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Tentang passive voice

Diajukan untuk memenuhi mata kuliah bahasa inggris
Semester Genap

Dosen Pengampuh ;
Wasilatul Ibad, S.Pd.i, M. Pd

Disusun Oleh :
1. Elok Latifatul Qolbi
2. Idalia Hadratil Mula



        Alhamdulillah all praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah SWT who has
bestowed all his grace, taufik and hidayah. So the authors were able to complete this paper.

       Shalawat as well as greetings to the true educator of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as
his companions, tabi'in and the people who always walk in his treatise. With the completion
of this paper, we do not forget to express our sincere thanks to all those who contribute both
moral and spiritual.

        Furthermore the authors are fully aware that in this paper there are many shortcomings,
although the compiler has tried as much as possible to make the best. The author is fully
aware that there is no perfect world. So also in the preparation of this paper, which did not
escape the shortcomings and mistakes. Therefore, with all sincerity and humility the authors
really expect advice and criticism that is constructive in order to refine this paper. Finally the
authors hope that this paper can be useful. Amen.

                                                                                             Sidoarjo, Mei 2, 2018

CHAPTER I.........................................................................................................................................4
A. Background..............................................................................................................................4
B. Problem Formulation.................................................................................................................4
C. Purpose of Writing.....................................................................................................................4
Chapter II.............................................................................................................................................5
1. Understanding Passive Voice..................................................................................................5
2. Formula Passive Voice.............................................................................................................5
3. Use Of Passive Voice And Example........................................................................................5
A. Action Actors in Passive Voice.............................................................................................7
B. Passive Voice with Get.............................................................................................................7

A. Background
Passive voice (Passive sentence) is one of the most frequently used phrases in
English. Passive voice is also available in Indonesian, for example eating to be eaten, drink to
be drunk. how to form passive sentence is as follows: Change the object in the active into the
subject in passive form, Put by after the main verb in passive form before the subject, Verbs
used are verb 3 which preceded to be, and compose the sentence adjusting tenses.  

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the definition of passive voice?
2. What is the passive voice formula?
3. How to use and sample Passive Voice?  

C. Purpose of Writing
1. To understand the meaning of Passive Voice.
2. To know the formula and the example of Passive Voice.
3. To know the function of Passive Voice.
4. To fulfill English duty.
Chapter II

1. Understanding Passive Voice
Passive voice (passive sentence) is a sentence whose subject is subject to work. In
Indonesian this phrase uses a verb that begins with di (sold, called, written, etc.).
Passive voice is a grammatical construction (grammatical form) where the subject
of the sentence does not take action, but receives action or is acted upon by the other agent
(doer of action) whether mentioned or not. Conversely, in active construction, the subject is
directly related to the verb by acting as an actor. Active sentences can be transformed into
passive, but only transitive verbs (followed by direct objects) can be applied as such.

2. Formula Passive Voice

Passive voice formulas are as follows below.
S + Auxiliary + Past Participle
Auxiliary verbs can be primary auxiliary verb be (is, are, am, was, were, be, been, being), a
combination of two primary (is / are being, was / has being, has / have been) or between
primary and auxiliary verb capital (will be, will have been); while the past participle used is a
transitive verb.
• She can not drive a car. (active voice, transitive).
• He always come on time. (active voice, intransitive)

3. Use Of Passive Voice And Example

Passive sentences are generally used in the following conditions:
A. When the doer of action My money has been stolen.
is not known.  
In this passive voice
example, the speaker does
not know who stole his
B. When the doer of action Wheat is grown in
is clear and does not need Karawang.
to be mentioned In this example, it is clear
that farmers are actors or
people who grow wheat
C. When not wanting to tell Mistakes were made.
who the doer of action In this example, the
(doer of action) speaker will not tell who
made the mistake.

D. When the doer of action Transjakarta is used as an

is all people (people in alternative means of
general) transportation to avoid
clock traffic.
In this example, the actors
are everyone because
Transjakarta can be used
by the public at large.
E. When the actor has been Mr. Han caught Ari
mentioned in the previous cheating on the test. Ari
sentence (if contained in a was given punishment
paragraph) immediately. In this
passive voice example, Mr.
Han as an actor has been
mentioned before so no
need to be added to the
second sentence.

A. Action Actors in Passive Voice

Under some conditions the use of passive voice, by-phrase is not used for some reasons as
noted above. However, we can actually include the offender if the information is very
important or under the following conditions:

a) When there is new information Bottled water comes from mountain

(second sentence). water. It is produced by water company.

b) When knowing the name clearly the Siti Nurbaya was written by Marah
perpetrator of action or the perpetrator Roesli.
of the action is a famous person.

c) When the identity of the perpetrator is It is hard to believe that this beautiful
very surprising or unexpected. jazz melody was composed by an eight-

B. Passive Voice with Get

The word get can also be used in passive sentences to replace to be (am / is / are). Usually
a passive sentence with the word get is used in an informal conversation. Just like when using
to be (am / is / are), the form get used is also must tailored to tense sentences.

Subject + to be + past participle (pp)

Tense Rumus Passive Voice Contoh Passive Voice

Simple Present get/gets + pp get treated
Present Continuous am/is/are getting + pp is getting treated
Simple Past got + pp got treated
Past Continuous was/were getting + pp was getting treated
Present Perfect has/have gotten + pp has gotten treated
Past Perfect had gotten + pp had gotten treated
SimpleFuture willget+pp willgettreated
Future Continuous am/is/are going to get + pp is going to get treated
Future Perfect will have gotten + pp will have gotten treated

Such is the brief explanation of passive voice in English. Keep in mind that passive
sentences are considered more formal than active sentences. Therefore, passive sentences are
commonly used in writing such as scientific writing, technical reports, and newspaper articles
and are rarely used in everyday conversations.

S + Aux. Verbs + Past Participle + by + agent


S: Subject
Aux. Verbs: Auxiliary Verbs such as am, is, are, was, had, have been, will be, and others.

Past Participle: Verb Form 3 or Verb 3

By agent: by + actor of action

In passive voice, the Auxiliary Verbs mentioned above specify the type of tense used in the

Passive voice (passive sentence) is a sentence whose subject is subject to work. In
Indonesian this phrase uses a verb that begins with di (sold, called, written, etc.).
Passive voice formulas are as follows below.

  (S + Auxiliary + Past Participle)

Use of passive voice as follows:

1. Actors in Passive Voice

Under some conditions the use of passive voice, by-phrase is not used for some
reasons as noted above. However, we can actually include the offender if the information is
very important.

2. Passive Voice with Get

The word get can also be used in passive sentence to replace to be (am / is / are).
Usually a passive sentence with the word get is used on an informal conversation. Just like
when using to be (am / is / are), the form get used is also must

tailored to tense sentences.

Subject + to be + past participle (pp).


grammar for class six,gontor,Darussalam Modern Islamic Boarding School,2007

Mr. Dan.2017.english grammar at glance.Mojokerto

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