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systemic skeletal dz

charactrized by low bone mass and micro architectural deterioation of bone tissue
result in high risk of fracture

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gall stones
alcohol abuse
hypercalcimia & hyperlidpidemia
trauma (ERCP)
infections (mumps,)

DEFINITION: vomiting of blood (bright red or ground coffe ) due 2 formation

of acid hematin
gastric: acute gastritis , peptic ulcer , cancer stomach
small intestine: angiodyplasia of SI, SI tumors, typhoid ulcers
genral causes : HTN(severe), Hemorrhagic fever (rift valley fever), Hemophilia
esophgeal : rupture of varces, mallory weiss sydnrome, GERD
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lt atrial enlarged
pulmonary congestion
dilated pulmonary art

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pulmonary edema

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