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Why Reality Television Is Harmful

Reality television’s main purpose is to attempt to portray ordinary

people in unscripted situations. Recently, however, many of these
shows have achieved in creating the complete opposite, and have
earned an immense amount of criticism as a result. Reality television
programs are detrimental to society because they influence bad
behavior among teenagers, do not produce authentic real life
situations, and they humiliate many of the characters.

To begin, reality television shows are detrimental to society because

they influence bad behavior among teenagers. These programs often
show young individuals that break the law, drink alcohol, are
disrespectful to people around them, and are in bad situations. The
last part of the brain to develop is the part that distinguishes was is
right to what is wrong. Therefore, many young viewers are influenced
by these individuals and look up to them. Some individuals are such
big fans of the stars in some of these shows that they mimic
them. The popular saying “monkey see, monkey do” definitely applies
to this controversy. These shows make it seem as if everyone is
acting in the way that the characters in the show act. Rather then
provide viewers with encouragements to pursue a better education
and to act responsibly, many of these programs portray actors to act
irresponsibly. Some experts believe that this could lead to many more
irresponsible individuals. America’s society is weakening because of
the harmful affects reality television programs have on teenagers.

In addition, reality television programs do not produce authentic, real

life situations. This is a problem because this produces misleading
images of the essence of society. 


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