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Materi Perkuliahan Bahasa Inggris

Prodi : Bahasa Inggris

Mata Kuliah : Basic Grammar
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 17 Oktober 2022
Waktu : pkl 07.00 - 08.40
Pkl 08.40 - 10.20
Pkl 10.20 - 12.00
Pertemuan ke: 2
Materi Pembelajaran: - NOUNS
- Verb Patterns:
- S+V
- S+V+O
- S + V + Oi + Od
- S + V + O + O c (complement)


(the story can be read on the last pages/in an attachment)

1. What did the father and his son want to do with their donkey?
2. On their way to the market, they met some travelers. What did the travelers say?
3. What did they do then?
4. When they met an old woman, what did she say to them?
5. What did they do then?
6. What did the ladies say when the man and his son met them?
7. What did they do then?
8. Who said that the old man and his son were cruel? Why did they say this?
9. What did they do then?
10. At last, they met other travelers who laughed at them loudly. What happened then?

Noun Definition
A word that is the name of something as a person (Noah Webster), a place (Jakarta), an
animal (a cat), a thing (a book), a quality (softness), an idea (justice), or an action(yodeling)-
Merriam Webster.

Types of nouns:
Common nouns are nouns that refer to people or things in general.
Examples: boy, city, day, apple, book, etc.

Proper noun is a name that identifies a particular person, place, or thing.

Examples: Susan, Asia, Garut, Monday.
Collective nouns refer to groups of people or things as a unit.
Examples: audience, team, family, jury.

Concrete Noun is a noun which refers to people and to things that exist physically and can
be seen, touched, smelled, heard, or tasted.
Examples: dog, building, coffee, beach, rain, tune.

Abstract Noun is a noun that refers to ideas, qualities,and conditions – things that cannot be
seen or touched and things which have no physicall reality.
Examples: truth, danger, happiness, suggetion, idea, time, friendship, humour.

Countable Nouns are things we can count. We can make them plural.
Examples: books, pencils, friends, cats etc.

Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count. We cannot make them plural.
Examples: sugar, chalk, coffee, work, jealousy, happiness etc.
Uncountable nouns can be abstract or concrete.
Examples: water, cheese, bread, development, cleverness, etc.

Compound Nouns can be made up of two or more other words, but each compound has a
single meaning.
Examples: housewife, wallpaper, bus driver, house-builder, distance learning.

Irregular Plural Nouns:

Wife wives
Calf calves
Leaf leaves
Life lives
Knife knives

Potato potatoes
Tomato tomatoes
Hero heroes
Torpedo torpedoes
Exceptions: pianos, photos, bamboo

Foot feet
Tooth teeth
Goose geese
Man men
Woman women

Mouse mice
Ox oxen
Child children
Person people
Penny pence (in British usage)

Fish fish
Sheep sheep
Shrimp shrimp
Deer deer
Buffalo buffalo

Radius radii pronounced raydii

Fungus fungi
Cactus cacti
Alumnus alumni

Verb Patterns
Function of Nouns in sentences:

As a subject S+V
The students study

As an object S+V+O
The teacher gave tasks

As a direct and an indirect object S + V + Oi + Od

The teacher gave the students tasks

As a subject complement S + V (linking) + O (Noun)

Hasby is a sudent.

As an object complement S + V + O + OC (complement)

My sister named the cat Miaow.


1. Find out all the nouns in the text!

2. Classify them into types of nouns

English Grammar in Unit 69 -70

Internet. Oxford Living Dictionaries. Irregular Plural Nouns

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10
11 12

13 14


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