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College of Criminal Justice Education

1st Trimester 2010 – 2011
Final Examination
NAT SCI 2A: Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology
Instructor: Floramante A. Garcia Jr.

I. Multiple Choice: Read cautiously the statement or question and answer them by selecting the
most appropriate response from the given choices. Write the letter only of choice in your

1. Characterized by fall blood pressure and the failure of respiration and the heart, skin becomes
cyanotic, pupils are widely dilated.
a. Surgical anaesthesia c. Stage of excitement
b. Stage of paralysis d. Chloroform poisoning
2. It refers to either prohibited drug or regulated drug.
a. R.A. 6425 c. DDB
b. PDEA d. none of the above
3. What psychological desire to repeat the use of drug continuously due to emotional reasons?
a. Addiction c. Drug
b. Drug dependence d. Habituation
4. One that does not cause harmful effect to body, dose.
a. Lethal dose c. Minimum dose
b. Safe dose d. None of these
5. A condition modifying the action of poison that attributed to the individual.
a. Physical state c. Age and sex
b. Mechanical combination d. Dilution
6. What action of poisons that changes on disturbance produced on the part of poison in contact?
a. Combined c. Remote
b. Local d. All of these
7. Those legal point of view that the history is hazy as to how poison was obtained and it was
a. Undetermined c. Judicial
b. Homicidal d. Accidental poisoning
8. All of the statements below are general treatment of poisoning except:
a. Removal of poison from the stomach c. Mechanical antidote
b. Special treatment d. All of these
9. It grow 3 ft. tall interval of nodes where branches arises and it gives hallucinogenic effect upon
taking it.
a. Trumpet plant c. Cacao tree
b. Marijuana d. Tagumbao
10. State of psychological dependence or both which results from chronic periodic or continuous
a. Drug c. Drug dependence
b. Drug habituation d. a and b
11. Test includes differentiation by determining physical characteristics like melting point, boiling
a. Physical test c. Crystalline test
b. Chemical test d. Chromatographic test
12. Kind of poisoning in which there is gradual deterioration of function of tissues and may or not
result in death, also produced by taking several small doses.
a. Undetermined c. Acute poisoning
b. Chronic poisoning d. Sub-acute
13. Those in which the poison was taken by the victim voluntarily for the purpose to taking his own
a. Suicidal c. Accidental
b. Homicidal d. All of these
14. Conditions modifying the action of poison, that attributed to the individual.
a. Age, sex, health c. Mode of administration
b. Physical state d. Solubility of poison
15. Branch of Science which treat of the form and quantity of medicine to be administered when a
certain period.
a. Toxicology c. Posology
b. Poison d. Drugs
16. Science that treats of poison, their origin, physical and chemical properties, physiological
action, treatments of their noxious effect, detection, called:
a. Poison c. Posology
b. Toxicology d. Psychology
17. Highly irritants poison which causes local destruction of tissues and characterized by nausea
vomiting great local distaste.
a. Tetanics c. Corrosive
b. Sedatives d. Narcotics
18. What poison produces stupor, complete insensibility or loss of feeling?
a. Narcotics c. Poison
b. Neurotics d. Drugs
19. It is classification of poison according to methods of isolation are as follows except:
a. Metallic c. Volatile
b. Non-volatile d. Minerals
20. An agent which neutralizes a poison or otherwise counteract of oppose it, or its effect.
a. Mechanical antidote c. Dilution
b. Antidote d. First aiding
21. In what legal point of view, that a person accidentally swallowed a poison?
a. Suicidal c. Undetermined
b. Accidental d. Homicidal
22. The general treatment of poison are as follows except:
a. Administration of antidotes c. Stimulation and other symptomatic treatments
b. Special treatment d. Taking sugar of syrups
23. In post-mortem appearance to a poisoned person with mineral substances called:
a. Corrosion and softening of tissue of mouth throat c. bright red spots on skin
b. dark brown gelatinous mass in the stomach d. dry gangrene of extremities
24. What provision relative to dispersing of violent poisons under the law controlling the sale
storage of poison?
a. Sec. 755 c. Sec. 757
b. Sec. 756 d. Sec. 745
25. In cases of poisoning in which it is suspected that the poisons was taken by mouth within a few
hrs., specimen should be?
a. Intestinal content c. Liver
b. Stomach d. Blood
26. According to methods of isolation of poison, volatile poison be isolated through distillation are:
a. Alcohol, phenol, chloroform c. Alcohol, opium, CO, Strychnine
b. Alkaloid, organic acids d. Acid, alkaloids, salts of alkali metals
27. What changes or disturbance produced in distant part away from the site of application in the
action of poison?
a. Combined c. Local
b. Remote d. Undetermined
28. What science that treat the form and quantity of medicine to be administered within a certain
a. Toxicology c. Poison
b. Posology d. Chemistry
29. A serrated edge leaf with cystolith hair with calcium carbonate base called:
a. Marijuana leaf c. Papaya leaf
b. Marijuana plant d. all of the above
30. White crystalline powder, bitter taste, soluble to water alcohol and Nervous System stimulant.
a. Cocaine c. Shabu
b. Marijuana d. Tawas
31. Cocaine is the drug taken from coca bush plant. The coca bush plant is called
a. Erythroxylon coca c. Ethoryloxin coca
b. Ethyroxylon coca d. Exthocrylin coca
32. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is the most powerful of the psychedelic obtained from ergot.
Ergot is derived from.
a. Ephedrine c. Mushroom
b. Rye d. Cactus
33. Which of the following is not a narcotic?
a. Heroin c. Cocaine
b. Morphine d. Synthetic opiate
34. Drugs like ether, paint, thinner, and the like are called
a. Solvent c. Inhalants
b. Deliriants d. Stimulants
35. What is the derivative of morphine that is commonly available in cough curing preparations?
a. Demerol c. Seconal
b. Caffeine d. Paregoric

