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Water Air Soil Pollut: Focus (2007) 7:301–306

DOI 10.1007/s11267-006-9064-z

Acidification at Plastic Lake, Ontario: Has 20 Years Made

a Difference?
Shaun A. Watmough & Julian Aherne &
M. Catherine Eimers & Peter J. Dillon

Received: 17 June 2005 / Accepted: 3 April 2006 / Published online: 14 February 2007
# Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2007

Abstract In response to reduced sulphur emissions, catchment of PC1-08 that has been monitored since
there has been a large decrease in sulphate (SO2 4 ; 1987. Despite large reductions in SO2 4 deposition
−0.97 μeq l−1 year−1) and hydrogen (−1.18 μeq l−1 and almost complete retention of nitrogen in soil,
year−1) ion concentration in bulk precipitation be- there has been no improvement (in terms of pH) in
tween 1980 and 2000 at Plastic Lake in central stream water at PC1 due to a combination of soil
Ontario. The benefit of this large reduction in SO2
4 acidification and climatic (droughts, increased miner-
deposition on stream water chemistry was assessed alisation) perturbations.
using the gauged outflow from a conifer-forested
catchment (PC1; 23.3 ha), which is influenced by a Keywords acidification . aluminium . calcium .
small wetland located immediately upstream of the climate . recovery . sulphate
outflow. Sulphate concentrations declined, but not
significantly due to large inter-annual variation in
SO24 concentration. Between 1980 and 2000, there
1 Introduction
were significant increases in dissolved organic car-
bon, ammonium and potassium concentration likely Acid rain is recognised as a major environmental
reflecting increased mineralisation in the wetland. concern in eastern Canada and since the late 1970s
Calcium concentrations in PC1 decreased during the sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions in Canada and the
two decade period (−2.24 μeq l−1 year−1), as a United States have decreased in response to various
consequence there was no improvement in stream legislation (e.g., the Acid Rain Control Program,
pH and the Ca:Al ratio in PC1 continued to decline. A 1985; and the Canada–U.S. Air Quality Agreement,
similar response was noted in an upland-draining sub- 1991). Nevertheless, recent critical load estimates
indicate that large areas of forest (52% of forest in
eastern Canada; Ouimet, Arp, Watmough, Aherne, &
Demerchant, 2006) and large numbers of lakes in
S. A. Watmough (*) : J. Aherne : P. J. Dillon
eastern Canada currently receive acid deposition in
Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University,
1600 West Bank Drive, excess of the critical load (Jeffries & Ouimet, 2005).
Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8, Canada Jeffries et al. (2003) recently reported that despite
e-mail: substantial reductions in SO2 emission since 1980
there has been limited improvement in pH and
M. C. Eimers
Department of Geography, Trent University, alkalinity. In Ontario for example, only 13% of 662
Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8, Canada lakes analysed exhibited an increase in pH during the
302 Water Air Soil Pollut: Focus (2007) 7:301–306

1990s. In part, this delay in chemical recovery may be red oak (Quercus rubra L.), red maple (Acer rubrum
due to continued soil acidification (Watmough & L.) and large toothed aspen (Populus grandidentata
Dillon, 2003), although increased organic acid export Michx.) in the upland areas, and by white cedar

