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14 Multifactor Models

In this chapter we collect a series of results that are mostly an extension of the results of
chapter 13. There is a model, however, that deserves independent consideration because of
its formalization and application to many empirical tests: the arbitrage pricing theory (APT).
We also discuss some examples of factor models that have been considered in the literature
with some success at explaining securities returns. The continuous-time multifactor model
is an extension of the intertemporal CAPM discussed in chapter 13.

14.1 Discrete-Time Multifactor Models

Recall the static CAPM formula,

μi − R = βi (μ M − R) (14.1)

We can rewrite this expression as

μi = Ai + βi μ M (14.2)

where Ai = R(1 − βi ). Expression (14.2) is a factor model where the factor is the market
portfolio. We first justify the introduction of multifactor models with an ad hoc argument.
Suppose that we test the CAPM to see whether the model helps to explain securities returns.
That is, we postulate that the returns of security i are given by

Ri = Ai + βi R M + i (14.3)

where i is the error term, or the part of the return that is not explained by the market. If we
assume that i is independent of R M , a linear regression procedure will give us an unbiased
estimate of βi . We can extend this model to
Ri = Ai + βi(M) R M + βi(1) F1 + βi(2) F2 + · · · + βi(N ) FN + i (14.4)
where βi(M) is the beta with respect to the market, F j , j = 1, 2, . . . , L , are L factors that
help explain returns, and the coefficients β ( j) , j = 1, 2, . . . , N , are the betas with respect
to the L factors, with an interpretation similar to the beta with respect to the market. The
problem is to decide which are the relevant factors. Furthermore, if we include sufficiently
many factors, it becomes easy to explain historical returns. The challenge is to choose
factors that will be able to explain out-of-sample, future returns.
In an influential study, Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986) test a multifactor model with the
following factors: interest rates, inflation, gross domestic product (GDP) growth, and the
number of bankruptcies in the economy. Following the methodology of Fama and Macbeth
(1973) described in chapter 13, they get very encouraging results. Another very influential
multifactor model using the same methodology is presented in Fama and French (1992).
434 Chapter 14

They show that the betas do not seem to be good predictors of the stock returns after the early
1960s. However, there are two financial variables that seem to do very well as predictors.
First, the size of the company, measured by its market capitalization value (the price of each
share multiplied by the number of shares). The smaller the size, the higher the expected
return. Second, the book-to-market ratio. This is the number equal to the theoretical value
of each share (the company’s asset value per share minus the liability value per share, as
recorded in the balance sheet) divided by the market price of each share. The higher the
book-to-market ratio, the higher the expected return of the stock.
The APT model that we study in the next section provides a mathematical formalization
of multifactor models. Here, we first present an example modified from Brennan (1995), of
an equilibrium model that, starting with some particular preferences of the individuals in
the economy, yields a multifactor equilibrium model.

Example 14.1 (Two-Factor Equilibrium) Consider an economy with a set of risky securi-
ties and a risk-free security, populated by investors who try to maximize
max E −e−α j {[X j (1)−I (1)]/ X j (0)} (14.5)
where π j is the vector of portfolio amounts to be invested in the risky securities by investor
j, α j is the coefficient of risk aversion of investor j, X j (0) is the initial wealth, X j (1) is the
wealth of investor j at the end of one period, and I (1) is the value at the end of the period
of some benchmark portfolio, to be interpreted as a value of a market index. The rationale
for this type of model is that many institutional investors measure their utility relative to a
market index.
We will see that in equilibrium these preferences yield a multifactor model. We derive
the equilibrium for the case of two assets, x and y, with returns Ri , i = x, y. We assume
that these returns are normally distributed with expected return μi , standard deviation σi ,
and covariance σx y . For simplicity, we assume that all the investors start with initial capital
X j (0) = 1 and that I (0) = 1. The index gives weight φ to security x and (1 − φ) to security
y. If we denote by π j the investment in the security x (therefore, 1 − π j goes into y), the
problem of investor j is
max E −e−α j [(π −φ)Rx +(φ−π )R y ]
j j
By the properties of the bivariate normal distribution, problem (14.6) is equivalent to
! "
max −e−α j (π −φ)(μ y −μx )− 2 α j (π −φ) (σx +σ y −2σx y )
j 1 2 j 2 2 2
The solution to problem (14.7) is
μx − μ y
πj =φ+ (14.8)
Multifactor Models 435