II. IDENTIFICATION: Analyze the statements below and give their corresponding answers,
write the correct answers to your testbooklet. (1.5 each/52.5 %)

1. A kind of poison found on the leaf of marijuana.

2. Powder white, menthol, bitter substance found in cacao leaf.
3. What poison coming from kernels of various fruits in the form of amygdaline?
4. A curdy and milky substance from unripe capsule of poppy plant.
5. What poison found in decaying matters like spoiled meat?
6. Poisonous substance found in cactus plants.
7. Look like white crystalline and usually found in bitter almond.
8. Acid found in kamoteng kahoy.
9. What acid is found in vinegar in pure form called glacial A.A.?
10. Form of alcohol and colorless liquid with sweet taste/menthol.
11. Rat poison that causes slow blood flow and disformation of body.
12. Brownish substance found on the leaves of tobacco plant.
13. Usually called and alkaloid found in dried ripe seed of nuts, vomica.
14. State of psychological or physical dependence or both that results from chronic continuous use.
15. Poison from isolated part of skin of frog.
16. Product of incomplete combustion of carbon or poisonous gas.
17. A aphrodisiac or provocative of exciting sexual desire.
18. Itchy feeling, hot substance found in jelly fish.
19. What poison we get from spoiled fish, or over stored in refrigerator?
20. Alcali odor produces by food with fungi.
21. What is the formula of water poison or acid water?
22. Highly irritant poison which cause local destruction of tissues characterized by nausea,
23. Poison that causes insensibility, stupor and loss of feeling.
24. Poison without intention and can cause death within short time.
25. Poison was taken by victim voluntarily for purpose of taking his life.
26. Those that are isolated by extracting organic solvent.
27. The examination of dead body to determine the cause of death.
28. Form of alcohol and embalming fluid.
29. Itchy feelings substance found in spider bites.
30. Alcohol found to wine or grain alcohol.
31. What alcohol, substance found in ap-ap solution?
32. Poison that causes swelling and they are found in ant bites.
33. Disinfectant liquid emulsion.
34. Jewel solution and separate gold to foreign mat.
35. Science of evidences handling to solve problem in justice.


________ 1. Art. 155 a. unlawful sell to minor liquor

________ 2. Art. 155 par. C b. unlawful to any person, while intoxicate causes
by public disturbance.
________ 3. Rep. Act. No. 180 c. Cpd. Fermented to produce intoxication.
________ 4. Alcoholic liquor d. unlawful sell of liquor 2 days before and after
________ 5. Heroin e. White crystal tablets and hyperdermic
________ 6. Opium f. Powder white to dark-brown tar like
________ 7. Morphine g. White crystalline powder and dilute to other
________ 8. Cocaine h. Dark brown, chank powder like.
________ 9. Marijuana I. Pot, grass, weed grown in India
________ 10. Narcotics j. Ooze of Marijuana
________ 11. Hashish oil k. Vices
________ 12. Immoral act l. local drug preventive group
________ 13. Ministry of Health m. produces stupor and relieve pain
________ 14. Treatment n. Medical service rendered to
________ 15. Shabu o. concentrated syrup liquid, gray to black.
________ 16. Hashish p. Japanese form of drug abuse and stimulant
________ 17. Drugs law q. National Gambling Agency
________ 18. Regulated drug r. Rep. Act 9165
________ 19. PAGCOR s. Drunk and liability
________ 20. PDEA t. Amphetamines and Barbiturates
u. Umbrella to all drug prevention

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