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1. What are the modes of propagation of electromagnetic waves?

• Direct or line of sight propagation
• Propagation by terrestrial reflection
• Propagation by atmospheric reflection, in which a couple of configurations are
presented to help the propagation of high frequencies (UHF) such as the propagation
by satellite retransmission and propagation through microwave links
• Propagation by multiple reflection

2. What does it mean to polarize an electromagnetic wave?

From my point of view when polarizing an electromagnetic wave, the orientation of the wave
is described as it propagates through space, for example a string that is at rest along the X
axis. If we generate a displacement of the string , this movement could be in the Y axis, and the
rope would always be in the XY plane or conversely the movements could be in the direction
of the Z axis, and then the rope would always be in the XZ plane, depending on the orientation
or movements if it is on the Y axis or on the Z axis, we say that the wave is linearly polarized.
In an electromagnetic wave the electric field is perpendicular to the magnetic field of said
wave, therefore the direction of polarization of an electromagnetic wave is usually defined as
the direction of the electric field vector and not that of the magnetic field because the
detectors or antennas of Electromagnetic waves respond to electrical forces on the electrons
of materials but not to magnetic forces.

3. What is the phenomenon of total reflection of an electromagnetic wave?

It is when an electromagnetic wave passes from one medium to another whose refractive
index is higher, for example from air to water, the refracted rays approach the normal vector
(perpendicular to the plane). If the refractive index of the second medium (n2) is lower, the
refracted rays move away from the normal one. In this case, if we consider that the index of
refraction of the first medium (n1) is n1> n2 and we increase the angle of incidence, there
comes a time when the angle of refraction (β) becomes equal to 90º, which means that it
disappears the refracted ray, because as the sine of 90º is one the angle of incidence for which
this phenomenon occurs is given by ∞ = n2 / n1.
4. What is the purpose of Snell's Law in the study of wave propagation?
From my point of view Snell's law is very simple, it establishes a relationship between the
index of refraction of each medium with the Scanning angle with respect to the normal one,
following what is related in the previous point, we can interpret the snell law with the
following graph where we observe the aforementioned relationship and from which the
following mathematical formula comes out:

Application Exercises:
For the development of the following exercises, keep in mind that 𝐺𝐺 corresponds to the
group number and 𝐶𝐶𝐶 to the first 3 digits of the identification number.
1. An electromagnetic wave of 𝑓 = 30 𝑀𝐻𝑧 and P_1 ^ + = 200𝑚𝑊 / 𝑚2, incident from
the air (𝜂1 = 120𝜋 𝛺), perpendicular to an infinite wall with an intrinsic impedance 𝜂2
= 336 𝛺. Calculate the reflected power P_1 ^ - and the transmitted power P_2 ^ + to
the wall.

Coefficient of reflection:
Γ = (η_2-η_1) / (η_2 + η_1) = (336-120π) / (336 + 120π) = (- 40.9) /712.9=-0.057
Reflectance is calculated as follows:
R = | Γ | ^ 2 = | -0.057 | ^ 2 = 0.0033 → 0.33%
Transmittance is equal to:
T = 1-R = 1-0.0033 = 0.996 → 99.6%
Reflected Power:
| P_1 ^ - | = 0.33% ∙ 200 mW / m ^ 2 = 0.66 mW / m ^ 2
Transmitted Power:
| P_2 ^ + | = 99.6% ∙ 200 mW / m ^ 2 = 199.2 mW / m ^ 2

2. An electromagnetic wave of 𝑓 = 30 𝑀𝐻𝑧 and P_1 ^ + = 200𝑚𝑊 / 𝑚2, from a wave

generator located 30𝑐𝑚 from the wall, which impacts from the air (𝜂1 = 120𝜋 𝛺)
perpendicularly on a wall with an impedance intrinsic 𝜂2 = 336 𝛺 and 10𝑐𝑚 thick.
The wall is made of a non-magnetic and non-dissipative material. On the other side of
the wall there is a receiver located 20 cm away.

