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The Pediatric Mandible: II. Management of

Traumatic Injury or Fracture
James M. Smartt, Jr., M.A., M.D., David W. Low, M.D., and Scott P. Bartlett, M.D.
Philadelphia, Pa.

Learning Objectives: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Describe the changing epidemiology
of mandibular fractures in children and adolescents. 2. Discuss the appropriate use of internal fixation in the treatment
of pediatric mandibular fractures. 3. Describe the difficulties posed by the deciduous dentition in the use of interdental
wiring. 4. Understand reasons why techniques specific to adult fractures may not be applicable to the growing mandible.
5. Understand the etiology and epidemiology of pediatric mandibular fractures. 6. Understand the reasons for conser-
vative (closed) versus aggressive (open) treatment of mandibular injury.

Management of pediatric mandibular frac-

Background: Fractures of the pediatric tures is predicated upon an understanding of
mandible are complicated by the anatomic the developmental anatomy of the lower jaw.
complexity of the developing mandible, par- This information was presented in Part I
ticularly by the presence of tooth buds and of this article in the July 2005 issue of this
the eruption of deciduous and permanent Journal. We apply this knowledge to the de-
teeth. Traditional methods of fracture reduc- velopment of specific age-dependent treat-
tion and fixation employed in adults have ment protocols.
little applicability in the pediatric population.
Methods: The authors describe the surgical EPIDEMIOLOGY, ETIOLOGY, AND DISTRIBUTION
techniques that have been used at their in-
The distribution of fracture patterns at vari-
stitution and those that can be used safely in
ous stages of development follows logically
the pediatric setting.
from an understanding of mandibular anato-
Results: In most cases, “conservative” man-
my.1 While, for the majority of childhood, the
agement is the preferred option, especially in
mandible is small compared with the rapidly
the treatment of condylar fractures. In cases
requiring surgical intervention, interdental growing neurocranium, its undeveloped struc-
wiring, drop wires in combination with cir- ture makes it vulnerable to a variety of insults.
cummandibular wires, and acrylic splints are Given the protected environment provided
suited well to specific phases of dental mat- most children during early life, it is not surpris-
uration. ing that fractures of the mandible comprise a
Conclusion: Open reduction and internal small percentage of facial trauma as a whole.
fixation using monocortical screws and mi- Most series report the incidence of pediatric
croplates or resorbable plates and screws are facial fractures as 1 to 15 percent of all facial
acceptable techniques in the pediatric pa- fractures occurring in adults and children.2– 8
tient, but they require special safeguards. Al- However, within the pediatric subpopulation,
gorithms are presented to simplify manage- mandibular fractures are relatively prominent.
ment of these complicated injuries. (Plast. The majority of large series of pediatric pa-
Reconstr. Surg. 116: 28e, 2005.) tients report the incidence of mandibular frac-
tures at approximately 20 to 50 percent of all

From the Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery. The University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, The Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia, and the Edwin and Fannie Gray Hall Center for Human Appearance. Received for publication May 28, 2004; revised December 10, 2004.
DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000173445.10908.f8
Vol. 116, No. 2 / THE PEDIATRIC MANDIBLE 29e
childhood facial fractures.9 –11 Earlier studies by mandate the use of surgical techniques that
McCoy et al. and Hall found the incidence of differ markedly from those used in adults.
mandibular fractures to be 20.7 to 40.8 percent While anatomic reduction utilizing wide expo-
of all pediatric facial fractures.10,12 Later studies sure and rigid internal fixation has been the
by Posnick et al. and Tanaka et al. largely have standard of care in adults for a long time, this
confirmed these earlier studies with rates of 34 method of treatment is seldom useful in chil-
and 46.9 percent, respectively.2,13 In all studies, dren. In fact, given the pediatric skeleton’s
fractures of the mandible are more common in capacity for remodeling and the high inci-
boys and increase in frequency until they reach dence of minimally displaced or greenstick
15 years of age.2,5,13 fractures, conservative therapy alone often is
The mechanisms of injury vary from series to effective.8,16,18 Clinical evidence suggests that
series, with motor vehicle accidents, falls, and many fractures in children remodel with little
sports-related injuries contributing significant- or no intervention.19 –21 This is especially true of
ly.5,11,13–15 In a series of 81 patients reviewed by the many minimally displaced greenstick frac-
Posnick et al., motor vehicle accidents ac- tures of the condylar necks that occur early in
counted for 50 percent of all mandibular frac- childhood. Consequently, a decision to under-
tures, with falls (23 percent) and sports-related take surgical reduction of a mandibular frac-
injuries (15 percent) accounting for the major- ture can only be made after having assessed the
ity of the remaining fractures.2 Siegel et al., age of the patient and the severity of the frac-
reporting on a series from our institution, ture.
