the lubome role IrUr 1941 Produc_ appnr.rncc 10 the gun tractor txcept thll Ilgn on me cab roof !be body w;u "erallk "rrudt, I.IIl:d on ~very fronl
lion ceued 1fI 19# A fcw of lhese " hxla forward COQuoi eab and a cor- Slmllu 10 llul ~own In PUle 76 u.eq>t and In all Itnlch of Sltual>Oftl. lbough
veh.cla Wo found IMI. way 1010 army rapondlngly longer body. thlt II had I hard metll-pancUed lop. A wed predonunantly for recovCrI"tI d.>-
lunds and wen: uted for msur>n m Tho: Albion hnvy ~rI1ll~f)' fl'llClor ganlry ran lhe Imgth of tho: body tnl,de abled wh«1cd vehICks. lokllful handhng
Norlh AfriQ and 011 lho: Ru~ flOOL WII wed mamly 10 lOW 1M 7· ~1n. gun for handhlll ammunmoo and stores. by a tt~m or thr~ Scammdl could aho
VarwlO were lho: Sd Kf:r.1/1 and lho: or Iho: ~In. boWlUft. It hxl a IIX- ThC'fC gun 1n(lon lCrved until 1945 and npt m ovmUfncd unit. For heay~r
nf)' SImilar Sd Kf:r. 1/1 (piau: 7')' wluch cylmder 100 b.h_p d ....... mtlllC, wu beyond and many reQWn In UK loday, work _ ,Se,mmcilr; WCf'C proVIded
were ldt.pbOIlC Qbk laycn ..,th I cabk ll~ ft long, and wnghcd J- O¥U lot 'dcmobdncd' t i snoWTI'ICQ'1 or faIr_ I w~apcd earth anchor
red carned 1fI I cndIc over the cmlm Ions. "could cany a gun errw of.o mm, ground rr.r.:ton. (wtud! lIuched II. the rear ofme chuw
rnSll~ romp;.rtmmL The ddfncnca plUl battery uores and 'rcady-utc' am- Thr ScammcD en-. also formed the mcmbcn) and rubber and dwn ovcnll
bnw«n ~ IWO were III the Iype of munlllon. !ben: WlIIa roofhuch m the haw of the Bnll~ Army'l Mmdard In(U (Pta1C 79) wh,m could be lilled
cab .... IiShllnd Mavy 1'np«lIwly. ab for obtcrvloOll or AA dcfrnce wllh Mlvy breakdown t!letor rqllaC'lll@: an over the fl'Ir whccb as shown tn Plale
The Sd K&l wII9ft 10m. long.) ft a m)chulC gun. auorlmmt or euher Iypa whICh lacked 7'179. ThC'fC lumcdlM vehICk mtowhal
l~ In. W>de, and ) It .oj m. ruSh, II lho: power and IiflllLg apaCity for the Wlll vlrt~lly I half-Inck Ihough IMy
wftghcd l.l60 k.i.lognmllDd Iud a lop
Ip«d of 10 kmp.h, 11Icrc wen: SIll n Tank Tramportft' and R e-
new hca\'lCf nhlCla ... hlCh enlCTcd
ICfYICC after .94Q. !be ellly model
Wf~ neM umvtrWly liked. Pble
$boWl lho: exccpuonalilexiblhty of dw
forward ~an and IWO ~"enc. cover ,. JO toD., Tractor and S"m.I - SV/ IT (PUI1I: Il) Iud a folduta; ~II pb Scammell', swpawon '}'$tcm, a~lucved
TnlJu, Snmn." U .... Iuch Wlll 6xcd m one poIlbOll and by lhc heavy tramYft"dy 'pru,.. front
7' TrK'tor H M"1 BrMkdoWD, Iud an I-Ion .... mch bdllnd the cab. Tho Ide and lhe .ndepmdrntly Iprung an>-
76 H ctlY)' Artillery Trac lo r. 6)C .. 6 x •• Scam m ell SV/aS Wlll qUIckly IUpencdcd by lho: model C\lbU"l n:;u bog~.
A.lbion CXll, 194o-'l. U .K. 79 W .O. Paltern rub ber 0"" ..11 SV/IS (Piau: 7') ... h,m b«ame Ihe The ScammeU Mary breakdown
l rack. for Sa.mme ll R Mr BQlle mlJor Iypc. It Iud a J,b WIth an arm m,nor Iud an utcpllonally long 1Cf''Iice
The Alb.OII arnlkry IrWor WII pro- 80 He." , A.tUle ry Tracl Qr. 6:0: 4. whICh could be exlended n:arwardi and car~r, lOme rcmalnmg III UK unld the
duced 10 men lho: IIIlW rl'qulrC'mcna IS Sa. mm f ll, R . IOO fIXed In any ofthrn poII.llons. A hand bit 1960s. Very nunytx-Army vehl~lcs
the SammeU InctOl' thO,",TlIII PUle 10. h TracIGr. H NY)' BfNkd ow n. WInch 011 the Jib ,uppom adJulted me WCff IOld commcrci.tlly and rcnwn a
Thc Albton ex Xlid _ produced 6 III . . Saommell. SVIIT. 1940-'l, um 10 lhe reqUIred poIlnon. AI malO- qUlU: common Jlghl IS IICrVICC WIIOIL
from I'W' OIIwuds and II With me UK mum extenSIon IMJlb would hft lions, recovery "ctucla. The Scammd ti(ny
ScammeD men: _ al» I ""ok tnn5- II .ts mLddk poII.llOO " would hft J Ions, Btnltdown T~or wl$.zoi ft long and
porler vananl. Thex Albwm WCff !be ScammcilCtlClofvdudcs we~ the and lithe ILIner poII.UOII up 10' 10m. In ~ fi hIp. It Wtlghed lbout 100 tons.
QCvrr IS popular IS 1M Scammell,., longetillCf'vLng ofall In the BnlUh Army, order 10 keep me fronl olthe vdude on l.aII of the famous Scammen KMeI
hQwe"er, being rllher MaV>er and It. Thc Scammell PIon«r, whICh lint tM ground. Mlvy pIg .. OIl wnghu WII the T Ink T r.rmponer and Reco"ery
powerful. Thc AlblOll ex "'lies fint fellured 1M famous Scammell atll- could be ilolled In nnOIll combuutiolll Vthicle (Pule n) whld! WI$ produced
IIwlCrvln. In fact, In IIInok Il'lIo'ponl:'f culaullI tnr bog~. appeared UI me laIC 10 a g.rdtr bracko:c on d~ radlalor frOllt, l$acQmplnc ourfit made Up ofthr 6 II 4

'J' ."
IraCior iucIf and a lo-IOO seml-lTailer 81 Saommell Petrol Bowser for S9 Truck, 1! to n, 6 )( 6, c.rgo , commercial purchuingled 10 the oppo-
wllh folding ramp'. The ITailer w:os Bedford 6-ton Prime Mover, 194(>- GM C, 1940--45, U.S.A. SIte eXlreme. By 1915. afler only a year
pivoted on, lurntable: on lhe lraelor. An 4j, U .K. of commercial burrng the vehicle In-
II-Ion winch in lhe ~ha"il Iw .a whip ]n lhe Uniled Sial"•• flera few allempts venlory numbered 160 different Iypes
b,~k ov~r a sh~ave on Ihe semi-I";ler Plales 4j and 461how a Iypical combina- to build protolYpe sundardised vehicles requiring Ihe lIocking of nearly one
end and could IK used to haul (or asshl) tion based On Ihe Bedford OXC prime by lhe Quartermastcr Corps in the million differem t)'pcs of spare pam, •
immobilised vehicles on to lhe trailer. mover. Anomer semi-trailer designed {wemi" and early thirties, Ihe Comp- sinUlion which was aIm 011 impossible
The .... w:os a (fCW lhelter jUst be:hind Ihe to be hauled by the same IrlClor unil lroUer General of the War Department to administer.
IrlClor ClIb. The fil"Sl ScammeD recovery wu a fuel tank (or bowser). Various finally decided mal all snch acriYili~ By 1919 thIS led 10 an arrangement
vehicles wac in service in 1940 and Ihe eapaoty tanlu were supphcd. mosdy by mould cea~ as an economy measure. whereby purchase of each type of
Iype w:os very widely w.ed in aD lhealres. Scammell whose palent Irticu]alw The Chiefs ofSlaffwere also in favour of v~hick: would be: reslTictw 10 IWO dlf-
The .... was a ,imilar COmbmalion with a coupling (clear]y mown in Ihis drawing) giving up effora to evolve staudndised fcrem competing commercial mahs.
~o-Ion semi-lrailer. Total weigbl of me was filled 10 the Bedford IT::IClor nnil. Iruck designs beau~ Ihe only earlier Vehicles bought WC"TC 10 be: ordinary
lo-lOn semi-rrailer and Iractor was jU'it This meant Ihat one tUClor could allcmpl to produce IUcb vebicles (the lIandard commercial Iypes wuh mili_
under ~o 10m. and me overall length was handle morc th.n one scmi-trailer, thus Liberty .!Cries of 1915- see previous tary modificalions restricted only 10
49 f18in. ensuring maximum utilisation of the volume) had ended in fiasco with long towing eyes and radialor and headlamp
AD lhe SClImmell vehicles had a six- traClor (i.e, empty trai]en could be len delays, walled effort, big expenditure guard .. Procurement WIS limited 10 five
cylinder Gardner diesel engine of 8'l for INdIOg while fnD trailen were and lillie: to show in terml of completed buic vfhicle caJ»citics, ~ IOn, I~ lon,
lures rated al 100 b.h.p. arred away). truch , 22 IOn, 41011. and 7! Ion. By competitive
The parked trailer was suppoTled on However,me yean 19]0- J4 saw some bidding, also, Ihey reduced the numbe:r
the 'jockey' wbeeh vHiblein medrawing. uloCful progrn5 mwmu d., ide;. of a of makes pnrchased in 1941 to JUII 16.
These were IUlomuially retracted once standardisation policy, and lhe Quaner_ Enconragemenl WIS given 10 these firms
SI Field Arliller), Tn cto r, 4 )( 4, lhe tractor unit backed up and engaged masler COrpl managed m draw up on 10 ulilise (ammon acccuoriesand mcch-
Mo rruCS, 194(>-45, U.K . the coupling. The lanker semi-trailer paper a 'standard' fleet of 18 types of ankal parIS.
mown is the type supplied 10 the Royal vehicle which could be assembled using By Jun~ 1940, ronowing the new
This w:os the final production version of Navy and was used for aviarion fnelling readily available components. The Ord- sripulaliolU the Quarrermnrcr Corps
lhe Marril-Commercial Cs artiDery on naval hada hand-openlcd nance Department opposed such pbns had tesled and approved Iypes in Ihree of
lraclor. MechaniCllDy il was idcnticallO pump. The BritUh Army used adiffermt saymg Ihal if an emergency nose me .... me new classes. namely Dodge 4 )( 4
tbe early model (P1m I), In 1<J4.4 a modd nnker trailer which had a frame would not be rime to PUI any Jlandard- 12 ton, Gcneul Moton (GMq 6 )( 6
grenly revised body W;l.S fined, very for a bogus rilt to disgui~ lhe Yehicle's ised Iypes intO production. B), the Spring l2 lon, and Mack 6 )( 66 ton. By Ihis
much Jimpler man Ihe original enclosed purpoloC. of '9]4. therefore, aU this activity was lime Europe was al War wilh Ihe p0s-
type. Tbe top was open wilh a c::mvu abandoned and the Quarrel mailer Corps sibility of AmeriClln involvement in the
cover, and Ihere were IWO doors each -responsible for all motor tralllpoTl nOr tOO dmant future. America now
lide. Tbe rear end of me body was procurement-were ,old to buy ordi- bC'gan a vasl re-armamenl programme
Jquucd off and was given ammunitiou T.U(:k, nuy commercia! Iypes suitable for and as :an emtrgency measure lhe com-
r::IClu of I 'univena.l· IYpe. able 10 hold
eimer l5-pdr. or Irpdr, rounds. The
'I 10 0, 6 x .. Cargo,

lon, 6 x 6. C.r,o,
military UloC.
]roniQUy enough. however. the Ger-
petilive bidding S)'SlCm for truck ardell
was dropped In favour o( n'S0tiated
vchick: could ~ used Ihus as a tr::lCtoT for
eimer the ~5-pdr. gun-howitzer Or me
86 Truck,
lon, 6 x
man ScheU Programme of 1918 (see
Pbles ,S7-60) was IhoughllO have been
conrraca. HowevCf. bureanCr.lrie dela)'!
mUnt lhar Ihis s),slem didn'l come into
big J 7-pdr. anti-lank gun, the idea being GMC
'I •• CIt.,o, originued after senior German officen use (nlly unlillhe middle of 1941 . Truck
10 naodardise on one type oftraCior for 8, Truc k, lon, 6 )( 6, CIt.go read detailed reporlS of Ihe Qu,l.T[er- production then soared 10 unprece-
gum of comparable size, This Iype of
'I master Corps' original 'slandardisation' dented quanlities and overan Ihe Uniled
Dump, GMC
tTaclor remained in service until me 88 Truck, 1! lon, 6 )( 6, Glloline proponls of 1930- 34, Slates produced far mOre tramport

'. ,
early t95OS. Tank, Siudebaker ]n Ihe U.S. Army. lhe new policy of vehides Ihan eitber Germany or Britain.

In July 10),40 11K' U .S, Army had J O,O(J) maltll'l2reonncn wcre Reo and Inter- mdudc 'ufttT lkavn ', ' o..un, and I \II T r uck, II IOn. 4 k 4, Car lO ,
[rl>Ckund byJanu~r)·, (0),41 I[ "'d 7O,O(J). Il.Jnonal Harvestn Co, half' and 'Jllnmy' F ..... D, 10),40-4$, U.S .A
By Da::cmbcr 1941 the toul w;as ovcr AI producuon pr<JKldkd tM aU II~I
lso,O(J). nb wli gndually repbccd by a soft 90 Tr llo(:k, ~ to n, 4 k 4, Ambu la nct, Though uied III ,null lIuonbCTs by thC'
Of,.u tM tHlCt o(tRlCk produced the nnvu-toppcd roo( Ind .. do: ttrttnl Dodgt, 1\l40-4j, U.S.A U.S. AmIY, mu vcry bIg powerful
domuunl cJ~. ,",;as [M 2reonrwr «1)( 6, (Pbl" '7). I'd-lick ",";as wppbcd m e¥nl brger
of ..·h"h over 1oo.0(J) hKl been bUlI[ In The 6 )( 6 arnnsemc:1lI of lhex 2i- In ,he reon alcgory of trl>Ck ~ qwnlma to dw Bmuh and CaruodWl
Anw:nOI by the end of the ~ III l0),4 j. I~n .. u CGnlldertd d1lficuJt 10 p~ wm: 1M udWlvc bwlckn for the U.S. ArmltS. Tho: FWD w. the latn! mockl
The fine 2~-IOltMn ..·tTe of 1M COE do" at fif$! dIE 10 !he: Ilk of all-wh«l- Army . ChryJkT', FITJO DIVISIon of I brw of four..... hc-d-dnvc D"uck,
type, Oldcrro m I.Jtc 1\140 and mtcnng dnv .. which hKl nor bttn bUilt In ,och (Dodgc) wen: one o( the first vehlck dlnlll back 10 1\114 and IlllHlrat.-d and
produeuOfl 1I1jinU<lry 1\l4t - baloed on vaJi nurnben be(ore'. Bowevcr, thIS manufactUral to recelYC COlli rICh unckr dncnb.-d HI tm, prcvlolH volulll<', It wu
a commo:relalv.. hlck . nus .. uly t)'pC of " ';as soon molved and .... lIh "' CX"1kn1 thc re-armnncm JChcmc ... hen they ballcally a eommemal mockl mcludnl
l~-(onnn (whu:h norwthc:lnI t .. nw~ 1ra(11~ npabthl)' the 6 )( 6 2~-(01\nCT W<'f<' gll'm .. order (or 14,000 ~-(on amOf!i lhe Imll..! U .S Armyordo:n (or
III productIon througoow tM ... u ) II pt"o ved 10 Iu\'e an <'XCtUmI oft'...(hc...road • )( 4 tn>eb ICI 1M Jumtnn" of 1\140, In>eb III the 6-(on cIaJI p1aC"ed m 10),41 .
)/Iown III 1>lu<, IJ . The more' wtdcly per(Ofnulla Pualkl 10 tM 6)( 6 The cna _ _ lImlbr 10 the CXlSt .. In U .S Army XIVlO<' II .... "'ppb.-d III
known Vn"Slon had a normal (OfIITOI "ehlcks GMC and Studebahr both tng Dod"" commaOlI design <'Xcept tM (argo (orm dllHlntcd, In shghtly
layoul and uampln of lhe modell made 6 )( 4 vcmom of tlK l~ .... onna for lhe addillon of lhe lram(n gtubox modified cargo fonn With Ihttrlcgs II I
prodO«<! arc gIl'", III PbleJ 84- 89 wIth 00 front wh«1 dnve. ThMe WCTC and new fTOllIlransmluion 10 I'VC fow-_ ponloon bndgc nrner, and with a low
In addUlon 10 rhc COE t)'pe, Ydlow lUC'd for ordtruory haub"" work wbl:n: wh«l~nvc. A veT)' large number of bIll. . body 10 pull low loader unit
Truck and Coach Co., 11K' fin, budd.-n the need 10 len"e 1M road wa, wdlhly. body Hyle! WII producnl., thu vdock lTlnlponcr lrallen. The bnd"" nrner
r<'«1vcd (OfIII"XO for nornal connol Elncrruolly they wen: lIknuc..! 10 tbetr kong roulhly c<jUJvmnl III (unmon had demountabk shttrkp .... hic:h were
lreotUKn In Xrtcmbcr 10),41. (That 6 )( 6 roumerpam A~ (or the bek ofa :and Ilk 10 thc Bnrah IS-<"Nl. Plck-up CTm«l on lilt body ..des 10 1Wt"l pan-
firm wu partly o ... ~ by GMC and bve (rool uk. PIlla 86 and &.4 ~ow ndlo, command, eommlnd rC'tOIUU .... tooru Ind glllkn over tM lI!1gll1e oflhe
b<ame wholly owned III 1\l4J.) The <'XamplC1. AIKt, panel van, welpons carner, Ind v.. h,de.
llUlI..! nl •• production model (Pble h) TM l~·tOlUlCT wu numerically the ambulance were 1M maUl types bltlh, When the IIlUta! U .S, Army conlracl
(Qturni • romllln"cW pr~ Slrel tab mOIl Important umy In>ek of World appuTl"l WIth or Without I hard lopnp CXplr«l ICI late t9.4l no (urthtt FWD
(with AA gun nnll III thr root), bitt lhe War Uand II wu ",ppbnt under Lmd- aaord"'110 Iypc - thcromnund, (om- orden WtTe plated for borne USt. How..
ongm..! rommn('l..! boM<'1 ( .. hId! w.1 Le_ 10 Canatb. Hnwn, FlU Fre'nch mand r«OIVWSIIIKt, rlmo, and we.. tva, ,Ilt FWD ')'1'<' contmued IrI pr~
nrned by ..uly producllon v.. hldes) and moll orhc-r AlllCd nauoru., Va.nants ponsarnertypn wtTeopcn cab modek dllCllon ror Lend-Leak" pu~ mOK
wu r.. pl~(ed by a much IImpk-r p~ Indudnt eM nornul Jittl-bothed nrgo The veh'cle Ulown Ii 1M ambulance VchlCin gOIng to Bnllin. Th~ tup-
Hrd bonnel of Iquued-of(" and IImph.. 1I·"ck, I " 'IICT tankn, gnoline tanka model and 1M panel van mockl WI' plied 10 Bmlm ","ere XIII ellhn;lS cugo
ficd Ulape. Due 10 the IIzt of the nmuns (pblr 88), dump« lnd tilt argo-t!ump "'nular In mape but hid a narrowa VftueiCJ UI Int form IIlustrlled or II
(OIltn(U, the rcbuvdy lnull Yellow tntCk, a mulu-rok type ....lth nppll'i bod, nb/cIu._ urno to whICh tM Ilnttsla
Truck Co. wlllIJQbk to "'ndk all the argo body (pbt~ 87). The lreonnn- Producnon of reon 4 )( 4 trIICb added standard WD pallCTTI medium
prodll('UOft, and StudebUn WtTe nlkd nme ,,'1m a t4J-m. .... httlbatc tn normal contmued unul 10),41 when I new j-(on amlkry tractor bodl!:J u filted 10 tm,
In 10 Ula", the work at rhc end of 1941. control (ann or 16._ln. UI COlO form. nlcgory .... Introduced At thll lime Mmdor (Plair 3). A (ew ~Ibll body
The Slu\kl»ler 6 )( 6 (Plm 88) unlucd A t¥plnlvducle "'d a 104 bhp. 11"- ~-ton truck production ccaled 1(la tUClon wtff alto IUpph.-d 10 BrIIlm,
a I,hghtly dlKerent prnKd ned nb and cybndn GMC engirw, j forwnd gcan. 82,000 unlo had b«n budt. The FWD proved tough and dunbk
bd adifl'"tffnt makco(mglne (Hcrcuks). and rcl'C'tx Ovcrall length Wli 11 ft and The Dod~ i-Ionrwr hid I 11%- and II lair I i 1970 some .. tTe 10 be Jtttl III
Due to 10 ,"ghtl)' nOll tlandud Il.JIUre' wIdth 7 ft 4 In. Vducks wcre bUIll with cybnder c"llne nted II . S b.h p. and commtrcul kfYK!<' 1$ showman', trac..
thc Studebaker wu alloatal 10 Lend- or Without a (root .. mounl«l " ·Inch. (0lIl' forward tpc: .. -Is In ambWana (orm ,~