where  := σx2 + σ y2 − 2σx y . The aggregate wealth is equal to Jj=1 X j (0) = J , where J is
the number of agents in the economy. We assume that the market portfolio consists of assets
x and y. We denote by w the proportion of the market portfolio represented by security x,
which then leaves a proportion 1 − w in security y. In equilibrium, the aggregate demand
has to be equal to the aggregate supply; that is,
⎛ ⎞
μ − μ  J
π j = ⎝Jφ + ⎠ = wJ
x y

To simplify the notation, we set  = 1
J j=1 (1/α j ). In equilibrium, then, we have

μx − μ y
φ+ =w (14.10)

and from here we get

μx = (w − φ)/  + μ y (14.11)

By definition, the expected return of the market portfolio μ M is

μ M = wμx + (1 − w)μ y (14.12)

Substituting equation (14.11) in equation (14.12), we get

μ M = w(w − φ)/  + μ y (14.13)

However, the expected return of the index portfolio μ I is

μ I = φμx + (1 − φ)μ y (14.14)

Substituting equation (14.11) in equation (14.14), we obtain

μ I = φ(w − φ)/  + μ y (14.15)

From equation (14.13) and equation (14.15) we see that we can write equation (14.11) as
1−φ w−1
μx = μM + μI (14.16)
w−φ w−φ

Equation (14.16) is a two-factor model. The expected return of a security is explained by

two factors: the market portfolio (as in the CAPM) and a market index.
436 Chapter 14

14.2 Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)

The arbitrage pricing theory (APT) model was introduced by Stephen Ross in 1976, and
it offers a mathematical formalization of multifactor models. On the one hand, it does not
impose a specific type of preference or normality of stock returns. On the other hand, it
requires identification of the factors that explain the returns. We present next an informal
statement of this result.
APT (STEPHEN A. ROSS, 1976) Suppose there are N stocks in the economy, and for each
stock i its return Ri is represented as
Ri = μi + (βi )T r F + i (14.17)

where μi denotes the expected return, βi is an L-dimensional vector of “betas” with respect
to the factors, and F is an L-dimensional vector of factors with zero expected value. Random
variables i are assumed to be independent and identically distributed with zero mean and
common variance σ2 . Then, if there is no arbitrage and for large N , we have an approximate

μi ≈ A + βiT r f (14.18)
where A is a constant scalar and f is a constant L-dimensional vector with elements
denoted f i .

Sketch of the Argument For a rigorous proof see Huberman (1982). We only provide
intuition, for the case L = 1. Denote by μ the vector of expected returns and by β the
vector of betas. Also, denote by 1 the N -dimensional vector of ones. By linear algebra,
we can decompose the vector μ as
μ = A1 + fβ + a (14.19)

where A and f are constant scalars and a is a vector orthogonal to both 1 and β; that is,

aT r 1 = ai = 0 (14.20)

βTr a = βi ai = 0 (14.21)

We interpret a as a portfolio: the N elements of a represent the N weights in each of

the risky securities. Condition (14.20) means that this portfolio has zero cost. Let us sup-
pose now that all the elements of a are different from zero. (In general, that might not
Multifactor Models 437

be the case. For the case in which some of the components are zero, we refer the reader to
the complete proof in Huberman, 1982.) Now we can use a standard diversification argu-
ment. For a given number w consider the portfolio wa, that is, a portfolio whose weight i
is equal to wai . From equations (14.19)–(14.21), the expected return of this portfolio is
 N N
μw := E w ai Ri = w ai μi = w ai2 (14.22)
i=1 i=1 i=1

where we have used the orthogonality of a with respect to β and 1. From equations (14.17)
and (14.21), the variance of the portfolio wa comes from the  terms:
σw := Var w
ai Ri = w 2 σ2 ai2 (14.23)
i=1 i=1