found altercations to be the most common When surgical management is indicated, a
cause of injury (35 percent), along with motor few basic guidelines are likely to make therapy
vehicle accidents (28 percent), bicycle acci- more efficacious. First, the least possible
dents (12 percent), and falls (7 percent).5 In amount of the fracture site should be exposed
most series, the proportion of injuries attribut- during treatment. Recent evidence suggests
able to altercations and sports-related injuries that soft-tissue undermining incurred during
increased with age. Strikingly, a large propor- surgery can adversely affect craniofacial
tion of patients with mandibular fractures (30 growth.22,23 These studies reaffirm Moss’s orig-
to 60 percent) also experience a serious asso- inal assertion regarding the importance of the
ciated intra-abdominal, neurocranial or ortho- “functional matrix” in normal growth.24 De-
pedic injury—attesting to the force required to spite these findings, however, it has been noted
effect such injuries.9,11,16 that patients undergoing extensive craniofacial
Fracture patterns also vary with age. Multiple reconstruction for simple suture synostosis
studies in pediatric patients have found that the seem to attain relatively normal growth param-
incidence of condylar fractures is initially high eters.25 While conflicting reports exist, a more
and decreases with age. Conversely, fractures of conservative approach to manipulation of the
the body and angle are initially infrequent, but periosteum and its muscular attachments
increase with age.5,8,17 Pediatric patients are more seems warranted until definitive evidence is
likely than adults to sustain greenstick or incom- available.
plete fractures. This is because of the relatively Finally, the pediatric dentition presents a
high elasticity of the mandible’s thin cortical formidable challenge to traditional surgical
bone and thick surrounding layer of adipose tis- techniques. Arch bars used for intermaxillary
sue. Furthermore, because of the presence of fixation in adults may be of little value in the
tooth buds and developing crypts, pediatric frac- pediatric patient as the primary teeth and par-
tures are often long and irregular in character, tially erupted secondary teeth are not a suffi-
with the fracture generally running inferiorly ciently stable foundation. In fact, the pressure
and anteriorly.12 Pediatric fractures are less likely exerted in intermaxillary fixation may avulse
to have multiple comminutions compared with the primary teeth. The conical shape of the
those in adults. primary teeth, with their wide cervical margins
and tapered occlusal surface, makes the place-
ment of eyelet wires or arch bars technically
PEDIATRIC MANDIBULAR FRACTURES challenging. Some authors have indicated that
The anatomical complexity of the develop- intermaxillary fixation using arch bars is safe in
ing mandible, and concerns regarding the bio- younger children, especially those older than
compatibility of implanted hardware, often 9.16,26,27 Other studies have used “mini arch
bars,” which exert less strain on the developing ly.19,20,34 Conservative management has many
teeth.28 In our experience, intermaxillary fixa- advantages, including a decreased immobiliza-
tion with arch bars can only safely be used in tion time, decreased muscular atrophy, better
patients older than 11 whose permanent den- oral hygiene, and a decreased risk of anky-
tition has been able to form adequate roots.29 losis.35 This is especially true of condylar frac-
Before this age, one may utilize interdental tures and nondisplaced or greenstick fractures
wiring techniques, such as the use of eyelet of the body and ramus in which normal occlu-
wires. These techniques take advantage of in- sion is present following injury.36,37 While the
dividualized tooth anatomy, and, when wired literature on condylar fractures suggests that
to an adjacent tooth, are less prone to avulsion affected children may have an increased risk of
or tearing of the periodontal ligament. growth disturbances, no particular surgical
The presence of tooth buds in the pediatric therapy has been demonstrated to be more or
mandible further complicates treatment. As less efficacious in preventing these prob-
