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1. Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Make up your own
sentences with these words.
1. safe haven – убежище f) a place where someone can go in order to escape from possible danger
- [seɪf heɪvn]
2. atrocity - зверское l) an extremely cruel and violent action
3. to eliminate - b) to completely get rid of something or somebody
4. to crack down on - c) to do something in order to prevent something bad from happening
разбираться с
5. to deem - полагать, d) to consider, to believe
6. to urge - убеждать, g) to strongly suggest that someone does something
уговаривать, побуждать
7. to renounce - a) to publicly reject something you earlier believe in or used to do
8. to counter - j) to become more strict in dealing with a problem and punishing the people
противостоять involved
9. to toughen - e) to make something very strict or firm
10. to call for – h) to ask publicly for something to be done
призывать, требовать,
2. Match the words in Column A with the words in Column В to make up possible
word combinations.
1. to crack down a) on terrorism
2. to eliminate j) violence
3. to deny e) a safe haven (for somebody)
4. to deem something l) necessary
5. to urge somebody f) to do something
6. to renounce h) rivals - конкуренты
7. counter-terrorist b) unit (team)
8. to toughen d) anti-terrorist legislation
9. to settle g) a dispute/differences
10. to adopt c) a law
3. Choose the word that best completes the sentence:
atrocity, call for, urge, renounce, counter, eliminate, safe haven,
deem, crackdown, toughen

. Beslan Children who survived the Beslan atrocity in Russia testified for the first time in the
trial of the only suspected attacker who survived. 2. Instead of giving in to
unconstructive talk of a "clash of civilizations," what can be done to eliminate jihadism? 3.
London: The British government on Wednesday published guidelines for barring foreigners
deem promoters of terrorism as part of a broad crackdown on Islamist hate preachers. 4.
More than 180 people arrested as suspected terrorists in Britain since 2001 were asylum
seekers given safe haven in the country, official reports indicated. 5. Afghanistan and India
have called for strong regional efforts to fight terrorism. 6. However, the group has not
entirely renounced attacks against high-profile civilian targets. 7. They vowed to “counter
the severe and growing danger posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.” 8.
The authorities toughened legislation to outlaw those who glorify terrorism. 9. In a new
videotape a senior Hamas terrorist urged destruction of Israel and continued violence.
4. Substitute the words in bold with their synonyms form the box:
push for, renounce, slaughter, counter, asylum, counter-terrorist,
outrage, harden, horrendous, eradicate, curb

1. Terrorist mastermind Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is plotting an atrocity - outrage in Europe,

reports claim. 2. New York announced a high-tech security system for the transport network to
resist- counter the threat of a terrorist attack. 3. He said the rebels must show that they have
given up – renounced terrorism, not only in words but in deed. 4. India and Afghan expressed
their commitment to working together to ensure that Afghanistan would not again become a safe
haven - asylum for terrorism and extremism. 5. Indonesia's president called for - push for
tightened security in his country, saying September and October were "special months for
terrorism." 6. The atrocious – horrendous - вселяющий ужас assassination of the Foreign
Minister had threatened to unleash another round of war and terrorism in Sri Lanka. 7. President
George W. Bush demanded that Palestinians crack down - curb on terrorism in response to the
Israeli pullout from Gaza and the West Bank. 8. "Military operations against Palestinians on the
West Bank would not eliminate - eradicate the threat of terror." 9. According to authorities, the
carnage - slaughter had all the hallmarks of Al-Qaeda. 10. Amnesty International1 said it would
refuse to work with the government to monitor the treatment of foreign nationals deported from
Britain under toughened anti-terrorist – hardened counter-terrorist measures.

5. Paraphrase the following words and word combinations by using your active vocabulary:
to provide shelter – asylum, safe haven; massacre- carnage, slaughter; to root out terrorism –
eradicate, eliminate; to stop extremism – to curb; to consider the anti- terrorist measures
appropriate -to deem; to insist on hardening border controls – to toughen; the terrorists rejected
violence – renounced; anti-terrorist -counter-terrorist; to demand an end to violence – call for.
6. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. В Чечне ведутся антитеррористические мероприятия, предупреждаются
террористические атаки. - Anti-terrorist/ counter- terrorist measures are being carried
out in Chechnya, and terrorist attacks are being prevented.
2. "Уничтожение "Аль-Каида" приведет к ослаблению чеченского терроризма." -
"The destruction/ elimination of al-Qaeda will lead to the easing of Chechen terrorism."
3. "Я настоятельно призываю мировых лидеров поддержать такое определение
терроризма." - I urge the global leaders to support this definition of terrorism.
4. Президент ошеломлен "резней, которую устроили террористы в Израиле." - The
President is stunned by "the massacre/carnage that terrorists have carried out in Israel."
5. В письме террорист призывает мусульман во всем мире уладить все разногласия
друг с другом и объединиться для борьбы с "внешними врагами". - In the letter, the