Le.uc and tilt mlJOTlIY WtTe sluppcd The 1i-lonnCT ",mallu In pt"odUCUOll 1I ...1i 1611: J Ill. long, Ind 6 ft 4 tn. WIde. The FWD had I I.b.h P Waukesha
ovnxal. Ovn 100,000 ...·tff senl 10 10 thIS day wnh progrCSIIlvc modlfica.. TIm ..... h,ck was alto luppbed 10 SOlii<' IIx-cylmdermgll1undl12 II: whcclb'k.
R\II.I.L1 llone, Otha firms cngaged In

lions. Popular nicknames applied 10 II OIM nmom under Lend .. Leuc. In the; nrgo form Ulown It was 21~ fl
long ~nd 8 fl wick. The nrillery tr~ctor car (whooo vehides look~ vcrI' slln!l~r) period which in shonmed form formed standard commercial model with the
vemun w:u 8 In. lunger. An unusu~l and Kcnworth and Marmon-Hemng_ the haJilof a trucl<. An IInprov~ model, add il ion of a [we front axle and tr:Imfer
featn", uf Ihe FWD was its perm~nent '00. the KS7 had a two-speed ",ar axle. The bo" to make an ~U-whed-drive vehicle.
fi,,~ fuur.whed-drive Wlthuut the The Iniu:al production models had vehicle was J1 fl long and had a ,i,,- As wilh the l§-tonnCT, other military
usual upnoo of Iwo-wh~l-drive for endosed pressed stmnhs but from t943 cylinder, 87i-h.p. engine. Iimngs were also incorporncd. Chevro-
road running. the Open-lopped cab was ~dopted with a Ie'! bwlt t1l.tonneL"S until 1945 ~nd the
fold"'g nnvaS cover and foldtng wind_ grand total of vehtcles complet~ by
screen. "n anti_aircuft machine gun then was 418,196, httle over half as
92 Truck , 211 lon, 6 x 6, GMC , moulll W:lS a common. but not univerul 95 Ml High_Speed Trac tor, 7 ton , many as the all-important l1l-tOnner.
COE T y pe, 1940-.S. U.S.A. Iilttng. Clelrac, t940-4j, U.S.A. Though a cargo venion of the l!-tOn
Three types of semi-IT:lilcr we", pro- truck was buill, thi, pardcular cha55is
This vehicle W~5 lhe l~tc production duced, namely 2.000--galloll guolin~ The CletT:lc traClor W:ll specially built lent itself to specialised roles and appe~red
ve."ion (1943-45) of the Yellow Truck tanker, boll \"~n, and refrigerated V1n. :II a tug for ai rcnft al U.S. "rmy, Air with numerous bodies and fLltings.
and Coach CO'I forward conuol ("cab The rcfngeT:ltor van had ill own built- Force and N~vy nallons. It carri~ full [ndud~ were panel valU, airfield light-
over engine'-COE) model in the l~­ in petrol-driv<'1l generator to operate road equipment-lighll and mud- ing trucks (mobile, hole borer
tOO truck prognmme. The COE Iype the cooling plant. guards-to make il suitable for driving trucks for telephone poles, dumpen.
wem 11110 productioo in e:lrly 194t and Th~ anicuJated outfit! WCI"C' bu,lt in on public r();Idl. It had a Hercules silt- erash tenckrs, lelephone m~intenance
ongllully had i commercial type hard lnge numbers for the big supply rOUIes., '1'lindtt tj7 b.h.p. engme of the Iype vaOl. and ~ long wheel ~ nrgo !rUck.
tOP ab (!'btc t 1). To bcililue shippmg hke the ' Red Ball H ighw~y', which fitted in heavy lruclu and featured a Lastly Ihm: was the Iype iIIw;lrated, ~
and $;Ive mel~l this W2S dropped in euly we", tel up in FT:lnce in t9# to speed comprClSOr for braldng purposes. 11K bomb I<"rviet truck. Like many of the
t941 ~nd mOSilypesoflruck we", given supplies from the ch~nne! pom ra the bogies wm: of the sprung vatuII' type other Iypes listed thl.! W:lS u$e<l by the
an open-lid~ doorless cab and ~ folding lighting frmus, On th~ supply rOUtes. a and Ihere W:ll an all steel Irack. The cab U.S. A rmy Air Force for ~irficJd service.
canval ab cover with !"'r5!"'x and continuous Stream of convoys operated WH normally left open, 11 iIlustTllted. This particubr vehicle had an open cab
unv:lS lidescreens. "part from its longer round the clock in one of the lorgest but C1nV'$ weather serecns and rap Were and ~ ~hortened wheelbase, with single
(t S fI or t 7 ft) body and forward control road lranspon opeT:llions ever known . provided for inclement conditions. inste~d of dual rcar wheels. The bomb
layout the vehicle w~s mechanically the In facl it was the smooth organiurioo of Weighl was 7 tOIll and the overall length lifting equtpment and cT:ldle we", madc
lame H that shown in Plate 85. For a these major supply lines thaI WaS1 primc was t4 n 1 in., width JUSt unckr 6 fl. A by Marmon-Herrington. The gantry
companion with the earlier version of faclor in 11K final Allied viclOry over few of these vehicleswerc suppli~ to the W:lS designed 10 swing out for io;ading
the COE ty!'" 2i1-tonner Itt Plate I]. Germany. Royal Air Force. and handlltlg bombl. The wh",lb~se of
11111 vehicle h~d folding wood"" I<"UI The Federal It~ctOf WH 17 (I long and Ihis vehicle W11 lei fl ~nd it w~s 18i1 fI
along the body imides for ul<" in the 8 fI wtde. It had ~ Hercules I n-b.h.p. long wLlh the ganlry e"lended. All the
troop ClIrrymg role. engtne. I~-ton vehicles Iw.,h by Chevrolet h~d a
96 Truck, Ii ton, 4 x 4, Bumh 91 h.p. 51"-C)'Jinder engine. Other
Serv ic.. Vehicle builden of I ~-tOO Irucks we", Dodge
93 Truck, 4-5 (00, 4 " 4, F.. d ..... 1 9~ BUI, 1i1 lon, ,, x 1, International 97 Bomb Handlioi Troll .. y, t940- (19040) and InleTiutioll~l (t941 on wards).
with Io- ton R .. frig ..... ted T ... iI.. t , K7, t9~0-4S. U.S.A. 4S, U.S.A. Th~ vehicles were .imilu in appeaT:lnce
1940-4.1, U.S.". 10 thc Chcvrolet but were not built al
lla$e<l on the type of bus already laid While 'i-ton trucks of comme rcial type bombserviet vehicle •. The bomb service
In the 4-j-10n class basic commercial (ommercially, this was the mOS! widely had been purchased by the U.S. "rmy in vehide was used for towing bomb
types wc", once ag~tn ordered in the used of several It was ~ 17-seater the 19305 it was not unlil t940 Ih~l the trolley' as well al loading bombs.
t941 rurmantent progumme. Thc:sc: though $Orne vehicles of Ihis ty!'" had Ii-tonncr became a m~jor producdon Another auxiliary !lem used W:IS the
were oo",·enllon:ll. X 4 prime moven Iheir 1<"1t! Stnpperl out and were wed as type. [n the summer of 1940 a contracl liule Bomb Handling Trolley (plale 97)
used for long dinmao road haulage. The ambulances. II fealured the standard wenl to Chevrolet for vehicles of thit which h~d ~ folding handle anti Wi! used
m~jor builden We .... Feder:aJ ~nd Auto- HaT\'es:ler chassis of Ihe type which were to be based on the for manhandlmg individual bombs.

". '"

lon, ,)II"
M» Prime Mover, Trvd<, 11
O;"moNi T, U,S.A.fU.K
load a l e , _ and the dlKermt 'eq,ure-
....,nU were sp«Ifinl Howe~. nu ......
w. uruqUC III lui"'", 111 amcullied
duSSlS, bter tnctOl' IYJXI Iud a "lId
10) M~ Truck_Tractor, IJ lon,
6 )( 6, wllh M,S T.PI< TI'II"'po!'ler
99 Mil Tl'lliler,.." lOll, 8.him Mk I. rKlu.m did nor luve 10 comply 10 whedllall:, Mat look oyer Pnaa In the S.ml_Tl'lliler, t~)-4}. U.S,A
'94' .}.UK finely ckt1llled ,pmfinDOnlID lhere wll ,wmlla. They budla h,he ITliCHII' m ,Ix
11 dc-grn' of V1lnclY In lhe lrucks III tcrVl«. 1~le IblrtlCS, lhe Tl17, and then .. nlcrllum Pwn..: Car Foundry Co. mlck lhe
Tho:w [WO p,ecn of huvy equlpmcm The suncbrdltcrl mcdlum truck (Aulo- IrUtor, tlx TM40. In '\140. nUIlalier II I( 6 ,:a-IOO ITlielOl' which became the
were ullmded 10 openle I",elm II a carro UrufiellO Med,o) had a payload of vehKk • shown. It uullted tlx u...., $I1nda.d ank recovery vchldc In Ih¢
Trud:-Tntler romb...,mon fOr die _ alIU$I J 1001 Ind a speed of6o km ph. diad fnllOC and cab rronl " the FiJI U.s Army. Utcd lOiethcr wllb lhe M,}
coyery and lnrupon of Wlkt. The whdc dll: tUnda.discd heavy lruck 66}, The opcn-topped body Ixkl IUtl and M'SAI Tmaponer xnu-TmJ", •.
DIamond T InctOl' Wall claasnnt In (Aulocuro UrufialO Palnle) lAd a ro.lheguncrcwlndlhertwua lockc. (01' The ~or had 111 armoured ab wllh a
1940 10 m«l the requiremoenl$ of the P"'yload of 6 '0111 01' m~ Ind 11 .r ammUmllOllJlOwa~al the rear, Oven.U nng mounl fora' soahbre AA muhulI:
Bnluh Pu.dwml MWKII'IlOthe U.S.A.
who W~ pbcm, orden vanous
km p h. ,prcd, n.c FiIl66} Nl WIS tlx
mOIl modem produmon lyIX In lhe
knglh of thll vduc:1e W. JU$! over" n . "",. 11 111'111 powered by Il.4O b.b.p Hall
Sroit Rx-cybndcr mllne and had three
IirmJ 10 rcpbce 01' supplemenl CXISIIIIS Medio category and WlII Ilated on a Fut Winches. one In front W1lh a ),
equipment. A heavy ballaJi body and a commerCl~ mockl. Wllh (orward COIl- pull and IWO II lhe back or 60.000 Ib
»-ton power wlOch wen: Jlancbrd uol and very lar~ wheel!., II hllid a .s-Ion '01 M.J Truck_mounted Cl'llne elch
(e"ura.. The InctOl' Iud a Hen:uks SlX- capKIlY and 111'111 a powerful ind 10Ugh (Th_ Shovel Me ' I ( 6) .nd MI6 n.c MI' Ind MISAI Tnnsponen
eyhnder 'hY! engine mel Wall a] ft 4 1ft. vehodt.. Bwll from 1\l4l to I~}. " w. )_1011 Tl'lliler, 1940- . }. U ,SA were of 40-., lOllS nl'1Icily and lAd I
Jor,g and lli}.1l. wm, The Dumond T
proved lID be I IUpcrb vehICle of almolt
unnnlJed Iong""y Some rema,ned III
allD u..:d ... tm.aII numben by rill: Gcr-
nuflt In North laly a(ter luly'snp"uh-
non. n.c Fm665 WII1J ft) til, lon, and
n.c Thew Shovel w. one of tcvcnl
lar~ aU-""heeI dnvc truc .... -mounted
whn'1s. They were mMk by Freuheuf
lbe ..... eU-kooWII Imler Boch
wcre cxlenully Slmibr bill. the MISAI
8nmbtcfYlCCin '970- libelt ~glllCCi lbo.. I ft \I In. Wick. CrlIOCII used by tlx U.S, Enguwcr Corps wu ".tIIf:CIIO aU the beaV1tt load.
wllh Rolls Royce moron. laIC produt- A vehicle which WII or IImllu r(ll' heavy conllrucnon work , BaSIcally In I~} I new un.llrmoured Version 0(
non vehKIcs hKl JOA cover nbs mSield apf'C'uance wa, the fiJi 666 whICh wu Ihls equipment COfIIISIcri of a 6 )( 6 tlx Ml6 TnC'l(ll' apf'C'ared, dc1ll1nllcrl
of prCSKd Red nM. TM maXImum 111 upralrd, ilrmglhenc:d vehicle de- chi." With pLal(orm and h~r-cab, M16A I · Th'$ Iud ;w open cab and WI.
IOwcrlloKl f'C'rmlttcri WII t I}.ooo 1M. tigncrllo carry610RII and which kU .nro nrryl"8 a compi.:1C crlne housI.. and UIlJrmou.crI both 10 redUOE w""he Ind
Thc M\I.}-ton InTUponer In.1er was dlC Paana: cb.. n.c Mal 66, Iud a .x_ Jib bwh by Lonlll. n.c cnne t,,",able bo:c:aUfC' the armour wu found 10 ht of
budl by Rogm Brat and _ JO ft lon,.
with u wbeds. Thc lnIller'IIYJHCl11oad
cylinder dlCltl fnp>(' of 110 b.h.p
while !tIC FIJI 666 Iud I SImilar e . .mc
hMi III own mgmt and the vducle
JlCkcri up on OUt~ when opcntmg
W. hmllcrl nJUClnanycaron the MilS, The
M16w.l, ft7UL long. ,on '~In, wllk
WII one )~on Sherm;w Tank. rucrl II 11.s bh.p II (ull apulIy. Ma.Dmum bft ..... and '0 ft 7 In. Iugh.
nil. Truck-TnctOl' urnl wll ongm- 40,000 Ib wllh tht boom lOPped up to
Illy supphcrl exclUSIvely 10 the 8nmb.
bill" Waf subseq~mly Utcd by tlx U.S,
"ve II A OOIUI. With the OUlnnen
nOiln UM:, maXImum hA WII 11,8}0 lb. 1"'4 Lorry. lIon, 6 I( •• 51,...11
Army:u w",lI . '01 Tl'llitore Medlo, • x 4, FUI The Thew Shovel 111'11 norm;illy Office, AlUlin K6. 19P-4}. U.K
TM4o. '\140 ' 4}.ltaly/Coenn.ny opcnlcrl wtth a normal purchall: bUI " 10} LofTY. lion., 6 I( 4, B•• k-
cwJd be fiucrl opoomUy wllh a dlm- down Glntry. A",tin K6. '~. --46.
Much ravoured by the lulian Army was wD grab ".. ITlimponcri tcJ- UK
'00 AUIOCUTO Unimlo Medio. the 'p«W1Kd artillery IrKtOr of com- fiUely III Iht MUI }-ton tnlln- (shown III
S IOn., • I( 1, Fial "50 ,~0-4J, luly pan d,mm$lOl1l but wnh big wheels and lhe (oresround) ..... h>ch w. 10wcrl by Thc )-1011 6 )( 4 dwm was eyolvtd by
I powerful mglne fin! of !htw bI, Ihcparent ydudeorby;w K eompanylllS Bnn", nunU(lCtllren In the Inter-war
The lul'an Army hllid a ICII ngtd lJ'{em whn'1 tnCton W<lS lhe PaveS! o."II",lIy lruc ..... pmod 10 m«l WD re-qulfrmentl and
or sundarduluon In mlhury tranJport deJl,ncd In I \II, and perrected bctwffl'l The Thew Shovel wu 1, A lonll' u- ICveral cxamples are fenured In tlx pre--
than moll OIhcr nanom, Certlin vduelcs the WIn. It u dacnbcd and IUuilnllcriln c1udlOlllhe craoc boom. It Iud a Hcrcu1ts VJOUI volume. By 1940 the flmpler 1-