discussed earlier, during the majority of child- lems.19,38 Conservative management is further
hood, tooth buds nearly approximate the infe- supported by clinical and experimental evi-
rior border of the mandible. Previous reports dence that documents the uncomplicated heal-
suggest that tooth damage and pulp oblitera- ing of various mandibular fractures, including
tion are not uncommon at mandibular frac- those of the condyles.6,7,9,13,39 In our experi-
ture sites.30 Disruption of these tooth buds, or ence, conservative management of intracapsu-
the developing teeth, with any form of internal lar condylar fractures, high fractures of the
stabilization can result in maldevelopment of condylar neck, and coronoid fractures is war-
permanent teeth.31,32 Consequently, if internal ranted when the occlusion is normal and no
fixation is used, the surgeon must be careful to barriers to movement exist.40,41
avoid the developing structures. Débridement However, in the case of fractures low in the
and manipulation of tooth fragments and bone condylar neck with significant displacement,
chips also should be kept to a minimum. open reduction and internal fixation should
Despite these concerns, a few characteristics definitely be considered— especially in chil-
of the developing craniofacial skeleton make dren more than 9 years of age. Fractures of the
therapy somewhat easier in children than in body and angle may be treated conservatively
adults. Given the high metabolic rate of most when displacement is minimal and the patient
developing tissues and the increased osteo- is without functional deficits or malocclusion.
genic capacity of the periosteum, rates of heal- After a proper radiological assessment (includ-
ing are much higher in children. As a result, ing Panorex films and/or axial and coronal
for even complex mandibular fractures, 2 to 3 computed tomography scans) and physical ex-
weeks of immobilization may be all that is re- amination for normal occlusion, the imposi-
quired for union.18 This tenet holds true for tion of a soft diet, rigorous physiotherapy,
nearly any form of surgical therapy that might avoidance of rigorous physical contact, and
be used. Fibrous union during the healing pro- symptomatic pain control may be an adequate
cess is very uncommon and excellent remodel- treatment plan for a wide variety of mandibular
ing of fracture sites is standard. This remains fractures. Nonetheless, as the literature on pe-
true even in the setting of masticatory stresses diatric condylar fractures attests, the effect of
and imperfect apposition of the bone surfaces. fractures on growth is unpredictable, making
Consequently, a much greater degree of toler- long-term follow-up essential.38,42
ance is allowed in the alignment of bone frag-
ments and the restoration of occlusion than in SURGICAL MANAGEMENT
the treatment of adults.33
Interdental Wiring
NONSURGICAL TREATMENT STRATEGIES In many cases, the use of interdental wiring
The first question that must be answered in is a relatively noninvasive and safe method of
the treatment of any child’s fracture is whether fracture reduction. Through this method,
or not to undertake surgical intervention. As wires are placed around the cervical margins of
discussed previously, the ability of the develop- stable teeth on either side of the fracture site.
ing facial skeleton to remodel to normal pro- These wires may be attached to individual
portions in the absence of treatment has been teeth or looped around a series of teeth in a
observed both clinically and experimental- bridle wire fashion. In either case, a pre-
Vol. 116, No. 2 / THE PEDIATRIC MANDIBLE 31e
stretched, 15-cm-long, 26-gauge, soft stainless Between the ages of 3 and 12, it can be appli-
steel wire can be used. After placement, the cable, but the stability of anchoring teeth must
wire is tightened around the neck of the tooth be checked in the operating room through
through twisting. In the case of interdental bimanual examination. For patients between
wiring of individual teeth, a 3-cm tail should be the ages of 3 and 7, the deciduous molars often
left so as to facilitate connections with adjoin- provide a stable surface for immobilization.
