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Tuesday, June,2nd2020

English E-Lesson Week-1

Speech Writing:

-Speech: formal/informal, Address or discourse delivered to the audience.

-Purpose: inform, share, support or persuade with your speech
-Format: Begin and End with inverted commas. (“…….”)

Begin with Greeting your language (both formal and informal)

Introduce What you doing/speaking about. (Concise)
Make sure you keep the audience interested.
Speeches are written in the present.
‘Ummm…’ And ‘hmmm…’ are to be used only in informal and very little.
Slang language is not allowed in either Formal or informal.
Ask Rhetorical questions.
Inclusive pronouns should be used.
End with “Thank You” or Make sure no one has quarries.

Who is my audience?
Why are they here?
What do they want?

Don’t Waste the first lines as they are the most receptive at that time.

Have a path and a destination.

Be as memorable as the audience cant hear you again.
[Repetition, rhetorical devices, Anecdotes, tricolon, Anaphora]
Repetition: don’t repeat the same words repeat the same ideas.
Use transitional words and phrases to direct your audience.
End strong as that is what your audience is most likely to remember.

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