We now want to argue that

N 2
lim sup i=1 i = 0 (14.24)
N →∞ N

In words, iN=1 ai2 grows more slowly than the number of securities N . If this is indeed the
case, then most ai ’s have to be small as N gets large, and from equation (14.19) the APT
relation (14.18) approximately holds. Suppose that, instead of equation (14.24), we have
N 2
lim sup i=1 i = C
N →∞ N
where C is a strictly positive but finite number. Then we can see, with w = 1/N , that the
return of our portfolio μw converges to C > 0, while its variance σw2 converges to zero. We
consider this result to be arbitrage, hence impossible. A similar argument works if C = ∞,
but with a different choice for w. Thus equation (14.24) has to hold in the absence of
The starting point of the APT is that the stock returns deviate from their means as a
result of unexpected realizations of some factors (they can be economic or economic-
related, such as political events). We can interpret the value Fi as a deviation of a factor,
say Yi , from its mean, that is, Fi = Yi − E[Yi ]. For example, the GDP number is larger
than expected, or inflation is lower than expected. Such a factor may have a systematic
effect of making the stock returns deviate from their means. This approach is a plausible
description of some of the dynamics of the economy. The interesting conclusion is that,
if the returns realizations can be explained in such a way, in the absence of arbitrage the
expected returns satisfy the approximate relationship (14.18). As in the case of the CAPM,
438 Chapter 14

equation (14.18) has very important pricing implications. A problem with implementing
the APT is the selection of the factors that determine the equilibrium expected returns. The
approaches of the numerous empirical papers on the APT vary from a simple selection
of appealing factors to econometric techniques like factor analysis that try to identify the
relevant variables.

14.3 Multifactor Models in Continuous Time∗

Here we present the extension of the intertemporal CAPM to the intertemporal multifactor
CAPM, also presented in Merton (1973a).

14.3.1 Model Parameters and Variables

The risk-free asset satisfies

d B(t) = B(t)r dt (14.25)

where r is the constant interest rate at which investors can borrow or lend. The model
in Merton (1973a) assumes an arbitrary number of risky securities and Brownian motion
processes, with the number of risky securities possibly smaller than the number of Brownian
motion processes. In order to keep the notation as simple and explicit as possible, here we
present the case of two risky securities and two Brownian motion processes. Therefore,
there are two risky securities (“stocks”) that satisfy

d Si (t) = S(t)μi (t, Y (t)) dt + σi1 (t, Y (t)) d W1 (t) + σi2 (t, Y (t)) d W2 (t), i = 1, 2

where μi is a function that depends (possibly) on time and a state variable Y ; σi j , j = 1, 2,

are also functions that depend on time and the state variable Y ; and W1 and W2 are two
independent standard Brownian motion processes. The state variable Y satisfies

dY (t) = α(t, Y (t)) dt + ρ1 (t, Y (t)) d W1 (t) + ρ2 (t, Y (t)) d W2 (t) (14.27)

where α, ρ1 , and ρ2 are also functions of time and the state variable. In order to keep the
notation as simple as possible, here we only consider one state variable, but the results also
hold for an arbitrary number of state variables. Since we are assuming the same number of
Brownian motion processes and stocks, the market is complete, but a complete market also
is not necessary for our results. We often suppress the state variable and the time variable
in what follows.
There are J investors, and we represent by π j the two-dimensional vector-portfolio of
j j
amounts π1 and π2 invested in the two risky securities by investor j.
Multifactor Models 439

The problem of each investor is to choose a portfolio process π j that maximizes the
utility of the individual,

max E[U j (X j (T ))] (14.28)

{π j }

where U j (·) is a utility function and β is the subjective discount rate that we assume
It can be checked as before that the wealth process of investor j satisfies
 j j  j j
d X j (t) = X j (t) − π1 (t) − π2 (t) r + π1 (t)μ1 (t) + π2 (t)μ2 (t) dt
 j j 
+ π1 (t)σ11 (t) + π2 (t)σ21 (t) d W1 (t)
 j j 
+ π1 (t)σ12 (t) + π2 (t)σ22 (t) d W2 (t) (14.29)