ing structures (Fig. 1). When bridle wires are Between the ages of 8 and 13, the permanent
used, shorter tails may be utilized, as they are incisors and molars often can be used.16
rarely attached to other structures at the tail This technique also can be problematic in
itself. To avoid soft-tissue trauma, the cut ends children with stable deciduous dentitions. The
of any tails should be bent into the interdental shape of deciduous teeth differs markedly
spaces. The wires should be left in place for 2 from their permanent counterparts.43 The cer-
to 3 weeks and can sometimes be removed in vical margins of permanent teeth are narrower
the office, without the need for general anes- than their occlusal surface. Consequently, the
thesia. teeth provide more purchase for the place-
The benefits of these methods are not uni- ment of any form of interdental wiring or in-
versal. Sufficient reduction using these tech- termaxillary fixation. The deciduous teeth
niques presupposes the presence of stable den- have a tapered shape that is sometimes widest
tition, preferably of permanent teeth. As a at the cervical margin. As a result, dental wires
consequence, this method is often not a viable and arch bars are often difficult to apply, and
option in children younger than 3 years of age. may slip. When used, care must be taken to
place such hardware well below the gumline.
Given the large percentage of only mini-
mally displaced or greenstick fractures of the
pediatric mandible, this somewhat conservative
approach is often sufficient to provide normal
occlusal relations and anatomic reduction.
This includes many fractures of the body, es-
pecially those in the alveolar regions. In addi-
tion, interdental wiring can be used in con-
junction with any of the following techniques
to gain additional stabilization of complex or
oblique fractures.
Occlusal Splints with Circummandibular Wires
The use of occlusal splints is a versatile tech-
nique that can be used for a wide range of ages.
While the composition of these splints varies,
catalyst-activated acrylic has been the choice at
our institution because of its ease of use. Frac-
ture reduction is generally first performed bi-
manually in a closed fashion, or with a combi-
nation of interdental wiring and direct
monocortical wires at the fracture site. Splints
should be constructed so that the occlusal sur-
face makes contact with the maxilla or maxil-
lary dentition, and maintains a normal vertical
dimension. After contouring and curing in the
operating room with the patient under general
anesthesia, the splint is applied to the lower
FIG. 1. Interdental Wiring. (Above) Bridle wires around dental arch and monomaxillary fixation
multiple teeth. Note the placement of the wire near or at the achieved using two to four circummandibular
gumline to ensure good purchase on the deciduous teeth.
(Below) The use of wiring around individual teeth. These wires (Fig. 2).40
individual wires can be connected to one another to form a Nishioka et al. have correctly emphasized the
system of interdental stabilization. careful placement of circummandibular wires
sion in the face of dental instability, especially
between the ages of 5 and 12. The use of splints
is helpful in many situations in which interden-
tal wiring is not acceptable. In addition, use of
acrylic materials circumvents the time-consum-
ing process of splint construction using plaster
casts of the upper and lower dental arches.
Splints constructed of this material can be
made in any size—a feature that can be of
particular value when inclusion of the molars is
desired. Finally, the use of monomaxillary
acrylic splints obviates the use of “Gunning-
type” splints and encourages early jaw mobili-
zation, thus further decreasing the risk of an-
kylosis. Nonetheless, despite these advantages,
splints also have drawbacks that make their use
difficult for some practitioners. The creation of
splints often increases operative time, and may
not be appropriate in the presence of maxillary
fractures. Splints often are unnecessary in com-
plex fractures in which some form of internal
fixation is used. In such cases, intermaxillary
fixation can be provided through the use of
suspensory wires attached to the piriform ap-
FIG. 2. (Above) The application of occlusal splints using
circummandibular wires. Note the placement of circumman-
erture in combination with an intermediate
dibular wires both proximal and distal to the fracture itself. connecting wire.
(Below) Axial view of the occlusal splint. Care should be taken
to form the splint only after complete fracture reduction has Drop Wires and Circummandibular Wires
been achieved. Furthermore, the splint should encompass
Drop wires, or a set of superiorly anchored
both the lingual and buccal surfaces of the existing dentition.
