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 As an agency, you need to make the client understand that it is not the CEO who interacts

with the customers daily. It is the person sitting at the desk and they need to be empowered
to take decisions. The chapter “Sages and Books” mentions an incident from the book
“Moment of Truth” where in the front-line staff went an extra mile to make sure that the
customer problem is solved. She immediately took a decision to spend $25 from the airline’s
account without even asking anyone.

An incident from my own life. Generally, I pay my credit card dues on time. Once due to
some reason I defaulted. The bank system added a penalty to my card. With no hope of
reversal, I called the customer care. I explained her my point. She checked for few minutes
and responded, “Based on the relationship that you have had, I would be happy to waive off
the penalty from your card”. I was delighted. She did not ask anyone. She did not quote any
rule. It was done.
These small gestures matter a lot in the hospitality and travel industry and the last mile
person should be empowered to take decisions to help customer. However, they also need
to understand that in the process of pleasing the customer they should not violate the
values of the company. E.g. the incident where the Bangaram Island resort respectfully
asked the customers to leave as their request was against the idea on which the resort was
made (Chapter: Sorry. Please leave).

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