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Last Saturday morning, Dennis had nothing to do so he decided to clean

the ceiling fan which was very dusty. He got a ladder and climbed up to
reach the fan. He used a piece of damp cloth to wipe the dust. As he
was cleaning it, the ladder shook.
Suddenly, he slipped and fell off the ladder. There was a loud
noise. Dennis tried to get up but he could not . His leg was very painful
and he screamed in pain. His left leg was broken.
Hearing his screams , his elder brother, Danny rushed him to the
nearby hospital. He carried him quickly into his car and drove off to the
hospital. In the emergency room, the doctor examined him . Then he
bandaged his broken leg gently. He advised him to rest for two weeks in
the hospital.
Danny had learnt his lesson . He had to be more careful the next
time .
Today is the 22 of July. There was an interesting singing contest in S.K. Taman
Murni. It was organised by the Music Club. Everyone in the school was excited
about it.

About two hundred people in the school hall enjoyed watching the contest
this morning. Twenty contestants who were pupils of Level Two took part in this
contest. They sang either in English or Malay. Each contestant presented two
songs. One of which was a patriotic song.
All the participants were dressed smartly and beautifully. They sang sweetly
and gave their best performance. The audience were entertained by them. They
clapped for every contestant.
When the results were announced, Ziana from Year 6 Gemilang was the
happiest. She won the first prize for being the best singer. She sang, “Oh Malaysia”
and “ Bahtera Merdeka” . She received RM200 and a tall trophy. Her parents were
proud of her. Other winners received their prizes too. Then everyone went home
happily .
Last Saturday, Leman and his brother, Fauzi decided to clean their bedroom. Both
of them worked hard for about two hours to make their room clean and tidy. They
swept the floor and wiped the dust from the furniture. They wanted their mother to
be proud of them.
After that Leman changed the bedsheet, pillow cases and curtains. Fauzi
helped to hang their clothes neatly in the cupboard. At last the hardworking boys
completed their work.
Both of them felt tired but happy. They called their mother and showed her
their room. She smiled happily and praised them for being responsible children.
She was satisfied with their work and advised them to keep their room clean and tidy
It was Christmas Eve and Melissa was very excited. She went into her bedroom
quietly and wrapped up some presents for her family members with some colourful
wrapping paper. She had bought the gifts in the supermarket earlier.
When she had finished wrapping the presents, she placed them under the big
Christmas tree in the corner of her living room. It looked bright and beautiful with
colourful lights and decorations. Her family members also put their presents under
the tree too. They would exchange the gifts with one another on Christmas Day.
They would have a nice surprise when they open up their parcels.
In the evening, Melissa helped her mother prepare the table for their family
gathering. Everyone in their family would attend the special dinner together. They
would enjoy a variety of delicious food such as roasted turkey, mushroom soup and
spaghetti. They would welcome Christmas at midnight and wish one another, “Merry
Last Saturday was SK Pondok Tanjong Sports Day. It was a sunny day. The
pupils were looking forward to this day. The pupils were very excited. Their
parents arrived at 8.00 a.m. The pupils were asked to line up in front of their
respective tents.

There were many events. The sports day was officiated by the
headmaster. The sports began with the 100- meter event. Adam participated
in the event. All the pupils cheered loudly . Adam won the first prize because
he was the fastest runner.
All the events ended at 12.00 noon. Pupils lined up in the middle of
the field. The prize - giving ceremony began. Pupils were very anxious to know
who the winners of the events were. The prizes were given away by the
headmaster. Adam won many prizes.
He was chosen as “the Best Athlete of the Year ” for the school.
Adam was very happy and proud. All the pupils had a joyful day. Everyone
went home at 1.00 pm.

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