Note that the use of splints such as these is possible in nearly wires attached at the midface, in combination
every stage of dental maturation and mandibular growth. with circummandibular wiring, offer another
method of fracture reduction and fixation in
so as to avoid injury to the mental nerve.27 children. The literature has provided various
Wires should not be placed near the mental descriptions of drop wires, all using slightly
foramen (under the first deciduous molar, or different techniques. Nishioka et al. advocated
first and second permanent premolars) or en- the use of circummandibular, piriform rim sus-
gage the fracture line (Fig. 2). In addition, care pension, arch bars, and a bridle wire in the
must be taken not to apply excessive force in treatment of isolated fractures of the mandi-
the application of these (or any) wires as they ble.27 After the initial application of a maxillary
can easily cut into the immature cortical bone. arch bar, a bridle wire is placed to reduce the
Schweinfurth and Koltai have noted the impor- mandibular fracture at the level of the denti-
tance of thinning the posterior portion of the tion and alveolar bone. A mandibular arch bar,
splint overlying the molars to prevent prema- circummandibular wires, and drop wires sus-
ture closure resulting in an open bite.16 The pended from the lateral piriform apertures are
acrylic splint should be left in place for 2 to 3 placed and further reduction is performed.
weeks and can usually be removed in the office, Fixation and normal occlusal relations are
or in the operating room under light sedation. achieved when the maxillary and mandibular
The use of splints can be particularly advan- portions are connected through the use of an
tageous in a few clinical situations. In patients intermediate wire (Fig. 3). Renner et al. used a
less than 3 years of age, with few stable dental single drop wire suspended from the nasal
structures, the use of splints is encouraged. In spine in combination with two circumman-
these cases, even markedly displaced fractures dibular wires in the treatment of pediatric
of the body or angle can be stabilized ade- mandibular fractures.44 Unlike Nishioka, these
quately with these techniques. Splints also pro- authors used bimanual reduction, drop wires,
vide an acceptable way to ensure normal occlu- and circummandibular wiring without the use
Vol. 116, No. 2 / THE PEDIATRIC MANDIBLE 33e

FIG. 4. Drop wires using circummandibular wires, piri-

form rim suspension, and intermediate wires. (Above) The
FIG. 3. Intermaxillary fixation using drop wires with the
application of circummandibular wires using an awl. To insert
application of mini arch bars, circummandibular wires, and
the wires, a small stab incision is placed under the anterior
an intermediate wire.
surface of the inferior mandibular border. (Below) Circum-
mandibular wires are then pulled around the inferior man-
of arch bars. Lastly, Eppley has described the dibular border and pushed superiorly through the lingual
mucosal layer of the oral cavity. The buccal and lingual ends
use of a large, circummandibular suture in the
of the wires can then be tightened through gaps in the ex-
treatment of condylar fractures and nondis- isting dentition. Intermediate wires of a lighter gauge are
placed fractures of the body and angle.45 used to ensure that wire failures can be repaired without the
After placement of resorbable screws in each need for additional invasive wiring.
zygomatic body, a large (2-0), nonresorbable
monofilament suture is passed around each ances (braces) can be used for temporary in-
side of the mandible using an awl guided termaxillary fixation to attain normal occlu-
through a small submandibular incision. The sion.
suture is then tied, leaving a knot high in the After reduction, a small, submandibular in-
vestibule. With a cooperative patient, the su- cision is made and a prestretched, 25-gauge
ture can be removed in the office setting, leav- wire run on the lingual and buccal side of the
ing the screw to be resorbed over time. mandible using an awl (Fig. 4). The wires are
At our institution, we have used drop wires in then tightened around the mandibular corpus,
combination with circummandibular wires in a taking care to avoid damage to the mental
number of patients. Ideally, we prefer to sus- nerve. The wires are tightened enough to pro-
pend the drop wires from the lateral piriform vide proper reduction and fixation of the frac-
aperture (Fig. 4). In patients in whom reduc- ture, but not so much as to damage the devel-
tion can be achieved with normal occlusion, we oping bone. Moderate tension will provide
prefer to use the procedure without adjunctive adequate force to stabilize most fractures of the
measures such as splints or arch bars. However, body, even oblique fractures in which it is im-
the use of an interdental acrylic splint may be portant to realign both the buccal and lingual
necessary to effect proper reduction of condy- cortices. The exact number of circummandibu-
lar fractures with occlusal deformities without lar wires used depends on the extent of the
the use of intermaxillary fixation. More specif- fracture and the number of sites involved.