or climate induced releases of SO24 or nitrate (NO3 ) (Thuja occidentalis L.) and black spruce (Picea
may also delay chemical recovery of forest soils and mariana (Mill.) BSP) in the swamp regions. A
surface waters (Eimers & Dillon, 2002; Evans, 2.2 ha conifer-Sphagnum swamp is located approxi-
Freeman, Monteith, Reynolds, & Fenner, 2002; mately 50 m above the catchment outflow and more
Watmough, Eimers, Aherne, & Dillon, 2004). Chem- than 85% of the runoff from the PC1 catchment drains
ical recovery of surface waters from acidification has through the swamp before discharging to Plastic
been reported in other parts of the world where Lake. A short (<250 m) ephemeral stream (PC1-08),
emission reductions have occurred. In a comprehen- which has been monitored periodically since 1987,
sive review of surface water data from 12 geograph- drains the northeastern part of PC1 before discharging
ical regions in Europe and North America, Skjelkvale into the swamp.
et al. (2005) reported that improvements in pH and
alkalinity are widely observed in response to emission 2.2 Bulk Deposition
control programs and decreasing acidic deposition.
Given that the implementation of emission reductions Deposition data were obtained from collections of
is extremely costly it is important to characterise the bulk deposition, defined as that caught in a continu-
impact of acid deposition on sensitive ecosystems and ously open, 0.25 m2 collector. The collectors were
identify reasons for the delay of (or lack of) chemical fitted with Teflon-coated funnels that are screened
and subsequent biological recovery in Ontario. (80 μm Nitex mesh) to prevent contamination by
In an attempt to assess the impact of reduced SO2 insects and debris. Precipitation samples were re-
emissions in eastern Canada in recent decades, we moved from collectors when there was sufficient
report elemental fluxes in bulk deposition and stream volume for chemical analyses, typically weekly.
export from a forested catchment (PC1) containing a Analytical methods for Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, SO2 4 ,
small Sphagnum-conifer swamp in central Ontario for NO 3 and NH þ
4 are outlined in detail in Ontario
the periods 1980–85 and 1995–2000. We also report Ministry of Environment (1983) and were unchanged
elemental export from an upland sub-catchment (PC1- during the study period. Briefly, base cations were
08) for the years 1989–1991 and 1999–2001. measured by atomic absorption spectophotometry,

SO24 by ion chromatography and NHþ 4 and NO3
were determined colourimetrically. Precipitation vol-
2 Materials and Methods ume and volume-weighted concentrations were cal-
culated for each water year (June 1–May 31). On the
2.1 Study Site rare occasions when data were missing the average
precipitation values from three nearby (within 50 km)
Plastic Lake (PC) is located in Haliburton County on bulk collectors (or stream flow from nearby weirs
a southern extension of the Precambrian Shield in with highly correlated discharge relationships) were
central Ontario, Canada (45°11′ N, 78°50′ W), and is used.
typical of acid-sensitive lakes in this region. The
32 ha headwater lake is fed by one major stream 2.3 Stream Export
(PC1) and six ephemeral streams, which together
drain an area of approximately 90 ha. Plastic Lake-1 Water level or stage was recorded continuously at a
(PC1) is the largest sub-catchment (23.3 ha) in the V-notched weir installed at the catchment outflow
watershed, and is characterised by thin (average depth (PC1) and PC1-08, and daily stream discharge (m3
0.37 m to bedrock) orthic humo-ferric and ferro- day−1) was computed using established stage–dis-
humic podzols, formed from thin, sandy basal tills charge relationships (Hutchinson, Scott, Futter, &
(Neary, Mistray, & Vanderstar, 1987). The uneven- Morgan, 1994). Water samples for chemical analyses
aged forest at PC1 is dominated by white pine (Pinus were collected at the weir at regular intervals (at least
strobus L.), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis L.), biweekly) when there was flow, although sampling
Water Air Soil Pollut: Focus (2007) 7:301–306 303

