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Again Drinks

Sai Chand Kotagiri

How do you think you will be able to add value to the
Digital Marketing / Social Media or Business
Development teams?
I think Digital Marketing is the most inexpensive way to create a
marketing segment for any business. If a brand wants to grow, I
don’t see much of option other than start investing on
marketing. We can start promoting our products with pictures;
we can create events and market that over the social media;
We can create blogs and articles to promote Again Drinks as a
brand; and we can make videos talking about our idea behind
the brand.
After going through the Again drinks website ai found a few
very interesting things about the brand and the idea behind the
brand and it would be really wonderful to take it forward to a
wider audiences in more creative ways. ”You will LOVE what’s
in it. You will also LOVE what’s not in it”. Captions like this
should be all over social media and we can adopt the latest
meme trends to create interest among the customers.
I personally like to follow the latest digital trends and I used to
write articles for my school magazine. So I think I will add value
to the brand by helping to promote it with my ideas. I thought
of a few ideas on how to help the brand grow after my
selection for the internship and was looking forward for my
work in Bangalore before the unfortunate lockdown due to
corona but I would like to contribute in any way possible with
this virtual internship and I really wish to join the company in
near future.

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