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If I have three wishes, I will ask :

1. first, my future launced like a get Jobhoilder, Harmonious

HouseHold , and Healty. Because wanna get to jobhoilder so that I
can keep my family, then I hope have harmonious household so
that we are can finised problem together, and in my opinion good
healty is most important thing.
2. Second, I Can famouse and around the world with my family
and I meet with my favorite actris. Since I was little, I likest go walk
way together my family, I will bring my parents go to yerusalem and
after that we go to amerika for take a picture and have fun and
there I will meet and talk with my favorite actrist.
3. third, I will ask I and all family given healty, long live and
sustenance enough. And we are always loved by many people
because in my opinion family is everything

If I Have Twenty Five Milion, I will chose for buy cheaper phone,
because I thought I will buy better handphone with better quality by
Price Cheaper. Besides also because Iphone 11 easy crack on the
screen and if I buy iphone 11 I am guarantee will be sorry. So that I
thought better I BUY cheaper phone, and the remaining money will I
use for investation and buy something more uselful.

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