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Siddhartha  Gautama  was  an  ascetic  and  wise,  his  teaching  established  buddhism.  He  has  born  in  the  Saskia's  republic 
which nowadays has disappear in the foothills of the Himalayas. He taught principally in the northeast of India. 

Due  to  several wrong interpretations very common, so we emphasize that Buddha Gautama is not a God either the only or 

first  Buddha.  Buddha  taught  the  happy  medium  between  the  sensual  pleasure  and  the  radical  ascetism  practise  in  the 
Sramana’s  movement  that  was  in  common  with  this  region  of  India.  Then  he  will  teach  in  all  the  regions  around  India, 
such as Magadha and Kosala. 

Is  the  Buddhism’s  centre  and  his  tales,  speech  and  laws  are  Buddhist's  beliefs  that,  after  his  death,  have  been  summarize 
and  learn  by  heart  for  his  follower.  Exists  several collections of these teaching that had been learn and transmitted orally, 
until they write it around four hundreds years after his death. 

❖ Buddhism 

The  buddhism  is  one  of  the  most  important  religions  of  the  world.  It  was  spread  by Siddhartha Gautama and his theory 
about the “Nirvana” a place that a people can choose through their actions, which must be essential and humanistic values.  

Buddhism  doesn't  believe  in  the  soul  but  it  believes  that  the  human  being  it  is  made  of  five  elements  that  are:  feeling, 
perception, tendency, a physical body and conscience. 

❖ Soul 
The  soul  represents  the  life  that  it  is  the  difference  between  the  human  being  and  the  object  or  animals.  It  said  that  it 
remains  after  death.  The  body  disappears  while  the  soul  stays  for  the  eternity.  They  believe  in  the  reincarnation  because 
they  don't  believe  in  the soul, it is a buddhist doctrine where Siddhartha doesn't speak about death, but he speaks about the 
change.  “  Everything  change  respect other thing, even more the slightest change is subject to the laws of impermanence "The 
arguments  of  reincarnation  say  that  the  existence  of  each  factor depends of other, whereby buddhism ensures the existence 
of something independent. When we die what happens according to this belief is move along by the consciousness chain. 

❖ Karma 

The  cosmic  principle  according  to  which  each  person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's 

in  the 

previous incarnation. It has 12 main laws: 

● 1. The great law. What you sow is what you will gather. Do good things and you will gather ten more times? 

● 2. Law of creation. Be yourself and do what you want to have in your live. 

● 3. Law of humanity. Don't compare yourself with others to be proud of yourself. That will not change anything.  

● 4. Law of growth. What are you looking for is inside you. Be the change what you want to see in the world. 

● 5.  Law  of  responsibility.  You  are  responsible  about  what  happens  in your life, if you don’t like something, change 

● 6. Law of connection. Make with love each one of you acts. 

● 7. Focus law. Focused only in positives things and in what you want to achieve. 

● 8. Law of giving and kindness. Live according to your ideals and explain to others your beliefs. 

● 9. Law here and now. Yoga will help you to have more presence. 

● 10. Law of change. It is the most powerful law of the nature. 

● 11. Law of patience and reward. Be patience with life and persist in you endeavor. 

● 12. Law of the importance and inspiration. Put everything of you in all you do 

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