was more frequent during the spring melt period. and bulk deposition chemistry (Hirsch & Slack,
Water samples were filtered through 80 μm Nitex 1984). This method was chosen as it is robust against
mesh in the field, and transported to the laboratory for seasonality, missing values and autocorrelation and
chemical analyses in insulated containers. Filters has been used extensively for assessing the chemical
(Nitex mesh) were rinsed in deionised water in the response of surface waters to declining acid deposi-
laboratory and rinsed in stream water immediately tion (e.g. see Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,
prior to sampling. Samples were analysed for Ca2+, 2001, vol. 5). In order to facilitate comparison of data
Mg2+, K+, Na+, SO2 4 , NO3 and NH4 as outlined at the beginning and end of the study period and to
above. In addition, samples were analysed for reduce the impact of year-to-year variation in chem-
Kjeldahl N (TKN) and dissolved organic carbon istry data 5 year average volume-weighted values for
(DOC) using standard methods (Ontario Ministry of 1980–1985 and 1995–2000 are presented.
Environment, 1983). The contribution of organic
acids to the ion balance was estimated from measured
3 Results and Discussion
DOC concentrations and pH (Oliver, Thurman, &
Malcolm, 1983). Labile monomeric aluminium (Al3+)
3.1 Trends in Deposition and Stream Chemistry
concentrations in PC1 and PC1-08 were only deter-
mined for a short period of time during the study Between 1980 and 2000, SO2 4 concentration in bulk
(1985–1995) LaZerte, Chun, Evans and Tomassini precipitation at PC1 has declined by approximately
(1988) and relationships between H+ and Al3+ in 30% (Table 1). Five-year annual average SO2 4
PC1 and PC1-08 were used to estimate Al3+ concen- concentrations (1980/85) were 61.3 μeq l−1 compared
tration outside this period. These estimates were with 42.1 μeq l−1 (1995–2000) (Table 1). The large
based on a generalisation of the accepted gibbsite decrease in SO24 was almost completely balanced by
H–Al relationship. large reductions in H+ concentration, which decreased
½Al ¼ KAlox ½ H a from 62.0 to 41.l μeq l−1 over the same time period
(Table 1). There were small decreases in Na+ and Cl−
where KAlox =0.38, a=1.27, r2 =0.51 (PC1-08) and concentration but no significant change in concentra-
KAlox =0.20, a=0.86 (PC1), r2 =0.40. tion of any of the other major ions (Table 1). The
A Seasonal Kendall test (treating months as large reduction in SO2 4 and H+ ion concentration
seasons) was used to determine trends in stream water typifies recent reports in eastern North America and

Table 1 Mean annual volume-weighted major anion and cation concentrations in bulk deposition and PC1 outflow in 1980–85 and

Bulk deposition PC1

1980/85 1995/00 Trend 1980/85 1995/00 Trend

4 61.3 42.1 −0.97*** 158.1 116.3 n.s.
3 36.1 37.4 n.s. 1.7 1.5 n.s.
Cl− 4.0 3.6 −0.05* 9.4 10.3 n.s.
DOC n.d. n.d. n.d. 8.3 10.3 +0.13**
H+ 62.0 41.1 −1.18*** 46.5 41.9 n.s.
Ca2+ 13.4 11.8 n.s. 105.3 68.4 −2.24*
Mg2+ 3.7 3.3 n.s. 39.7 30.1 n.s.
K+ 1.8 1.6 n.s. 3.2 4.2 +0.10*
Na+ 2.8 2.4 −0.04* 22.5 24.8 n.s.
NHþ 4 24.8 26.5 n.s. 0.3 0.9 +0.03*
PPT/Q 1.07 0.98 n.s. 0.62 0.54 n.s.

* p<0.05; ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001; n.s. not significant (p<0.05); n.d. not measured.
Units: μeq l−1 , except Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC: mg l−1 ) and rainfall and runoff volume (PPT and Q: m). Significant trends
and annual slope between 1980 and 2000 are shown.
304 Water Air Soil Pollut: Focus (2007) 7:301–306