were idopted II '.umb.d· In dl/fercru. the prevlOUl volume. While the Pavtll HXC Rx-cyhndcr engine . ron 41( 1 chuSB 111';11 replaCIng tilt
6 II • Iy~ for 8cneul KrVl« !xu: Ih(l'~ currently WIth the Bedford QL (Plain 0""' tlx frame"'ork rtovukd Tht lun "nee ar .. en: fint put (o ...'ard III lhe
n:mmwd a bmned reqUIrement for IIx 4' - S1.). and "-n kvelopnl by AUMm cauk! fi",from ,he,-chIClc (II"'"kno"·n b~ 191W and In Iumlntt 1\}.40 1M
6 II 4 Ir~ for ,pnul purpolC bodlM. 1.1 thc .... nx u ..... I I VauxbaU .... rn: u 'Porter Ind Flre1 or II coukl be: lowed Banum Car Co, <ksIgncd ;md made a
Tht pl'UlCl)W 6 II 4 produan 111 IIx ckvdopi"lllx 8cdford. u" tlx 0nI- In If,., norm.&! m.mnn- A bWc WlICId WM ptOl.OI)·JIC' to men U,S Army tcquu'C'o
our rnn .. ~ AlZIlm;md Ford. III 1940 ford" ..'l'nl InlO producnon III 1941 and fined 0,," IIx vehKk'1 bonnet for IlKn", Banum mukcted AlIStm 7 can
1M A UIU1 K} (Pbu: I) was In produccKlCl "u produced unlil I94S by .. h,eh IIntn forward fitlll, Afln thc war .. North UI Amcna and ulCd 1oOIN: wkas (and
1n6 II 4 fomund In 1\$ .,.,»ILlpa-. 100ai of IJ ,OOO Iud brm mack, Afln tb.o Afria .n 19.J, IIx cMn« to u~ IIx compooc-ntJ) for toor proiOC)"~ from
Icdcd by lhe K6 model wruch hid a OnIfordll"H lhe mOM numcrOUloflhr POnermHJlnlcndcd nllnllCr"cIlmmWw:ci lhe ...ell·kno.... n 'blby' AUIlIn, The
"ntphflcd bonnet ind OCM klill Otmsh four· .. h.:d-dnVC' Iypes. Exc~1 and mOM Ponca .... c'" lal", rebulII ....1110 Oam-am fw:1d ( I I .. Ha plaon Open-lOPped
chinga. A major UK!" of lhe K6 Wllthc In tlx nTl~ prod~lIoo modds me GS bod.n. vdllck and 70 uimpla were: purchased
Royal A,r For« who ha.d vthldti In cab roof WII ck,~chabk to redLl« Ihe The AUllIn KS w;u 19 Ii 8 In lonl, by llor U ,S Ordnan« Departmenl (or
$C'rv>C\' wllh $C'vcnl Iypes of 'hou$C" ovcnll height fOT shlppull purpotn, 8i Ii w,de., and had a WX-C:)'llndrr pelrol ICS-Img Tnab " 'ere Impr",'", and tho:
body, Thttr vrrudes ...·cn: wed mamly The AUJtln KS cha_ aho formed lhe l'nIUX of 8S b.h P Ordnan« Dcp.ltunrnl were anlUOUS 10
II mobllc ''In.l1l Ind neuo ot!ica. 11Ic b.a.., for OM eX1M Ipcctalanll-llnk Iun order anotM I,Soo vdllcb. The"
bodlCS vaned In ckull wlm Iqlrd 10 Pon« vdllda. 11us daJ:J of vrhKk "''II 108 Truck. 1 IOn • • II ... CommaDd tcqUtilIO do 10, ho .... ner .... as blocked
door ;and WIndow poNuom bltl ,,'n1' I"l0l.. III faa 11C'\'\, CXlmpla of World R econ_iAAnee, Fo rd G PW in Bri- b)' the Qu:o.rlcrmaMer..(icU(tai on In.:
Icrollally II shown. Thts body ""'1 War I pcnod Ponca bc:mJ !hown In tish Ser vice .. R oyal 51._1t Lia.t Iroundi Ihar Bmlam lhem~"'es had
aiM) uwd on the Ford WOTI duoWI ,he pn:"JQUS volumr. "Jhc, ClImp.ugn In L. y". U .S.A. U,K $C'YC'R'ly hmllrd producnon faalm"
Wlo ....n III Pbl[ )1.. lhe Wntrm DcWIl III 1941 - 41., how. 109 Truck. j lon, of II .. Co mmand and woukl be wublc 10 fulfill thc orkr.
Tht mOIl WKkly wed Army VttlKlO rVfr, !ho.. rd IIx nm.t for hLsh mobLblY R econnll ilA nce. Will ,.. MI.. U ,S A Mean .. hllc ,wo ocho:o- firnl$, W,u~
of IIx K6 "'B d~ Breakdown Gantry and ,t lhe I'IIN: 111m' 10 .. ed Uln_unk 11 0 Truck , 1 lOti, . )11 •. U tilil)" Overland and Ford. .... en' lbo hulld,nl
mockl whICh wu cmplo)'ed In the blhl Iunl proved 10 be cxc~lIonaily vulner- Will y. MB with l·litl"" Ambu lance ProiOC)pc110 mM In.: Arm) re:qulff-
n:covny rolc. ThIS had I braced Ilnlry able, Thll"'-II dLK 10 the lack of COVCt kil . U .S,A. (U,K mcnl AI the nnM: IIx Oamam cab WII
"1m a travclhnl purehm, pIll! a j_lon .. 101,10 put an empllcal lun al a du- III Truck. i l o n, 4 II ., Ulilily. lested neither WlllY'1 nor Ford had
wmch filled bc:hmd the e;ab bel .... CTn lhe advanlllF whlk opp<KIng tank! wcrc Ford G PW. eonvetled for 'Jeep complned Ihelr ..ehlcla. Ho .... cvcr. 1M
body and 1M chawt. When 10Wlni or abk to move Iw,ftly dur to lhe lack of Railwa y' , U ,S_A ,( U.K November 1940 alllhtCT firml tca1vrd
ClIrryllll a ~ from the rear IUllry, Pll oblt-acln. It W.II therrfon: ckodrd 10 I i l Trudo[, i IOn, • II . , Ampbi · comraca for 1, ,00 veh\.C1a " 'Ct! moulh
Iron ....nlhll ... ~ euned on the bflekl'U II~ IIUXlmum moblhl)' 10 dx anll· bian, Fo rd G PA , U .S ,A. 11.111940-45 the Willys and Ford prOCOl)'pc1 ...ere
attOtt lhe !1IdUtor fronl 10 b.almtt tb.o unk IUII~ by rC\'I\'ms ttx old Pou« Of all mllllaty vchJ(1n cmanal1nl 11..0 noc bIt,ll. 11Ic prcmifuff a ..."rd of
vdudc 11Inl' Brnkoown G~mry Idea. A Morns CI CMUII WH uitd for thc World War II pcnod. the «kbralcd contrxu, OO,,·c""" before prOlOC)'pes
vchldes ... ~ vuy ~u1 ;and _ the- J·ptir anu--Iank gun, bltl for lhe J«p mUM r:lI~ llihe mOMon81na1 and U "'cn: Kal ClIulCd annoyance 10 Banllm

In III bn'ikdo ...·n form tho: K6 w.

wcn: M,u III KTvt« .. 1960 and be:yond.
w Ii
J 1Il. 1ona and 7! A W1<k. lt Iud the lilm'
much hca"In 6 pdt I bran 4 II •
cha", .. UI the J-ton dall WH fOWld
IX« ...... '). Port« vc-mons "'en: bltlh of
a 1t\JC nultilOrlC' In aUlomoclve luMory.
II Cn'lIed a RfW nlqj:ory of vdude-
the so-alled ' field ClIr' -and th. found
;and OCM I«ClOnI oIlndUllfy.
Tht Will).. and Ford prOlOl)'pes"'~
O'elllUllly finuhnJ III November Ind
",x-c:ybndcr ml"x U OIM AUMln IIx AUM.. Kj, the Jk.dford Q1..aOO the a markct In lhe oomntero'&! wo.ld IfIn December 1940. whm illlhn:c- "eluc~
truek! of 1M period. C hevrokt CMP J-IOl1flfr The tint twO In.: Wlr 10 Ihn lod.Iy Ibn-c Iff $C'vcnl wcn: Ihm t"led 108rth"" All had mmor
futured a lIalbed body Ind an opm half makes ofvd"ck ill OWIIII tomclhlllllO cktall fa"lu Ind nt1>tlural .. cak~
106 Lo rr Y,llo n, GS , of II .,Aullin cab wlih a a.nvH lOp. "Jhc, gun .... -a. IIx Ql"IILlW Jrcp dtilln of 11140. bUI the Wlllys desilU "'11 r,·cnluilly
K S. l\I4o-H, UK, nrrlcd OIllhe Itubed body, on 10 .... h,ch III tb.o US Army IlorJrcp fell mlO an JudKed the " 'Illocr and 110. firm r«ovcd
107 Lo rr y. of II . . Anli-Ta nk II WII r ... \'ll ump! ktpt: wxkr me, body. :widmonal load ( IIClory, I ron. whIch 1M producllon conlract. Oantam .... nt'
Po rtee (6 pdr,). AUllm K S, 1940-41, TM ILIn could IlC ClIrncd to fin: rlllxr h:od not hccn allo ...ed (or ... bc:n In.: an- ududnl. d~ to IhclI" hmlled prnduc-uon
UK fO,..'ird or 10 1M n:1I'_ Tht IUture o(lM Imal fi~ haue: cluiCt of military ClIP'''I)', an 11001( fal[ (or tho: firm ...-101(10
..m"k ...." ronccakd from the mcm y vthlClc WCIC' wo rknJ OUI dId 10 much plOflCTnng wort on the

Tht AUMII1 KS _ pmciU(ed con- by a ClInVH nit (not lohown) ...·h"h fiuN Ideal for I mlbllry hlhl rcconnan.- Orliinal deslln
The fi .... orcin foc- 16,000 ,,~h>c1c.. wid Jrep were wed a;lCfUl"dy aI fronl famllin ..... faC! II... lhe: name WM IaICt (or much of Ihrn aruUcry luulage dunng
pbad 'mm~dUldy and the fine pro- line ambulano:a (Plale 110) w'lh k," of rcgw:ered :It a Inckm.,k by Willyt- World War II wtuk by conl~mponry
dunton "duck apprnfti UI Deumbtt pam to nubk a qUICk conWTUoc-l mlhe Ov"land. thc VdllCk'l bwldcn.. l1ic Wrtl"" sundard! thll Wal I slow anc!
'941 Wnh llloCnasa:! orden. bow~,,", fidel A three-bn" vcrwon II lobo""" bul OI1gllW OeuglUuon 'Command Reo- pnmlD~ IIltthod 01 mO"lnIgW1S. the
W,U,.,c_1d IlOC k"1' paa '1mh ckmand there WeR alto lWo- and four-lllta con"... n~' wu Inet chlnged 10 RU:Wan aUlomou~ Uldwcry lagged
and Ford Wtte thus brought m to budd "aTQnu, the bu" Iu"mg a high an"aI 'Uulny' when II apparenl Ihu bdllnd thr Wac .. 1II<tO and lmelts lull-
"thida to the Will,., paltern. By the nIl and arryllll the: Slrtlcflc,n III IWO m.. handy hllk ~hLCk had nuny mon abk for Ute:l1l medIum or he:avy ltl1llcry
end oldie' wu 11()l[a1 of6l9.l4j of whit b)'n1. Pble III !hoWl a Jeep railway Uld Ihan WeR onguuJly m"wgfti. lracton WeR III ihon IlUpply. On Inc
were Iubstqucntly nllftiJ~ had ~n lu,h :111 was used III st~ral lhenra of The IIlndardJec:p hada 54 b h p. four- othcT lund ,nere was a b" IrKtOr
bUilt ThnT w~re st"eral dllftrent pro- Wit "file> wheell wcre replacfti by cyhnd" m_hne mi"'" With IIX forward mdUitry resulllllg from the pre-war
dU('lIon ,ncxkh whICh are Ickntlfied II Ibngro wheeh and Inc vdliC'k became a IpeedJand IWO I"C'''CtK It WII II fllong, FL"e Y~ar Plam whld! had conanlnlCd
follo ....·1: Klf-<onlam<d ' locom()l[I"~' which could j fl 1 U1 wode, and 6 It high WIth tne OIl InClon for farmml In Ihc c:ondillons
h,ullulm alOllgdle tnck. Thq- W~I"C' anVil hood n-med. II wat OIlly .d It ofsnow. iJuw.., and mud which prevatied
W,Il)'l MA the IjOO ",hicks bllI]t
wlckly UIed llline Fu Ent. A homemade hIgh With the hood and wmd:icltcll III RU!IIl foc- a good pan oldie year.
to the: orl8ma1 WIl])'I design for
conckrun to coruo:rve the: coohna WlII .... Io....·ued, hO .... ~VCT. The "" hec:lbate was fi.illy-cnckfti ItK'IOt1 wtte m fact " an
the onimal contraC1. H~adbmps
1l:Hlded to thc "chIde dn.wn. 6ft, ...... ad"'nta~ all"OId! Wtte oftftllmpaJSibk
atop muciguuds (p]nc 1(9).
Other speo.>l COMn1lOIlS of }ttl" 10 wbec:kd tnruport-al die Germani
Ford CP lhe 1)00 w:hlda bw]tlO mcluded the he:avtly umfti vduda found 10 Inc.r cote 1ft the IUC:CUUV~
III Lorry, J lOa, 4 )( .... Br"-,,-
Ihc orlgmal Ford deligl1. Roumkd ullt'd by the Sp«UI AIr SerVIa: and down Gantry, Ford WOT6. 19-40- Willi.,.. campailnt on the RUSllan Fronl
mudgUl.rdl aI front. lImllar danlkstUl( forces. FP craMS, Two "cry .. mtllt alnnollur.oItraC1on
45. U.K
WIl]Y'MB Mlln producllon I)-PC lufficcOtitroi vchldes. and mlny()l[hen. which IolIW military !ll:tvltt m larg~
_1qUl.rro off front mudguard The Jet"p could alto mount a m:olllnl Ford o( Bmlll1 w~re a!lOlm firm allted numbc:n were lhe S-6j and 5-80 Stahntu
(Pbl~ 110.) title or lOW the 6-pdr. anu-tank lun, a to produtt • x • I.ud.., 10 lhe um~ which we~ .. x-<yhnder dLcK'1 ,,~hiclcs
1s-mm lUck howltzcr, or a !-10Il (';Irgo WD Ip«IfiClllon II Vauxhall (Bed(ord) of con~~lInon,1 InClor layoul. The
Ford GPW DU']I by Ford 10
lralkr. and AUIDn Af," ,hex IWO. Inc Ford I,," 5-10 (thc vCDlOrllohown) rcmamcd
WillY' dc1.1gn and icknncal 10 tht The AmphlblousJ«p (Plait Ill) wal In mlhtary K'rYKe (or aboul 10 ynn
WIl],., MU III aD bUI mmor ckwls. vdude WII the Ilt:xt mOIl num"ous. It
bunt on thc surnhrd pp chU$l;S md af," the: rod ofthc w-ar The IUlpms>On
(Plale 11 I.J ml~mI produnlon bl .... than thr Olhcn,
mglllC bulimia boal-ltIr.~ body dtYgMd was coptrd from the A menan Hob
111 tady t9<tJ and wu billie WlW ble
11It~u]y MA and GP mockls, thoup by a .... vaI n('hllta firm. Sparkman and 19-4j. II unlun! Inc ""dl-kllO""," Ford type A prOnuoml wmeb W:l1l mounlfti
noc ollhc IUuhllt'd da'gns. dod n~lhe­ St~phen of N~w Yorlt. The o"enll on lhe rnr pblform bdllnd die mdoted
V-3 mgUl( which ga~ IS b.h P In 1(1
IaI ICC strVla, mam]y under trod- dalgn wu by Marmon Hemnglon GS allo tmek form M _ III Ii: loi 111. ab
Last when many wert IUppbc!d 10 W,I" propuls>on wat by I ptopdkr Dun,. World Wu II, apan from
lone and was 1! ft ...Kk. Se.......a1Ip«tahll
Bnum and RuUll. dnvm by a POW" takt off fmm lhe: bodoa were fined 10 thll ch,... Includ- Ind'itlMAII GAZ and ZIS trUCD (ICC
In '""~ the J«P b«alll(' a k~nd for IranlmlWCln. An anchor was a lIandard
Ing thr Breakdown Ganny (tlhHltlllfti) fI"C'''lOUi volum~) SaVin RIISII.I WaI
Inc many roln .. whl(h 11 W:l1l tmp]o~. fitung and Ihll "chIck was dalgnned and Machinery and Repair 11Il'k Fords ckpcndmt on LmO-Lcue ItIppha from
JUSl a few 0( l a art Illu~tulI~d here. Ford GPA pro"ed very rcbabk and a few rema""ed "mena for lhe: bulle of her m()l[or
Plan· 108 500...., a Ford CPW model The J«P look 1(1 name (rOtn 1(1
III mlILtuy K'.Vltt:l1l refemly as 1\16,.
tnrupon "file> '!-lonner.Jecp. DUK W.
con"cnro 10 a Royal SI' ....., hllt:b~r dc1.1glUuon GP. Thos .... me had Otlglll- and :i-ton lrudu ,bown In th~ book
and usa:! m lhe airborne rok. "file> Jet"p aUy hem ILnllbrly UIed wllh ,he Dodgc w~re aU supphed 10 RU"13 In VISI
could he arm U1 the RAF Hona !-IOO truck. and the !-ton InlCk was to ~ t 14 Artillery Tnclor S-to, 19-40- numbers III lhe: yun 194.r4j.
ghlkr (bKksroundj utd die called the Pet"p, Idkcllng 1(1 recollna .... .S. USS R
mam Irmspon "chicle for IIrborne 1olI~ rdt. Howev", _bow thll
umn. The A menan Hadru.n gbder 00""" caUpl on and J«p became thc The SoVIn Army n1.IcW wKk UK' of
could altO nrry I FP'
famdlu name foc- thc i-tonner-tO fi.ill y-trxltnl agnrullunl tfPC mcton