14.3.2 Value Function and Optimal Portfolio

The value function or indirect utility depends on the state variable and wealth,

V j (t, x j , y) = max E[U j (X j (T )) | X j (t) = x j , Y (t) = y] (14.30)

{π j }
where E[· | X j (t) = x j , Y (t) = y] denotes conditional expectation. We often suppress the
variables x j and y in our notation. We denote by  the 2 × 2 matrix formed by stacking
the volatility components of the stocks; that is,
σ11 σ12
σ21 σ22
We denote by μ the two-dimensional vector of expected returns and by 1 a two-dimensional
vector of ones, so that
μ1 − r
μ − r1 =
μ2 − r
Finally, we introduce σY S , the two-dimensional vector of “covariance” between the state
variable and the stocks; that is,
σY 1 ρ1 σ11 ρ1 + σ12 ρ2
σY S := :=  · = (14.31)
σY 2 ρ2 σ21 ρ1 + σ22 ρ2

We now want to find the two-dimensional vector π j of optimal portfolio holdings for
investor j. We use the HJB equation method of chapter 4 in its two-dimensional version.
In particular, the reader is asked in Problem 2 to show that the HJB equation for the value
function V = V j and portfolio π j = π = (π1 , π2 ) is given by (denoting by subscripts the
440 Chapter 14

partial derivatives)

Vx x
0 = Vt + sup [(π1 σ11 + π2 σ21 )2 + (π1 σ12 + π2 σ22 )2 ] (14.32)
π1 ,π2 2
+ Vx [(x − π1 − π2 )r + π1 μ1 + π2 μ2 ] + αVy (14.33)

+ ρ1 + ρ22 + Vx y [ρ1 (π1 σ11 + π2 σ21 ) + ρ2 (π1 σ12 + π2 σ22 )] (14.34)
Taking the derivatives with respect to πk and setting them equal to zero, we get

0 = Vx x [(π1 σ11 + π2 σ21 )σk1 + (π1 σ12 + π2 σ22 )σk2 ] + Vx [μk − r ] + Vx y [ρ1 σk1 + ρ2 σk2 ]
These two equations can be written in a matrix form as

Vx x  T r π = Vx (μ − r 1) − Vx y σY S
From this, suppressing dependence on t, we get the optimal portfolio vector for agent j as
∂V j ∂2V j
∂x j T r −1 ∂ y∂ x j
π =−
∂2V j
( ) (μ − r 1) − ∂2V j
( T r )−1 σY S (14.35)
∂ x 2j ∂ x 2j

In the rest of the section, we will use the following notation:

∂V j ∂2V j
∂x j ∂ y∂ x j
T j := − ∂2V j
, H j (t) := − ∂2V j
∂ x 2j ∂ x 2j

so that equation (14.35) becomes

π j = T j ( T r )−1 [μ(t) − r 1] + H j ( T r )−1 σY S (14.37)

We now introduce the equilibrium condition.

X M the aggregate value of wealth in the economy; that is, X M := S1 + S2 . We also denote
by πiM , i = 1, 2, the amount of the aggregate wealth that corresponds to each of the stocks.
That is, πiM = Si . For given volatility functions σi j and ρ j , the equilibrium in the financial
markets is characterized by drifts μi of the stock processes, i = 1, 2, such that the aggregate
demand of all investors equals the total value of each stock, that is, such that

πi (t) = πiM (t) (14.38)
Multifactor Models 441

As noted previously, an equilibrium might not exist. When there are state variables, the
existence of an equilibrium is even more complicated. Thus, to guarantee the existence of
an equilibrium, some assumptions are necessary about the preferences of the individuals
and the structure of the prices and state-variable processes.
14.3.3 Separation Theorem