1 Founded in London in 1961, Amnesty International is a Nobel Prize-winning grassroots activist

organization with over 1.8 million members worldwide. It undertakes research and action focused on
preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and
expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights. Read
more at:
terrorist calls on Muslims around the world to settle all disputes with each other and unite to
combat/counter "external enemies".
6. Глава британского правительства Тони Блэр назвал "зверскими актами
терроризма" авиакатастрофы в Тульской и Ростовской областях. - The head of the
British government, Tony Blair, called the aircraft crashes in tula and Rostov regions "atrocious
acts of terrorism".
7. Необходимо убедить группы недовольных отказаться от использования терроризма как
тактического средства. - Discontent groups must be persuaded to stop using terrorism as a
8. Террористы находят новые пути и методы для осуществления своих чудовищных
акций. - Terrorists find new ways and methods to carry out their horrendous – atrocious actions.
9. "Брюссель плохо подготовлен для того, чтобы противостоять возможным атакам
террористов." - "Brussels is ill-prepared to resist – counter possible terrorist attacks."
10. Любому человеку, связанному с терроризмом будет отказано в убежище и в
британском подданстве. - Anyone associated with terrorism will be denied asylum – safe haven
and British citizenship.
11. Подавляющее большинство считает, что необходимо принимать решительные меры,
направленные против исламского терроризма. - The overwhelming majority believes –
deems that it is necessary to adopt strong measures against Islamic terrorism.
12. 80 процентов опрошенных заявляют о необходимости ужесточить санкции за
терроризм и незаконную миграцию. - 80 percent of respondents say it is necessary to toughen
sanctions for terrorism and illegal migration.

In groups of three or four offer and discuss the ways of countering terrorism. Work out an
effective antiterrorist policy and share it with the rest of the class.
1. Look up the unknown words and expressions in a dictionary to avoid any difficulty of
Overhaul - полный пересмотр, to detain - содержать под стражей, to charge smb. with smth.,
to rescind citizenship - аннулировать гражданство, affiliate - присоединиться, facial
dimensions, ins images - модули изображений, to convict - осуждать, in the wake of smth - в
2. Read the texts below and compare the offered counter terrorist measures with your
antiterrorist policies. Are your strategies missing any vital points or visa versa?
UN: The main features of the UN anti-terrorism resolution are:
• "Prevent and suppress the financing of terrorists."
• "Freeze without delay" the resources of terrorists and terror organizations, none were
specifically cited.
• Prohibit anyone from making funds available to terrorist organizations.
• Suppress the recruitment of new members by terrorist organizations and eliminate their
weapon supplies.
• "Deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support or commit terrorist acts, or provide
save havens."
• "Afford one another the greatest measure of assistance" in criminal investigations
involving terrorism.
• "Prevent the movement of terrorists or terrorist groups by effective border controls" and
control over travel documents. - UN, September 28, 2001

EU countries, reacting to the increased threat of attacks after the March 11 tram bombings
in Madrid, are looking at toughening anti-terrorist legislation to notably crack down on
Islamic clerics deemed dangerous.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair announced a complete overhaul of his country's
immigration system, particularly to target "radical clerics coming here to preach religious
hate, people staying here to peddle support for terrorism".
It was the strongest words Blair has had for Muslim extremists who use London as a haven
while issuing calls for a jihad against the West.
After the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, Britain adopted an anti-terrorist
law that is probably the most severe in the European Union.
The text allows foreign suspects to be detained indefinitely without charge nor trial in the
interests of national security, unless they decide to return to their country of origin. In April
last year, the Home Office went further by saying that British citizenship would be rescinded
in the case of immigrants deemed to seriously hurt British interests. Germany, after
September 11, 2001, increased prison terms for those found guilty of supporting terrorism
and widened its judicial definition of what constituted a terrorist organization. – EUbusiness,
April 28, 2004

