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Medicină II – seminar 2


Clinics A medical facility smaller than a hospital is generally called a clinic, and often is run
by a government agency for health services or a private partnership of physicians (in nations where
private practice is allowed). Clinics generally provide only outpatient services. An outpatient is a
patient who is not hospitalized for 24 hours or more but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated
facility for diagnosis or treatment. Treatment provided in this fashion is called ambulatory care.
Outpatient surgery eliminates inpatient hospital admission, reduces the amount of medication
prescribed, and uses the physician’s time more efficiently. More procedures are now being
performed in a surgeon’s office, termed office-based surgery, rather than in a hospital-based
operating room. Outpatient surgery is suited best for healthy people undergoing minor or
intermediate procedures (limited urologic, ophthalmologic, or ear, nose, and throat procedures and
procedures involving the extremities).

clinic - centru medical, clinică gratuită; unitate medicală (spital, secţie) unde se ţin cursuri
pentru studenţi, în prezenţa bolnavilor; lecţie clinică ţinută într-un spital
clinical – clinic
healthy - sănătos
unhealthy - nesănătos, insalubru, bolnăvicios, dăunător
to undergo - a trece prin, a suporta, a suferi; a suferi o operaţie
undergo an operation (syn.) have an operation - a suferi o operaţie, a suferi o intervenţie
to undergo treatment - a face un tratament, a urma un tratament

An inpatient on the other hand is admitted to the hospital and stays overnight or for an
indeterminate time, usually several days or weeks (though some cases, like coma patients, have
been in hospitals for years).
Due to concerns such as dignity, human rights and political correctness, the term "patient" is
not always used to refer to a person receiving health care. Other terms that are sometimes used
include health consumer, health care consumer or client. These may be used by governmental
agencies, insurance companies, patient groups, or health care facilities. Individuals who use or have
used psychiatric services may alternatively refer to themselves as consumers, users, or survivors.
The word patient originally meant “one who suffers”. This English noun comes from the Latin word
patiens, the present participle of the verb, patior, meaning “I am suffering”.

health care consumer – consumator de îngrijiri de sănătate

Departments Hospitals vary widely in the services they offer and therefore, in the
departments they have. They may have acute services such as an emergency department or
specialist trauma centre, burn unit, surgery, or urgent care. These may then be backed up by
more specialist units such as cardiology or coronary care unit, intensive care unit, neurology,
cancer center, and obstetrics and gynecology.

to back up – a susţine, a sprijini

coronary care unit (CCU) (syn.) cardiac intensive care unit (CICU) (syn.)
cardiovascular intensive care unit (CVICU) - unitate de terapie intensivă coronarieni,
secţie de terapie intensivă coronariană
Some hospitals will have outpatient departments and some will have chronic treatment
units such as behavioral health services, dentistry, dermatology, psychiatric ward,
rehabilitation services, and physical therapy.
Common support units include a dispensary or pharmacy, pathology, and radiology, and
on the non-medical side, there often are medical records departments and/or release of
information department.

dispensary - oficină; farmacie; policlinică, dispensar

to dispense - a distribui; a elibera medicamente
dispensing - eliberare de medicamente, preparare de reţete
record - dosar, registru, document, fişier, disc; înregistrare
medical record - fişă medicală; dosar medical, documentaţie medicală


An ICU also known as an intensive therapy unit or intensive treatment unit (ITU) or
critical care unit (CCU), is a special department of a hospital or health care facility that provides
intensive treatment medicine.

intensive care unit (ICU) (syn.) critical care unit (CCU) - unitate de terapie intensivă -
(UTI), secţie de reanimare

Intensive care units cater to patients with severe or life-threatening illnesses and injuries,
which require constant care, close supervision from life support equipment and medication in order
to ensure normal bodily functions. They are staffed by highly trained physicians, nurses and
respiratory therapists who specialize in caring for critically ill patients. ICUs are also distinguished
from general hospital wards by a higher staff-to-patient ratio and access to advanced medical
resources and equipment that is not routinely available elsewhere. Common conditions that are
treated within ICUs include acute (or adult) respiratory distress syndrome, hypertension, metastases
and other life-threatening conditions.

