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A romantic relationship involves the existence of some type of relationship between

two people. But, at the same time, education is important for young generations its
because a perfect education will produce student who are capable in any various
fields. Even so, nowadays it cannot be denied that there are also romantic
relationships that are romances among students. To them, having a romantic
relationship will make they more able to let everything be done in a more efficient
way. In this essay, I would like to argue that I am totally agreed that students should
not be allowed to involve in any romantic relationships while studying. It will gave
effect in term of waste time and money, effect on academic and mental health.
Before we go further, I believe that there are people would say that having a
relationship even while studying can give moral support and loves. But, there are no
relationship that will never face problem. From there when they faced any problems
of course they might get argue. This thing will indirectly effect each other such as lost
of focus in studies and getting distract. At the same time, they will lack of focus until
slowly affect their academic. Based on article by Nurul Farhanah, half of the total
number of students have anxiety, stress and depression problems as a result of
romance. In addition, UKM Article Repository also proof that romance is also a waste
of time.
Waste time and money one of significant effect of having romantic relationship
while studying. Its because, someone who is in love will spend a lot of time with his
partner. They think more about spending time that called “dating” together than
studying. Romantic relationship gave effect of their own time that finally will get lack
of sleep and rest because of a lot of time to their partner. Example, having call
everyday till midnight and sleep call. Beside that, romantic relationship while
studying also waste money. It is because, when someone fall in love, they tend to buy
things to make their partner happy. Especially among students, they are willing to tie
their stomachs and save on themselves to meet their partner's needs. Such as,
chocolate and watch. During dating of course its involve cost such as buying food and
flower. Thus, romantic relationship while studying is waste time and money.
Next, romantic relationship among students also affect to mental health. Among
the effect of the "couple" culture from the emotional aspect of the students is that it
lead to the cause of depression. This symptom occurs if a love relationship break up in
the middle of the road or something else and so on. Argument and problems in
relationship also will affect emotions of a student who involve in relationship. This
situation directly affect their mental health. This kind of depression will cause their
self. Such as, loss of appetite and loss of self-motivation. The feeling or obsession of
love among students causing them to drown in the current of romance. For example,
suicide and self-harm. By that, romantic relationship among student greatly affect a
person's mental health and emotion.
Next, romantic relationship among students also affect their academic. Its
because, those who involve in this kind of relationship will lose or lack of focus on
learning. They will tend to focus more on the relationship thus affecting academics.
This is will drives their academic performance to deteriorate over time from day to
day. Student who can't manage between romancesand the lesson is said to affect the
concentration of lessons and ultimately, can cause a decline in their academic
performance. Such as, fail in exam and lack of focus in class. From all this statement,
romantic relationship among student can disturb their academic performance.
As conclusion, I agreed that students should not be allowed to involve in any
romantic relationships. Its is because, romantic relationship effect academic
performance, emotional problem and waste time and money. Students should focus to
their learning for the good of their future beside focus on relationship.

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