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Pediatric Mandibular Fractures

A Free Hand Technique
Steven P. Davison, DDS, MD; Matthew S. Clifton, MD; M. Nora Davison, PA-C;
Marc Hedrick, MD; George Sotereanos, DMD

Background: The treatment of pediatric mandibular Results: Surgical time for plating was reduced by 1 hour,
fractures is rare, controversial, and complicated by the average time to place patients in IMF. The patients
mixed dentition. who underwent open reduction internal fixation with-
out IMF ate a soft mechanical diet by postoperative day
Objectives: To determine if open mandibular fracture 3 compared with postoperative day 16 for those who un-
repair with intraoral and extraoral rigid plate place- derwent IMF. Complication rates related to fixation tech-
ment, after free hand occlusal and bone reduction, with- nique were comparable at 20% for those who did not un-
out intermaxillary fixation (IMF), is appropriate and to dergo IMF and 33% for those who did.
discuss postoperative advantages, namely, maximal early
return of function and minimal oral hygiene issues. Conclusions: We believe that free hand reduction is a
valuable technique to reduce operative time for pediat-
Patients: A group of 29 pediatric patients with a man- ric mandibular fractures. It maximizes return to func-
dibular fracture were examined. Twenty pediatric pa- tion while minimizing the oral hygiene issues and hard-
tients (13 males and 7 females) with a mean age of 9 years ware removal of intermaxillary function.
(age range, 1-17 years) were treated using IMF. All pa-
tients were treated by the same surgeon (G.S.). Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2001;3:185-189

EDIATRIC mandibular frac- tions include open reduction and internal
tures are rare and their treat- fixation through either an intraoral or ex-
ment controversial. Manage- traoral approach. Isolated condyle frac-
ment is complicated by tures have been successfully treated with
mixed dentition that is in- closed functional therapy.6,7 The closed
herently dynamic and unstable. In re- treatment of ramus, body, and symphysis
ports of large case series of maxillofacial fractures may require extended periods of
trauma, children younger than 6 years con- IMF from 3 to 5 weeks8-10; however, un-
stitute 1% of the fractures.1,2 The inci- recognized and untreated fractures can lead
dence of pediatric mandibular fractures in- to increased rates of orthodontic and cra-
creases to 5% at the ages 6 years or older; niofacial surgery for facial asymmetry.11
this is because the relative size of the cra- To improve postoperative occlusion
nium decreases.3 As the pediatric man- results with IMF in an inherently un-
dible is more malleable, a fracture in- stable dentition, suspended circumman-
volves significant force, with motor vehicle dibular wire fixation was devised.12 To re-
injuries consistently being the most fre- duce the length of IMF, it has been
quent mechanism of injury.3-5 combined with miniplate osteosynthetic
open reduction internal fixation (ORIF).2
See Editorial Comment Two recent large case series by Norholt et
at end of article al6 and Posnick et al3 have treated up to
65% of noncondylar fractures with ORIF
From the Divisions of Plastic The ideal treatment approach is un- because of multiple concomitant fracture
Surgery, Georgetown
clear as the number of patients to study are sites. Those techniques still require ini-
University Medical Center,
Washington, DC (Drs Davison few and follow-up study difficult because tial fracture reduction with IMF that may
and Clifton and Ms Davison), it disturbs growth. Treatment options in- be retained as a tension band.2,13 Studies
and Surgery, University of clude soft diet, intermaxillary fixation (IMF) performed on the adult population have
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa with eyelet wires, arch bars, circumman- shown that a reduction in operative time
(Drs Hedrick and Sotereanos). dibular wiring, or stents. Alternative op- can be attained using a free hand tech-



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fixated with plates, wires, lag screws, or a combination
of these, focusing on bone reduction. The technique uses
PATIENTS AND METHODS no intraoperative or postoperative IMF (Figure 1).

