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Move 1


Oral and dental hygiene is a condition in which the teeth in the oral cavity are clean, free of
plaque and other debris on the surface of the teeth such as debris, tartar, and food scraps and do
not smell bad. One of the reasons a person ignores their oral health problems is the lack of
knowledge about oral hygiene. Dental and oral health problems such as caries, gingivitis,
inflammation and stomatitis in the school age group are an important concern in health
development, one of which is due to the vulnerability of the school age group to dental and oral
health problems. This is based on the lack of knowledge and awareness of the importance of
maintaining teeth and mouth

Move 2

I agree that overall the results of this study indicate a relationship between knowledge and
oral hygiene. It is shown by the results that show most students already have good knowledge with
good OHI-S too. The report of Putu Sri Utari's research on 176 school students in East Cilandak
showed that 69 respondents (32.2%) had a low level of knowledge while 107 respondents (60.8%)
had a high level of knowledge. Silvia Anitasari also conducted research on the level of oral hygiene
using the OHI-S index in 1650 school students in Samarinda who found that 6.73% of students had
good oral hygiene; 59.03% moderate; 34.24% were poor with an average OHI-S of 3 including
moderate oral and dental hygiene. There was a difference between the results of this study
compared with the study conducted by Denloye in Nigeria in children aged 13-

15 years (junior high school students), a study conducted by Denloye found OHI-S for children at
junior high school age who were classified as good to moderate. This is probably because children at
high school already have extensive knowledge about oral and dental hygiene so they know how to
maintain good oral and dental hygiene as well.

Based on the results of this study, it was also obtained that female students paid more attention to
the hygiene of their teeth and mouth compared to male students. This may be due to the fact that
female students have a tendency to take better care of their appearance, including the hygiene of
their teeth and mouth, while some of the male students studied have a smoking habit which clearly
affects the degree of oral hygiene, although in fact they realize that smoking is not a good habit. This
kind of habit clearly has to get attention from the school to provide further education about the
dangers of smoking for body health in general and oral hygiene in particular, given that at their age
they already have permanent teeth that need to be maintained. so that it doesn't get damaged. Bad
habits in maintaining dental and oral hygiene can result in the emergence of various systemic
diseases such as caries, gingivitis, inflammation, stomatitis and can also result in damage to the
periondal tooth tissue. Another cause is found that they consume a lot of sweet foods at school and
less than those who are aware of the importance of brushing their teeth after eating and before
going to bed at night. Because food stuck in the teeth will be a place for bacteria that cause tooth
decay. Another cause was found that only a small proportion of them were aware that they needed
regular check-ups to the dentist every 6 times to check their teeth and mouth health because dental
care is an effort to protect and prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Another reason was that there
were students who were still wrong in brushing their teeth. Errors in brushing your teeth can result
in the erosion of the tissue in the gums (gingival recession), which is where the teeth are attached,
resulting in pain in the teeth (aches) when eating or drinking too hot or cold drinks. Once again, the
role of schools is needed to provide education so that they can be more aware of how to keep their
teeth and mouth clean.


1. It is necessary to do further research with a larger sample in order to better describe the
population under study.

2. It is necessary to conduct the same research on students at SMA Negeri 9 Manado but with other
variables such as behavior, how to brush their teeth, educational background of parents, and habits
that allow students to maintain or neglect the hygiene of their teeth and mouth.

3. It is necessary to do * counseling about dental-mouth health and how to take care of teeth-mouth
personally to students at SMA Negeri 9 Manado to increase students' knowledge and to raise their
awareness to always maintain the cleanliness of their teeth and mouth.

Move 3

Therefore, I took the title "the relationship between the level of knowledge of dental and
oral health to the status of dental and oral hygiene for students of class vii SMP Negeri 1 Kota
Tasikmalaya" because the adolescent group is vulnerable to dental and oral hygiene, and based on
WHO it has been stated that the level of dental hygiene and the mouth is still very low, and is caused
by a person's lack of awareness and knowledge of the importance of maintaining oral health.

Based on the research above, adolescent groups are still vulnerable to oral and dental hygiene, so
further research is needed, therefore I want to know the relationship between the level of
knowledge of dental and oral health with the status of dental and oral hygiene in students of class vii
junior high school, Tasikmalaya City. To increase students' knowledge in SMP Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya
City, it is necessary to do counseling on oral health and how to maintain oral health to increase
student knowledge and to raise awareness in maintaining oral health, so that the level of oral health
in adolescent vulnerable groups , could be better.

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