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‫ ســــــــــــؤال‬37 ‫هذه الصفحة تحتوى على‬

?Q1) one of the following is not prepared in a horizontal laminar flow

antibiotics -
chemotherapy -
***large volume fluid -
total parental nutrition -

Q2) nor epinephrine stimulate B1 adrenergic receptor and alpha

?adrenergic receptor
increase contractility and heart rate -
vasoconstriction and increase blood pressure -
***a+b -
non -

?Q3) use safely in the trimester

***acetaminophen -

(( Q4) isosorbide nitrate 20 mg & 40 mg

‫بأي ساعة تأخذ الجرعة وما المدة بين الجرعتين‬
Isosorbide dinitrate is vasodilator effect antianginal in angina pectoris 2-
5 mg befor 15 min activity likely to cause angina duration of action up to
.12 hours
In angina pectoris(prevention) sub lingual 2.5-5 mg two or three / daily
Initial= 20 mg 3/4 daily , maintainance = 10-40 mg 2/3 daily

‫) شيء ال يوجد بالوصفة الطبية ؟‬Q5

‫ شهور‬3 ‫)ما هي جرعة الباراسيتامول لألطفال الذين يبلغون من العمر‬Q6

For child 3 months to 1 year the dose is 60-120 mg (i.e 2.5 -5 ml)4-6
. hours to maximum foure dose daily

:Q7) glucose 5% is not suitable for

emergency hyperkalemia -
emergency water deficiency-
‫ هل هناك اختالف أساسي بين مجموعة‬Q8) ACE
They are major clinical difference between the different member ACE
.No they are basically equally effective if used in appropriate dose

:Q9) isoniazide is TB agent that

)‫( اعرف عنه كل شي‬
Isoniazide INH is a known to be liver enzyme inh , therefore its co-
:administration with drug that metabolized by the liver would lead to
d) decrease rate of metabolism of that drug lead to increase response of

note( INH used in tb for 2 month initial phase and 4 monthes in

continous phase)
adult dose 300 mg daily , chaild 5-10 mg

: Q10) Digoxin is monitoring in


oxytocin ‫) اعرف كل شيء عن ال‬Q11

Indication: of labour or stimulate of labour in hypotonic uterin inertia by
IV infusion do not use above 5 unit, used also for preventon postpartum
.haemorrhge after delivery

Q12) one of this is not use in ascaris infection


( ‫ـ‬....‫ (متى تزيد نسبته مثال الكبار بالعمر و‬Q13) increase digoxin level in person with
.In elderly with people renal insufficiency the level of digoxin increase

‫?????اعرف كل شي عنه‬Q14) phenyl ephrine

Indication of phenylephrine : acute hypotention,mydrasis,
decongestant ,sympathomemetic, iv additive, ttt nasal congestion,
running nose

:Q15) all this controlled drug except


bronchodilator ‫) احفظ اسماء ادوية ال‬Q16

??Q17) action of the allopurinol

Mechanism of action is xanthin oxidase inh used for 1)prophylaxis of
.gout 2)ttt of uric acid and ca oxalate renal stone

‫ ما هو االستخدام األساسي ل‬Q18) ACE I

. Hypertention and CHF regardless of the cause

‫ أحفظ كل شيء عن‬Q19) misoprostol

Synthetic PEG prostaglandine has antisecretory and protective ,promot
healing of gastric ulcer & associated NSAID ulcer common side effect
.diarrhea its contraindicated in pregnancy

‫ اعرف كل المعلومات عن‬Q20) nifidipine

Is ca channel blocker is relax smooth muscle vascular muscle and
dailate coronary artery
Indication rophylaxis angina , hypertention , raynaudes phenomens
.Caution:withdrow if schemic pain occure
Contraindication:cardiogenic shock, advanced aoretic stenosis ,
.myocardial infraction
S.E: hedeach, flushing, diazziness, tachycardia , nausea ,
conistipation ,diarrhea …. Etc
Trade name: adalat

: Q21) ischemic heart disease contraindication

epinephrine -
***isosorbide nitrate-

Q22) time for treatment of Brucellosis is 6 weeks

Q23) what the name of antibacterial that take with vit c to increase

‫ ما هي المدة التي يحتفظ فيها ب‬Q24) narcotic prescription

year 10-
***year 5 -
year 2-
non of above-

‫ كل شيء عن‬Q25)clonidine
Indication:hypertention ,migraine
Dose:50-100 microgram 3 time daily increased every second or theird
day usually max dose 1.2 mg/dailly

:Q26) % elimination of ferrous gluconate


‫) كم مساحة فتحة اإلبرة‬Q27


:Q28) relationship between drug in body and plasma conc

one compartment model-
volume distribution -
half life -
****elimination time-

during ptn counceling on ‫) ماذا تفعل حتى يشعر المريض بشعور الراحة حول الدكتور‬Q29
medication what are the things that make ptn feel confidant and
:comfortable about information your give
c) assure ptn compliance with his/ her drugs, don’t discuss major side
.effect with ptn
‫ تعلق الشهادة ع الحائط‬-
‫ تخبره عن معلومات خاصة بك‬-
‫ تخبره عن اآلثار الجانبية للدواء‬-
‫ كل ما ذكر صحيح‬-

:Q30) E Coli cause of

Diarrhea -
Meningitis -
***All of a above -

:Q31) which of the following is not cause weight gain

Insulin -
***Pergolide -
Bioglinide -
Metforme -
:Q32) aseptic technique use for
Extemporaneous preparation -
Ophthalmic preparation -
Iv injection preparation -
***All of above -

:Q33) which of one is no effect on platelet

Aspirin -
***Heparin -
Warfarin -
???????? -

?Q34) use of glucocorticoid

Anti-inflammatory, acute hyper sensitivity reaction, suppression of
inflammation , allergic disorder, conginetal adrenal hyperplasia ,
cerebral odema , asthma broncho dilator , rheumatic fever , hepatitis
and sarcoidosis , immunosupprssion , aretritis , aphthous ulcer,
diagnosis of caushin syndrome ,nausea, vomiting with chemotherapy ,
eye & ear inflammation, shock

Q35) extemporaneous preparation

Of misoprostol gel for cervical ripening: saftley and effeicacy of
.intravaginal misorostol gel
Used in oral medicin for children when dug prescriped are unlicensed or
.off label for liquid, capsul ,powder
The most common extempororanous prep product were solution and
. suspension
. And used in unlamellar liposome and in in perp lisinopril
Note clamid: aprocess for extemporaneous prep of liposome the divice
.dialysate for dialysis generator

‫ ماذا يجب ان يكتب بالوصفة حتى تصرف أدوية‬Q36) narcotic

According to MOH regulation narcotic prescription can be dispensed by
:it pharmacist when
****a)All of above
b)having clear ptn name and identification number written clearly on the
.c)having the presciper number , identification number, signature clearly
d)the prescription can be filled maximum of 3 days after his been

:Q37) all of these cause GTI upset except

Valporate -
****Pheno barbitone -
‫‪Phenytion -‬‬
‫‪Chlorpromazine -‬‬

‫وفقكم هللا في غربتكم وأعادكم إلى بالدكم سالمين غانمين‬

‫ال تنسوني من صالح دعــــائكم‬
‫أخوكم الراجي عفو ربـــه‬
‫د‪/‬محمد أبوالخير(‪)M.A.S.A‬‬

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