to cater to – a se ocupa de, a satisface

ratio - raport, proporţie, procentaj; indice, indice comparativ
adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) – sindrom de detresă respiratorie a adultului
hypertension (syn.) high blood pressure - hipertensiune, hipertensiune arterială
metastasis (pl. metastases) - metastază, tumoare malignă secundară

Patients may be referred directly from an emergency department or from a ward if they
rapidly deteriorate, or immediately after surgery if the surgery is very invasive and the patient is at
high risk of complications.
An intensivist is a board-certified physician who provides special care for critically ill
patients. Also known as a critical care physician, the intensivist has advanced training and
experience in treating this complex type of patient. After medical school, an intensivist completes a
residency and board certification in a specialty such as surgery, internal medicine, pulmonary
medicine or pediatrics, plus an additional two- to three-year fellowship and certification in critical
care medicine.

critical care physician (syn.) intensivist – medic ATI

Rather than focusing on specific body systems – like cardiologists (the heart and vascular
system) or pulmonologists (the lungs and respiratory system) – intensivists take a comprehensive
approach to caring for ICU patients.
The intensivist has the primary responsibility for the ICU patient’s care versus acting as a
consultant, as many specialists do. In this role, he or she leads a team of caregivers who are experts
in different specialties. The intensivist also oversees the many decisions involved in a critically ill
patient’s care, and coordinates all the other services the patient may need – including those from

approach - acces, abordare, cale

to consult - a (se) consulta (pacientul cere sfaturi medicului), a consulta un medic
consultant - consultant, medic specialist (în Marea Britanie)
consultation - consultaţie (discuţie cu bolnavul), consult (discuţie între medici)
caregiver – persoană care are grijă de un pacient (doctor, asistentă, asistent social);
îngrijitor; infirmieră
to oversee – a supraveghea, a controla

Hospitals may have ICUs that cater to a specific medical requirement, such as those listed

 Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This specialty unit cares for neonatal patients who
have not left the hospital after birth. Common conditions cared for include prematurity and
associated complications, congenital disorders or complications resulting from the birthing

neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) – unitate de terapie intensivă neonatală

neonatal (syn.) newborn - neonatal, nou-născut
neonate (syn.) newborn baby (syn.) newborn - nou-născut
neonatologist - neonatolog, specialist în neonatologie
neonatology (syn.) neonatal medicine - neonatologie, medicină neonatală
prematurity (syn.) prematureness – prematuritate

 Pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Pediatric patients are treated in this intensive care
unit for life-threatening conditions such as asthma, influenza, diabetic ketoacidosis, or traumatic
neurological injury. Surgical cases may also be referred to the PICU postoperatively if the
patient has a potential for rapid deterioration or if the patient requires monitoring, such as spinal
infusions or surgeries involving the respiratory system such as removal of the tonsils or

pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) – unitate de terapie intensivă pediatrică

asthma - astm
asthmatic (syn.) asthma sufferer - astmatic
influenza (syn.) (the) flu - gripă
ketoacidosis - cetoacidoză
diabetic ketoacidosis - cetoacidoză diabetică
infusion - infuzie; injecţie, injectare
infusion bottle - flacon de perfuzie
intravenous infusion (syn.) intravenous drip - perfuzie intravenoasă
tonsil (syn.) tonsilla (pl. tonsillae) - amigdală
adenoids - pl. adenoide

 Psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU). Patients who may voluntarily harm themselves are
brought here for more vigorous monitoring.

psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) - unitate de terapie intensivă psihiatrică

 Coronary care unit (CCU): Also known as Cardiac Intensive Care Units (CICU) or
Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU), this ICU caters to patients specifically with
congenital heart defects or life-threatening cardiac conditions such as a myocardial infarction or
a cardiac arrest.