ically, fracture reduction is achieved in the op- Ideally, two wires should be place in the
erating room using bimanual manipulation. para-symphyseal region distal to the fracture
When possible, pre-installed orthodontic appli- and at least one additional wire proximal to the
fracture itself. Exposure of the piriform rim is some stable dentition, preferably the decidu-
then performed through a high vestibular in- ous molars or permanent teeth. In the case
cision. A subperiosteal dissection is performed, where such dentition does not exist, occlusal
with adequate release of any attachments to splinting or internal fixation is probably a bet-
the anterior floor of the nose and nasal spine. ter option. This criticism applies to all of the
A transosseous hole is then created in each techniques reviewed above. The attachment of
piriform aperture using a 1-mm drill. A single, drop wires to different locations on the mid-
26-gauge, prestretched wire is placed on each face is also potentially problematic. Drop wires
side and twisted down on an instrument with should never be placed around the zygomatic
the distal portion of the wire extending just arch, as the wires will likely cut through the soft
through the mucosal incision. Subsequently, a bone.40 While Renner et al. mention the use of
smaller, 28-gauge, intermediate wire is placed their nasal spine technique in children,44 we
connecting the circummandibular wires (up to question the ability of this structure to support
two within each intermediate wire) and those the pressure exerted by intermaxillary fixation.
in the piriform aperture. Using this intermedi- The technique may be viable in adults, but
ate wire, tension is increased gradually, bring- should be applied with caution in children.
ing both dental arches into proper occlusion Eppley’s use of a nonresorbable suture should
while simultaneously providing enough force be reserved primarily for patients with nondis-
to stabilize any underlying fracture. Use of a placed or condylar fractures and the dental
smaller gauge connecting wire assures that if stability to maintain proper occlusion.45 More
wire failure occurs it is usually in the connect- generally, drop wires may not be efficacious in
ing wire itself. Therefore, if replacement is nec- the treatment of fractures posterior to the den-
essary, it can be done without opening of the tition, such as fractures of the angle. Finally,
vestibular incision or placement of additional the use of drop wires requires a period of
circummandibular wires. immobilization and impairs oral hygiene.
The use of drop wires offers many advan-
tages not possible with other techniques. First, Open Reduction and Internal Fixation
the amount of operative time is significantly While the use of internal fixation is increas-
decreased since the splint-making procedure is ingly widespread, few studies inform the prac-
not necessary. There also is significantly less titioner about its application in the treatment
surgical exposure than that which accompa- of pediatric mandibular fractures. Early discus-
nies open reduction and internal fixation. The sions emphasized the importance of avoiding
risk to developing tooth buds is minimized, as developing dental structures, but provided few
the mandible itself is never penetrated. Also, technical details.16,46,47 While the use of open
this technique is acceptable as an adjunct for reduction and internal fixation with and with-
use with other methods such as splitting, inter- out intermaxillary fixation was indicated as a
dental wiring, or the use of internal fixation. As treatment modality in some publications, tech-
Nishioka et al. have indicated, this method is nical methods were not specifically ad-
often effective in oblique displaced fractures dressed.2,5,6,13,48
where the fabrication of dental splints is com- Wong’s case description of a 5-year-old child
plicated by a poor fit.27 Drop wires also can be treated with open reduction and internal fixa-
effective in treating fractures of the condyles, tion and arch bars was the first discussion to
coronoid, and body. For instance, unilateral provide technical details.26 Subsequently, Davi-
condylar fractures with occlusal deformities son et al. were the first to undertake a larger
and bilateral condylar fractures with a posteri- clinical study of internal fixation of pediatric
orly displaced open-bite deformity are two mandibular fractures. In their series of 29 pe-
problems that can be treated effectively using diatric patients, the authors compared more
occlusal splints such as these. When used traditional methods of intermaxillary fixation
alone, the technique may not be appropriate (using arch bars, eyelet wires, circummandibu-
for the treatment of angle fractures in which lar wires, or splints) with a “free hand tech-
dentition is unavailable for proximal reduction nique” that used open bimanual reduction and