liS Lor ry.J IO.., -4 1C~ Peu o l fully .mrkmmltel beaux kma'" a~ eqUipped and Iud lUll Wellher proIK-- II"., Prn'lOW J.mallcst talcaory of ttu(k
Ca n;e, . Denni. W<l,., ou.,trlpped IUpply. Thus wh«1td lion, It ... "" pow~rt'd by a Waukesha from lion fO j Ion Ford Ind Dodle
116 Lo u y. J Io n. -4 )( 1. Ti pp in •• and IuJ(-luck 1\1lI Iraclon and Clrrltn I .. SG1 J 10 h.p_ tnlme: whICh II~ I lop (1M plt'VIOW rna," buddcr1 of!-Ion",")
D enni., 1940-4j. U K Wert' I-ull III tctVJa al the end o(the war. lOW lpeed of lJ mp .h. II ...·clllh~d nch produced prOlolYpe ~~hldC'l (or
To towlhe to}_nUn and I }j_mm fidd J I.}OO Ibs. "'" 16 fl I I III 10"" 7 Ii 10 In. cv~lu<lnon lnd Ibnc new design! dosdy
Omms p,oducni , num,," 0( J-Ion hm. Uln1 <I vnllck o"lm<llly dnlgruled high, and S It I In.. ..... _ There "'-u follo"teI the hncsofIhrJtq), Compued
4 IC ~ 1)'peI f{)lr d", Bnmh Arm)' TJI Mcdoum Tnctor "'"11 Ikwloped by accommoclanon for an II_mM gun 101M !_fon "dudes 1M)' ...ere wihtl)'
... hlch wcre noc waI m (orvo-nd Ir~~1 Imcnunonal Huvnltt Co .• 1M prOI(~ ~w A o-sonhbrt' Brown"'l nuchm~ "ukr ~nd lo""c:r Ind had biliCr ",'herls
h" .. ]( 4 l)'peI but wluch nonnh,';n. I)"pe belill ready ute m 19.. 1 The Irach gun could be: m()Unled on lhe cab roof and I)'res <lnd IlfOnln "Pnnll- The
gn'~ good 1C1' ... la III lhe lundl o( lhe and IUlpC'flI-1OrI were Inied on Ihose. o( for locil AI. ckfencc, Thll vchlCk Dodle donIgn "';>1 chosen for produc_
nnous IUPpo" lC1' ... ices.. The IXnnu lhe MJ Lllhl Tank (an ,h~rmn~design <,nl<,red production In bte 19..J and WII non and lhe I"W ulegory of lruck wu
J-Ion,," w;at ... m ....lly l&nunl 10 lhe wnh rubbc-r IrICh WIl rf..t«led by the III wllk 1C1"'ICC by 19..- olf.cully .nlrOOuad UI June 1941. ... hen
comm"rnaI IrlKJ. whIch IXnnlS ... ~re Army). The new "chick ..... Jlmdard- producuon gOl undtt "~y. n.c i-Ion
stillng ID 1919, Two oflhr mOIl wllkly iKd 11 1M M} Mcdoum Tractor m 119 M6. J8 to n. Hilh_SpeecI T fKo- INtk IC1'ta evnllually )Uppl~llfc-d Ihr
waI \";Imno were Ihr end upper (PUlt Oc'Iobn- ISI-'J wllm II emend !lttVJa, lo r, 194o-.. S. U.S,A. !-r:onncn and '<'rtUlntd In IIttVJa for
116) and the pc1rol (Pille II }), Laler II wu ailed by liS firul ude of man)' )"~an ~fftt Ihr "ar.
The upper had I wood dropwck body High-Speed T,acto,_ The M} proved 10 Larges( of lhe High Speed Tnclor AI ...·,Ih fM !-fon IoCnes Ihc-re .... ~rc
and hrdnulK Ilppmg n~clulmm. II M a mostlUccn.ful donIgn and uw wide famd), W'I tM M6. :lito bUlh by Alh~ 1oC"cr:ll IpecW body fypel n.c mOil
w. wlckly u:snt by Ihr Ro)':lI EnlllXCIi fCI'\'ICC II w~Ilhed 18,000 Ibs.. 'UI I} fl Chalm~n. Thll wu nrnllally an en- common Vlnlnl "-"1 lhe Command
and JO~ ... ~re lito UKd by the Ropl II m.1ong •• It .. In. Wick. and. It lID. Uf1c-d V~nlon 0( lhe M. TnClor and R«onIWSiUla Car (PUte Ill) ... !uth
A,r Forti: .. llrfield COlUlfUCUon and lugh. II hid a cr"" of 9 and a Con~ "'.. mle-ndcd 10 lOW lhe loto-mm 11.111 or ' "' 'S UIoC'd (or h,mon .... ork1nd. lI$ 5mlor
r<'pllr .... ork. The petrol unktt W15, nenul R-6}u lH h.p, atro('OOltd mi"" Io><b of up 10 so,OOQ Ibs. II hid IWIIl olfken' fnmport III vlnuall)':lIJ fightml
aglln. nrnll,lI)' the commercul modd which glVC II a spHd 0( JS m ph, A Wallkn/u IIJI;-qlmder cngmes. Ilvmg IIOJll. II .... 11 fintel "'lIh K~U Ind ml~
and "'U uied mamly b)' Ihc Roy;d A,m)' winch wu n10Unled on lhe front and air IW'~C 1'-' POWCT of lhe M4 Traclor, bo,uds lnd hJd a dcuch<lblc unvu lOp
Sc-r"'Ja Corp' al lwei In England bukes WCIt' mdudcd for openllng lhe Ton.I wClghl of the vchlck WII 76.000 and Ildcscrccnl. Thll wu p,odu,ed both
Thne Omnn vehKIcs h<ld a fou,- bnkrl on the 1\1lI bcomi 10Wc-d Ibs and II WII ~I § fllong and 10 It Wick, wllh Jnd wilnOUI I WInd!, AlKKhcr
C)hndtt 1J bhp engine and the IIpper nus "chlCk Iud All,· Ch:llmm own varunt. 1M Command Ca, (oe 'Com_
... all-lnt ... II 17 fl 9 In, long t I' M-4, II to n. Hi , h·Speed Trac-
l or . 19..0-.. ,. U.S.A.
design ollo(lHOn lUIfI"IWOIl and dwi nor
UK pun from OIher vehICles. Au and
mand FIoCId Sedanl ... as prooiu.:rci III
'malin numlxn (or Jl3ft" oft"Jan and
117 M5, IlIo n, Hilh- Sp u d T rac- ekelnc bnk" pipe wert' filltd for con- formlilOn commanckn (PUlt uo).
l o r. l!l-fo-.. S. U.SA This "'iI a compicmcnury vehicle 10 Irolllllilihe lOW, and IhC're wu a 10-Ion ThIS W<II an dabonld)' equipped vehlck
1M M S Tnctor designed 10 lOW 1M wmch. A Uro ...·mng -s-cillbR' nuch lll<' b~ied on panel \'In Iype bod)·work.
Ontt 1'-' Arne-nan K-nmamml pro- I H-mm Iun. l,4o-mm ho..'IIUf or Ihr 1\1lI could be: filled III tM commander's doon wcn ;oddcd lactlber .... lIh map
In.m~ ... n undn- wa)- In 1941. lhe SIO-mm AA 1110 (or C"qUlv:llml C"qUl~ rooih'lI;h ThcR' WIl accomntOd,lIIon abk, rldiO and roof rKk BIKkoul
Arm)' d«>dnt .llonsn Icnn policy 10 mml up to 10,000 Ibs)_ The "chlCk W1$ for a lUll CTrW of 10 men blinch ... crt' filled In 1'-' r~ar ... mdows to
Iwnch ... holl), 10 Incked Ir;msporl for all devcloped and built b)' Alh~halmn1 lhallhe ,·duck could be: ulCd ala mobtk
except lupply and hatSOn ... chlcks m USloll chaSUICOmpontt1lSfrom the t.hA I IlO Tnx:k.i IOn,. I( 4.Comma nd he~dqulrlcn 1(111)' umt.
armoured dlvllionJ. Thu m~lnl Ihat Medium nnk. Th01le vdueles equ.pped Car, Dod,e AnOlhcr VCf1.lOn ulllulni the umt
wh«kd and half-cnck 11.111 tracton 10 lOW the SIO-mm AA gun Iud dlfl"crml III Tr uck.f IOn , . I( 4,Comma nd bod) ... 1-1 lhe, ... lacked lhe
...·ould be: rq-bad by (ully Iracked ammunmon Jlowa~ arnninn~ntl R eco nnaillence CII r. Dod,e. 1940- lick doon and fimng5, and .... ;at UIoC'd u a
Incton. A ... hok f.wul), 0( purpoK- compued tOlheoilltT vehlCJa .. hleh had U. U,SA "UUhoul.
bUll! Iranor dnlsm wu put In hmd. In I foldm&: ammlO1l1lO1l h0111 IKK fittc-d 10 Other mockls m Ihr!-ton Chaw:1
pawns II mu~ be: noled thn Ihr lehemc Ihr AA i1.ll1luaon. The Mol (OI"Igrnaill WlIh lhe Jlll1dndlulion of Ihr i-Ion wcre lhe Welpons Carner. Ambubna.
10 have Incked vehicles only wu nevcr T9 Medium Tuctor) WII comforubl)' Jeep lhe U.S, Ann y deadcd 10 upgnck RadiO Truck. and v~noUl Rcp~lr T ruckl.

." ."

Of ~ 1M mOM widely UKd was the embark and dnemb;ark over the sides of III M19 C Ula Ca rrier. W eau l. I\-Ionncr. Phinomen Gr:uut, Stcyr,
Wuporu eaffln" whIch lI~d an open the vehlde nlher in the manner of 1941-4S U.S.A/U.K Mercedes Iktu and AUlo-Union all
body wllh pcnonl'C'l ..,au, ;I OIlY," nit boarding a bou. Under amphibious U4 MlIIC Clltgo Ca rrier. Amphi_ buliliruch m tho range. A, hefore they
and o;:anYU I~ screens. ThIS was some- bnd"'g (OndlllOns thIS exposed the men bia.... WPMI. 1~1-4S. U .S. A./U .K. were Illadc as T)pe A (4 )( 4) or Type B
limes called the 'D«p'_~h3pJ a 10 gunfin:. to I complele redesign Will (4 II 1). Type A bnng pun:ly for mdt-
COlT\lpuon of 'Big Jeep' . One funher amed OUI. ln UIIS lhecngme was moved The Weud was a light lracked vehick lary we. A range of bodywork whleh
.. anant wastM M6 Gun MocQr Camagc forw:a.d 10 behmd tn.:, front (tO~w abo ongllUUy ~gned With wlnler warf3re IncllKkd Inlbubncc (Plate n.s). Kubel-
whICh in n.xn«' was I Weapons Camet The lransom WII then n:pb«d by I md transponulan III mmd. II had Wide wagen (penonnd carner) (plale IllS)
mounllng a J1-mm anti-lank gun in the hinged nnlp operued by a hand Winch. I"\Ibbcr ltach 3nd was lightly coo- and cargo tnlCk could be K'Cn 00 the
rUr compulmrnl. ThIS uw lllnlled Storn l ltd men could lhen min" and lIruCled, .... nghlng only 1 IOns. II WI1 Phlnomen Granll tSooA chauis. The
serVICe m EuroF'C' In 19«-.41. kl\'C lhe )'ehiek II the: back, protected dmgncd and bwlt by lhe Studebaker sUindard 'house' body was used far Ihc:
~ Dodgt' !-IOO vehicles were from ground fin: 10 some eXlenl by the Corporation and had a S/.udebakn- $111_ ambuJan~ and there ....ere some Storcs.
powo:ffii by a IIx....::yhndcr 91 b.h.p. bulk of lhe vmick. DnlglUted LVT4 cyhndn- englM. II proved a mQS.l uttl_ mllntelUnce, and command vehICles all
cngmt and in Command R«onnall- and ClUed lhe Buffalo by the Bmilh. Ienl desIgn IItd uw wide pOll-war with lhe Ank: body. The Phinomeo-
una fonn the ~hiele wu '4 n long and Ihu veh lck could arry up 10 30 men service. panlCularly with the CalUdlan Gramt had :an a.r-cooled four-<ylinder
61 (, Wide. II wvgnro 5,}75 Ibs. and/or hghl vet-liCks and guru. A I)'plcal and NorwegIan ArmlC'S who opeute dlnel engme and WI1 td fl long m 1IJ
Io;ad would be I Jc<"p. a Uruvcnal Car- utmllvciy under wimer candltions. per$Onnd atTIer fonn. For desert opera-
III L.nding Vehicle Tncked. ner. or 1 ~pdr. gun. Some Wcaseh were iuK m lCrVice In nOIU:an extra alt filta- Will earned on the
Armoured, Mk 4- L vr 4. 1!U1- 4S. The LVT 4 was a most succcuful 1970· bonncl: or lhe penoond arner.
U.S. A.{U.K. dcstgn which was used III large numbers The amphibiOUS model MI9C had a
by the Amcncans (both Army Ind MW flouuoo body, boal~apcd fronl
What III.". ~n~ known v:mowly as ManMS) III the PaCIfic. and w;u U$Cd by and rcar. and wlIh ablc--opt'rated rud- 117 Truck. Amphiblaus. I } ton.
the Alligator or Wuer Buffalo and was both the BrttlSh and Americaru III IUlly den at the rear . Propulsion on the Water 6 )( 6. DUKW. ' 941-4S, U .S.A.fU. K.
produced In SCyttl] for nu wasongmned andEuropem 1~3-4j. Buffaloesfigured was lChleved by mO\'e mmt of the uS Truck. Amphibia u •• ~ i ton,
In 1935 when an engineer called DoIUId proml/lCntly In the Rhme CI"OIlIng and track" The amphibiOUS venion of lhe 6 )( 6, DUKW wilh Experimental
Roebling Jnr prodl.lad a light tracked the Waleheren bnwngl, playmg a key Wend was supphed 10 the Bnush Arm y' Mat-laying Equipment. ' 944-4S.
amphIbious .. dude for rescue work In pan In the SUCcnl of those opentlOlU. in 19« altd was U$Cd as I RIppon velu(k U .S.A
the swamps or the Aomb EvcrgJada. The vehicle propeUed iuclfin the waler in vanous amph ibiOUS O~tauoru on
The Umtal Stiles Manne Corps t- by the cup-lIupcd grOlUCn on Its tucks. Europe $um as the WaJchctm landmg" A major new projCCt on 190P IV» the
came interated and III 19¥1 RoebtmS ~ The draWing lhaW$ the nmp arrange:- It was 16 ft long. 6t rt ",de. and 6 fi high attempi to producea vehlCk whICh could
designed IllS vchlck to mea theIr menl. The Buffalo was normally armed With the anvas cover erected. The non- be used 10 unload ships and landing a-afl
rcqulTcmcnu. ThIS went mlO production for self-dc-fcIK"I: only With a ' )0 or .jO amphibIOUS model was I~ ft long. by lranlhlppmg stores over opm beaches
In 1941 II Ihc: l VTI . A succeeding model nJibre machine gun In a plntk mount lackmg as il did the flOl31Km chamben at without the benefit of prepared h.a.r-
was Ihc: lVT(A) I. whICh was made of each Side. Some veh iCles had a promlnem each end. bour" ThIS was forcseenasJUK ancoflhe
armour plate and mounted a turret to !lucid for cam gun. VchlCb m Bnnlh requirements for planned rUturc All ied
form what Will Virtually an amphibiOUS service also had a lO-mm PoIstm annan landmgs III Europe and [~I y. The
unk The lVT1 and lVT(A)1 were mOWIted alop theab and finng farwan:!. 115 Kfz )1 KraDkenkrafiwa, en NllIooal Dcfcnx Rcscarch Committee
Improved VC1"Slons of lhe onglnal dalgn. A fcw Brilish vdudn eamed Rame (4 )( 4. Pbinomeo Graml I ~A ) were given Ihc: ~SIt of orgamllng this
b;asinllya boal-lIupcd Iracked huD with thrawcn II weD. 116 SchwercrPenonenkranwa,en pro)«t. though neither the U.S. Navy
engme eompulmem afl, cab forward, The l VT4 was 16 ft I In. lang. 8 fi I m. (4 II 4. Phinom~ Gran;1 l ,5ooA ). nor Ihc: Army wen: keen on the poulble
and a Io;ad spa~ In lhe nuddle. ThiS high. and 10 fi 8 m Wldc. It h<od a Conll- t940-45. Gf-r many comphations of the Idea. However.
design Iud a wudvanlagc In Ihll only nenlal W--670mgmeoflsa h.p. and had !he NDRC engaged the services of
per$OnMI and hgttl Siores could be a lop speed of IS m .p.h. 00 land and 6! Tbc smal~tlland.lrdised class under lhe naval archucrn Sparkman lnd Stephms
carned and mo:n and eqUipment had 10 m.p.h. m water It had a crew of thrc<". Gf-rmm ScheU Programme: Will the of New York (lhc:y also deSigned the
.,. ."

Ampillblow }lrep) woo workn! with The DUKW W;iS 36 (I long and 8 rl obvlourly Imp"n! by IhlS vehlde, or rHpolUib~ (or da"nlnl thll new
Yellow Truck and CoKh Co._nwn ww_ II could carry $9 mm CIt tJw mon: probably Iht Blnlam of WhKh vehICk and 100 'NCn: bUIll by tJw CEtth
bwllkn ofll", lrlOnlruo:k-IO pnxtUf'e rqulVllmt ..... rI,hl m _ora. DUKW, many o( lhc 1.,00 J""od""lOIIiwlcft (II« finn ofSkocb III 19.f.i. T"hry had Io-h_p
J bNl-ilupcd lIotauoo huU 10 fil II", ..... cre' ,upphn! 10 50vICI Rulolll undc-r PLaIIe lOll) werr lupphn! under Lend- rour-cylllldn d~1 mlma and we",
l.randml COE I)'~ .1rlOO" JI 6 chaUl' Lend-Leur and Iht RuwlnJ budt I LeaK. Tht body and hc~dlamp arrange- [8 (Ilona. 7~ fr WlIk. and 9 fi I ~ Ln. hIgh .
(.,hown In Plnle 9.1). From tJw bu,llkn plrltn! copy known HthtZIL-.8j. 11m mrm mOft clo.ely fOllowed the Bln[am A few vdudn had prlroI ("lInes. These
rod.: IQc the: vrludc-DUKW- dlC dlKrrnt (rom lhe Am«lc~ OI1gmal III Ihan the J«P pt"Oprr_ Thll RUUWl OMradJchkppcn wen: uxd unul the
conveniently amphd)\OUI IUII'IC 'Duck' haVill, tht argo Ipaa Ulfndrd 10 the vchlcle unhKd the Sov.c[_bwh four- rnd ""u bur they oKeTcd no grell
wu contnved (D - t\l.l; U _ UII_ rrll and a lell ]~dmg ramp. eyhndcr Ford Modd A cngmc (Ihc prr-- advan'" OV" conVenllonallllCtOn lnd
bty; K - all ",1\Cd dnw.; W _ t"'m Wlf RU"IUI mOl"'" InduKry wl1l.aracly Wt~ IaI cuy 10 lund~. The vcluclc
IC'II '" hcd ox," ) blred on FQrd Fodurn budl undc-r dr.awn ",dtlplayma tht Gcrm~ lUuonal
U\I SCb ..... er.... Gelandellnilcer bcenec- II« prevIOllS volume). Tbr
On bnd the: DUK W uKd III normal Lud[rafiwllen offen (.. JI ... Mer- ibillan an rn:ollllllon $II" 10 (ncndly
Sly~ or dn\'\' but ... the wuer " WIS whlrels. IUIpc:1IIIOfl and mill)' compo-- llfcn(l.
clde. Benz L4~A. A Type). 1\1.. 1-
propelled by " prope:11tt (on a pawn
ukMlK (rom the IfOlmmJwon) and
.$. ~ll1Uny
nenu ..... en: amdl! 10 ,hOI( UIC'd on tht
GAZ an., bUI (our-whm-dnvr ..'at;
$Ienn! by a rudder. Wheels and p~ mtroduced. The (uel unk wu undc>r IJl RlupelllChlepper_Q.1 (SII)'r
Thll wu a further heavy type of truck
pdler rould oprnlle tOlctm ror CIIIC'!'- tht 1CUtl~ Tht vehICk "" uKd fOf the RSO 01)
produced. m Grrm.a.ny undn- tJw Schell IoiITlC vanrly 0( ro~ 11 lhe }trp. and UI
'''1 ~ ~Ivlfllthe wun. TIIC prlol: nlodd Proaummt (II« Pl..lla n - 61). Vehlc,"
IlJ Raupefttl(:h1eppn_Ost (Sle)'r
DUK W W;iS lIuurau(ulthlllC wu PUt (Kt tJw RUIolllIII used Ihoruand1 o(pps RSO 03). 'iM:l-.. " ~rnun)-
'n Ih" type: fim Ippeartd under the 100 ProdUctIOn of the GAZ-<i78dld nor
11110 prod~uoo It once Ind wu lim
ScheU PrognlllrTIC (Of none 1II1h111~d
uxd Illhelandtn(f' III Noumea UI March ~aIC unll.] '963 and mlny In: $I,U In Anolher allcmpl 10 produce: vcludes
d~ {d-} IOfU) had b«n ulrd by the
1\1.3 Shortly a(m thaI DUK W "'err ICtvlCl' wlm RUMrill utclbtc IIlUoru. Ipcaally lUlled 10 ",,1111'1" rond,uoru on
Wdtrm~dtl br(ore'. Comp,anlOll wllh
uKd m the IIIVlIlOO of SICIly and (rom tht Eamm Front resulled m rho: (ully-
Plun60and 61 WID thow how n,td Iht
thrn OIl they WCIC' uKd III all amph,blOu, Iracked Rlupc:ruchlepper...o-: (In("ked
Schdl Progrlmmt 1p«lfinnolll weT~.
opcunonl. In 1\1.). "Sol vm.ic," werr t J t Our.dKhlep~ (.. JI ... Skoda Inclor-EaIC). ThIS veillclc wuorllllllUy
(Of tbcK vch,da ~ look tdrnncal rxcrpt
burlt and by lalle liMS ",hen producuon 175), l~l-o$4, Gnmany built by SIC)T (RSO/ol) (PlaiC I J1) and
for dlKcnng cabs and bonnn$. The A
~aKd,lJ,1.7 wen: budt. DUKWI$."w Iud a pn:sM"d ICcd Ind Iypc: nb and
T)'pe: had (·c bul Mer-
M'rv'~ (oc- many ynn J(ler lhe "'If "nd Thr nall>C OJlrldlChkppcr (Eul- COE la)·OUI. It wu pa"'"ed by a Slt)T
ttda Brnz a]1O producn! an S T ype ..... hrdcd-rn~lor) IU~Cln(d)'drl... lbalhlS
loOlI'IC rrmllnnl In In'Vla WIth BnllUl V-8 7'Q-O.hp m,'ne. It Iud tank-hke
HnlOO m. JI J form ThIS looked very rna. unuSllll ~ .... hlch wauprcully
and Other armlC'l. bile H t\nO. DUK WI (Onton bat aapcnstOn and Rm tracb.
cltnn! anchon and Other nauual fill- "'m,lar except tlul " bckn! 1 dnvm dn!gllCd u ~ artl]kry Inctor for 11K Specul "".r.dr (600 mm) trxkl wen
froot a,ck and Wll m comrqum~
mg$. on the Ru,,"n (Of Elllem) Front. It wu filled (or runnm, on RlOW or ,Iuth
Ji"htly !o ..·er m hrlghl. Then: wl1lll0 I thoUghl mal large .. hccb .. cn: the
The- dUWlIIJI UlOW the opnonal AA lbough conv~ntionailUrrow (HO mm)
M'!(.prope1lcd ,UII VCflKln made m
m~ I\lII mount and tJw rnr chmnrl anlWer 10 Iht dtffiruk problnn ofhandl- track, ....·C'TC normally filled. The \'Ch1(1e
ImaD numbrn. TluI had I J7-mm Alk
(or lhe propc:Jkr and T\lddcn. Plnr 118 'fII .... hrrled Inrt$pon: mlhe ICvrrc mow .... u Uln! II Ij-foru OplClty. It w;al
gun mounted onl fbi bed body. and an Ind mud encounleTcd III RU",I . To me
1Il0..-, a U.S. Manna n:pe:nmcnu.l 14~ fi long. 6·S? ft wllk,lnd 81 fr high
rnclOted armoured cab. Overall len,m
venton dniBlK'd 10 lay " WIn: lod mal Gcrmalll tht .... eather ..... orrm a An ,mproved model. the RSO/oJ (Plair
0( thl1 W.hK~ "" ll~ ft. It had I WI-
over 100ft loand 10 that truo:b ~lVrng a Iruler mrt\l(r than Ru",an troops and IlJ)..... burlt by Mal"'"' m 19<f.4 ~nd
cylmder dleK! engllle gwmg III b.h.p. many mellUrn wen: tned III an Illelllpt
landIng naft had a ready mldc ' road' to wu loIInph(ord wlm a plalll lqua.rcd-oK
(ollow wlueh avoIded tht mk olbogglllg 10 aUC\'lllle me ptobkmr whICh wInter open nb and OnVl1 [OP_ nUl vdllC~
down. Scire! nlllllCn and " ROln,e bin 1)0 GAZ-47B Fi~d Ca r. liM)-H. brou,ht. had a DcuIZ (our-cyhndrr dtad mglllC
(or nut In: tht addllKIfU m;&de 10 the Dr Frrdtlllnd Ponclw. bnlli~1 de- bul 1110 O!hrr retpecu wu lundar 10 thor
malO "lUcturc for Ihll rolr. The" Brlllsh
li'. . . . of tht Voibwalm car and very RSOlo l. ThIS plnlCUlar model alw