As in the case of the intertemporal CAPM, we introduce a preliminary result. We simplify

the notation by introducing

TM (t) := T j (t), HM (t) := H j (t)
j=1 j=1

Furthermore, consider the two-dimensional vector

= ( T r )−1 σY S (14.39)

and define

X Y := w1 + w2 (14.40)

so that the two components of 1

( T r )−1 σY S add up to one.
PROPOSITION 14.1 (MUTUAL FUND SEPARATION) Assume that an equilibrium exists. The
optimal holdings of investor j in security i can be expressed as
Tj M HM 1
( T r )−1 σY S
πi = πi + X Y H j − T j (14.41)
That is, the investors’ holdings are a combination (in weights specific to each investor) of
the following two portfolios:

1. The market portfolio, π M .

2. The hedging portfolio with proportions given by the vector X1Y ( T r )−1 σY S , which is
a portfolio that allocates weights according to the betas of the securities with respect to the
state variable.

Proof In equilibrium, we have from equation (14.37)

πM = π j = TM ( T r )−1 (μ − r 1) + HM ( T r )−1 σY S (14.42)
442 Chapter 14

Solving in equation (14.42) for ( T r )−1 (μ − r 1) and substituting in equation (14.37),
the result (14.41) follows. We multiply and divide by X Y so that one of the terms can
be interpreted as investing in a specific portfolio, the portfolio X1Y ( T r )−1 σY S , whose
components are proportional to the covariance of each security with the state variable,
times the inverse of the variance-covariance matrix of the securities, which is the definition
of beta. 
As in the case of the standard intertemporal CAPM, the previous result states that in
practice only a number of portfolios (two in our setting) are relevant: investors will optimally
distribute their wealth among them in proportions that are investor-specific. One of the
portfolios is the market portfolio. The other is a so-called hedging portfolio: it allocates
weights in the securities in proportion to their covariance with the state variable. The
investors use this portfolio to take care of possible shifts in the parameters that drive the
stocks as a result of a change in the state variable.

14.3.4 Intertemporal Multifactor CAPM

We now introduce some auxiliary notation. First, we denote by  j := π j / X j the vector
of proportions invested in the stocks by investor j, and similarly  M denotes the vector of
the market portfolio proportions. We also denote by μ M and μY the expected return of the
mutual funds 1 and 2 of Proposition 14.1, that is, the market portfolio and the portfolio
that invests in the stocks in proportion to the state-variable betas, respectively. We compute
them next, getting
μ M = ( M )T r μ (14.43)
 T r
1 T r −1
μY = ( ) σY S μ (14.44)
in the form of the weighted average of the expected returns of the securities. We denote by
σ M S the two-dimensional vector of “covariances” of the market portfolio with each of the
two individual securities,

σ M1 σ11 1 σ11 + 2M σ21 + σ12 1M σ12 + 2M σ22
σ M S := ( ) :=
Tr M

σ M2 σ21 1M σ11 + 2M σ21 + σ22 1M σ12 + 2M σ22

We denote by σ M2 the “variance” of the market portfolio; that is,

σ M2 = ( M )T r ( T r ) M

M 2
= 1M σ11 + σ12 2
+ 2 σ21 + σ22
+ 21M 2M (σ11 σ21 + σ12 σ22 ) (14.46)
Multifactor Models 443

Similarly, we denote by σY2 the “variance” of mutual fund 2 of Proposition 14.1, that is, the
“variance” of the portfolio with weights proportional to the betas of the securities. More
precisely, for the portfolio
1Y 1
:= ( T r )−1 σY S (14.47)

we compute
 T r  
1 1
σY2 = ( T r )−1 σY S ( T r ) ( T r )−1 σY S = (Y )T r ( T r )Y

Y 2

= 1 σ11 + σ12
+ 2Y σ21 2
+ σ22
+ 21Y 2Y (σ11 σ21 + σ12 σ22 ) (14.48)
Also, we denote by σ MY the “covariance” between the two mutual funds of Proposition 14.1,
that is, the “covariance” between the market portfolio and the mutual fund that invests in
the two securities in proportion to their state variable betas. In other words, we define
σ MY = ( M )T r ( T r )Y = ( M )T r σY S (14.49)
where Y is as in equation (14.47). Finally, in order to make the notation more compact,
we define the following matrices,
σ M1 σ M2 / X Y
= (14.50)
σ Y1 σY 2 / X Y
σ M2 σ MY
= (14.51)
σ MY σY2