A. Calculate the reflection and transmission coefficient seen by the generator.

B. Determine in [%] and [𝑚𝑊 / 𝑚2] the power transmitted to the receiver.

As the wall is made of a non-magnetic and non-dissipative material:

∈_r = (η_0 / η) ^ 2 = (120π / 336) ^ 2 = 1.26
Now you can calculate the phase constant of the wall
β = (2π ∙ f) / c √ (∈_r) = (2π ∙ (30 ∙ 〖10〗 ^ 6)) / (3 ∙ 〖10〗 ^ 8) √1.26 = 0.71 rad / m
The air intake impedance on the other side of the wall and the impedance of the same wall is
the same:
Taking into account that x is the wall thickness and is equal to 10 cm = 0.1 m
η_in = η_1 (η_2 + jη_1 Tan (β_x)) / (η_1 + jη_2 Tan (β_x)) = 336 (120π + j336 Tan (0.71 *
0.1)) / (336 + j120π Tan (0.71 * 0.1))
η_in = (376-j6.14) Ω
MATLAB Verification

With this input impedance we can calculate the first reflection coefficient:
Γ_1 = (η_in-η_aire) / (η_in + η_aire) = - 0.0012-j0.0082

Now we calculate the first transmission coefficient and the standing wave ratio:
τ_1 = 1 + Γ_1 = 0.988 + j0.0082
SWR = (1+ | Γ |) / (1- | Γ |) = (1 + 0.012) / (1-0.0012) = 1.012 / 0.998 = 1.014
Percentage of power transmitted to the wall
T_1 = 1- | Γ | ^ 2 = 1- | -0.0012 | ^ 2 = 0.99≈ 99%
The power emitted by the emitter is 99% which is transmitted to the wall, but it does not
mean that this is the power received by the receiver.
The reflectance on the wall is
R_1 = 1-T_1 = 1-0.99 = 0.01
28% of the power is returned to the emitter
To obtain the power received by the receiver, a second reflection that occurs on the face of the
wall facing the receiver must be taken into account. The reflection coefficient on the second
face of the wall is calculated:
Γ_2 = (η_aire-η_pared) / (η_aire + η_pared) = (120π-336) / (120π + 336) = 0.0575
T_2 = 1- | Γ | ^ 2 = 1- | 0.0575 | ^ 2 = 0.99≈ 99%
T_t = 0.99 * 0.99 = 0.98
3. An electromagnetic wave propagates through various means as shown in the graph.

Initially, the ray travels through the ice sheet by hitting the air layer at point B, forming an
angle of 𝜃𝑎 = 44.9 °. Using Snell's Law, calculate the total wave path step by step to determine
the value of "d". Note that each layer is 336 𝑚𝑚 thick and that at point C there is a total
refractive effect, so it is necessary to identify what material is in layer 3 by calculating its
refractive index.

We apply snell's law on the ice - air path:

η_ice * sen (θ) _ice = η_air * sen (θ) _ (air)
1,309 * sen (44.9) _ice = 1,00029 * sen (θ) _ (air) → sen (θ) _ (air) = 0.93 / 1,00029 = 0.93
θ_aire = 〖sen〗 ^ (- 1) (0.93) = 68.43 °

Using the tangent function we calculate the distance A

Tan 〖(θ〗 _aire) = A / thickness = A / 336 ∴A = Tan (68.43) * 336 = 850 mm

Now we apply the snell law for the calculation of the air - D trajectory taking into account at
point C there is a total refractive effect

θ_air + θ _? = 90 ° → 68.43 + θ _? = 90
θ _? = 90-68.43 = 21.57 °
η_air * sen (θ) _air = η _? * sen (θ) _ (?) → 1,00029 * sen (68.43) = η _? * sen (21.57) _ (?)
η _? = (1,00029 * sen (68.43)) / (sen (21.57) _ (?)) = 2.52 ≈ 2.42 The material is the Diamond

Now we calculate the distance in space D:

Tan 〖(θ〗 _diam) = D / thickness = D / 336 ∴D = Tan (21.57) * 336 = 132.82 mm

We apply the snell law in the diamond - glass path:

η_diamante * sen (θ) _diamante = η_vidrio * sen (θ) _ (glass)
2.52 * sen (21.57) _diamante = 1.52 * sen (θ) _ (glass)
 sin (θ) _ (glass) = 0.92 / 1,00029 = 0.926
θ_vidrio = 〖sen〗 ^ (- 1) (0.926) = 67.84 °
Tan 〖(θ〗 _vidrio) = G / thickness = G / 336 ∴G = Tan (67.84) * 336 = 825 mm
Distances are now added
d = A + D + G = 850 + 132.82 + 825 = 1807.82 mm

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