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‘Common Second Meanings Affect () ~ To take on, assume; affected (ad) — behaving in an arical/ pretentious way Afford — Grant (eso opportunity) Appreciate ~ To take imo account, recognize the metts of, OR to increase in value Appropriate (app-ro-pre-ATE) ~"To take from steal Amest ~To stop (not just pu handcuffs on criminal) Assume ~To take on responsibilty for, acquie (eg to assume a new position) Austerity ~ Extreme financial stant, eliminang all excess spending Badger (r) ~"To pester/annoy (eg, reporters badgered the candidate afte the scandal broke) Beat Liking ot preference for Capacity — Ailey Chance (¢.) To attempt (Check ~"To control (eg. The racine decked te read of the dies) Coin (v) —"To invent (e— coin a phrase) Compromise (7) ~To endanger make vulneable (¢g, to compromise one’s beliefs) Constitution ~ Build (eg, a football payer has «solid constitution) ‘Conviction ~ Strong belief. Noun form of comid ‘Couch (¥) ~To de Currency ~ acceptance, approval (f an ides) Discriminating - Able to make fine distinctions (ea driminatng palate) Dispatch — Speed, efficiency (eg, She sampled ie projnt promptly and with great dat) Doctor (¢) ~To tamper with, alter Economy ~ Thaif (writer who has an sasmmisa syle is one who uses few words) Embroider ~ To fall, make up stories about Execute ~To cay out "Exploit ~ Make use of, rake advantage of (does not cary «negative connotation) Facility ~ Ability to do someshing easly (eq, sity fr aring languages Foil ~To puta stop to (eg, to fila robbers), OR a secondary character ina play/novel Gmve/Geavity ~ Serious(ness) Gaill—To question intensely and repeatedly (eg The ple ors grid the sup through) ‘Hamper—To get in the way of, hinder 48 Harbor ~To possess, hold (eto harbor a belie) Hobble ~ Prevent, impede Mint —"To produce money, o a an adjective perfect, like new Pedestrian — ‘aremarkable, uninteresting Plastic/plasticty - Able to be changed, mallesble (eg, brain plasticity) Provoke ict (eg. «reaton) uals —To provide more information ordeal about Realize ~"To achieve (a goal) Reconcile ~'To bring together opposing or eentradictory ideas Relate/Rely To pass on information, give an account of (story) Reservations ~ Migivings Reserve ~To hold off on (eg, to reserve jadment) Rafiled — Festered, aonplssed (Unrufled —calm) Sap (v) ~To deain (eg, of ners) Serap(¥) ~To eliminate Shelve/Table(.)~"To reject or discard (ean idea or proposal) Sound Fim, stable, reliable, valid (ea sound angument) Spare, Severe ~ Pain, unadorned Seatie— Jachanging (Le ina state of sas) Store (n) — Reserve Sostain (e) —To withstand ‘Temper —To moderate make less harsh ‘Train ~ To fixate on (¢g, one's eyes on something) Uniform — Constant, unvarying ‘Unqualified ~ Absolute Upset () ~To interfere with an expected oxteome ‘Want = Lack ‘Yield —To reveal (eg. an experiment yields results) 49 Additional Words to Know Acguiesce ~ Give in, surrender, synonym for apialate Alleviate /Amelionate —To make beter, reduce pains synonyms for mite Ambivalent To have mixed feclings, be torn Anomaly ~ Abnormality, deviation from the narm Bolster ~ Provide support for (eg. an argumen) (Chronicle~"To recor tell the story of Comprehensive —Thorough, complete (Condone — Disregarel or pardon an illegal or objectionable act Dearth Lack of Didactic — Intended to reach Digeession ~Seetion of a text that deviates from the main topic ‘Empisical~ Derived feom experiment or obsersaton ealistic— Cherishing noble or high-minded principles, opposite of pragmatic Miustions ~ Famous, renowned Ingenious ~ Clever Innate Inborn Innovation — New invention or discovery Lofty ~ High-minded ‘Mad - Many Partisan — Strong adherent to a party or ides Postulate ~ Propose an explanation for Pragmatic, Prudent ~ Practical Serutinze ~ Examine Closely Stipolate— Specify a requirement Substantate ~ Prove; unsubstantiated — unproven ‘Symthesize Bring together, integrate "Timid — Shy, fearful Undeemine ~ Attack inicectly ‘Unequivocal Vernacular Common, everyday speech Absolute, certain (equivocal = uacertain) 30

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