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Quist Photosynthesis 5 October 2020

1. Light supplies the energy for photosynthesis. What is the overall

chemical reaction?
 Oxygen and water are converted into glucose sugar and carbon
 Carbon dioxide and water are converted into glucose sugar and
 Sugar is broken into water and oxygen.
 Carbon dioxide and oxygen are converted into glucose sugar and
2. Which of the following organisms can perform photosynthesis?
 animals only
 plants only
 plants, algae, some bacteria, some protists
 only plants and animals
3. What is the name of the green pigment that captures light for
 chlorophyll
 hemoglobin
 myoglobin
 chloroplast
4. Which of the following might increase the rate of photosynthesis?
 decreasing the duration of light
 decreasing the intensity of light
 increasing the amount of oxygen
 increasing the amount of carbon dioxide
5. What are the main color(s) of light absorbed by chlorophyll?
 green
 blue and red
 blue and green
 yellow
6. Do 'dark' or light-independent reactions occur in plants during the
 yes
 no
7. Where in plants does most photosynthesis occur?
 roots
 flowers
 leaves
 All parts of a plant perform photosynthesis.
8. Where in plants do carbon dioxide and oxygen enter/exit?
 root tips
 stomata of leaves
 stem
 flower
9. What is the starting source of the carbon in the glucose produced by
 carbon dioxide
 cellulose
 rubisco
10. Where in the chloroplast do the 'light' or light-dependent reactions
 stroma
 on the thylakoid membranes of the grana
 everywhere in the chloroplast
 on the thylakoid membranes of the grana

11. To complete the Calvin cycle, carbon dioxide is needed. Carbon

dioxide reaches the interior of the plant via stomata, or small holes in
the surface of a leaf. To avoid water loss and total dehydration on hot
days, plants close their stomata. Can plants continue to undergo
A. Yes, as long as there is light
B. No, without CO2 the process cannot continue
C. Only the light reaction will continue

12. Why are the products of photosynthesis important to non-

photosynthetic organisms?
A. It is the basis of most the energy on Earth
B. They need the minor nutrients assembled by plants
C. They are not important for obligate carnivores

13. Why do plants need water?

A. For photosynthesis
B. For structure
C. To transfer nutrients
D. All of the above

14. In photosynthesis dark reaction, is called so because-

A. It occurs in dark.
B. It does not require light energy.
C. It cannot occur during daytime.
D. It occurs more rapidly at night.

15. Rate of photosynthesis does not depend upon:

A. Quality of light
B. Intensity of Light
C. Duration of Light
D. Temperature

16. For photosynthesis green plants require:

A. Chlorophyll only
B. Light
C. Carbon dioxide and water
D. All of the above

17. Photosynthesis is a _____ process.

A. Catabolic
B. Anabolic
C. Exothermic
D. Metabolic

18. Name the pigment which is responsible for absorption of light in

A. Chlorophyll
B. Stoma
C. Xylem
D. Phloem

19. In bacteria name the colour of light which is responsible for

A. Ultra-Violet
B. Blue
C. Red
D. None of the above

20. Quantasomes are found in:

A. Cristae of mitochondria
B. Thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts
C. Nucleus membrane
D. Lysosome

21. Name the metal present in chlorophyll ‘a’ and ‘b’?

A. Iron
B. Copper
C. Magnesium
D. Manganese

22. Name the structural unit of photosynthesis?

A. Thylakoid
B. Grana
C. Stroma
D. Chlorophyll

23. Which of the following statements are true regarding

A. Photosystems are arrangements of chlorophyll and other pigments packed
into thylakoids.
B. Many Prokaryotes have only one photosystem.
C. Both A and B are correct.
D. Only A is correct.

24. Plants are known as __________ because they derive the chemical energy necessary
for life from the sun.
A. Autotrophs
B. Lithotrophs
C. Heterotrophs
D. Auxotrophs
E. Detritivores
25. Photosynthesis is a __________ process, while cellular respiration is
a __________ process.
A. anabolic . . . anabolic
B. catabolic . . . catabolic
C. anabolic . . . catabolic
D. catabolic . . . anabolic 
E. spontaneous . . . nonspontaneous

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