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Course : ENGLISH 03
Teacher : Walter Castro R.
Date : August 10th- August 14th, 2020
LESSON N° 18: Past simple 6: Interrogative form
Good afternoon students! Did you enjoy your weekend? Did you relax at home?
La clase de hoy es el Verbo en pasado en forma Interrogativa que indaga sobre la existencia, ubicación o
acción anterior de las personas o cosas.
MY NAME IS:…………………..………….……..……….. GRADE: Third SECTION: ………
LISTEN (Escucha) el audio y completa los verbos que correspondan. 10 minutes to finish!

1. Did Mario move…? live move 6. Did you ..............?

2. Did he ..............? attend work divorce 7. Did you ..............?
3. Did he ..............? enrol study 8. Did they ..............?
4. Did Mario ..............? receive join marry 9. Did we ..............?
5. Did he ..............? 10. Did Mario ..............?
READ (Lee) el siguiente texto sobre Mario Vargas Llosa. Luego contesta las afirmaciones con Yes, he did
para una respuesta afirmativa o Not, he didn´t para negativo. 10 minutes to finish!
Mario Vargas Llosa was born in Arequipa in 1936. After his Answer Yes, he did for affirmative or Not, he didn
parents divorced, Vargas Llosa lived with his maternal family in ´t for negative.
Arequipa. Then, Mario´s mother and her family moved to 1. Did Mario Vargas live in Arequipa? _Yes, he
Bolivia (Cochabamba). did_
When he was 14 years old, he attended the Leoncio Prado 2. Did Mario move to Cochabamba?
Military School. At the age of 16 years old, he worked as
3. Did he attend the Ramon Castilla Military
journalist. School? ____________
He is a Peruvian writer. One of the most important novelists in 4. Did Mario enrol in San Marcos University at
Latin America. He wrote many novels that reflect Peruvian the age of 29? ____________
society. 5. Did he marry Julia at the age of 21?
He enrolled and studied in San Marcos University in 1953. He ____________
married Julia Urquidi in 1955. He divorced in 1964. A year 6. Did he divorce in 1964? ____________
later, he married again. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 7. Did he win a Nobel Prize at the age of 74?
2010. ____________
On November 18, 2010, Vargas Llosa received the honorary 8. Did he receive the honorary degree in 2010?
degree of Letters from City College of New York. In 2014,
9. Did he marry three times? ____________
Vargas Llosa joined the Mont Pelerin Society (A society of
writers). In 2015, he married Isabel Preysler.
WRITE (Escribe) el verbo apropiado entre el parentises en las siguientes oraciones. 10 minutes to

a. Did Mario ____________ as journalist at the age of 16 years old? (work-worked)

b. Did he ____________ Julia Urquidi in 1964? (divorce-divorced)
c. Did he ____________ in San Marcos University in 1953? (study-studied)
d. Did Vargas Llosa ____________ the honorary degree of Letters? (receive-received)
e. Did Vargas Llosa ____________ a society of writers? (join-joined)
f. Did Vargas Llosa ____________ Isabel Preysler in 2015? (marry-married)
g. Did he ____________ the Military School when he was 14? (attend-attended)
Presenta toda la tarea en UNA SOLA hoja de cuaderno, lo archivas en un folder. No te olvides que para ser calificado debes
enviar en una sola foto al GRUPO WHATSAPP de tu grado y sección
Teléfono del docente de Inglés 984078731. Consultas solo en las tardes hasta las 4:40 pm

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