using circummandibular wires. internal fixation using a combination of plates,
This technique also has many potential draw- wires, and screws. The authors noted numer-
backs. The maintenance of proper occlusal re- ous advantages of using internal fixation with-
lations is contingent upon the presence of out intermaxillary fixation, including de-
Vol. 116, No. 2 / THE PEDIATRIC MANDIBLE 35e
creased immobilization time, quicker
resumption of a soft diet, and a quicker return
to normal dental hygiene habits. They also ob-
served similar rates of adverse events, including
malocclusion, trismus, and the need for reop-
eration.49 Hardt and Gottsauner also docu-
mented the use of internal fixation in a subset
of patients in their study of fracture treat-
ment.28 Unfortunately, while offering support
for the role of internal fixation without inter-
maxillary fixation in the treatment of children,
the articles fail to provide specific technical
details related to the use of internal fixation or
long-term follow-up regarding efficacy and
At our institution, we have found that open
reduction and internal fixation, when used ju-
diciously, are indispensable in the treatment of
specific subsets of mandibular fractures, in-
cluding displaced fractures of the body or an-
FIG. 5. Monocortical plating of the developing mandible
gle, fractures of the condylar neck with signif-
using miniplates and screws. (Above) Note the relatively su-
icant barriers to movement, complex fractures, perficial movement of the monocortical screw at the inferior
and fractures in non–toothbearing areas. In mandibular border. (Below) Again, placement of plate and
general terms, the use of internal fixation screw fixation at the inferior mandibular border. Despite the
should follow the guidelines already discussed use of these conservative fixation techniques, note the prox-
imity of the monocortical screws and the unerupted tooth
in this series. Open reduction should be per- buds.
formed cautiously, with minimal manipulation
of overlying soft tissues. When possible an in-
inferior border and developing teeth is suffi-
traoral approach should be used to minimize
ciently large.
the potential for visible scarring that can be
One exception to this rule might be symph-
significant in these cases. In addition, external
yseal fractures, in which it may be safe to use
appliances requiring skin incisions should be bicortical screws in patients older than 8. Dur-
avoided whenever possible. Given the pediatric ing the placement of screws of any type, passive
mandible’s capacity to remodel properly in the adaptation of the plate to the bony surface
face of small discrepancies in occlusion, we always should be achieved. As discussed by
believe that some fractures safely can be re- Luhr, failure to do so can result in separation
duced bimanually without intermaxillary fixa- of the cortices and spurious fracture reduction
tion. with lingual gaps.46 In addition, when fixation
Metallic internal fixation can be achieved of the superior mandibular border is required,
through the use of interosseous wiring or plate interdental wiring or splints should be used
fixation. Recent evidence suggests that soft- cautiously to avoid damage to tooth roots.
tissue undermining incurred during surgery While some authors have advocated the use of
can adversely affect craniofacial growth; there- monocortical screws above the inferior border
fore, the fracture site should only be exposed of tooth roots, we caution against their use
to the extent that exposure is required for because of the risk of damage to the develop-
treatment.22,23,50 In patients less than 9 years of ing teeth (Fig. 6).49 Furthermore, to prevent
age, plates should be placed only on the man- plate “migration” and the potential for the in-
dible’s inferior border using monocortical terference with growth, interval removal of any
screws (Fig. 5). Drill holes always should be hardware is recommended in patients less than
placed at the most inferior position and di- 10 years of age.
rected posteromedially, not superiorly. The When performed properly, open reduction
use of transosseous wiring and bicortical screws and internal fixation is probably a safe and
should be reserved for patients older than 11 versatile treatment modality. In addition to the
to 13, when the space between the mandible’s benefits outlined by Davison et al.,49 internal
fixation decreases operative time, produces sta- stabilize fractures than to provide rigid internal
bilization in more complicated cases, and pro- fixation. As such, they act more like interosse-
vides a means of fixation in non–toothbearing ous wires and should, in theory, be less likely to
areas of the mandible. Furthermore, as we have adversely affect facial growth. Nonetheless, the
discussed elsewhere, microplates act more to scale of the plates used warrants discussion.
