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Negative Effects of TV

on Teenagers
In recent years, technological developments are increasingly
advanced and one of them is the creation of television. which has
various benefits and impacts for society. Many children spend
their time watching TV, many studies reveal that watching TV for
too long can have a negative impact on health and for the future
Television and Youth
now television with children is inevitable, television has affected
their lives. because they grow and develop with the television
shows that air. although there are good things presented by
television. but when they grow and develop so that they can choose
the shows they want, it will cause them to imitate bad things in
their daily lives
Negative Impact of Television
There are a lot of impressions presented by television to the public, there
are many negative things that are broadcast by television, namely:
• Violence
• Sex scene
• Alcohol, cigarettes or drugs
• Bad attitude
At the age of teenagers they have unstable thoughts or high curiosity, so
they will try the things they see to fulfill their curiosity.

Violence is one of the negative effects of television. Violence can be divided into
two broad categories, physical and verbal abuse. In television shows, we can
find physical violence that can be seen in the form of punches, kicks and
physical actions that hurt and even injure others. Verbal violence occurs when
someone gets angry or says harsh words and other forms of dialogue that cause
negative feelings.
Research in the UK (Hough and Erwin, 1997) shows, watching violence on
television increases aggressiveness in children. In addition to imitating actions,
this study also found that children who watch violence will lose a sense of
comfort and security, are always suspicious and insecure. In addition, violent
shows can shape children's stereotypical behavior in certain community groups.
Sex Scene

Nowadays, many television shows broadcast sex scenes, which in

adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood
starting at the age of 8-14 years (Agustiani: 2006). Quoting Sarlito W.
Sarwono's view in a book entitled Psychology of Youth, that at puberty
this is the time when they look for identity and the meaning of life. At
this time, teenagers also have a great curiosity in everything. especially
when watching the scene without parental supervision, which can be
done before his age
Alcohol, Cigarettes or Drugs

television often shows scenes of teenagers smoking and

drinking which are prone to be imitated. These shows often depict
that drinking and smoking are 'cool' things to do. As a result, teens
who want to get in shape often turn to drinking and smoking. In
addition, according to a research report, the more alcohol
advertisements teens see, the more likely they are to consume
Bad Attitude

Soap operas are shows that are liked by teenagers. However, it is

a pity that soap operas do not give educational impressions. Most
soap operas tell stories of romance and courtship dramas, which
teach children and teenagers to date, dress scantily, and focus on
the happy thing. Although the show was not fully imitated, their
minds have been contaminated with it and in fact the attitudes and
behavior of some of them really like the soap opera characters that
they make as role modes.
Healt and Mental
Watching television too long can interfere with mental health. In
addition to stress or depression, this habit can also make you
experience behavioral changes. In fact, this habit can increase the
risk of anxiety disorders.
Watching television for too long can cause eye strain. This
condition can cause a temporary decrease in the quality of vision. In
addition to lowering the quality of vision, eye strain can also trigger
eye fatigue, pain in the eye area, headaches, and double vision.
Decreased Quality of Social Relations
Humans are social creatures. Watching television can indeed make
you feel more relaxed and relaxed. However, if it is too long, this habit
can make the quality of your social relationships decline. In fact, you can
feel lonely which is at risk of causing stress to depression
How to prevent?
Due to the ease with which the media is accessed, we cannot prevent this, but we can minimize this from
happening. by:
1. Pay attention to the placement of the television. Do not give the child a special television in his room. Put
the television in a place where the child can still be supervised and accompanied while watching.
2. Limit the time children watch television, just 1-2 hours a day.
3. Accompany children while watching television
4. Selection of the show to watch
5. Selection of roles. Do not let you even make the television as a babysitter.
6. Make sure there are always alternative activities other than watching television. For example, playing
bicycles, puzzles, gardening, and others.
7. Parents must set an example for their children. For example, when you just get home from work, don't sit in
front of the television for hours
From these points we can conclude that teenagers have a high
curiosity so they want to do whatever they see. Therefore, teenagers
need to be supervised and nurtured properly and choose positive and
educational things and limit the time spent watching television.
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