defect - defect, deficienţă; malformaţie; insuficienţă; imperfecţiune

heart defect - defect cardiac
infarction - infarctizare; infarct
myocardial infarction (MI) (syn.) heart attack - infarct miocardic, atac de cord
arrest – oprire, întrerupere
cardiac arrest (CA) (syn.) heart arrest - stop cardiac

 Neurological Intensive Care Unit (NeuroICU). Patients are treated for brain aneurysms,
brain tumors, stroke, rattlesnake bites and post surgical patients who have undergone various
neurological surgeries performed by experienced neurosurgeons require constant neurological
exams. Once the patients are stable and removed from the ventilator, they are transferred to a
neurological care unit.

neurological intensive care unit (NeuroICU) - unitate de terapie intensivă neurologică

aneurysm - anevrism
aneurysmal (syn.) aneurysmatic - anevrismal, anevrismatic
stroke (syn.) cerebrovascular accident (CVA) - accident cerebrovascular, accident
vascular cerebral (AVC)
stroke - lovitură; bătaie, mişcare ritmică; linie
rattle - zgomot; horcăit; clopoţel (din coada şarpelui cu clopoţei)
rattlesnake – şarpe cu clopoţei

 Post-anesthesia care unit (PACU): Also known as the post-operative recovery unit, or
recovery room, the PACU provides immediate post-op observation and stabilisation of patients
following surgical operations and anesthesia. Patients are usually held in such facilities for a
limited amount of time, and have to meet set physiological aspects before being transferred
back to a ward.

post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) – cameră de supraveghere post anestezică (CSPA)

 High dependency unit (HDU): In the United Kingdom and elsewhere (known as step down
unit or progressive care unit in North America), most acute hospitals have a transitional high
dependency unit (HDU) for patients who require close observation, treatment and nursing care
that cannot be provided in a general ward, but whose care is not at a critical stage to warrant an
(ICU) bed. These units are also called step-down or progressive intensive recovery units and
are utilised until a patient's condition stabilizes to qualify for discharge to a general ward or
recovery unit.

high dependency unit (HDU) (syn.) step down unit (syn.) progressive care unit – unitate
de terapie intermediară/îngrijire postoperatorie (UTIIP)
to warrant – a îndreptăţi, a justifica; a garanta
discharge - excreţie, scurgere; secreţie, supuraţie; descărcare; ieşire din spital
to discharge - a emite, a scoate; a descărca; a externa din spital

 Surgical intensive care unit (SICU): Also known as the surgery critical care unit, the SICU
is a specialized service in larger hospitals that provides inpatient care for critically ill patients
on surgical services. As opposed to other ICUs, the care is managed by surgeons trained in

surgical intensive care unit (SICU) - unitate de terapie intensivă chirurgicală

to manage - a administra, a conduce; a reuşi; a ţine în frâu, a gestiona
management - administraţie, conducere, gestiune
hospital management - conducerea spitalului
pain management - gestionarea durerii
manager - manager, director, şef; gestionar, administrator

Common equipment in an ICU includes mechanical ventilators to assist breathing through

an endotracheal tube or a tracheostomy tube; cardiac monitors for monitoring cardiac condition;
equipment for the constant monitoring of bodily functions; a web of intravenous lines, feeding
tubes, nasogastric tubes, suction pumps, drains, and catheters, syringe pumps; and a wide array of
drugs to treat the primary condition(s) of hospitalization. Medically induced comas, analgesics, and
induced sedation are common ICU tools needed and used to reduce pain and prevent secondary

tube - tub; trompă; sondă; structură anatomică cilindrică

breathing tube (syn.) endotracheal tube - sondă endotraheală
feeding tube - sondă pentru alimentare
nasogastric tube - sondă nazogastrică
tracheostomy tube - sondă de traheostomie
suction pump – pompă aspiratoare
drain - dren, tub de dren
catheter (syn.) catheter tube - cateter, sondă
syringe pump – pompă de seringă
array - grămadă, mulţime; prezentare

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