Europe and reflects the success of programs imple- (Table 1). At PC1, there has been no net increase in
mented to reduce SO2 emissions (Hedin et al., 1994). forest biomass and the 1980s and 1990s were the
In some areas (or over certain time periods) part of the warmest two decades on record (IPCC, 2001), which
benefit of reduced SO24 deposition has been offset by will likely stimulate mineralisation in the wetland and
decreased base cation deposition (Hedin et al., 1994), lead to increased DOC, NHþ 4 and K
although this is not the case at PC1 where the Several studies in Europe and eastern North America
reduction in SO2 4 has produced an equivalent have reported increased concentrations of DOC
reduction in H+ concentration. (Driscoll, Driscoll, Roy, & Mitchell, 2003; Evans
The annual average SO2 4 concentration in PC1 et al., 2005), although the cause of the increases
was 158.1 μeq l−1 in 1980/85 period compared with remains under debate. For example, the increases in
116.3 μeq l−1 in the 1995/00 period, a reduction of DOC may be caused by climate warming and in-
26%, which is similar in magnitude to the SO2 4 creased mineralisation or declining SO2 4 concentra-
reduction in bulk deposition (Table 1). However there tions (acidity and/or ionic strength) (Clark, Chapman,
was no significant monotonic trend in SO2 4 detected Adamson, & Lane, 2005; Evans et al. 2005; Hejzlar
due to large inter-annual variations in SO2 4 concen- et al., 2003; Krug & Frink, 1983).
tration that occur as a result of drought-induced SO24 Between 1980 and 2000 there was a large,
release from the wetland (Eimers & Dillon, 2002). significant decline in Ca2+ concentration in PC1
During summer droughts, sulphur stored in the (−2.24 μeq l−1 year−1); annual average Ca2+ concen-
wetland is re-oxidised as the water table drops and trations decreased from 105.3 μeq l−1 in the 1980/85
the SO24 is released when rains resume (Eimers & period to 68.4 μeq l−1 in the 1995/00 period, a
Dillon, 2002). decrease of 35% (Table 1). The decrease in Ca2+ has
There was a significant increase in DOC, NHþ 4 and almost completely offset the reduction in SO2 4
K concentration in PC1 between 1980 and 2000 concentration and as a result there has been no

Fig. 1 Mean annual cation Bulk Deposition PC1 Streamwater

PC1 Streamwater PC108PC108
Bulk Deposition
(upper) and anion (lower) 100%
balance (%) in bulk precip-
itation and PC1 stream
water during the periods
1980–1985 and 1995–2000;
and PC1-08 stream water 60%

during the periods 1989–

1991 and 1999–2001
20% H
0% BC





20% NO3
0% SO4
1980–1985 1995–2000 1980–1985 1995–2000 1989–1991 1999–2001
Water Air Soil Pollut: Focus (2007) 7:301–306 305

significant decrease in H+ ion concentration over the 3.3 Calcium: Aluminum Ratios in PC1 and PC1-08
two-decades (Table 1). The large decrease in Ca2+ is
likely attributed to continued soil acidification at PC1 Critical load calculations for forest soils usually set a
(Watmough & Dillon, 2003). Mass balance estimates critical acid neutralising capacity leaching based on a
indicate that Ca2+ leaching from PC1 exceeds the molar ratio of base cations or calcium to aluminium in
combined Ca2+ inputs from deposition and mineral soil solution. Cronan and Grigal (1995) suggested that
weathering leading to a decline in exchangeable soil there is a risk of adverse impacts on tree growth or
Ca2+, which was supported by repeated field measure- nutrition when the soil solution Ca:Al molar ratio ≤1.0.
ments in 1983 and 1999 (Watmough & Dillon, 2003). Although the use of critical chemical limits has been
Declining exchangeable soil Ca2+ will result in a the subject of great debate, the Ca:Al ratio can be con-
greater than expected decline in stream Ca2+ in sidered to be an indicator of the acid status of forest
response to declining SO2 4 concentrations (Kirchner soils. Because there has been a large decline in Ca2+
& Lydersen, 1995). Despite high concentrations of concentration in both PC1 and PC1-08 streams and
NO þ 
3 and NH4 in bulk deposition, NO3 concentra- no change in H+ concentration, estimated Ca:Al mo-
tions in PC1 (and PC1-08) are very low (<5 μeq l−1) lar ratios (Al estimated using H–Al relationships) in
and have not increased over the 20-year period both PC1 and PC1-08 have decreased during the
(Table 1). study period (Fig. 2). It should be noted that error
associated with estimation of Al3+ from pH (H+) will
be constant throughout the study period. Ca:Al ratios
3.2 Ion Budgets in PC1 were higher than in PC1-08 due to the large
influence of the wetland and decreased from between
In 1980/85 SO2 4 was the dominant anion in bulk approximately 8 and 10 in the early 1980s to as low
deposition, accounting for 60% of the anions in bulk as 5 by the end of the study period. Ca:Al ratios in
deposition (Fig. 1). At the end of the study period PC1-08 decreased from approximately four in the mid-
 1980s to values around two at the end of the study
(1995/00), SO2 4 and NO3 were present in approxi-
mately equivalent amounts reflecting the increasing period. While these values are higher than the critical
relative importance of NO 3 deposition as sulphur
values reported by Cronan and Grigal (1995) and there
emissions decline in eastern North America. In 1980/
85 H+ was the dominant cation in precipitation,
accounting for almost 60% of the total cations
(Fig. 1). However, by the end of the study period,
H+ represented less than half of the total cations, 12
Calcium:Aluminium molar ratio

