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1) Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will show sts pictures of my last weekend tour in Istanbul, and will elicit the context from them. 1- look at this
picture, who is this? Me, ok good. 2- what is this? Metro 3- where is this? Teqsim square. 4- Where is this?
Sultan Fatih mosque. 5- where is this? Aya Sofia mosque.

(2) Pre-teach Task (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

1- Look here please. 2- Read this text and underline the past regular verbs. Regular verbs have (ed) ex: liked. 3-
start now, work everyone alone. you have (2 minutes). 4- check your answers with your friends. you two, you
two, you two. 5- Now lets see the answers. what is the first regular verb? 1- traveled. 2- arrived. 3-called. 4-
said. 5- waited. 6-liked. 7- decided. 8- prayed. 9- walked. 10- invited. 11- talked. 12-wanted.

(3) Language Focus (6-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

To provide them with the activity of teaching model language. I will write down the two sentences of the
language focus, and elicit the meaning, form, and drill pronunciation of the the irregular verbs. 1- Look at this
sentence. What is (travel)? to go 2- Is it in present or past? 3- How do we say it? /t'raevild/. With /d/. plz say:
travelled… 4- Now look at this sentence. What is (liked)? To love. 5- Is it in past or present? Past! 6- plz say
(liked) /'laikt/ with /t/. plz say (liked)…

(4) Controlled practice (Pronunciation) (5-6 minutes) • To practice pronunciation of (ed) sound in 3
different ways

To give them this activity, in the same Handout that they have with them, by saying; 1- Look here plz (Activity
4). Fold up your papers plz 2- you see here 3 ways of pronunciation, /d/ /t/ /id/. 3- Put these verbs in the correct
places in this table. 4- first say it then write it. (just 2 minutes) 5- Now check with your friend. two two two. 6-
Let's check it together.

(5) Controlled Practice-2 (Speaking) (6-7 minutes) • To let sts practice speaking about their last weekend

I will ask them to stand up and give them the second handout, and ask them to make a circle. i will start asking
the first question, he answers, then he will ask his friend,...etc. 1- FOLD THE PAPER PLZ!!! 2- plz make a
circle. take this handout, you,...etc 3- I ask you a question, you answer, ok? you all look at us, then u also do the
same. 4- Where did you go last weekend? you answer now! to Ankar, Taqsim, ...! very good. 5- Now you ask
him the same question....Now you ask him/her... 6- very good. Now sit down in your chairs.

(6) Semi-controlled practice (Writing) (6-7 minutes) • To give sts a freer chance to express themselves in
writing about their last weekend

I am going to ask them to write 4 sentences about what they did last weekend, and say: FIRST CHANGE
SEATS: A B C, A B C...As stand up and sit there, then Bs stand up and sit there. 1- Activity (6) Turn over your
papers to the other side. 2- Write 4 sentences about what you did in your last weekend. 3- you can use these
(pointing to the verbs) in your sentences. (2 minutes) 4- check with your friends next to you. 4- NOW, read
your sentences to us, one by one

(7) Free Practice (Find someone who...) (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the
target language

I will give sts the last Handout, and ask them to move around the class and find who did these things, by asking:
Did you go to...? Did you...? 1- Look at the last activity we have now, then we will finish. 2- You find in the
class who did these things! 3- Ask these questions, then write just the name of the person who did it. (3
minutes) 4- Ok, now we see who did these things? THEN i will ask one of them to read the question and

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