ulfd I IImllar dcvla filled 10 a Buffalo. The RU""n rqul\oaJrm to the}trp \\';lO1 l~1I vt ttl the (ICk! of link dntgn, wu (Ofllled lhe iww of a hghl Klr_prope:lIed


mOowli for a ,. j-<m P~k lun;') vdudn The Iyplol load. shown IS a VKken- Army dunng World War 11 and .... 11 '40 Truck, 4 lOon, 6 )t 6, V.a, D;"·
"'~N: 10 convrned In !tit bst ynr ofthr V,SOo TrK1oriD<:u:er. a tned mll"flded as a traClor (or the • S5-mm gUR. mondT
war thr R:.(l$chkppn..QsI "'~s allO uted Royal Englnttn' IYPC "" IIh a high ]t WIt a convl"flllonal 'hcavy--hravy' 141 Truck, of lOon, 6 )t 6. Dunlper ,
In ,mall numlxn on tilr W ntrm Front capacity dour bh&e. cia. vchlck of 6 ]I{ 6 configuration. DI.",ond T, 1941- 45. U.S.A.
filled with a Winch II lhe from It had a
134 TractOor, 10 100'" 6 ]I{ 6, Sn.m· IJ6 Truck, of )t of, 100 lOon, Sammell Mack EY IIJI:-cy]mdcr malOC or IS9 In Ihr '\140-41 pcnoo tbe m~1fI emplw.n
mell CorulructOor Mo .. nlllitlftr, 19H, U.K b.h.p and .... 11 .l.4 Ii: 9 Ill. Iona; and • fl .. new I"",k procwemml con«nlnted
IH Vickert· VI.Oo TractOor'OOotr:l!r 9lR. ",,'.< h:adan unmu.alarnngemml on I"" l~,!,:md.l-ron Iypn.. 11xx wat:
on :IO-iOon LOow·loadlna M.chInny Th'" '" ... mu.aJly a 4 )t 4 "'C'nIOIl of the for lhe fronl In lhat tilr lhe mam vducks nerded for tKIIO]
TnilH, 195), U. K lO-(on IrKlor (Pbte tH)· It _ not \UlIVC11o/II JOI", was dnpcnted wllh In Uit. IC., m dll'o:ct support of fronl hoe
produced for Ihe Br1l15h Army but has favoW" of a be ... dled double leu rt"du~ umu.. Only a frw hundred luser
One of tbe first Oof"t,evrnlncw Sammdl been IOld o~no::as 10 smaikr for(" lion m the uk mdJ which aDOo",ed for vchKles we~ ordered II IhiS IIln<'.
dnilllI 100 cOome mlOo IaVKIr ""Ith liIr mjWnna a vC11o/luir hravy ,~n1 1(1'- both dnYl: and ~ng. The MKk NO Amo.,. th.r:it wen: DI~mond T, and
pooM.w,u Bnll5h Army, tbe ~on V1« veruck The flat bed and Make body IC1'Ift of suro:"lUYl:1y Impt"oved models VIrlOllJ 0iIhn m~kn. InJWIC I~ ,",·ben
6 )t 6 Tn(lor, wllS dnagned uptruly J!to.....n tj::uI ilItunaJlve 10 a ClIfiOo body. ....·e~ lUppbed 10 other nlU(lOtJ mtng the lhe v~rlOUl ClIItJOf1eI of tnod; were
for towmg tilr ~oo 10""'-loadmg Thc ... ~hlClt IS Wlnch-fiued, andopuoml I H-mm gWl Thc Bnmh Army WlS $Undardlitd :mel the drilg'" 'fro~I"fl"
Machuxry Trllkr whICh "'u mamly engm" ClIlI be filled 10 lUll thc: wer'l $tiD ullnll thctc vehKks m ' 970- A lhe DI,"10nd T _.elected I I the 4-10n
du!:malvc fCllure II a yoke a1tachcd 10 6 )t 61ypc for fU1U~ production. other
uted (or tnnlpofllns Royal Engmttn
pbnt and c-qulpmml, The Samnltll-
knOown u tbe CorutI'\lClOl" to In: ,n.aken
.)7 Tnclor , 100 ton, , ]I{ 6. GS
tilr rCar or the WINS and body ",hach
ClrllCl a eham purcha,," 10 lift the hea ... y
makes .. th ... dHi IxmS lhen dropped.
8y dll1 lime the bghttt truckl had all
-h:ad a balbst body whsdl lbo Indu.kd RecOovery, Sn.mmell, 19H, U.K tud oftilr IU" ..... henut:om.1II the bmber been VI producnon for &om one to IWO
'PKl: for !'ffOYCTY c-qUlpmftll and lplTt wbeds for 10""'mg )TIn and manufacnmng fa(l.lioa .... ~
wnttll. Thc ... chtclt h:ad towing pmdn Bwl! IS a rcplacement fc:." tbe warume wd nabhshcd. The ploducllon of
fon: and ali and futured a chaw1- Scammell he,vy b~lkdown In(lor hravler Il'\IckJ- 4 tOnJ and. abo ... e ..... Cre
mounted winch uled al • S 1011.1 which (plate 7 ), Ih'" ychtelt n Intendtd for 1M ealled 'he)vy_he2Yy' truckl- ..... :as under_
could Ix led (or",ud or art Thc II'IClor ro:covrry of vdlldrs (r.g. trucks and 139 Tn>dt, i .on, 4 x 4, "''''pons t:okm by ,p«Wut firms whose fKihllcs
....-;as 1) 111m 10ClI, .ol1hlgh.and' 11 I m. armoured can) up 100 10 «XU In .....aghl . C.,.rier, Dodge, 1941-so, USA wt~ I", utC1Ul~ thin the It\Uf-
'IIIl<k. In: tOial wctlhl w:as j9.)6o Ibi The map ehanK" IS the addtuon of a producrn hkr Ford and GMC ..... ho we~
Nily loaded. Pown WllS (rom a Sam- dnv~ fronl uk but Qilhcrwur WI Thll ....."liIr Weapons Carner ",odel Oof bUlld,,,, the bghler clallef of vduck.
mdl-Mcadows II ..-cybnckr pctrol en- vehldf cioltly rc:scmbla 11$ fortrunnn. lhe Dodge j-loo ItrlCS drscnbed In Hrntt thC'n: w:as a 5CT10US shonage or
gille gl ... lng lSI b.h p. Go ... erned top II hu a powcred Jib Winch I nd a main Plata l;ao and Ill. TiIr drawmg shoWl ·hnvy-hu ... y· tl'\lckJ m 194J-44 when
lpeed w:as l8 m p.h 11l1ltypc of vduck .....,nch III tbe ehnlll nled I{ 15 101lJ. The the wmch-fitted m<XkI"'>lhKh ....-;as 14 ft lhe Army suddc.nly rea.h ted from elf-
wu 1(Ill m .erVlCC .. 1970 tbou.Jh partly cngJ.'" " :I. Sammell.,MudoWl sax- 8~ m. IonS. Thc Weapons Carner ver- prlltllo,."'I:' In Noeth Afno and It:oIy that
wpplanled by a later model (_ Pb~ cyhndn petrol UnII riled II t8. b.b.p, SIOn "" lIS prodtKCd m far gruln numbrn II had IrlJUffioml Il'\Icn 10 IIUlnUln In:
'n)· OV(TlD k",th u;ao ft 71 tn.. WIdth 8~ ft, than tbe Ipccul bodied vanann and Irnglhcrung wppl) rOUI" 111 their
The 10-1011 rlghl-wh«! 10w-kYdmg and hC'lghl to (I d m. ThiS vrluclt WlI remall~ m I(I'VIa for lIWly yean pose_ I~al.. TiIr demand for IWice :as many
Machinery TUller is m scncnI.ervlce MIll In serVI« m t97'O lhough pardy war Ix(on: bemg replaced by a Jlmilar ·htavy-ht-2YY' rrud(J_wnh I prOOuc-
for cur)'mg I"flglnttn' pbnt and othtr suppbnted by a Iller dnasn bUI Impro ... ed model. ~ Wupom non IIrgft mitd from ).000 I month 10
bulky rqulpmrnl- Thc N:II' a:de. and Carner wllS allO buill by Dodge Ul 6,000- ....." ne ... er compkldy "",nsfied
wbttk art rt"movabk for and 1)8 Truck, 71 lOon. 6 )t 6, Prime Canada and thB typc of ,'rluck wil nOor. mdttd. ...... lIS II 1CKhcd "cry oftm.
tWO Ioadms nomp$ proVl<lrd art orrxd Mo ... ,." Mad: NO, 1941-41, U.S.A. suppbed under Lmd-Lca.e 100 ItvcnJ Ho",,'evl."l, by tlnorWtllng romponrnt
on dJC d«k. ~ kogth '" JOo Ii 9 m, nallons. Thc Iypc IS svJI uled by several prodlKtlOll. unlrJi.,. span: Op~ty Ul
and dJC Width 118t, fl. 11111 t)·PC oflUl1er Thc M~ NO scru:s w:as Ihr major mull nllKXIS Wlthm lhe Amcncan other plants., and by a lop pnonf)' pro-
'" sliD m IttvlCr. wheeled gWl Irxlor bwll (or thr U.S. spherr of mlluence . duction ICheme. lhe 6.000 urgrl was

." ."
h~ndlOmdy ucttdnl by [kcem~r, ,00 dw~ KCOIId w. ,he K-61 lracked det ....·chr) ..... formed III the IllS<» II .. " lSI I~~smoddonamodifinlv~on
I~ Mnn"'luIc: the In¥allon ofNorlh- ampllllllous nrncr whsdt mlc-rcc\ In_ mlw.lly eqUIPped " 'nh nwnIy Ameru:an oCthe Il-fon C "··'", USlIlJ the SlIM
Wnt Europe bad mc:.nso:d ttor Iktmnd Via III the 19JOa. ThIS ...,h,d..... , equlpmenl. Ho"'e:Vtt, Gcnn~ny'llulo­ t ....:lve-cyhndCl" mllne:. II camel five:
f« truw evm m~ and maxImum ve:ry doOK copy of, bllk-uKd Gc:nnan monve: Ulduwy "'"IS .. d ~bk 10 DIft't:all ramp « d«k k'CtlOI1I from the sun-
uubt.mon of elmn"ll ~lu "'"IS ne«.... W«1d War II vdude, the Land- mO!« 'rampart ~ Sundard duta dud 8undcs ..... dtr ponloon bndalna
A.y , Th.1cd 10 the 'Red 8~U HlJhway WIMMChltppc:r. ThIS Iud bern dalJncd . .' ( K lIon, j lon, Ii lon. llon, S 1011 and rmgc , A hydnullCllPPllllload pillform
Expr$' .oure and other rOUtes In OChCT In lhe III.l~.S pc:nod :u an UIolull Io- U Ion. In lmenl d,/fcn:nt manu- IS mcorporarcd 10 fxll,ule: unloadllll·
thUlra whIm wue: extmSlvdy " 'orked mgUlC'CT vduc!.: to alfotcllpldy not- (xtu~ lupplM;d vchldes III ItIcK 'n- Top lpeed of the Vdtl~!.: IS ~ km.p.h
and we:U pohad and prOIMo:d 10 "«p IlIIgs of nvcn The K-6, reproduced aU dlvldual cburs, and the maken of lhe and Itlll!l'. fllollJ ove.all.
lhe ,UII'I( moving , lhe eurnual fUlUra o( lhe Land- Io-U-Ion ran~ (and a (c:w e:vm blggc:r
The Dumond T .-Ionner h;ad the- WalKnc:hlepper and WI1 ,Im($ lhe Iypa) wcr-c Faun, These ve:hlcl" we:n:
111mbI'd U.S. Army pute:m arlO body. iime' duneruoon.,(ly except: f(lt ":I Ill- luppl,,:d wllh forward comrol ornorm;ol
bUI the ,lhm.~uOfll mow IWO Ip«WIS' cr-cued lmgth, The mock of propuluon control dcpc:OOUlg on func:llon, whUe 1<&6 T r uck , 10 IOn, 6 I( 6, 8ridlillJ
bodoeton the.-Ion e:h ..". Thf van body IWIll propc:11en In n:((_0 channds, mcchamal md chl_ componcnl'l we .... Cn n", AEC M UII. nl, 19111, U,K
(Plare "&0) w;as usN for vanous roles nch WIth 11'1 o ...n ruclder_ .... ldomucal lIanoarolKd th'0"lboul. TIu-« Typical
Ul(ludlIll worbhop . .... p:;u., naduncTY. as "'"IS the lowft' huD wpc, 'J'Iw; Irxk mockls (rom the range (lK W - Last- In lhe mtdd!.: IIISOI ncw 10.1011 vdlldn;
and pnnnng (dllfCTlI1l In Ullnn.aI fit- pone... and IaYOUI ....'"IS abo AnuW but "n(twlgm - mot(lt Imd.) an: Ihown """(K 0«1,,,,0 by the DnuJh Army 10

Imp. of murK). The dumpn- body utcd R"·"n components. 1bc tal of hm n'plate \'eluclcs of thiJ cia. whIch Iud
(Plale: ,. ,) wu mo .... Wloely buUI and lhe hull. bowewr. dlff'ercd completel y 1bc moc\cI !iI08I,,,VA (plarc I"l ) II hem In I(fVlte _nee World War II
,,'U uW'd rrumly by the Enl'nttn Corps. from the Land-WlIJCnchleppc:r II"''' on.: of k'ver;ol typa bwIl (IrI a Ion!! Leyland. Thomc:yCTOIt and AEC ..... c....
It Iud a hydnuIK uppn- m«tumlm. open lOPped and had a loadong ramp II wt-lbak' 6 )( 6 (halllL 1bc vcnIOII lhe main IUpphcn.lhe bltcr firm 't 6 I( 6
Thf DIamond T (n,go ventOn) Wat lhe Ilem lIS alto fnUlrcd In lhe RUHI~n­ sh own IS a a'llo/ pcnonncl carner wluch 100Ionl"lCT ~lIIg kno .....n as the Mihunl.
,u fl d 111.. 10111,' It "'Ilk. and II It I~ In nude DUKW ThIS f~llIlIo:d loadlllg lui foldlllg I(m on lhe body lick- UI lhe Vc:ntOlll of lhe Mdllan' In InVlU
high. It hach Hercules RXC IoIx-<yhnck-r of men or lIores $Inlghl off lhe aOJaccnl conve:nuonal f"tuoo. It hal an nghl- mclude a'lo, Iblbed wllh pallet Ie»d
engUle of ,06 b.h P Wnllht wll I',OJO nvc:r bmk cylinder Ocu,z mgUle of 118 b.h.p .• a Iysce:mt wldl AdB hydraulIC enne. a
Ibs. Llle production vdudes hid o pen The K~I _ nO! ICHOII p.aylo..d capXlty, "'0 , grou l.SOCi gallon fuel unke., I Ihrtt-way
calli and a cannl roof and Sldc,crerns. pr~ 11«1 hghtwl9ghl fIot~uon bod y. WCllhl of II 10m. Ovenll Imgth II uppn-, a 'ranG! fOil ICHon k'mo-lradcr,
It hOld a c~ of J and (ouki cany II )0"8 ft. Wldlh 7iI fl, and hnghl 8 fl.. and a InClor f« AA IWI$. AU thcte
,.1 Amphi bious PcnonMI c.,- lroop$ (It the equlvalmc ... nlhl III Other V~OIlS on thll chl_ ondude a VcntOllS haY'f a 7-f0ll dulllll--mounlo:d
ri n' K -6 t , 11I.!1. U .S.S.R. 1I0ra. II ... nllled ~ 10l'Il and had a bodg"" (nne (IImlb. III layOUI 10 lhe ..mdt and a suncbtd cab, 1bc m<*
Ilo-b.p , dlll(l ftlIlllC. Top land Iptfd VdllC!.: Ihown III Pbre 14-6). I pccrol dlllinctl~ ...,hle!.: III the MUllanl ranlle,
like lhe Wntcrn powcn. the R'_"'II w;as l6km.p.b. $Dd In the ..--alft' It ""mIll unlr.c:r. and fblbed ronUJnn amer. bo..-cVtt. IS the Bnclalna Crane, utcd by
InrrK'd the vailif ofampiublOUl veilldes 10 km ,p h. Ovn-all Imlth _ 19"7 It , 1bc model LIIIJ.'.SA (pbre I. S) IS lhe Ro yal Eng,nttn (or SlU: ,,'or" UI
II a rnub of the campllgrtl of W«1d "'Idth w"JU$I ovft' 10 fi.and lhe hetlhl .e:prarnuuY'f of lhe ..bor1 ..-hodbak' bo~bwldllli opcranons or by the
Wu II DIUlIlJ lhe ,,'U the Red Army wu6'8 ft, normal control mockll. ilato:d at I l ION Ordnance Corp! f« eqUlpmenl handJ..
WII wry Ihon of m y klOO of amph,blOln II has a Iwdw-<:yhmk, dlcsd Inl· Thu vchlc!': hal a complctc Cokt ~
vehicle aOO nver crOUInp beelme I.l LK'IIV. 10 l Ob. 6)( 6. Fl un of l6$ b.hp, gIV'"I ' lop Jpc:c:d of n 10<1 (shown) or JOIU~'~IO<I crane and cab
lenglhy and luurdous opn-ano", " a 9OI/s.VA kmp.h. lt 'Il.l (lions. 7"9 It WIde:, and uml moun led on Ihc e:h~illt rur, TOIlOw
f"uk Afler the ....'lIr lhe Ru",,",", p~ '.. LKW, 10 IOn, 6 )( 6. fl un ',8 ft high. Thu vchlC!': IS used ill a the Ionl arm of lhe crane JIb II "':1$ nccu-
vtdro '1I\Oftlrl!l' leu for litelr unlu L911/ I .HO H ~um artillery trxtor or ger.(\~1 $;Iry to modify lhe cab, tphlllllJ II d-
(a1lowlI'II dc(p--lublmr~Wl-dmg) and '.5 LKW, 11 IOn, 6)(" fl un nrao truck. Thcre IS allO a rttQvn'yl lI1OII UI IWO and pruvldllll' endk fOf-

a wholl: range of ampluboous vrilld"
produced. Thf finl of these .. "
a RtUWn-butk e:opy of the DUKW
L9IaJ. sA. 19SI. Fcdcnl Germln y

