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Opinion Essays:

1. Agree or disagree?
2. What is your opinion?
3. Is it a positive or negative development?

A. Paraphrase the topic;
B. Answer the question by giving our points/ position clearly and shortly;

Today, not all people support the idea of increasing retirement age , some of them suggest that only
teachers’ retirement age have to be raised. –Argumentative

A highly controversial issue relates to whether or not …………… .

Today, children are more obsessed with eating out. – Non-argumentative

There is a widely held belief that …………….. .

I totally agree/ patially agree/ I completely disagree with this statement since (because) ………. Short and
Clear reason(s).

Body 1: Opinion

Topic sentence: Reason 1 (1sentence- short, clear and with a REASON. )

Supporting idea: Explain the Reason above: 1-3 sentences; (If/ When… ; Which relative clasue)

Example: -Optional: 2-3 sentences

Topic sentence: Reason 2

Supporting idea:


Conclusion: Duplicate of Introduction + Solution if needed.


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