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Chapter 2

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Panel 1. Karos, Kichijo, the old man and the young man stare off at each other in awkward

Karos: I…. I swear I didn't see anything, so just leave us alone, alright!

Panel 2. Karos bars kichijo from the old man in order to protect her, but she gets herself in
front of him anyway

PANEL 3. The young man pulls ear phone out of the old man’s ears/

Young man(yelling): Get this Godforsaken rock out of your ear and listen to them

Old man: (To Kichijo and Karos) I apologize if that seemed rude. I don't really go anywhere
without music. Allow me to introduce myself. Yazuho is the name given to me.

Yazuho (pointing towards the young one): That one is Urami

Kichijo: oh yeah, sorry I'm Ki-

Panel 4. Karos stops her by rubbing his shoulder with hers, He takes over the conversation.

Karos (arrogantly): I’m sure you'll accept if we say we're not telling you our names, right?
Yazuho: Of course! Afterall we are strangers to you both

Karos (pressing): and you'll also have no problem telling us why you are bothering us?

Yazuho: Here

Panel 5. Yazuho hands him a business card

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Karos: What in the hells---

Panel 8. As karos

Karos: What that fuck(sighs)……...i gotta go I already have enough on my plate I can’t deal

Panel 9. Karos angrily throws it(card) away, but Kichijo grabs it while it was still in the air

Kichijo: RoRo maybe we should at least read it

Panel 10. Karos starts walking down the street while kichijo kept looking for something as she
moves along side with him.

Karos: Yea but I imagine it'll be a pain to do that I'm not trying to have some probably
dangerous people’s information and may contain something we don't wanna see

Panel 11. Karos looks at her and sees she's looking at him disgusted.

Karos: WHAT!?

Kichijo: You sound like my mother you’re both so old and so boring

Karos: hey look! I like my life, as normal as it can be…I don’t want this……whatever the hell it

Kichijo: I'm not into this either but it sounds like...something to get you outta this runt you need
to put your mind into a better line of work.

Panel 12. Karos looks up towards the sky in disarray and shakes his head in disapproval, Kichijo
is feeling annoyed by Karos’ action.

Karos: Speaking of, how long did she give you for this? Your mom I mean. Don't you gotta be
back at the shop by now?

Panel 13. Karos indicates towards his watch, Kichijo sees the time on it.

Kichijo: Oh shoot! You are right. I gotta go!

Panel 14. She puts the card into her pocket and rush towards the station.

Karos: Wait! That train might not...

Panel 15. She has already left before karos could finish. Karos smiles and walks towards the
Bus station.

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Panel 16. Two young boys are wondering around the streets, they look dangerous as one of them
is wearing a mask.

Boy: Is she the one?

The Other Figure (Girl): [The Young One] asked us to bring the suitable one, so she’s gonna be
the it and chances are that he’s going to like her……...I’m not staying in this shit pile of a city

The young boy: I did nothing wrong! That prick and the old man saved our candidates. So, don't
blame me

Panel 17. The boy breathes as the building they are standing on began to shake, until she stares
back at him and stomps her feet over the roof causing the building to settle.

The other figure (girl): here's some advice...change back before I have to tell The Young One
how you broke his only rule.

Panel 18. The young boy gets scared and turns back with a slight red glow from his ankles, He
jumps off to another roof as she stares at his back.
The other figure (the girl to herself): I need this to be over soon before this idiot drives me nuts

Panel 19. She follows Karos with karos not noticing them. Karos is on a bus to his apartment,

Karos: (thinking to himself): I hope she's alright on her way back.

Panel 20. Karos closes his eyes and when he opens them back, He’s in a suit at work

Someone (Yells): Yoshida! I thought I told you to get those papers done before
leaving the other night?

We see the mouth of a very scrawny man, very skinny and a large mouth screaming at Karos. He
is standing in an office with coworkers typing, and others stopping to stare.

Karos: I did Mr.Mare. I sent an email to you with the documents you wanted verbatim.

The man tries to stand up but knocks over a picture of his family and his coffee.

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Mr. Mare: (referring to the picture) Oh, my baby! (now facing Karos) Damn it, Yoshida! You are
going to fix this NOW!.

Karos stands upright and with a very dismissive look, turns his gaze to Mr. Mare
Karos: May I ask what you're referring to? Fix what?

Mr. Mare stands up from picking up his family photo and turns his computer monitor around to
face Karos.

Mr. Mare: I'm Referring to how the spelling on some of these hasn't been corrected. Some of
these sentences just run on!.

Karos looks disgusted and prepares to open his mouth but he visibly holds his mouth and bows
and then exits the room. He is then passed by a coworker who goes to Mr. Mare's office and Mr.
Mare can be heard yelling once again.

Karos sighs.

He sits at his desk and he is stared at by a group of coworkers.He ignores them and checks his

Nobody 1: Does he even care about working here?.

