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NAME : _________________________________________ DATE : _________________

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. I ____________ tennis every Sunday.

A. playing
B. play
C. am playing
D. am play
2. Don’t make so much noise. She __________ to study for her test.
A. try
B. tries
C. tried
D. is trying
3. Ronnie __________ his teeth before breakfast every morning.
A. will cleaned
B. is cleaning
C. cleans
D. clean
4. She can’t answer the phone because she _______ a bath.
A. is having
B. having
C. have
D. has
5. Babies ___________ when they are hungry.
A. cry
B. cries
C. cried
D. are crying

B. Rewrite the sentences in PAST TENSE form.

1. Tony writes a letter to his mother.

2. They sleep in their bedroom

3. My teacher teaches English last year.

4. He walks to school.

5. I smile to my friends.

C. Read the text below and complete the following table. Choose no more than three words
and/or a number from the text for each answers.

Celebrating Chinese New Year on a Small Budget

Reason for the need to budget.

When Mrs Wong went shopping

What Mrs Wong bought

When Mrs Wong baked festive cookies

Who to the extra cookies were given to

Location of reunion dinner

What Mr Wong and his son did

Ang pow amount given to younger children

D. You and your family went for a trip to Cameron Highland. Write an informal letter to your
friend to tell them about the trip.

Introduction – How are you ? ……………………………………………………………..

Body 1 – school holidays – move from home – father’s car – check in – big
hotel – too cool
Body 2 – strawberry farm – Boh Teh leave farm – eat at a restaurant – back
to hotel – loved the trip
Conclusion – hope to go again – join with me – take care

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