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Verse Notes:

Verse 2: We see Matthew refers to Jesus as “the Christ.” Some may not understand it because
we have to look at Matthew's Greek roots. Christ in Greek is “Christos” which means “anointed one.”
This is an incredible thing to see because we see Jesus was truly the Christ, throughout His life and
even before He was incarnated.
Verses 3-5: John asks Jesus if He truly is the Messiah, Christ doesn't just bluntly say, “yes”
because John wants proof. Jesus quotes prophecies from Isaiah to show that He really is the
Verse 9: Jesus was more than a prophet. In modern day, some say that Jesus was just a good
man, even a great man and some say that he was a prophet. While all of that is true, He is also more
than that. Jesus is God in the flesh.
Verse 10: This passage is quoted from Isaiah 40:3, Jesus said that He is the way, and will
prepare for us a “way.” This way is referring to how we will achieve eternal life.
Verse 15: Jesus didn't care who it was who heard the gospel. If it was a person who could
listen and understand the message, then Jesus wanted them to hear.
Verses 18-19: John wasn't a drunkard or a glutton, but they still accused him of it. Jesus
refused to fast, and sat with lots of sinners, and they also accused Jesus of being a glutton. A good
lesson to learn here is that we are all sinners, and will even point out things in people that are doing
nothing wrong.
Verses 20-24: Jesus was casting judgment on these cities. These cities were historically
unrepentant and Jesus was trying to make them change through this method.
Verses 25-26: Jesus thanks the Father for helping Him teach. This is a lesson we all need to
learn. God is completely sovereign, so if something good happens, we always need to come to him in
thanksgiving and praise for what he's done. Even if it is without praying for it, God still worked to help
you do that.
Verse 21: This shows Jesus's very intimate and all-knowing relationship with the Father. No
one truly knew the Son, except the Father. Meaning, Jesus and the Father knew exactly who they both
were, with complete understanding.
Verses 28-30: Most people think that obtaining salvation is from working for it. This is not the
case for God. Jesus tells us that His “yoke is easy” and His “burden is light.” We know we can always
find our rest in Jesus Christ, and when we are involved with Him (reading, prayer, worship, etc) things
are always more peaceful, restful, and loving. We shouldn't shy away from Jesus because it's “too
much work” because this is clearly not the case.

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