When the Fldl:ul German Arm y (Bun-

bffalr.c\o.....n WnlOll .....,th ~ crane
The: FaUll L9u ,'11 HO~I (PUtC: 1«)
(HOH - hohlpl.iltm - ramp c:arner)
....... td of the radlilor. lbiIC vdtlC!': (\aI
lhe cnne) iI JO It lana" It 1 In, WIck. ~nd
II Ii: 10 1ll. IuJh, Top lpeed u ~ mp.h,
,.. ,"
1.7 LiChl Wbeel ed Lo. d e r . to pltc lhe KUper blade. It nn lbo be g.neofll5 b.h P (IrOlJ). Toproachpeed fOf CM lOr! of dullCl thac 1M J«P h:wI.
Mlchi l!.n nOS Mk I. 1960. US A UKd u a "actOf (Of hghl Imlen. A long ISUimph performed In World War [I 8um with
UK whe..I~K m ","non 10 I" kngth allows OngmaJly the L.tyland tractor was bod! commC'TClaI and mllluty markcu
che vehlck fronl o:nd (the kadmg bogie' used 10 tow 7'1 m.·guns and 5'5 10.· m nllnd II wll 500n adopl~ for ItrVlce
The MidulUI Ii one of Kvcnll)'prI of and bucket ) tobclumcd through go"- . , . ho""nen but WIth the dluppeanncc the 8r1l11h Army. Navy and AIT
e~tth-movmc and conSlI'UCtlOnal «Iwp- each llde of lhe (nil", hne _ wlth no of the former .. capon (rom Krvla lbe Forte. and for hl~raIly doECnl of Olher
meN UKd by me Ro~ Englneen. II an 10. of Kallllll)' Thli greatly (~nbutcl l.eybrnk rcplaffll A£C Mal:wiQr1 u fight ... 1Itn'Kc:s the ... orld over With
arry ~thn- , (Ofk 11ft '1Ilchmnal Io»cil"llnd nunocuvrml' Tho: IUrTWII 10"'IlIi velude ror lhe Bofcm 40 mm lhe denullt of the AUSlIn Ch~mp wluch
(1lIUM'U«l) or , lnovel on Its IIflll1l um$, arclc II only 17 It 8i m 'The AUu- L..J-bIN anu-allenft gun and la )Pd onamaUy hem pbnned IS I PI'
wh.k I third 0p"on .s J Sam porubk Chalmu, ~s hllS I IIx-q-IInder AEC u!!(Killed ndar conlrol UIUI and Imo:- repilccmml by the Bnm.h Army. the
rOOldwly un be arned and lild dl_1 ""IItIr. dIW br.lking (aIT and ralor Iralkn. Plale I SO IhoWI a trKlor Land Rovrr bo:OIme cvm more wukly
from lpeclal yoke and frum aillched to hydraulic With bllCf; for IUIl<"). and an WIth the Boro,", L,4] lIun In travdhng used and numerous IpKlaI purpose
the bftinsarm With thll ~mCI.Ilu J'Iea C1U""II..., h)'dnuh.:'Y"nn for~nllng polltlOl'l. vaNna 'PJ'Cared 10 the late 19SOI and
of «IulpmoClll Mlch'I~1l:II are UKd III the buckn. O"u...u length oflhe veluck the 196OJ,. In 1960 I K ..... 1 modcl .....1
,mpbdnous bncli", oper;mons where IS l.4 11. In • \O"dth 8 ft 10m.. and belght lSI T1'UCk , GS.l to n.. )C • • R ovu Inlrod....:cd WIth lollgbdy revlltd body-
the)· lay trxkw,Y' up the beKh (Of the (10 ab lop) of 10 ft 10 In. 8 ( R over) ... ilh M.oAI , 106 work,
bcnc:fil of "ho:cled vclucla conung mm RecollleM Rifle. 1960. U,K./ 'The snnd,rd i·lon (lIIH i--Ion) model
uno", from lmdml enfl. Another Aunulla had an 88 10. wh«I~K ... hlle the :I·lon
pIC« of ~u'pmenl ulled the 149 T rac lo" 10 10 ", GS. 6)( 6. 151 Truck, GS.f lo n •• )C 4. R o ver model hal a 101110. wh«lbate. TIE b~$I(
Mldugua • , bult boo: wludl an be Medi wn Artill ery , Ley land , (und Ro vu ) ... ilb Wombal Anli. Rovn- • hu the S III- whe..lballt and a
uU(btd 10 dle reu nod of the In(IOf 1,0 TnctOf , 10 1011. Le yb,,"d ... lI b tank Gun. I~ U K ROVH (our..qhndn- engUle. It wKen
wbe. required. Th.n., completdyltlf_ Bofo ... Lil be AA lun. 1951. UK CS] Truck, GS, Ulili ty, i IOn. (rom commcrcnl modeb m havllli lWUI
comallled linn willi Itparue 0pUIIO., • )C 4, und Ro ver, 1960. U,K. fuel lank$, I,s/ung eye Ind ckau. modt--
KIt and controls. and III own h )'drauh('l. 'The Leyland Io-tonnet' was developed c54 Ambullnce, 1-4 SUelc her, i fltd bumpcn. mIlitary ~tlem lOW hook
A detachabk (oul "e~cher ab IIlupplled to reruce the early I}'pes of mtdlum to n , 4 )( 4 (Rover , I. 1961. UK. and tyre. mlbury I)'pe hcadhmps and
With the MlChlgm but under operallonal artillery IrKtnr hke the MJlador and lhe ISS Trude, Fire Fl,h ti nl, f lo n , remforced reuchaSSlL It aho hli mounl-
condltlonlllII IIImUy ommed. TIE bIn' A1bKon (place 1 Ind 76). ConsIderably • )C 4. und Rover, 1960. U.K. mg pouilS fOf a radio In lhe back. plaiC
Mit II modcl ofth. vduck dtft"en pTlD- more anmnon _ gJVftI 10 CTCw com- 1,6 Truck, Cab Fo rwlrd. Fire lSI w,ows a Rovn' 8 un by the AU,l Ira· tn h'VlIlI ullaUSl outka let! fort m thIS vmKIc th;an UI prcvlOUitypa. FiChtinl. I to n , . )( ., und Rover. han Army. filled WIth , U.S.-built
vHnally from the top oflhe hood and a A $1«"1 body mcludel ab lItCIlon for Cl 1965. U.K M40AI rccDllInI nile (demountabk)
fillered lIr mt.. ke In lhe same poIIuon. 10m whll< ammumuon and ~ttery 157 Truck, GS. i ton, with R.lpler and with locally modified m"dluard,
Wltillhcxchmga. plUl(uU w.. terproo(- $lore ne (ariKd VI a "'parate feaf com- Gro und· Mitsile L.unc:blnl Ihll havc thelT lenllth redu«d In fronl.
1111 lhe vehlck .,bk 10 opcr;1te and wade ~rlm(Ut ,,'hl(h hu a d-fon apamy. Fin I nd P o wer U llil. 1969. U.K n.e drawlO' !.hOWl the ~ doon and
U1 lluUow "'ltH. fOf msun« .. amphi- A lo-ton ",nch IS fined UI the (hUlls. IS8 R a pier Miuile , Fite, P o wer WlndKrerrI removed. a" fcalwe
bIOUS openllOlU kadlng (ore and aft. and ..,th a Ho-ft .nd Traclt lnc Uniu, 1969. U .K O(d~ vcluck wludI can be 10 modJfitd
k:wi. T OWIOI pmtkt arc prova.dcd IleKh I S9 TNC:k • • )( 4. i Io n. GS. Ll l bl. lIS desired to stilt actl..., Jcrvlce condl-

t48 Arlic ulated Wbeel Loader. end II ne ,IT brake hnn. Th(re i, allO a weighl Air P ortabl e, u nd Ro ver. 110m.
A1lb·Cbalm crt 64s. 196s. UK Iud for ekclne brelkmg If needed. Thn 1969. U.K . The {--ton model (Rovcr 9) hal thc
"duck entered Itn'I(C VI d~ cui) t950f 160 Truck, Car,o, I 10 0. 4 )( • • lot-In. ... hccl~K. and. modlfitd from
Intended r« f..:1d ute by the Ro~ and leml1M VI UK. and there III recovery uod R over, Fo r ... ud Co ntro l, 1966. Its commC'TCIaI eqwvalem 1$ for me
Engu.c:us. the Alla..ctu.l~ ~S "'" vehJ(k on the ume ChmtL In lun tractor U.K RovH • ThIS vduck U used 1$ a
tl'Ktor for the 105-mm pack hoW11ZCr In
dnalntd as, lup a.~aly dumper but form lhe L.tybnd • ~ fi lot III long.
" has a ItCOl..bry (unction al a ICnper 10 ft t In. hlgb. and 81 fi W~ II has ~ 'The famous L~nd Rover was mlroduccd Parachute FIe'Id Reglmenu of the Royal
(Of whICh a Ipcaat tOw hook Ii provldtd RoUl-Royce B Itf\C:I; cIghl-cyJmdet- til-- In 1949 as , four·whcckiTlvc fidd on Arullcry. both the vehlck and the lIun
,6. ")
be,"I ilIr.ponable In m(antry haluhoru 7$ ft Iu.,id hOOCl uuclw:d 10 lhe: powdt:r modem nublary n:qwrelMnu. Only (om Imr(1I1 products purch.ucd for
"am MallYI' (or the Womhal r«Otn~1 conl"nen complele the fillmg. one man II needed 10 opeUIe lhe .ystem mu.ury 1Ue. Apln (rom lhelr mlilury
ann·unk lun (Plait I,l) wnh I JJldulI Tho Army Fin Servia uta a Ipco;al and I (11.11 dcllchmcru CQII.IUts ollhr« colour Khcmes they In' ,denocal 10
ramp (or IUe 111 IGadulI or oK.1oK!m, vcnlOll o( IIx Forward Conlrol Land mnl, I m'Jor $aV1"l1ll manpower com- Slock veillcin. Can a~ used (or I num--
IIx wupon. Tht Womhal an aho Ix Rover (PLue 1)6) ",,-hid! arna con- ~mi WlIh, lolly. the Bofon lun used U\ bn al rormnc mwury dUllei JUdI IS
fued. (rom the velucle. V<ftnon,1 fin' 6ghlln& eqwpmml lit- In IU dt:fcllOl' role. The Rapan systCIJI iliff Iunsport. lCIUor offiorn' Inn'pon,
50th IIx short :uwi 100& ....·hetlhax cludlllS hO$CI, W<lf(f ,nd foam uun- cmploY'l1 radar co ICIIl the nonlon ,nd counc:r, and po!!a or traffic conlrol
llond ROvn1'~ .ho uied. 1/1 FFR (611cd. guubert, ;md r1.'K\l( loob for UK ... haJe In opubI trackm, Iys'nn 10 SIght and work. 11tc fin! I..."() ~hlclcs hen: (pblH
(or r..dlo) (orm III whld! ,"'lOr II hu a 'llj.[&lhuOlll. 1lus vdudc II dn1j!;lU.lcd. COCllrol lhe: mwak a(1n !he "rsCl .. 161 ,nd ,61) In' ... IIx muk",s- of a
r«tlficd. ~.voll IlUte..d of I ~voll oftioaIly. 'Truck, Cab Forward, F~ "'lwml bomb dllpogl Iquad haied. on BnUtn Iywem. (ull IUPPICileon, a Fllbnns' Tho IIlOII .«nu dt:vcloprllC1ll of the ...·hen' most 01 t:Ix movnnnllllkH pi,"
. ..
,~ac. uble, acrul bnd;ns, 1111'0 una TbC' Fono..rd Conlrol Land Rover Land Rover carnes the :w-porubilIlY OVCl" pubbc .web and thllS an make a
hallenes and provu.on (or halltry IlJeI( (PUle .60) IS wed only ... KrUll qualmcs of ibc vclude co Ihctr Iogleal perfectly (onvcruml mode ollnMpOft
wrsl"l numbc'l1 (or mlSCCU,1lCOUI dUlia by conclUSIon. ThIS IS IlpcaaI bghlwnghl 1bcy Iu~ onn~ w,nnng bo:acom like
Ccn;un 'rlnt, uw:ludulj!; Bomb On- t:Ix Bnmb Anoy. but III 1970 I Ipccul modd dt:vcloped. spccuJl)' (Of nuilliry public IC"TVIC( vdaocltJ (or U1IC WI CInCf·
pogI,nd ochn It'Chmcal bnnchn, IUe mdllanltd VClVOt'l of tIus ,.conllCT Wil UK. EAcnlWly II II I smpped. down 1mc\C$. The Ford Zephyr IS lyp>Cal o(
tlx 'Uullly' VttSlOIl ofllx Land Ro,~r under dt:vclopmcnl, daffcnng JJlghdy vcnaon of the ~ whttlbatc: Land t:Ix [ralllport utcd. by .uK and lbIJor
(Pine 1,) .... hu:h IS hawally, com mer· f,om d~ oogmal rommercu.1 det.lgn Ro'-u w,th all non-fttcnllals omlltCli, offian. Ind II rrpracnllllvc of C'qulva-
cui IontI wha:lhalOr model wllh 6bre- However. t:Ix bua<: dffign wu also and all fimn" (t.g. hood, body $Ides, 1m1 1)'pcI 01 car wed by ,1I.rmtd (oren
llul hardtop Ind Uln' 1Idt: doon. 11111 ,vlluble (or expon ulel 10 other nub-- doors, wmdlC.tbI, bumpen. and .pare for thll !Ilk.
modt:I II ,Iso uied. by 1M RN ,nd RAF IIry (orCfl,. wh«1) uuly deuchable for loadlnl In
,nd (or ml5«U'D(OlII non-<omhaUnl The mot/. rea:m DeW role (or the Llild II rcnfi or hehcoplen. PI~te 15\1 sho ....., 164 Traclor, Wheeled. 6 )( 6. so
roln by m,ny orhtl" armed. forCfl. Rovrr emphumng Its Imporlln~ " , II both (u1ly eqUIPped. and stri pped. (or a lon, Seammcll SUP"'" Conuruelor,
On 1M Rover 9 chum, well-known hllhlwelght ,ur.porublc tyJlC', II .. a bd,copter hfl by ,n RAF W~X heh· wilh 50-6) Ion Seml·lralle-r Tank
'perial type IJ IIx ambulOlna: (Pbte I,U) IraClor unll (or the new Rapln mllllic copier Ri led al ! lon, lhe design II Transporter, Cran.... Fruehauf
which II mlendcd lpeclfically (or (rom system. Thc RaplCl' II I IUldW ralher mOr( tulled. and ICrvocuble th,n 166 Traclor, Wheeled , 6 :ot 6,
1UlC' work. Body.... ork on thu velucle IJ weapoo dffigncd 10 Ix borh 'llCJ:pmilvr, earllb" modt:b ,nd II WIll cvcnlllllly Snmm.U Sup" ConurlKlor whh
nlurely of alumullum wlIh IImple co operalC, and flexIble III Opc'I" n'pb~!he older Rovers III Jerv1CC UJe_ II Ballast Body, 196 , U.K
IIllulmon and oKen ICcommod'llOII uolU.! we_ It IS lII'nldcd (or combllllng IS beI"I prnduced III borh a rgoand FFR
(or 1.... 0 .uClclxn or Ollc Mmchtl" :uwi low ft ymg JUpenonlC and ground ullek VCI'IIOfU bke urher models. A IlS-hln' ThIS II an exampk of, 1I1ndard com-
lbet( .COlled. wounclcd.. or WI lOraled. lltcr.lA and IS broknl do....'11 U'IIO Ihree (our-qltndcr CII8'De IS standard ,nd meroal velucle and Irllkr bum UI
woo"""'- ~tlJ - 11x Fill: Uml, Po ....·n Urnl, and whnllmpped. down t:Ix vchacle .....nglu Bnlllll and told Ibroad 10 several mili·
Forlhe RAFd'ClTISIlPCCW vcntOnof Tracker Unit (or dt:ployrllC1ll (Plate bille rna« Ihan I lon, Ovcralllrngth IS IIry authonUCI. ThIS ~rncular eqUI~
[Ix Ionl whttlhatc Lind Ro'," (Pble lSi). Tho lracker and po ....·er uruts hnk I; A, overall .... dth II , (I, and OVCl"alI mnll .".:l It noc suppbcd. 10 IlK Bnush
I,,) IS' fin' fiablt,. and r1.'K\l( vdude lIP co form I IIngk Indn (or 10..... UI(!:, bctShl (WIth an ... nil) IS 6 ft $ III- Army_ Tht pnone moVCl" has a ped.lgf«
for IIrlKlck. Tbr oonvcnton II by the Ind Incker Will IS amcd III t:Ix Land gomg nghl hack 10 !he Scammell
""'11 fin' nlglllC m,k<rt, Mer.)'. RoVft I"IClhcr With m ....k 'l'f'!' 161 Car. L1,bl, . x :J, Monu 1000 PtOlNXI of pre-"".,r days. A RolI ... RoytC'
weather, ;md t:Ix cqUlpmcm .ddtd (Pille 157). Thc compKlIlC1I 01 the Traveller C6 I~bl~ l75 b.hp. or! maine pro-
lIIducks dry chenllc" powder co romhal
I ... cnflfi~ NmOlnllSwedcoducturse
IbePOWder, .ndthlillcameciLncyl...-.d II So
l)'IIem IS apparent from t:Ix dnwmp.
The ~lanvdy smaD IIU 01 the Land
Rovtl" :uwi lhe RaplCl" l)'JIem m,kes
161 Car, Medlwn, . :ot :J, Austin