A retrospective review of oromaxillofacial trauma RESULTS

treated at a tertiary care pediatric hospital from Janu-
ary 18, 1992, to March 31, 1997, identified 39 mixed A total of 39 fracture sites in 20 pediatric patients (13
dentition pediatric mandibular fractures. Twenty pe- males and 7 females) were treated with a free hand tech-
diatric patients (13 males and 7 females) with a mean nique. These patients had a mean age of 9 years (age range,
age of 9 years (age range, 1-17 years) were treated 1-17 years). The mechanism of injury was motor vehicle/
with ORIF after the mandibles were reduced and sta- all-terrain vehicle crash in 9 patients (45%), playing sports
bilized with a bimanual technique without IMF. These in 8 patients (40%), assault or abuse in 2 patients (10%),
were compared with 9 patients treated with IMF. All and fall in 1 patient (5%). The surgical approach for place-
patients were treated by one of us (G.S.).
ment of a total of 45 plates was intraoral in 11 patients
Diagnostic data were collected from hospital
medical records, operative and dietary notes, and ra- (55%), extraoral in 7 patients (35%), or combined in 2
diographic studies (including panoramic tomogram patients (10%).
[Panorex] and computed tomographic scans). Clini- The site of fracture was parasymphyseal in 8 (41%)
cal follow-up was recorded from office notes, pan- of 20 patients or condylar or subcondylar in 9 patients
oramic tomograms, and clinical examination. All pa- (43%). The body and ramus constituted the fracture sites
tients and their families were surveyed by telephone in 3 patients (16%). Surgical time for plating averaged
using a questionnaire on function modified from 21⁄2 hours. The average time for the placement of the IMF
Norholt et al.6 alone was 1 hour.
The anatomical site of the mandibular fracture Functional results were reviewed at an average of
was identified, the surgical approach documented, and
19 months’ follow-up (Table 1). Complications were
the number and type of plate were recorded. The sur-
geon’s operative time for comparison with a sample- also listed (Table 2). Complications were considered
matched group treated with IMF was isolated. Post- to be related to reduction techniques either free hand or
operative clinical examination noted occlusion, IMF when they affected occlusion, trismus, or function.
malocclusion, masticatory function, oral opening, In the free hand group 4 complications in 3 patients were
tooth loss or damage related to plate placement, and related to the reduction technique. In the group who un-
facial growth retardation. The treated fractures were derwent IMF, 3 complications in 3 patients were related
separated into those whose fractures were reduced to the reduction technique.
with a free hand and bimanual technique or IMF pre- Cephalometric and panographic examination re-
operatively, intraoperatively, or postoperatively. vealed no facial growth disturbance or asymmetry. Four
patients underwent elective plate removal to avoid fa-
cial growth retardation or plate exposure for a total pa-
tient reoperation ratio of 7:20 (35%). Of the patients
nique in the absence of IMF, with no increase in occlusal treated with IMF, 6 (67%) of 9 needed general anaes-
discrepancies.14 thetic and reoperation to remove arch bars.
We describe a technique of internal fixation in the
pediatric population, after free hand occlusal and bone COMMENT
reduction without IMF. It emphasizes bone reduction un-
der direct vision while eliminating the time and diffi- Many factors complicate the management of pediatric
culty of applying IMF to an unstable dentition. We docu- mixed-dentition mandibular fractures: tooth eruption,
ment the efficacy, efficiency, and complication of this short roots, developing tooth buds, and growth issues.
technique and compare it with a group of patients treated One major factor is the inherent instability of the occlu-
with IMF. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the sion in the mixed deciduous-permanent tooth phase.
reduction in surgical time by eliminating concurrent IMF These fractures are rare and a vast treatment experience
and to discuss postoperative advantages, namely, maxi- is hard to gather. Because there are no controlled stud-
mal early return of function and minimal oral hygiene ies, there is a lack of agreement in the ideal treatment.
issues. There are 2 philosophical approaches to management.
One is conservative therapy with soft diet, and/or mini-
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE mal functional IMF.2,13 This relies on the plasticity of the
pediatric occlusion. The second approach, used in more
The distinguishing difference in the free hand tech- complex fracture patterns1,4 in both the very young and
nique is the emphasis on bone reduction. Adequate ex- the more adult patient, uses techniques standard to adult
posure via an intraoral or extraoral approach is accom- management. This includes rigid IMF and ORIF. Our tech-
plished and the fracture site prepared for the insertion nique, a free hand occlusal and bone reduction without
of a plate, wires, or lag screws. An assistant, positioned IMF, is discussed as it combines the benefits of ORIF (early
cephalad, bimanually manipulates the dentition into the motion, rapid advancement of mastication, and hy-
patient’s centric occlusion. Under direct vision, the bone giene) with the advantage of a malleable dentition.
edges are manipulated into the ideal position, tripoding The descriptive portion of this study mirrors find-
the fracture with the occlusion. The fractures are then ings found in other large case series.1,3,6,10 Pediatric man-



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Figure 1. A, Intraoperative bony stabilization using a bimanual technique. B, Bimanual reduction to establish clinical occlusion. C, Emphasis on bony reduction
rather than occlusal reduction in this pediatric population with unstable dentition. D, Bony fixation with open reduction internal fixation of the bone.

