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Argumentative essay (5%)

Watching TV brings many benefits to young children

As watching TV are being a hobby for everyone especially for the young children,
some people have suggested that watching TV especially to the young children will
bring more benefit but on the other hand some people disagree of saying watching TV
will not bring any good benefits.

Therefore, watching TV has become a hobby to the young children however for some
young children has become an addiction. Nowadays, watching TV does bring alot of
benefits because watching TV can provide more knowledge to learn for the young
children because scientifically proven that young children can easily absorb more
knowledge in no time and their level of understanding is high.

Moreover, young children can also learn language easily by watching TV easily
english language because most of the kids programme will advertise in english.
Learning english or some other languages can be a very good platform for the young
children in their future. As we know that young children can easily absorb more
knowledge at a time so learning a new language is not be a problem for them and it
also can improve their speaking to be more fluent and clear.

Furthermore, there are cons, what if the young children make it as an addiction to
watch TV? This addiction can be a very bad influence for them because this addiction
will make them to not focus in their studies and this will effect their performance in
their education and at the same time their progress in education will drop straight
away which can be a very bad impact in their future if this continues without a stop.

In addition, watching TV frequently will make them get influence by the some
inappropriate program especially the some advertisement about the bad social
influence for example, smoking, drinking and sexual. This advertise shows a very bad
impact for the young children.

In conclusion, there are pros and cons for young children to watch TV but I believe
that young children need more guidance on watching TV by parents. Parents is the
only person who can help them to watch a good programme and against them to not
watch a programme which can be a bad influence for them.

(367 words)

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