Nobody 2: Who? Karos? I don't know, man. I don't talk to his rude ass, I asked his ass to follow
up on some papers I wanted done, and he said no.

Nobody 3: Probably cause he knew you were just going to go party.

Nobody 2: Yeah I was but his dickless ass just goes home every day. He ain't got shit to do, just
sits home all day I bet.

Nobody 1: Come on maybe he ju-

Nobody 3: Maybe he's just waiting to kill himself? Cause if so he should do it now. Maybe our
pay will go up! (laughs).
They all laugh at the water cooler they've been standing at. Karos just looks back at his watch.

Karos: damn it! I need to buy some milk..

We see the sun go down and the moon begins to rise. We then see a sign saying '24-7-Eleven'.
Then, we cut to Karos' phone saying Kichijo is calling him. He is standing in front of the cash
register as the clerk finishes scanning his items.

Clerk: That'll be 5.50

Karos: Yea OK give me a sec.

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He checks his phone and swipes to answer the call. holding it to his ear while taking out his

Karos: Hellooo

Kichijo: Hey how's it going?

We see Kichijo in her living room with her mother who is cooking in the kitchen.

Karos: Just got done work and needed to get milk

Kichijo: 24-7’s?
She says with a smug know-it-all look on her face because she knows he always goes to 24-7.

Karos: Look here, these are good cheap prices and you just understand the struggle of a 21-year-
old man trying to keep his necessities under 10 bucks!

We see her raise her eyebrow and we see Karos walking down the street now and looking
annoyed because he knows she doesn't buy it.

Karos: no dice?

Kichijo: stop being lazy and go to BIGS. They are cheaper.

Her mom turns her neck to yell without taking too much attention off the chicken she's frying.

Mrs.Bedisa: There's also T-mart!

Kichijo: Mom nobody but old people shop at T-mart. It's mostly got produce and fresh meat and
well Karos cant-.

Karos: No no no no! You say I can't cook, and I'm coming to personally kick your ass.

She turns her head to chuckle when she hears a ring at the door.
We see her get up from the couch and make her way to the door.

Mrs.Bedisa: Kichi dear, could you get that? It must be Mr.Thomas from next door with the
ingredients he graciously insisted on bringing.

Kichijo: On it, Mom!!

Karos: Isn't he that old guy who's been hitting on your mom?
Kichijo: shut up

She comes to the door and opens it quickly while faking a smile until she is grabbed by the face
with the hand of the small boy in the dark cloak from earlier. He is in the air as he was too short
to grab her. He smiles through the darkness in his hood.

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"Finally, we are going to need you, my dear candidate" she hears a voice say.

Her eyes widen and then quickly turn fierce and takes his hand and slams his body into the floor
behind her. Dropping his hand from her mouth, she screams

Kichijo: Mom! Mom, you have to!-

She is knocked out by the little girl from earlier who grabs her neck causing her to pass out.
We see her phone fall and Karos`s name comes across the phone. We see Karos standing on the
street, hearing the noise coming through the phone. He drops the milk and starts calling the

Karos: (thinking furiously) Who is it? The old man and the boy? Some robber? They don't have
shit! I have to get there. I have to get there. Please, be okay. I won't let them die, not her. Not

We see then Mrs.Bedisa coming from the kitchen and looking at the lil girl and the boy who is
now getting up from the floor.

Girl: I'm surprised she could put you on the floor. Then again, I told you to just let me talk to
them. So, I guess that's what you get for disobeying me, impulsive Gorilla

The boy rises to his feet and brushes himself off and begins to crack his neck and in the middle
of cracking his neck to the left, we see his left eye open.
Boy: I'm not your circus monkey. I don't follow your orders or anyone else's you damn mangey
mutt. Anyway…

He turns to the direction of the kitchen, slowly walking into the kitchen.

Girl: what are you doing? We got the candidate, we don't need to kill her!

He turns back and smiles at the girl, but nonetheless continues to search the living room and
begins to wreck the place.

Boy: You're going to hide? This is your daughter aint it?

He looks around trying to see if he'll catch a glimpse of her. He moves towards the couch. He
kicks it hard enough to crack the table in front of it. We see the mother under the table
completely afraid.

Boy: You sure you don't wanna do some stupid heroics? Huuuh?

He gets closer to the table slowly approaching it. She is sweating and visibly shaken.

Mrs.Bedisa: (soliloquizing in her mind) Please...not her too….. I can't do anything…. I'm such a
useless mother but she hasn't... please, god...devil, anything please not her too.

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The boy comes closer until he`s stopped by the girl yelling from outside and he turned towards
the door.
Boy: What!?

He walks outside, where the girl is standing holding Kichijo on her shoulder. He turns to see
Karos standing before them both. The boy cracks a smile and tilts his body as if to get a closer
look at him.

Boy: Oh! Looks like I still get my fun after all!

We see karos stare down the girl and the boy in a split panel.

Chapter 2 End?

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