UK: Britain's top policeman called for high-tech eye recognition technology to be pressed
into use to track al Qaeda associates he said were targeting the country. Sir Ian Blair, the
Metropolitan Police commissioner, also said he had been won over to the Labour
government's call for compulsory ID cards with details like facial dimensions, iris images
and fingerprints.
"We have to ... know who people are. We now have the technology, I think through iris
recognition, to go to that I think that would be very helpful," he told BBC Television. Police
chief Blair also called for fresh legislation to enable British courts to convict people caught
preparing acts of terrorism.
"There's real clarity now that al Qaeda associates are targeting Britain," he said.
"We're going to have to ... see whether there is some other legislation around, some 'acts
preparatory to terrorism' or something of that nature." - Indian Times, April 17, 2005

UK: London's largest businesses have been given new guidelines on how to improve their
security in the wake of the bomb attacks in the capital.
More than 300 firms, including Tesco and HSBC, have been advised to consider counter-
terrorism measures such as searching staff bags.
Businesses are being encouraged to take a series of measures to protect themselves, ranging
from keeping offices locked to ensuring public areas are tidy and well-lit. More specific
counter-terrorism measures, such as relocating mail rooms away from a company's main
premises, are also highlighted. - BBC, July 27, 2005

Pope John Paul II has regretted the terrorism and violence that is sweeping the world,
referring to a "clash of civilizations that at times seems inevitable". "Violence, terrorism, war
do no more than build new walls between peoples," he said. Speaking at the Pontifical Urban
University on Friday, the Holy Father urged students to have "an open sensitivity to the
values of various cultures in relation to the evangelical message."
"Without renouncing the affirmation of the force of the evangelical message, it is an
important work in the torn world of today that Christians be men of dialogue and work
against that clash of civilizations that at times seems inevitable." - Catholic News, December
2, 2002
Pope John Paul told the world in his Easter message Sunday that a culture of love had to
defeat terrorism and the "logic of death" and revenge in Iraq, the Holy Land 1 and other places
where conflict reigns. - CNN, April 11, 2004
Days after the London bombings, Pope Benedict XVI expressed "profound sadness" for the
"atrocious terrorist attacks" and told bombers and other terrorists to "stop in the name of
God." -AP, July 21, 2005

Sheikh Hasina2, says human rights and democracy are the best tools in hand for any success
in countering global terrorism.
Referring to democracy, Hasina said one of the important responses to terrorism should be
globalization of democracy.
"Democracy, with all its connotations, like access, participation, equal opportunities, rule of
law, non-discrimmation gender rights, good governance, openness etc, creates an
environment in a non-democratic society where extremism is often translated into terrorism,
which has ways to accommodate and ventilate grievances," she observed. On poverty and
inequality, an underlying reason for terrorism, Hasina said the next approach to counter
terrorism would be to address inequality of the global order, distribution and enjoyment of its
resources, and in this regard, pervasive poverty must be addressed. A world free from
poverty and under democracy will be a near ideal world. She also pointed out that a just
world order, where disputes and differences are settled more vigorously in peaceful manners
is another important element to be striving for. On human development, she said attention
should be given to maximize opportunity for human development in all corners of the globe,
and in this regard, necessary resources are to be made available for the communities to set
their priorities on education, health, income generation, production etc. - The Bangladesh
Journal, March 8, 2005
1. In pairs pick three antiterrorist measures that you deem the most effective. Share
them with the rest of the class explaining your choice.
2. Find out as much information as you can on one of the topics below and prepare an
oral presentation.
 The Phenomenon of a Suicide Bomber.
 Hostage Survival Techniques.
 The Problem of Defining Terrorism.
 Hallmarks of Modern Terrorism.
 Terrorism and the Clash of Civilizations.

1 Holy Land - Palestine (the region).

2 Sheikh Hasina Wajed - former Prime Minister of Bangladesh (1996-2001), now leader of the Opposition
in Parliament. Played an instrumental role in the adoption of a parliamentary system in her country. Received
numerous prestigious international awards for work on peace and human lights. Read more at:

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