reflecting the improvement in atmospheric deposition. PC1

In contrast to bulk deposition, SO2 10
4 and organic
anions are dominant in stream water, but the relative
contribution of SO2 4 in PC1 declined over the study 8
period reflecting the change in SO2 4 deposition
(Fig. 1). At the PC1-08 upland draining stream 6
between 1989/91 and 1999/01 the magnitude of
chemical change was smaller due to the shorter time 4
period considered and the contribution of organic PC108
anions was lower (Fig. 1). Despite reductions in 2
+ 3+
SO24 , the relative contribution of both H and Al to
the cation balance in PC1 increased slightly (even
though there was no change in H + and Al 3+
concentration) due to the large decrease in Ca2+ 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Fig. 2 Temporal trend in calcium:aluminium molar ratio for
concentration. A decline in Ca2+ concentration was PC1 (thin line) and PC1-08 (thick line) for the period 1980–
also noted in PC1-08 between 1989/91 and 1999/01 2000. Relationship between H–Al was used to predict the
(Fig. 1). temporal trend for labile monomeric aluminium (see text)
306 Water Air Soil Pollut: Focus (2007) 7:301–306

is some uncertainty in the estimates based on pH Hejzlar, J., Dubrovsky, M., Buchtele, J., & Ruzicka, M. (2003).
The apparent and potential effects of climate change on
measurements, it is possible that Ca:Al ratios in
the inferred concentration of dissolved organic matter in a
mineral soil may be approaching values that pose a temperate stream (the Malse River, South Bohemia).
risk to forest health. Science of the Total Environment, 310, 143–152.
Hirsch, R. M., & Slack, J. R. (1984). A nonparametric trend test
for seasonal data with serial dependence. Water Resources
Research, 20, 727–732.
4 Conclusion Hutchinson, B. A., Scott, L. D., Futter, M. N., & Morgan, A.
(1994). Hydrology data for lakes and catchments in
Muskoka/Haliburton (1980–1992). Ontario Ministry of
Despite large reductions in SO2 4 and corresponding Environment data report DR93/5, ISBN 0-7778-2535-X
decreases in H+ ion concentration in bulk deposition PIBS 3017 17pp.
there has been little improvement in the chemical IPCC (2001). Third Assessment Report: Climate Change 2001.
status of streams at PC between 1980 and 2000 and Jeffries, D. S., Clair, T. C., Couture, S., Dillon, P. J., Dupont, J.,
Keller, W., et al. (2003). Assessing the recovery of lakes in
Ca:Al ratios in stream water continue to decline. In
southeastern Canada from the effects of acid deposition.
addition, any further increases in organic acid release Ambio, 32, 176–182.
or future increased NO 3 leaching could potentially Jeffries, D. S., & Ouimet, R. (2005). Critical loads: Are they
offset the benefits of predicted further declining SO2 being exceeded? In H. A. Morrison (Ed.), Canadian acid
deposition science assessment. Canada: Environment
concentrations and the chemical and subsequent biol-
ogical recovery at PC1 could be further delayed. Kirchner, J. W., & Lydersen, E. (1995). Base cation depletion
and potential long-term acidification of Norwegian catch-
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Clark, J. M., Chapman, P. J., Adamson, J. K., & Lane, S. N. Neary, A. J., Mistray, E., & Vanderstar, L. (1987). Sulphate
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