16) Car. Medium, . :ot :&, ford

VIdes t:Ix po .....n (or thll vdiKk and a
po",,-cr ukc-oK also drIVel' I$-(on
caPleu)" wmeh mounted bdund the: cab
Tht powder Iuclf IS III 1""0 1oo-lb handlUl(!: ,nd coo«,lmrnl ClI)", wblle: Zepb yr, 1960-j'O, U.K 10 uwt on klldlng the Irlller or for
eontitnt'n.. Floodlampt, a bghl bdder, the nlUn' ')'IInn II au-porubk, Ihus rKOVCl)' purposes 11tc lracior unu has
toob and C\lttllil C'qwpfII('nl and 1.... 0 con(orm"" 10 the mO!l Imporlln, ' o( IIX wbcd dnw WIth an anu:ulned
babncr ~a, buslC'. U lllotd III wed by lhe: Bnrub Army bul II "Ulel very well lhe ftexibillly of the budt OIl I"" Thornycrofl TF A B8 1
u,11Cf SommeU models. and Ihrrr II a for ale ro owcncu OUUonL famous SammcU IUlpcmiOll Iy$lem 6 .. 6 ctws. ",hLch Iw , Rolls- Royce
pre-«~or Ililomauc: lurbo .. Powe,- In addmon lhe: COIllUCUJr a allO IOld .... hlCh gwa I~ vmlda: the excelleD! Bgi mglllCofl15 b.h p. Actu.a.lcXs.gnof
u5Iw:d $I«n", Il an<>iher fUlun. ~ m vanous eommerew forml for long ClOSS eounlty pcrformllltt. 'The elum the body ""ork and fimngs ..-" under-
uloar Il 10 Ii high and 10 It 10 ,n., wwk. r~n~ road luul~gc. In milita ry con-- ~nd rubber IlIeb, Slmd~r to l .... o1d WD la'!'m by the Pyr"'" Co_. lhe major fil"C--
w'Uu ",bttlbueofl1ft Ii U\. 'Thecmply fig:unlloo the Contractor IS IOId u a p,attl'm, gl¥r added lTa.ction m muddy fi&hung apphlna: manufacrurcn. Tbr
wnllhc of die' ,aLU II Jl,480 Ibi. pnnx mowu for lhe CrallC Fnochauf condmooL The roo('COIlVO)" hardo and PflllClpa.l fUlun II lhe roof-moumcd
T.... CL"iIIlC Frochauf jo-6o un.!. s~on tl'nu-lfliltt unk transporter m,uunng emopy ar~ fim"" for over- dual OUtput fNm monnOf' wluch a
cnrupO<ln" sc:mHn.lla uted wllh clus (ICC prevIOUS mtry) III .... Iuch form II Il ICU mdLlary ICrvice. luprhcd from a 110 lallon fNOl com-
outfit a JI It ~ 1lI.1ong and nof the Ilt<Xr ,Uu$lnlcd, carrying a Cmtunon t.ln.k. pound taM and a 100 ga.llon Wiler lank
fume Iype_ cnn.!.cd 10 fil the prnm AiI(mlUYft IIKludt' I tnletQf Wllh baJ.- earned ""'Ihlll tbe vehLck. Thctt IS a
mover couphnlunlt, TM ikc.!. '''I1l of laK body for lowing full Iu ,krs. a 16' TI':IClot. WhMled. 6 )( ,. :w 'blowa 1U1II' 10 nuI the: COIlIIIIUC1ltl and
m,ld $I«I ....e1ded to lbe fflrM membcn. t«Qvery and ilKa.!.down Ira(tor, or , 10 .... Satmmell Conll':lelor with 0.1. genCTale lhe: rNm. In addlUOIl 10 lhe
TIIC ~;u ",spcnsooo II of the uruprung lone wbttlbasc: ngJd eha_ hLgh capr 11111 Bod,., '961. UX momtor dKft an four hand. hote; con--
rodcer Iype "'1m nghllwm-wbttl alY cargo ItueL TIIC number of options ncacd ro I .... fNm uml. The WIll II 10
bogla (16 wh«b U\ III) mountcd '" fout offered. mcal1l thai In moo a,5Ct ttlC' Another Iypc ,upphcd for expo". and "ungcd thl! for kngthy operalloru
rows 00 four axk:s. The "1'e1 ukI hive pUrchalCf ca.n spcafy engmel and. no! used by t"" Hnm'" Ar my, exIra water and fNm cOOlpG\Lnd ca.n bo.
roI.iCT bcnull hllbl. TIm KmHruiC'r .. mcclumc:al p~rtS 10 milch lhate ",·hLch • a luluK body VeniOll of the vdllck pumped m from In adJamu Yl'htck
I I It W1dc and lit 1 In hlgh_ Iia cXs.gncd may a.lR'~y .... Kand2.rducd wuhm the "'O"''JIIII <'htc ,6j. Thll.wedpnmanly ...."hout dlllurbt", OUtpul. Cr-cw of lhe:
Ipl'Clfinlly farearrYlngllnks of up 10 So rCit of hLl Irlnlpon ft«l. for lowmg a seMOIl full Inder un.k Yeh"k Il four.
tonI, III parn('\Lbr the unilinan (~WD) A I),plcal paWtt unll would be a IrlOSpGrlct or, maduncry earroer. 1111s
or the M"'1~8 Pmm ICOCS. Stora Cumtrunl .x-cyhndcr dtctcI unIt of vctuck. a.lto IOMt rom~y_ Thctt '10 Truck, CarlO, ,, )II ••
J Ion.
and Ima.ll vdlldc, of up 10 thn «I"IVIIcnI lH b.hp. IU brucs. a hydrauhe cilllCh • , ran~ of mglllC 0PI>Onl ro lUll IndI- Bedford RL
....nght can 'ho .... earned. Major and a Fulkr gearbox wllh u forward. vidual (U\lomer rrqUItf:mmiL VehlCla 111 Thunderbird, H i,h_Inel Air
('\LSlomen for clus vMlck and Inm;poner and two revent' I'lItlOl would be pro- U\ the ConIn(lor and Super Conmuctor Defence M.IJlile
\mIllncluck South Afnca. lsnd,Jonbn VIded, 'TheContra(tor hal, wlCkbonnct nn~ iu¥r bcm JUpplllCd ro ~venl ,,1 Truck. Cargo. 4 .. 4. Air pori_
and Olher Mnklle EaSl Slita. Laden a.llowmg most avadabk pa""er umtS of counlf1C!lwholndmorully iuYl: bougbl .ble. Droplide Bedford RL, with l-
w\'Ighl of the sc:mHraJler WIth Un- IUltabk type to be KCommocbtcd. mlhury vehlde from Bmlln. Indudmg Io n Tntruporublt' Conr.iner
limon tan.k II about t? lbs.. Empty South Africa and Jordan '?J Truc:k-molUlled Repeir Shop,
w\'Ighl of I.... IC1JlHraUct a J S, 11' lbi. .)1 " J tOIl Bedfo rd RL. 19H -?O.
161 Traclor. H _v)' Recover)', UK
6 )( 6. Sclmmc U Super 90 Con- 169 Airfield fire Tend"" 6 )( 6,
16S Tractor, Wbeeled,' " 6,JOlon, UrUClor. 1966. U. K Thorn ycroR Nubian, Mk VII , 1966. In the early 19j01 new l-lm vehlCln
Saommell Conlractor, with ,50- 60- UK Kuted 10 wier SCTYJCC " r-cpbccmcnu
ton St'ml-Iniler T.nk Tnmporler, Thll vdLlck w;as a modernl$cd V(OIOIl for the w~nlrM J-Ionncn wluch 101-
C nne-Fn.ehluf, 1968. UK of the Scammell 6 .. 6 ~OYl'ry vduck Thll dlKlnctlYe vehlck II Widely uted by dieted on, to somc (aXS unul 1960 Of
~"'..... Putc I l? II wu .. m.!ar 'n all the Bnll'" Ro)'II All Force. a $Iandard beyond. Ford. Comnll'l' and Bedford
The Contunor a vmua.lly a refined rnpcetl except Ihl! II IncorpGralni the airfield firr: lender and Cluh lruck, and aD rCCt'lvtd COIltnCIL AU daigns In--
vernon of lhe ConllrUClor dt'slgncd 10 cab and. som~ mcclumea.l pans or the came InIO sc:rVlCt' m the early Ig{ioL II IS corpor:ated" many rommer-cWp,am.
offer a WIde ran~ of ahl'maD~c-nglOes, Super ConSltunor ~na. Th .. model alto uted by I"" 8 .m'" Army FIt'C pouiblc. UIlLmatcly VauxhaU (Bedford)
Jeuboxa, and CYI'n IUlpclUlon UlIIg 10 cbd not go mto sc:rv_ ""'m the Bnmh Scrvo~ and h. hem ~Id aU over the: became ItIC' mlJOl' produ«n and 1M
lUll tbe rl'qulnmmtS of unhvJduil Army but ....;as supplied for expon "",th workho OIbeurnueund :&Ir foren. Sold. 8ntford RL )-Ionner h«amc a.lmoo U
cLUtomcn. Though bUIlt In Bntam by a "nge of power unLlIlO WLlthe nudl of ailO (ommercully. II II uted by many familiar I I I.... WOlnlme Bedford!.. It
Sommd Loma ltd. tIus ~tuck .. not mdlVlduil CUSlomcn. The draWing i11u- civil lI.pon ~Uc.honUCL The vchLck IS R'n'lJlno:d. In producuon IInul " kaK
,66 ,6,
- ....,.....
'\l69. bNi, .cplK'td by }'fC InocMr .rader (pbrc 171). ThIS very fklllble IrICk"'IY leng.h (Oa. )0) II 1),11)1 Ibl.. EaICT Beaven would operate ...·"h
Ikd(ord model. Thor Ikd(ord RL IS I ...·upon! l)'lIem .....01 ckt.olned from 1M 11Jc Cb.6olnck Wf1gh,IOj Ib prr foot ' !raulS· oflr.ulers. JOn~ veh"ks!.»dorIJ
ptr(wly flrllght(a.ward ld~puuan a( Slart .... lIh a h'gh !klr" o(porllb,llly 10 uloC'd. ThH lauer's. of (()UrK, ItIlendcd 10 tIM: ltallen and OIhen .0"'11li 1M lo.>dcd
dIC: 1kd(ard 7-ton cammer(~1 .hat laullchml loIt~ an br !'lIpldly make a f(),Idw~y ovcr 1M brach for trlllfn 10 Ihf 110m area.
(hI""''' Tile lddnlOm InClude I TCU chanled 10 a (all-mQvlllg ta.CU.:alloIIUr un'" Illd ocher vrry heavy Yflucla. TIM' Eager Beava- could operaI(' un-
"'''Inch mauntrd In tho: Ch.Hllilnd g'VI", uon. AU pam of the m.BIIe and IIJ prepared 111 "'"ller up 10 10 Ill. ckcp Ii II
a l!-can pull Thor Heel ab IS a wlghtly ~UlpmerM bruit down InlO con- 11 n I) In long and 6 ft WIde The chaun
ma.bfird ~noan of' tM arduu.ry com· v~ndy lIud 10"'" 175 R o u , h Ternin f o rk Llti Trac:· IS of lpa« (rame lubulll conllrUt'UOll
metall cab. In 1\l6Illhr rlllSlll111-ton II'\JCk ran(!C lor, Ea,er BMver, 1\161. U.K. ~nd body .... ork II l"lely ommrd to A~
In us b.a..r ClrlO (orm (PIlI(' 110) ...·uh was r~r;",ed 10 4 tons ~nd re drSlgnatN wCllh.
)led lentnl lC'fVI« body, the Ikd(ord a(CQrd"'gly Tho iouit' vehIcle IS typlUl ofil~ Iypa
1110 Ii to m.lan" 10 Ii: high. and 1 (tl) In. ....meh m«l lhe bIt'S! rcqulremmli III
"'''Ide. It Ius dropsidcs, and fokhng millury Innt.plN1 demandn. vcnatilllY 176 T n c.kfd Ce lTier, Vo lvo BV
bmch Kill for IXnofInel. Permmni fOP IS ...-eO IS ponabllllY by ~r The: EaF 1OO.,1\l68.SWNcnIU.K
5pfni IS 15 mph. VeT)' many vanlnu 174 CIa.. )O TrKk .... y (poft.l b le Ikaver w.u cinlgncd (rorn Ihr "art 10 fil
unt an dm ch,,""", wcludmg I eargo IHd .... y) m o unlecl on Trla(:k, comfonably ltlloIdc elllltll1l II1IllIary Th.. novd hsht .... elght SWNISh lrtl·
tn.w:k .... ,th Adlt hydnuhc cnl1£ fot Ca rlO, Dro pade, 4 II 4, 1 to n, Bed. lramper! IIrcran ,,·co lhe Ha .... ker cubIt<! II'lIckrd vchlcle lui been Wldely
handlong palleuni Slore1 and ammuni- ford RL, 11)66. U.K. Suldeley Andover, thr Imailnl (on- adOPIed, and the Armyuscs" l1a
tlon. ~ IS abo an Iltpottablr VCTJIon vcnnonaJ ~ arner 10 RAf t('TVi«". ....ow vm,,1c uutead of lhe old WU$e1
(PiaI(' "1) ...·,th r('mo.~ble ab roaf' to Thr CLuI )0 Track .... ay (popululy The vdll(1e combines 1M IWO (un('l1OfIS (Pial(' uJ). 1bc .. rry w>dc rubber rracb
prrmn dow 1tO"'~gc With other c-qUl~ alIed Ihr Suo Tnck"'JY) Ind '" brier of forI. lin !r1lC1. and IrlClor for .... ork and him Wfl8h1lP~ I ,.try low groWld
man III 1M canfillC'S 0( an IIrI:nn hold. dem"lllvc, thc CaB 60 Tnck.ny, are "thCT on advanced lIn1nps. plrl(:hulC prcuurc mll.,"1 II Jpc(l.all)· IIl11able for
A bulk (ud linker. mabik rqmr.tlop Widely 1UC'd. p~mcululy III amphIbious drOPPIng rona. or III englf>Ccu· ficld 0IXUllng on IOOW. 1«". mud or J.... lm~
(PilI(' 111), mabtlr !knt"! cluuc, cnd work. The: Cia_ JO poruble roadwa y Jquadrons. For III rdallVcl) low wnihl bnd. The IXrm..lfndy cDuplni ITailer
uplXr. light b.eakdo ....n truck. and a J)·lIem conRIl of Aexlbly JOined alu- of6.100 Ibs 11 hln very high I~ npaaly IS dnvco VII a IkJllblc Ituft from lhe
"''' tru.;k uc allallO produad on 1M mlOl\lm alloy ·planks· II II: ....·.de and (4.000 lhi) and I powerful millie glVI"l enl,ne In lhr tnC'lor UIUI. Thor Volvo
$.Ime elu_. ISO It 1)111. lang. Tbc: Cla_ 60 rOMl"'"lY a ma.nmum 1peed 0( 40 m.p.h. Iii (our- can ClIrry 10-11 mm or JIOrct on lhr
Thor mou: IKcm devdopmmt "'''Ilh coma IftIWO .Z~ Ij ft and 1~ Ii WIde cylmder Perklft$ dIt'Sd engal1£ g"·es ITa"" UIUI
IhlS vdudr IS tho: UK oflruck tunlporl· and IS wua.Uy p~mbled U\ l} It 18 b.h p M l •.soo r.p .m. The: velucle
able contalncn which arc made In 1I1~ knglm (or JOln."I 10 OIMr IengtM OIl Ius four-wheel dri~-c and four· .... h"1
dud paDC'b JO thai a layout of'doon and loll('. Tho: Cia. 10 TrackwaY '1 llied (or ""nag 1'''1011]0 11 lu.mnl mck .n Tnc lo f, Whul<HI , GS, 10 ton,
...,ndoW1 an br lC'IKled (or a g,ven w!lttlt'd and hlht trackni ~hKIa lnd A IUllk beam m~S1 ...."h h),draubc h(t 6 II 6, Scammcll, l\I6l. U.K
role. The !'JoDC'b are made 0( aluminium ClIn bcbundlNOlfiuspoollndrecovcred finni 11 thr (ront can (lIny ather forb
10 k«p ...-elghl to the mInimum. A bIer by d~ ClImer ~lucle. It IS normall)· (for handline pal~urd IoadJ) or a A modoficd ~nMln ollhr IUC'lor .tIo...-n
tyPIcal uranlement IS Uto...~ In thc arned (XI lti lpool all mounted on a glnl'l·. For lIonlC on an llraan, !he In Plair; tH.!lUI ,·tlucle .:blff" nwnIym
dn ~n'"'Uude Kleen! are fined II IUmuble IO lhat II IS SImply JW\lnllCrOA mUi ulll bl(:k 10- 10 reduce overall haVlrIJ a more po .... erful Rolls Roy«
nKn$.lry 10 (orm pmlhoulC' c .. lenSion .. the un O(,IM: earrler ,·rh,ek for bunch- hnlht OSmgll'll:of,84 bhp. anda rMnIgnni
Jacb below tIM: COlllalller luppon II mg. A roller fUIm IS$oembly lI(rcclni to To 80 with lhe Ealler ~l .. er In ItI abo II can lOW a ]~on low 100ditli
whm 11 IS bemg cbanled_lhe ,·ch,cle (orm a Iauncm"l gUide 11Jc mOIl U"ICIOI" I'()k 111 ,Ion IIr.ponablt' ITlller, !T;1Jkr for rngll1ccn"l plant or a normll
.. mpl)' dnvn OUt ;and lel\·~ thr con- Vlml camer vdude H thr Bed(ord J-4· of' wlud! 1.... 0 can br luukd fully arso maier A!'Jon from bang uted by
lllneT sundlnl on IU legl. 1000ner shawn. but thr J;l1tIr ~ulpmenl laado:d. The traUer n dc$olncd 10 br the Bnmh Army". allO wed by 1M
Onto u .. 0( lhr Bnifard 4 II 4 .1IS1 ClIII br cuned and lau.ncbni from other ul.m aplrt for euy 1I0... agc on an .lIr· RAF and l1.t1o ....n bt'rc IS a JlOfCI wpporr
10.... '''1 bdllclt for the ThwlCkrbml vdudcs. naubly thr M.chigan D$n tr.Irl. For a !'lipid rum round of I traM- vch,,1t' (or !he Harner VTOL IIftr.l(1
IUldni mmilr • .tIown on 10 "anlport TraCIOr. Thor lOul Weigh, of a IjO It porlllrtr.l11 (WI a for .... ard IInp $ever..! II a (or .... ard landmllround.

