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Do you wonder why CA only has 559 CV19 deaths compared to 7,067 deaths in NY?

Well, researchers at Stanford's School of Medicine suspect it's because CA had already
developed "herd immunity" to the virus. They're now conducting a study to find this out.

Makes sense. CA is China's #1 tourist destination in the U.S. -- about 7,000 arrivals from China
to CA per day before the travel ban. It's highly likely CV19 has been kicking around CA since
October or November. Most people just thought it was a cold or the seasonal Flu.

We don't need an economic lockdown to deal with this. The elderly and frail can hide out for 4-6
weeks or so while the rest of the population develops "herd immunity."

"Herd Immunity" develops after about 70% of the population contract the virus.

Building "herd immunity" is how Sweden is dealing with this virus. No lockdown in Sweden.
Bars, restaurants and schools are all open in Sweden.

Sweden doing fine -- doing better than the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland.

Building "herd immunity" is the only way to get rid of a virus when there is no vaccine.

The lockdown was never designed to reduce the number of infections -- only spread them out
over time so as not to overwhelm hospitals and ICUs with the 5% or so of those with CV19 who
are critically ill.

Turns out we have plenty of ICU beds and plenty of ventilators. So no need for an economic

Once the lockdown is lifted, the virus will bounce back to life until "herd immunity" develops.
So might as well get this over with quick.


Remember when Gov Andrew Cuomo told us NY needed 30,000 ventilators?

Turns out he only needed 5,000.

Ventilators don't seem to work anyway. 80% of CV19 patients die who go on one. Doctors now
think invasive ventilators damage the lungs and do more harm than good.
Remember when Cuomo (citing the "experts") told us he would need 150,000 additional hospital

Welp, it turns out hospitalizations in NY from CV-19 peaked at 18,000. No need for those
thousands and thousands of hospital beds taxpayers built for him at the Javits Center, in Central
Park and in vacant hotels.

No need for that giant Navy hospital ship in New York Harbor either.

Meanwhile, Seattle has shut down its CV19 field hospital built by the Army Corps of Engineers.
Total Patient Count: ZERO.
Yep, never had a single patient. Not one.


Remember back in the day (3 weeks ago) when the UK's Imperial College model everyone was
using predicted 2.2. MILLION would die in the U.S. from CV19?

This is what got the panic really going.

Then there was the more sober IHME model from the University of Washington that everyone
started using after the Imperial College model blew up.

Last week the White House projected 120,000 to 240,000 deaths based on the IHME model.

Friday, April 3, the IHME model dropped its death estimate to 93,000. Then on Tuesday, April
7, the IHME model dropped its death estimate to 60,000. The White House followed suit, also
dropping its estimate to 60,000 deaths.

No, the decline in projected deaths by the IHME model was not because of all the social controls
and lockdowns. Drs Fauci and Brix, informed by the IHME model, were projecting 120,000 to
240,000 deaths 10 days ago under the assumption that all the social controls and lockdowns in
effect would continue.

So projected deaths are now 60,000 --- basically a typical Flu season.

We can assume this number will continue to fall to something like 30,000.

Not minimizing deaths. Every death is sad.

But 16 MILLION people in the U.S. lost their jobs in the past 3 weeks based on decisions
produced by bad data and bad models.

Poverty, no job, and lack of economic activity will kill many more people than this virus.
Ohio, New York and other states are counting people "suspected" of having CV19 who die as
CV-19 deaths without actually conducting tests to know for sure.

Also, all people who have more than one "co-morbidity" who have CV19 are also automatically
counted as CV-19 deaths.

According to Dr. Birx, more than half of those who die from CV-19 have three or more other
"co-morbidities" -- yup, three or more other medical conditions that might have killed them.

Yes, CV-19 might have been the final straw that broke the camel's back. But they were going to
die from something else soon.

I had never heard the word "co-morbidity" until this event.

So why pad the numbers?

Welp, the more deaths from CV19, the more federal money there is for the states. It's best if your
state is declared a disaster area.

My state of Florida has been declared a disaster area even though we only have 371 deaths in
state of 22 MILLION people.

My county of Broward is considered a CV-19 "hot spot."

Took a trip the other day to the largest drive-thru testing set-up in South Florida. Not a single car
there at 2 p.m. even though we're supposedly at the peak of the outbreak.


1) Sink the economy so Dems win in November.

2) Conduct test run to find out how easily the American people can be duped into giving up their

3) Transfers power from the people and elected officials over to self-proclaimed "experts" --
who's models are literally always wrong. Wrong not just a little. Wrong by many orders of
magnitude. The reason their models are always wrong is their models are not designed to be
right. These models are designed to affect political outcomes.

4) Money, prestige, power.

Where's the financial incentive for the modeler to generate models that show a likely outcome
something like the Flu?

No one's going to pay any attention to a model that shows 60,000 deaths.
A model showing 2.2 million deaths -- now that's news.
No media appearances, no speaking gigs, no book contracts, no tenure, no government grants if
all your model shows is something like the Flu.

It has to be a pandemic that kills millions, tens of millions.

The news also has no financial incentive to report humdrum events -- has every incentive to
emphasize the most sensational claims.

And no one is ever held accountable for all these bogus models, studies and claims.

Will Dr. Neil Ferguson lose his job at Imperial College because his model was wildly off --
predicting 2.2 Million deaths in the U.S. alone?

Of course not.

He'll be hailed as the savior of the planet because he succeeded in freaking everyone out so much
that we imposed all these lockdowns and social controls on ourselves -- which is really just a
test-run for all the lockdowns and social controls they want to impose on us to fix supposed man-
caused "climate change."

Ending freedom is the goal . . . so our lives can be micromanaged by these self-proclaimed

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