Table 1. Time Elapsed for Return Table 2. Complications Associated

of Dental and Hygiene Function* With Open Technique vs Closed Technique*

Function Free Hand Technique, d IMF Technique, d Free Hand Technique IMF Technique
Complication (n = 20) (n = 9)
Liquids 1.2 1
Soft diet 3 16 Malocclusion 1 2
Hygiene 3 18 Trismus 1 1
Mastication 2 0
*Free hand technique indicates occlusal and bone reduction without Reoperation 7 6
intermaxillary fixation (IMF); IMF technique, IMF with arch bars,
circummandibular or eyelet wires, or stents. *Free hand technique indicates occlusal and bone reduction without
intermaxillary fixation (IMF); IMF technique, with arch bars,
circummandibular or eyelet wires, or stents. All data given as number
dibular fractures require significant force to occur. Mo- of patients.
tor vehicle injuries are the most common causes, followed
by high-velocity sports injuries, although in Europe a re-
cent study found falls a greater problem, reflecting cul- change in using ORIF in fracture stablilization. The
tural differences.13 Children riding all-terrain vehicles are risks of facial growth disturbance in ORIF has not been
also at high risk of mandibular fractures; these fractures supported.6 In contrast, no treatment in unrecognized
(3 of 20 patients) were associated with the most severe mandibular fractures leads to a high incidence of or-
upper facial and cranium fractures. A recent treatise thognathic surgery and craniofacial treatment.11 The
emphasizes the risks to the craniofacial skelton in all- potential damage to tooth roots17 and follicles can be
terrain vehicle use. minimized with a careful technique, which places bi-
The pediatric mandibular fractures in this case se- cortical screws in the lower mandibular border with
ries were seen at the parasymphyseal and condylar or monocortical screws placed in more superior plates
subcondylar region. A common combination was the (Figure 2). This case series of patients with limited
parasymphyseal and condylar fracture.15 This is differ- (19-month) follow-up showed no facial growth or
ent from the pattern of parasymphyseal and angle frac- tooth eruption problems. The most significant compli-
tures seen in adults. The controversy of open treatment cation was a traction injury of the facial nerve in 1 pa-
vs closed treatment of pediatric mandibular fractures tient who had a subcondylar fracture that subsequently
remains. However, the recent literature2,3,15,16 shows a improved with aggressive therapy. After primary repair



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Figure 4. Fixed braces make ideal intermaxillary fixation while requiring no
additional surgical time.

Figure 2. Monocortical screw placement above the tooth roots.

Figure 5. Example of a bilateral parasymphyseal fracture in an adolescent

patient with horizontal separation of the alveolar bone off the basilar bone.
This reduction requires intermaxillary fixation.

over IMF requires less intraoperative time with no long-

term increase in malocclusion in the adult population.
Our technique maximizes the advantages of an ORIF
B technique without the disadvantages of a closed tech-
nique with IMF because it eliminates 1 hour of surgical
time and additional general anaesthetic for obtaining
impressions18 or IMF removal. One case series of IMF/
ORIF treatment required a 6% reoperation rate to revise
IMF.15 This series illustrates that in pediatric patients
the reoperative rate is much higher (66%) with IMF. Pe-
diatric patients are less able to tolerate removal of IMF
in the physician’s office. This rate was higher for the 7
of 20 patients who were reoperated on in the free hand
group for any reason, infection, scar revision, or plate
Figure 3. Radiographic view of open reduction internal fixation without removal (Figure 3). One clinical caveat is that which
intermaxillary fixation (A) and with intermaxillary fixation (B). occurs when patients already have existing orthodontic
devices in place. Fixed braces make ideal rapid IMF,
and aggressive physical therapy, this patient’s condition and removable appliances and expanders function as
improved to a grade IV/VI Glasgow scale score for facial tension bands (Figure 4).
motion. In addition, the patients who were treated using the
Our free hand technique concentrates on the re- free hand technique quickly return to functional masti-
duction of the bony fragments under ideal visualization cation. Drinking liquids was delayed by 0.2 days com-
to achieve less than 1 mm of gapping. The occlusion is pared with IMF secondary to surgical pain and swell-
held in place manually. This relies on experienced as- ing. However, the patients who underwent the free hand
sistance, but there is also the fact that in children small technique ate a soft diet and performed oral hygiene at 3
occlusal discrepancies will be rapidly compensated for days which was 13 and 15 days, respectively, earlier than
by the plasticity of the mixed dentition and future erup- those who underwent IMF. This has implication for nor-
tion patterns. A large case series by Fordyce et al14 has mal condylar growth and normal joint function. The re-
already established that the use of anatomical reduction sults of condylar function have been improved with early



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motion.18 When the free hand technique is compared with dentition has not yet erupted or is in a mixed phase and
IMF, the rate of mastication or occlusion difficulties was poorly able to support IMF. It does, however, require pro-
similar. This is important as an ORIF was used in a more viding skilled assistance to the primary surgeon and as such
severely injured group. is more applicable to a tertiary care center.
This study was not a comparison between open and
closed techniques, but rather between free hand fixa- Accepted for publication February 8, 2001.
tion and IMF. The group who were treated with IMF in- Corresponding author and reprints: Steven P. Davi-
cluded patients treated with ORIF. The group with free son, DDS, MD, Division of Plastic Surgery, Georgetown Uni-
hand ORIF had complications not directly related to re- versity Medical Center, 3800 Reservoir Rd NW, Washing-
duction, including scar formation, postoperative infec- ton, DC 20007.
tion, and nerve injury. In the free hand group, 5 com-
plications were in 2 patients with multiple associated REFERENCES
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