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As Lab Director, What Management Theory would be the most

appropriate for Clinical Laboratory?

The most appropriate management theory in managing the laboratory is

Operations Management Theory. Philippines is considered to be a developing country

with a less developed industrial base and a low Human Development Index (HDI)

relative to other countries. The country has underdeveloped resources so it is limited

that causes many Filipino families to live in a strict budget. Despite of this limitations in

financial aspect every Filipino have the right to avail basic healthcare. This is where

Operations Manage Theory is most fitted. This theory focuses on efficiency of operation

in turning least resources possible to meet the customers’ requirements to the highest

standard economically viable.

Giving quality basic healthcare to all Filipinos such as medical checkups and

routine clinical laboratory needs efficiency. Inside the laboratory reagents, supplies,

labor and equipment should be used as effective as possible to serve quality healthcare

to maximum number of people most specially to marginalized sectors.

Operations Management Theory is a systematic method of eliminating waste

within the process of delivering medical laboratory services. Wastes that is created in

the process must be accounted and corrected to ensure that no resources are turning

into nothing. This theory seeks to eliminate cost which very appropriate in Philippine

Economic status hence I find this theory useful in managing a laboratory. All Filipinos
must have access to affordable medical services without sacrificing the quality of the


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