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Ashley Churchill

Professor Maurer
ED 199
ISTE Standards 1 and 2
1. “Learner: Educators continually improve their practice by learning from and with others
and exploring proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve
student learning.”
2. “Leader: Educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support student empowerment
and success and to improve teaching a learning.”
Educators work to continuously learn and adapt to the new advancements in the education
field. To stay up to date with the newest advancements in technology, as well as other areas,
teachers must take advantage of the many types of PD available to them. A few of the most
common ways for teachers to learn are state and national conferences, journals, webinars, books,
learning communities, web resources, and YouTube channels. Many schools used to do
professional development in their buildings and districts, but now many of those schools are
switching over to a different type of PD.
As an educator each individual must fill the requirements set by his/her district, but each
person must also find the best way to learn new skills for himself/herself. After the class
discussions, I think that online webinars, in person or online conferences, web resources, and my
friends and family will be the best options for me personally. I would prefer to meet with the
school or district I am associated with, but if this is fading away then I will find other ways to
gain professional development. I learn the best through in person discussions, so hopefully
within the next four years we will return to normal! I really appreciate making connections, so
learning from my fellow educators is what I will lean on. I never knew how many types of PD
are out there, but I am excited to start looking at the different resources.
I recently attended the Good Teaching Conference Virtual series, and I loved to hear
other educators talk about their passion. I learned lessons from new teachers and more
experienced teachers, but the biggest thing I learned is that people are out there who want to help
each other learn. I enjoyed this conference, and I look forward to watching some of the recorded
sessions that I could not attend.
Professional development is something that helps good teachers become great teachers
because we live in an ever-changing world. We, as educators, must be ready to learn and adapt as
new technology becomes available.

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