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Adjective suffixes

1. –able, -ible (able)* -- (negatives/antonyms in parentheses): (in)accessible, (un)adaptable, (un)bearable,

(in)flexible, (dis)honorable, (ir)reversible, (un)sustainable, (in)tolerable, etc.

2. -al (related to; pertaining to): biological, environmental, natural, supplemental, technical, visual, etc.

3. -ant (being ___): relevant, reluctant, significant, tolerant, etc.

4. -ary (belonging or related to): discretionary, diversionary, military, supplementary, voluntary, etc.

5. -ed (from a verb's past participle, often describing a feeling or condition): annoyed, complicated,

surprised, united, etc.

6. -en (from the irregular past participle of a verb): broken, fallen, hidden, etc.

7. -ent: consistent, evident, negligent, proficient, sufficient, urgent, etc.

for -er and -est, see Suffixes for Comparisons. (They make regular adjectives into comparative or
superlative adjectives.)

8. –ful (full of): careful, doubtful, fearful, helpful, grateful, tactful, etc.

9. –ic (nature of, like): acidic, domestic, emphatic, geologic, metallic, patriotic, realistic, symbolic,
sympathetic, etc.

10. -ing (from a verb's present participle, often describing what causes a condition or feeling): annoying,
inspiring, surprising, tiring.

11. –ish (similar to, belonging to): girlish, childish, reddish, Scottish, etc.

12. –ive (related to; makes a verb into an adjective):  abusive, conclusive, exclusive, ineffective, supportive,

13. –less (without): breathless, careless, effortless, fearless, lifeless, tasteless, tireless, etc. (See also –ness in
the Noun Builders.)

14. –ous (having, full of): courageous, erroneous, malicious, nervous, obvious, serious, etc.

15. -y (presence of, full of): airy, cheery, cloudy, noisy, sleepy, windy

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