While the biomechanical forces generated by
children during mastication are often of
smaller magnitude than those generated by
adults, we have observed clinically that chil-
dren are less apt to “test” the repair by early
chewing of hard food.51 Hence, 1.3-mm, 1.5-
mm, and 2.0-mm (midface) plates have been
utilized. We have never witnessed plate bend-
ing, fracture, or displacement. This is espe-
cially true if combined with a period of inter-
maxillary fixation. If using plates for children,
a rough guideline might include a 1.0 or 1.3
system plate in those less than 3 years of age;
1.5 system plates in patients aged 4 to 9, and
1.5 or 2.0 system plates in preadolescents and
teenagers. This recommendation is experien-
tial rather than based on experimental studies.
The use of resorbable plates also is an in-
creasingly attractive option in the treatment of
a variety of conditions affecting the pediatric
craniofacial skeleton, including mandibular
fractures. Recent experimental studies suggest
that poly-L-lactide resorbable plates may be
used effectively for treatment of mandibular
fractures or osteotomies in the mature cranio-
facial skeleton.52,53 Studies using a variety of
mandibular fracture models in animals indi-
cate that resorbable plates and screws may be
used successfully in surgical management.54,55
The use of resorbable plates and screws has
been supported further by successful reports of
their clinical use in the treatment of mandibu-
lar fractures in adults.56,57 Unfortunately, to
date, the use of resorbable plates and screws
has not been investigated in the treatment of
pediatric mandibular fractures. However, given
the decreased force exerted during mastica-
tion in children, the use of resorbable plates
and screws may, in theory, be used most effica-
ciously in the pediatric setting. There is little
evidence to suggest that poorly placed resorb-
able screws have any less deleterious effect on
the developing dentition.
It also must be remembered that, due to the
FIG. 6. Compressive plate fixation at the inferior mandib- biomechanics of the resorbable plates them-
ular border, though not damaging to the teeth, has contrib- selves, the strength of equally sized resorbable
uted to eruption of a permanent canine well below the al- and metallic plates is not equivalent. A 1.5 -mm
veolus. (Above) Application of monocortical plate fixation to
the inferior mandibular border following fracture of the man- system resorbable plate probably provides
dibular body. (Center) Panorex of a patient at 2-month follow- much less stability than a 1.5-mm titanium
up. (Below) Patient at 1-year follow-up. plate. In light of this, we believe that resorbable
Vol. 116, No. 2 / THE PEDIATRIC MANDIBLE 37e

FIG. 7. Algorithm 1. Management of body and angle fractures. CMW, circummandibular wires; IDW, inter-
dental wiring; IMF, intermaxillary fixation; ORIF, open reduction and internal fixation.

plates likely have the role of helping to main- The possible deleterious effects of open re-
tain fracture reduction and alignment, but duction and internal fixation in children have
must be utilized with additional methods (such been well documented in the literature. Exper-
as wires, splints, and intermaxillary fixation). imental evidence provided by Lin et al. has
Large-scale resorbable plates (greater than 2.0 demonstrated that plates and screws of the size
mm system) may have a role in fractures pos- used in managing adult fractures may, to a
terior to the dentition in older children, but limited extent, adversely affect facial growth.58
until more experiences are published, judg- The “migration” of such implanted hardware
ment must be reserved. also has been observed both clinically and ex-

FIG. 8. Algorithm 2. Management of condylar and coronoid fractures. PRS, piriform rim suspension; CMW,
circummandibular wires; IDW, interdental wiring; IMF, intermaxillary fixation; ORIF, open reduction internal

perimentally.59,60 The fate of developing teeth wiring.31 While this study is cause for concern,
in fracture lines remains a controversial sub- it should be noted that grossly displaced frac-
ject, and has great significance to surgical ther- tures are more likely to be treated with plates—
apy. Kamboozia and Punnia-Moorthy have re- making it difficult to draw conclusions regard-
ported an increased incidence of devitalized ing the modality’s actual effect on tooth
teeth adjacent to mandibular fractures treated vitality. While Davison et al.’s study of the “free-
with plates when compared with interosseous hand technique” provides some vindication for
Vol. 116, No. 2 / THE PEDIATRIC MANDIBLE 39e
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