We point out that  is the matrix of “covariances” (elements of vectors σ M S =  T r  M ,

σY S / X Y =  T r Y ) between the two mutual funds of Proposition 14.1 and the two secu-
rities in the market, and  is the “variance-covariance” matrix of the two mutual funds of
Proposition 14.1. We are now ready to introduce our main result.
of definition 14.1 exists, the following pricing relationship must hold for the two stocks in
the market:
μM − r
μ − r 1 = −1 (14.52)
μY − r
444 Chapter 14

That is, in equilibrium, the expected excess return of each security over the risk-free rate
has to be equal to a weighted combination of the expected excess returns of the two mutual
funds, the market portfolio, and another portfolio that invests in the two stocks in the market
in proportion to their state variable betas. The weights of these expected excess returns are
the extension of the CAPM beta, since  is a matrix of “covariances” and −1 represents
the inverse of a “variance-covariance” matrix.

Proof If we multiply both sides of equation (14.42) by  T r and solve for (μ − r 1) we

get, suppressing the time variable t,
μ − r 1 = ( T r ) M (X M /TM ) − σY S (HM /TM )
= σ M S (X M /TM ) − σY S (HM /TM ) (14.53)

where we use equation (14.45). We now multiply both sides of equation (14.53) by the
vector-row of the weights of the market portfolio, ( M )T r , to get
μ M − r = σ M2 (X M /TM ) − X Y σ MY (HM /TM ) (14.54)

where we use equations (14.46) and (14.49). Similarly, if we multiply both sides of equa-
tion (14.53) by the vector-row (Y )T r of the weights of mutual fund 2 of equation (14.42),
we get

μY − r = σ MY (X M /TM ) − X Y σY2 (HM /TM ) (14.55)

where we use equations (14.49) and (14.48).

We observe that equation (14.53) can be written as
μ − r1 =  Tr
where  is as in equation (14.50). Similarly, equations (14.54) and (14.55) can be jointly
rewritten as
μ M (t) − r X M (t)/TM (t)
= (14.57)
μY (t) − r −X Y HM (t)/TM (t)
Solving for the matrix on the right-hand side in equation (14.57) and substituting in equa-
tion (14.56), the result of equation (14.52) follows. 
This theorem is an extension of the standard intertemporal CAPM and is the continuous-
time extension of discrete-time multifactor models. We expect the number of factors
to increase with the number of state variables. We leave the proof of this intuition for
Problem 3.
Multifactor Models 445


The multifactor extension of the CAPM formula represents the mean return of an asset as
a linear combination of the mean returns of several factors, not just a single factor (the
market portfolio) as in the standard CAPM. The multifactor formula can be derived from
equilibrium conditions similarly as in the standard CAPM, or, alternatively, it can be shown
that it has to hold approximately in a model with many assets, in the absence of arbitrage.
The latter is called the arbitrage pricing model, or APT. There is also a continuous-time
version of multifactor models and the CAPM formula.


1. For an Internet retailing company (a company that sells goods on-line) you try to explain
the expected return of its stock in a multifactor model. You use the following five factors:
GDP growth, real interest rates, inflation, average cost of personal computers, and number
of Internet provider companies in the market the company serves. What signs would you
expect each of the betas to have?
2. Mimic the HJB equation approach from chapter 4 to argue that equation (14.32) holds
for the value function V (t, x, y).
*3. Extend the continuous-time multifactor CAPM to more than two factors.

Further Readings

Our discrete-time multifactor example is based on Brennan (1995) and Gómez and Zapatero
(2003). The multifactor model in continuous time is presented in Merton (1973a). The
arbitrage-pricing-theory model was introduced in Ross (1976a). The proof we sketch is due
to Huberman (1982). A complementary paper is Dybvig and Ross (1985). Some well-known
and successful multifactor models are Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986) and Fama and French

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