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Monday, 27th of July 2020

Parts of Speech / Kelas-kelas Kata

(kata benda)

y 1

Ms Rosi
online.kampungin @lconline_o 089633036986 fficial
(kt benda) (kt ganti) (kt kerja)

(kt sifat)
(kt keterangan)
(kt sandang)

(kt depan)
(kt hubung) (kt seru)
WORD (kata)
Komponen bahasa yang bermakna dan berkelas kata. AND
Kata dibagi menjadi 8 : (parts of speech/kelas-kelas kata) I buy an apple and an orange.
No Word Symbol e.g
1. Noun (kata benda) n /n[C] /n[U] Mother (ibu), water (air), Sefi
2. Pronoun (kata ganti) pron You (kamu/kalian), she (dia perempuan)
3. Verb (kata kerja) v/v [T]/v [I] Mother (merawat), water (menyirami)
4. Adjective (kata sifat) adj Handsome (tampan), tall (tinggi)
5. Adverb (kata keterangan) adv Here (disini), now (sekarang)
6. Conjunction (kata conj Because … (karena), after … (setelah), when …
sambung/penghubung) (ketika), and (dan)
7. Preposition (kata depan) prep in … (di), because of … (karena), next to …
(disebelah), with…. (bersama), at
8. Interjection (kata seru) interj Wow! Yes! OMG! Eh!
= Statement sentence in general =
1. Adv
Part of 1. Noun 1. Noun 2. Prep +
2. Pronoun V 2. Pronoun
speech: noun/pronoun
3. Adj + noun 3. Adj + noun
/adj + noun
Anna Bobby sometimes .
Contoh: She calls me by phone .
The girl my teacher .
Parts of Speech : She is beautiful. Is/am/are + ving = Meeting/to meet is fun.
kelas-kelas kata menunjukkan tugas atau fungsi suatu kata dalam sebuah kalimat.
1. Noun The Central core of a Sentence (Inti pembentuk kalimat)
Sentence : S + V. e.g : * They run.
2. Pronoun S/pron V/v
3. Verb pron noun * Anna studies.
S/noun V/v

4. Adjective The Modifying word (kata penjelas)

NOTE : # Adjective menjelaskan n, pron
5. Adverb # Adverb menjelaskan A, V, A, S (Adj, Verb, Adv,Sentence)
(menjelaskan) (dijelaskan)
- new car (mobil baru) - pretty hot (lumayan panas)
- Fortunately, he comes. - very slowly (dengan sangat pelan)

6. Conjunction The Relating word (kata penghubung)

POLA : # Conj -> conj + S + V (I will go after you go.)
7. Preposition # Prep -> prep + object of preposition (n, pron,...)
8. Showing Emotion Oh no!
Definisi : kata yang digunakan untuk menamai suatu benda
Macam :
Berdasarkan Wujud
 Abstract Noun
*Kata benda yang menyatakan idea (ide), concept (konsep), feeling (perasaan),
state (keadaan), quality (sifat/karakter). *Kata benda yang tidak dapat
dideteksi oleh panca indra.
e.g : love, happiness, spirit, freedom, education, realist, hate, sympathy, etc.
 Concrete Noun
Kata benda yang dapat dideteksi oleh panca indra.
e.g : sugar, bread, boy, ball, bag, car, cheese, building, wall, bed, cat, etc

Now, It’s your turn to give the examples.......

Berdasarkan hitungan (1)
 Countable noun
adalah noun (kata benda) yang dapat dihitung dan dapat dijamakkan. 
~ bisa diawali dengan a/an
~ bisa diawali dengan Cardinal Number (1,2,3,4,....)
1. Noun Countable Singular (tunggal)
e.g : an apple, one car, a child
2. Noun Countable Plural (jamak >1)
Regular (beraturan) : bentuk jamak dari kata benda dengan penambahan akhiran –s/-es
Aturan Kata benda Kata benda Kata benda Kata benda dari Kata benda
Regular berakhiran berakhiran: berakhiran satu sukukata lainnya ditamba
pada -o + -s/-es -z,- s, -x, -ch, -sh, consonant + y -> y berakhiran hkan akhiran -s.
Berbagai -ss ditambahkan - -ies -f /–fe -> -f/-fe
Kondisi : es. -ves

Contoh tomato gas – gases activity – activities wife – wives book – books
Countable -tomatoes box – boxes city – cities knife – knives chair – chairs
Noun potato – potatoes punch – punches country – leaf – leaves guy – guys
(Singular zoo – zoos dash – dashes countries
-Plural) Photo - photos loss – losses
Irregular (tidak beraturan) : bentuk jamak dari kata benda tidak dengan pembahan
akhiran –s/-es
 Contoh Irregular Countable Noun (Singular – Plural)
 alga – algae (ganggang)  goose – geese (angsa)
 alumnus – alumni (lulusan)  man – men (pria)
 appendix – appendices (lampiran)  mouse – mice (tikus)
 basis – bases (dasar)  medium – media (sarana)
 child – children (anak-anak)  ox – oxen (lembu)
 crisis – crises (krisis)  person – people (orang)
 criterion – criteria (standart)  phenomenon – phenomena (peristiwa)
 datum – data (fakta)  police – police (polisi)
 deer – deer (rusa)  radius – radii (radius)
 fish – fish (ikan)  sheep – sheep (domba)
 foot – feet (kaki)  tooth – teeth (gigi)
 woman – women (wanita)  vita – vitae (riwayat hidup)
Berdasarkan hitungan (2)
 Uncountable noun
kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Noddle, meat, bread, coffee, milk, oil, honey, sugar, salt, rice, water, air, wood, indonesia,
english, thunder, weather, rain, snow, wind, money, knowledge, love,....

NOTE : Uncountable noun dapat ‘dihitung’ atau dibentuk pengertian plural-nya

dengan menambahkan takaran di awal kata benda tersebut. Takaran kata benda itulah
yang dijamakkan. Takaran yang digunakan antara lain:
* Box * Tube (tabung) * Bar *Piece *Cup *Gallon *bottle
* Glass * Kilogram *Packet *Scoop *Spoon

 Riana drinks two bottles of water after having exercise.

 We need some cups of sugar to make a cake.
 I want to buy a scoop of ice cream.
Countable Noun
bread a slice of bread, a loaf of bread
Cake a piece of cake a piece of information,
Chess a game of chess two pieces of information
chocolate a bar of chocolate lightning a flash of lightning
Fluor a kilogram of fluor Milk a glass of milk
Gold a bar of gold, ten bars of gold Sugar a spoon of sugar
Grass a blade of grass a cup of tea, three cups of
ice cream a scoop of ice cream
thunder a clap of thunder
water a gallon of water
Work a piece of work
Find, identify and write the nouns in the box!
I like my bedroom. I share it with my brother. We’ve got
a big, blue toy box and a fast, new computer. There are
two small desks where we do our homework. My
brother has got a cool, red bed that looks like a racing
car. My bed is tall – I need to climb a ladder to get to it!
Concrete noun
Countable noun
Thank you for
joining today’s
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homeworks, or ways students can
approach the teacher if ever you have

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