.'" ."
178 Trl>Ck , S lo n, c.rgo, High wnh mM( fud and ammunition. The INDEX
Mn bilit y LotId Carri~r, 6 X 6, Alvl. Sulw~n can go vllluaUy anywhere that
Stalwan M.k 1, 1966, U. K. the unlu go. A further vanant hu an ThiS mdex II ~rranged broadly by type or fuoc:u<ln under IJ headlnJP M) that all
Atln hydraubc cnne for handhng vchldes Illustrated In a ~nlCul2r c:ltcgocy (e.g. TranlpQrt Vchtelct) ean Ix: turned
The St~lwart suw:d as~ 'pn vau vCJ1ture' ammunmon and IS uK.! 2IiI a hmber up qUICkly by refC"tcntt 10 the relevant IIlI. Mult i-role vehICles appc:or hen: more
by AlvIS In t{l6o and was CJ1Vlloagro for vehIcle for the Abbot SP gun . t!un once. Ullder evcry appropnau: heading. o.utis of wid of ~rvltt are I'VCll
both military and commercia.! u~, in The uniqlll.' fenure o( the Stalw;on IS In the f~XI ~nd ~re nO( lilled heree. When dates are glYCJ1 In t~Xf headIngs (or ~ Iroup
tho: 1~1I(T e-~ as an expioranoo v~htde Its ablltty to eros rough country wing of vehICles they ree(er 10 the gcncnl pniod 0( terVltt ~nd nO( n«..... nly 10 every
for 011 companlel and the hke. The Its ux-wh«l clu.\.SH layout. and also Its vehIcLe 5hown ... the group. Country of otlgm. and any major secondary UK!" or
mtluary v~luc of the Sui wart wu amphibIOus qualulCS. PropUlsion In 1M usen ur al'lO ... die-Ied III the text headmgs (e_g SwcdcnfU.K.). In many e-~
obVIOUS and afll:r m.Jlluy mats, which .....ate.. IS efl'cc:tcd by 2 Dowty mannejoet howevC"t. vehICles wen: uK.! by doUTIS 0(" (OUnlrt('S (e.g. lheJccp) and the COUnttlCS
led to a few mmor prodUCtlOll changes. umts whICh nkc ... and ept wUtt at IndiCaled generally refer 101M actual exampk drawn.
the veh icle WOIl IntO production (or the prtuure to gl~ forward movement. For J""pltelly. crou-rrfereences on the text arc m~de 10 piau: numbers only,
Bnmh Army. The first vehldes In Vanes ~re filled In the propulSIOn unm though rerercn« should abo Ix: m~de 10 the correspond'ng dcw;:. IpUV" ,,,XI where
KfVltt wen: deslglUtro Ml< • and had for $leering If the propulJ.OIl 'y$lem reekvam.
Jmatt cab windows ~nd was k:. power- faliithe mad whttlscan be uxd for both
ful In the w~ler. 11tc definlll~ produc- crude $lecnllB and wattt propulsion. All
tion vmlDn illhe Ml: 2. wnh enlarged whcch are Ind..pmdcndy lprung ..,d c"llH4f
wmdows to give beller YUlon. The
Stalwart IS used exclwlvdy n a Mora
the vchlCle can (rO$l j ft rrenchcs and
climb I In 1 dopes. The vehlde IS lO fi
Pi", [).oJ(r;P'H",
Trl" ( .... ",IIn) (pttgt IOIJ.)
and supply carner for armoured div ...
UoIlS, used mamly to fottow up the unk.
'01 m. 101lB•• ft 7 in. Wick. and 8 ft 10m.
Ambu I2~,llon. 4 x l. Bedford ML
LclchlC Zugkraflwagm Sd Kfl I I (Hanomag) conVt'rlcd
. .,
to Ambulance
" '"
Ambulance. Ii IOn. 4 x l. Chcvrokt
Lorry. Ambulance. Indian Army Type ,". .n
Lorry. J ton. 4 x ~. Mob,le Labontor y, Bcdford
"" ,,'
Lotty. J ton. 4 x 4. Mobile o.ntal Surgery. Bedford
Mlltlerer Personcnkra(twagen (Opel Dhtz) Wehrma.chtbus
Trock. J tOil. 4 x 4. Ambulance. Chevrolet CooL .." ., .
Truck. i tOil. 4 x 4. Ambulantt. Dodge
T ruck. i tOil. 4 x 4. UuiJty. Wtllys M D Ambulance Ottp " ."
Kfl J' Krankcnkraflwagcn (4 x 4 PMnomcn Cnrul.
." ."
I $ooA)
'"'J< ."
Ambulance. 1-4 MreICher. j Ion. 4 x 4 (Rover 9)

l GUN CARRIERS (VehiCles mountmg heavy ahbre wcapons)

Sf! (Sd Kfz 7/l) WIth l"7 em Rak)6 29
SA (Sd K& 7/ 1) wllh 2 cm FlakvlCrhng 27 '"
Trud:. t S (Wt. Bedford. filled expcnmellully WIth :w-mm '"
Polncn unnon 3'
Trock, GS. i ton. 4 X 4. Rover' (Land Rover) WIth '"
M40A,. ,06-mm RecrllUeJS RIfle 'St
." ."
eM"" c.I_,
T,,. ...
Truck , GS. :lIon . .... 4. Rovt'f 9 (Land RoVtt) with
f _kr)

.,. .6, Ca r. Medium . .. II: 1. .... ul-lln 1Il00




Wo mlnl Anu_Tlnk lun Ca r. Medium. 4 II: ,. FOI'd Zephyr
Tnckrd enTler. Volvo ox JOe)
., .",
MOCOf Cycle. 1010. A,",1. HO IX
MOoIOfCydrComb.nlllOl1, DMWR7$
Kleine Keuornluflnd, Sd KfJ: ~
OUI. "EC Regent
OUI. 1i IOn. .. :II 1.lnlernlllonll K7
Truck, GS. Unllly. ~ Ion, ,, :II 4. Land Rover " ...
7J IJ7 'B
Kk'll~ Kctlrnkuftnd, Sd Kfl #I (LolK--bycr)
Kin .... K.:umknflnd , ScI Kfl J (\l1td I i gun !fXlor)
, .... RTIUERy TR .... CTORS
FlCkI .... ruUny Tra(t()r. 4 .. 4. MOf"ns CI
• ...,.,
Tl'\lck, )0 (WI, CS, .. Ie J, C hevrolet (conven:rd for
FICId .... mllcty TnnOf". 4 II: 4. Ford (CMP) .... rullery TnClOr. 4 II: ... "EC Mludor
Medium .... rulkry Troaclor . .. :II .. . .... EC Malador (wllh " j
,• ."
Car, Light UuIIlY. Aumn 10 17 t16 gun-howllzcr)
FlCld .... ruJlny TrI(IOI'. IkdfOl'd Tncul
• ..,."
Kfl I Kubc,lwaam. Volbwlllnl h (Lachlc
Kicll1c Knlmlr.rartud. Sd Kfz , ""
Kfl •flO Schwlmmwlgm, Volluwl~ 166
1' 7
II' Hnvy .... rnllcTy TnctOf". 6 II: .. Albton CXll
H(ny .... rnUuy TnctOf". 6 II: 4. SammeU R .oo .." 'J7
. .,
Lony . .. " J.jOcwt,Ann-T,nk,lkdford(umoumi)
Cat, light UuIIlY. Stuwhrd. 11 hop
Car,HC'lvyUtllilY,4" . , Humber
Ca r, He!"'y Ullllly . .... J, Ford
FlCId .... rollny TnaOf". " :II 4. MOtru 0
Lorry. 4 II: 4. .... nu-T,nk Ponff (6 pdr.) .... UKII1 Kj
.... rtdlery Tn(tOt S-3o
Ca r. Heny Unh,y. Fold 56 1)1 M S. I) Ion. H'gh-Sp«d Tuctor "7 .S'
Car, He!vy Ulllny, .. " J. Ford
Car, Light Sccbn, Ford llA
M6. )8 Ion. Hllh-Sp«d TrlClor
M ... 18 Ion.'rd TnClOl" "..,".. .,.
TnI(:k, Huvy UnlIlY . ....., Chcvrok1 0....
Truck. i 1011." :II .. . Comm,nd RocOl1Il.J,u.ul«. Ford
67 114 OtIndtchkppcr (.. :II 4. SklXb 17,S)
TrI(tO<". Wbcclcd. GS. ~ I0Il., 6 II: 6, SammclJ .n ."
G PW (LlnC' Layn) 101
Truck. i ton . .. :II ... Commlnd Rocoruu.ltsu>«. Wlilyl M.... 109
149 Truck. 7i Ion. 6 II: 6, Pnme M ovn. MK k NO
L.,hl "ndlny Trxt()r. 6 :II 6. Dmnll Octol,.
." ."J"
Truck. i Ion. 4 :II ... UIIiIlY. Ford GPW. ~on vnled (Of"
')ttp RulwlY' . 11

... 9
TrallOl'c MedlO. " II: ... FUI TM..o
6 TR .... NSPORT VEHICLES (CrnmlSrr-vlCc (as) TruckJ 0<"
."Lorna. Troop
Truck. i Ion. 4 :II .. . .... mphlb.n. Ford GP.... III 149 C nrK'n, and Load Carne ..)
Truck. I ton . .. :II 4. Comnu nd Dr. Dodge 110 I j) Truck.Jlon.aS.611: . . .... u~nKl Sill
Truck. j Ion . .. :II .. . Comnund RocOnlUlJ$;Intt Cat-. Truck, .. Ion ... II: 1. Fordlon 11uma II 11\1
Dodge UI IH Truck, S cwt., FFW. 4 II: 1. Humber IS I JO
M19 Df']Io D rnn'. W(,1Id UJ IH Lorry. )0 CWI. GS • • :II 1, Dmnu JJ I 'J
M.l9C UI"JO Utnrr . .... mphll......... Wr,1Id U.. IH LOfTY, I S CWI. as... II: 1. Bedford J1 I~
Sc:hwnrr Prnonmknrrwlgm (4 :II 4. Pblnomm G r;UU1 LotTy, J ton. as, .. II: I. Bed(:,rd .. I 116
I JOO .... ) 116 ISS Millie-ret Gcbndcglng'gn LaMkrlftwIgcn (Opel 81111.
G .... U7BF,ddur IJO 1,6 .... Type) 57 1)1
Truck. I Ion. 4:11 ... Wrlponl Drnrr. Dodgr IJ9 IS9 Gk..,kcucn-Lkw.IT. M1Ulltrr (Opel BhlZ) SI IJI
e, ••",. "..ti,
"mpl,,!,.oul Pt.", ..m.,] I .. , 160,4II: 1.Dodgc 61 114
D r. ughl." :II I. Morns 1000 Tnvdicr 161 16, TlVCk . as. JO CWI." .. 4. Chevrolet C)O 6J 114
'7' ' 7J
Colow C""
Ckl( ..~_ "., Dt-w,,,.,
,,....,,,,) ....
TrucIr. IS CWI. " )I 4. Chevrolet C ljA ..
" . ,) (~-.J
Lorry. J Ion . .. )I 4. 8,ukoown Ganlry. Ford WOT 6
r,. ...·)
Tnock,' ':WI, ,, lC 1. WIfC!aJ. Ford FI
"" 'J< 7 SPECIAL 60DIED TYPES (Vlns., Officu, Cunn. Tanke... ClC .)
Trvck. 11100, 6 .. 4. Cargo. Sll~dd»ktt
Tl'\ICk. l~ 100,6 " 6. Caf8o. GMC
". Fbghl Rcfudltt, 1,$00 '1IIons. 6 " 6, AEC oSj.,
Truck., lOP, GS, 6 x •• AEC Mar~al to '"
Trud" allOn, 6 lC t. Cargo, GMC ". Mobtk Churth
TI'\ICI. 11 Ion. 6 IC 6, UTio Dump. GMC
" ". T""k. '1-) 100, Ordnance Rc~'r, GMC " '"
Truck , 11 lon, 6 It 6, Cargo FWD
Truck. 11 lon, 6 )( 6, GeM, COE TyJ'C' "" '"
". Truck. 11 Ion. 6 )( 6, Cugo. GMC, converted 10 RaIl
S.... nc~r
" '"
Truck, 4-' Ion, ,, )C •• Federal wIth Io-Ion Rcfngentcd
T.lIleT ". RadIO Tl'\lck, of )( • • CrOMky Q w
,,." I,
Lorry. J Ion. 6 )C 4. Ford. ""'Ih Balloon Wmch

Aumeano Un,ficalo Med,O, S ron, ,, II a, rut 66.s ,~

", LOOTy, CWI. " .. 1, Bedford (MoI»k Tea Car) '"'..
Lorry, J Ion. GS . .... 4. Aumn K, Lony. J Ion, 4 • -'. Ikdf()l"d (SIOfn V:on)
Lorry. J Ion. 4 • ~. TipPIlII. Dmms
". ". Lorry. J 1011. 4 • 1. Ikdford (8re~d Van) ..
Truck. Amphlbooui, -'i Ion. 6. 6. OUK W
'" 'S> ".,"
Schwnn Gcbnck&~ng.ger LUlknfl"'~lcn OKtft (4 ••• ,,. Lorry. 1 Ion, 4 • 1. HO ,Ilion Waitt Dmn. Ikdford
Lorry. J Ion. 4 • 4. fire Tenodrr. lkdront
MeI"co:da &m. LUooA. A Ty~)
R21up',"Khkp~r-Oso: (Slcyr RSO/o l ) '"
Lorry. 1 Ion. 4 • 4. Comnund VChKk. Bedford
" '"
'" Scammell PetrOl Bowln for Bedford 6-lon Pnme Movel" I,

Rlupn\l,:hkp~r-Ost (Slcyr RSO/Ol) 'H
",'. , " Ml Truck.nwunlcd C une (Tbcw Shovel 6 )( 6) and
Tf\lCk . 10 Ion • • )( 4. Scannncli MQUnl"llrlC'C1'
Truck. 4 Ion. 6 101 6. Dumper. OI~lIlond T
LKW. 10 Ion. 6 )( 6. Faun 9Oif,.VA
M 16 j.lon Tnlk.
Lorry. J Ion .• 101 I. PC'l101 Drner. Demlls
'"". '"
LK W. 11 Ion. 6 )( 6. Faun L9lz/U A
Truck. Drgo. Cion • • 101 4. und Ron •. Forwud Coruml
Truck. t con . .. )( 4. GS. LlghlWrtghl Air Porabk. Land

Truck .• Ion. 6 101 6. Van. O... mond T
LKW. 10 Ion. 6 101 6. Faun L911{1 1HOH
Truck. 10 Ion. 6 )( 6. 8ndginS Cnne. AEC Mt.I,anl
", ,.,

Truck. F,re Flghllng.! Ion . .. )( 4. Land Rovcr 'S>

,,. '"
Rovel" Truck. Db Forward. Flfc Fllbllng. I Ion. 4 • 4. Land
Truck. GS. ! I0Il. ~ RoYft (wllh RaplCf m'l4Ik l)'iItm)
Tnack. Drgo. 1 Ion, 4 ••• Bedford RL ,,.'" ," Rover
Alr6c1d Firc Tmdrr. 6 • 6. Thomycroft Nub ... n. Mk VII
TnKk. DIIO. 4 • 4. AI! Porubk. DropMCic. Bedford
RL (wllh rona",",) ". ,",.. Truck-mounlcd Repair Shop. 1 100. 4 )I 4. Bedford RL
'" ,"
Tnod. DIIO. J Ion. 4 101 4. DropMck. Bedford RL (with
Tl'\IoCk., IQII. C-IrJo. High Moblhly Load Car""l . 6 )I 6
", ,,. Tank Transporler. clton. 6 Ie 4. Whne 9~
AlVIS Stalwul Mk I Tank Tnruponcr lnd R«overy. ) 0 Ion. TrKlor and s"ml-
n OJ' Gt-Iandcganglgcr uJtku(lwagrn (Busslng·NAG)
Sc:hwercr LaMkr,fiw'gcn (0) (fain 6)OO/c II)
Truck. I' CWI. 4 • 1. Wllcr Tanktr. OIcvrokl Cc,
T.,,-,Icr. Sammcll
TncIQr. Heavy Brcakdown. 6 Ie 4. SammcU SV/1S
TncIOt". Havy Breakdown. 6 )I 4. Sammdl SV/IT .. ,.,...
" OJ'

,. . .
M~ Pnmc MoYft. Truck. ilion. 6 )( 4. DIamond T
Lorry. I, (WI. 4 Ie 1. Wiler ConamlnalKlft. Morn, C.
TnKk. lt Ion. 6 Ie 6. C4s0hne Tank. StucklNker
OJ' M9 Tn.tlcr. 40 Ion. Bntu.h Mk I "
Truck. It Ion. 4 • 4. Bomb Sttvtct
M16 Tf\lCk-Trxlor. Il Ion. 6 Ie 6. with M c, Tank
lofry. J I0Il.6 • 4. S,grqIs Offic:t. AUMln K6
Lony. J Ion. 6 )( 4. Brukdown G~nlTy. AUMIn K6 ,., Tl2JUportCT s"m..Trim
Lorry. 1 Ion. 6 • 4. Breakdown G:.tntry. Auwn ko '"
,,. '" on
C"/""r CDI"",
PI., eNu"p",," P/Qlr eNurip"'""
T,p' (II"mbn) (pdgt "".) Typt (""mbn) (J'Qgt Ild')
Lorry,j ton, >4 >< 4, Ureo.kdown Gantry. Ford WOT6
'"'H " , Truck, AmphIbIOUs, 2j Ion, 6 " 6. DUKW with
T~Clor. aD lon, 6 >< 6, Sc:.nllndl CoIISlruClO.
Vid,eu_Vigo Traclor/Dour on 2O-Ion Low_lo~d",g ," Expenmental Mal_laYIng Equipment
," '""
Maehm~.y Trailer
Tractor, 10 lon, 6 I( 6, GS R«ov~ry, SUmtl1eJl
Traclor, Wh « led, 6 >< 6, lO lon, SCOlmmell Super
" ~I
Tt:lctor. 20 Ion, 6 " 6. Summ~1I COnslructOr
Truck'4 Ion, 6 " 6. Dumper, Diamond T
Truck. z~ Ion. 6 " 6, Cargo Dump. GMC
Cia!! lO Trackway (porlable roadway) mounted On Truck,
'54 ,'59
COlmruClor, wilh So-4J Ion Semi-Iniler T~nk
Tr~115porlcr, Cnille-Frueh~uf
'" ,0,
Cargo. Oropside, 4 I( 4.3 IOn. Bedrord RL
Rough Terrain Fork Lirl Tractor, Eager Beover
Tr~clor,Wh«led, 6 I( 6, Scammell Super eouslruClor
,., Tt:lctor. Wheeled. GS. 20 Ion, 6 I( 6, Scammdl '"
wilh Ballal! Body
T~Clor, Wheeled, 6 I( 6,20 Ion. ScammcJ COntraClor,
wilh 10-60 Ion Scmi-[n.ilcr Tank Tnruporler,
," Ligh! Wheeled loader, Michigan 75DS Mk !
Aniculalcd Wh«1 Lrndcr. Alhs-Ch~lmcn 645
Truck. 10 Ion. 6 I( 6. Bridgmg Ct:I~, AEC Mil"anl
Traclor, Heavy R«overy, 6 >< 6, Scammdl Super 90 '" ," 11 MISCELLANEOUS PRIME MOVERS{TRACTOR UNITS and
Tractor. Wh«led. 6 I( 6.':0 Ion. Sc:unmell Cont ractor '",.. ," TItAILERS
TnclOr, j " 1, SnmmelJ Moch~nical Hone I of I I "l
wnh B;ubst Body
T~ctor, Wheeled. GS, 20 lon, 6 >< 6. Scammell
'n ,.,'" Truck.~! lon, 6 " 6, Cugo. GMC. convened 10 Ratl
Tractor. 6 IOn. 4 I( 1. Ikdrord "
43 /44/41 ,"
SA (Sd Krz 7/1) wilh 1 em Fbkvicrling 17
Torpedo Transporter Semi-trailer
3-lon Aircrorl Tranlporter Semi-"oiler
SA (Sd Krz 71l) with 3'7 Cm Fbk l6 29 '"
)-lOn Cugo Semi-"oilcr
Truck, 4-1 Ion. 4 " 4. Federal wilh lOo-lon Refrigerated
4 jf46 ,,'
Lorry, 3 lon, GS (Ikdford hair_track)
Field Arlillery T~clor. Bedrord Tradal
Kleine Kellenkrartnd, Sd Kfz 1
" '44
Ml HIgh_Speed Tractor, 7 Ion. Clclrac 95
Artillery Tracto. 5-80
M j, Ilion, Hlgh-S~d Tractor
I t4 '"
Lighl Arrillery Traclor, 6 " 6, JR,nnii Oetolal
Truck, I S (WI, Bedrord, filted ex~rim ....ually with 21>mm
~, 181011, HIgh-Speed Tractor
M6, J8 lon, "hgh-S~d Tractor
Pol"cn Cannon
lorry. 3 lon, 4 I( 4. Bedford, experimcnt:r.l (Bedford
Landmg Vchide, Tr~cked, Armour~d, Mk 4-L VT >4
MZ9 Cargo Carner, Wend
Lorry. j lOn, GS (Bedrord holf-track)
M1 9C Cargo Carrier, AmphibioU$, Weud
Vickers-Vigo Tnctor/Dozer On 2O-Ion Low-loading
114 '"
Field Artillery Tractor. Bedford Troda!
Truck. Amphibious, ~! 1011, 6 I( 6, DUK W with
el(perimental MOI-Ioying Equipment 118
Machinery Trailer
Amphibiousl'ersonnd Carrier K-61
13 j
14l ,.,,.,
Tncktd Carrier. Volvo BV 20l 176 W.O. Pattern rubber oYerall tucks for Scammell Rear


Bomb Handlmg Trolley
79 ,"
M2 Truck-mounled Cnne (Thew Shovel 6 >< 6) and Rapier Miulle, Fire, Powt't and Tracking Unils

M163-lon Trail"" 102 '4T Thunderbird. High-IeYei AIr JR,fcnce Missilc '"'"
'" 'n

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