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Nama : Ditya Rosela Permata

NIM : 20.86208.013



Nama Mata Kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS

Kode Mata Kuliah : STAI 1062
Jumlah sks : 2
Nama Dosen : Heri Sepriyadi ,M.pd.
Tahun Ajaran : 2020/2021

Part Of Speech dibagi menjadi 8 bagian yaitu noun ,verb ,adjective, adverb
,prepositio , conjunction,pronoun dan action, berikut penjelasan singkatnya:

A.Noun / Kata Benda

Kata yang ditujukan atau menyatakan suatu benda atau banyak hal lainnya.
Dikelompokkan menjadi:
–Colectrue: family,class,group,community,etc
- Materi: steel,coral,stone,iron,gold,etc
- Abstrak: smell,ghoust,devil,wind,etc
- Proper: baturaja,jawa,bandung,korea,etc

B.Verb/ Kata Kerja

Kata yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan atau aktifitas.
Di kelompokkan menjadi:
-transtion ,need object (menujukkan apa yang sedang dilakukan)
For example: 1. I eat rice ( s,v,o)
2. I drew dinda face (s,v,o)

-Intrustion ( untuk mengekspresikan panca indra)
For example : 1. the water boils ( s,v)
2. the sun shine ( s,v)
3. the rice cooker( s,v)
4. the night dark (s,v)

C. Adjective / Kata Sifat

Dibagi berdasarkan quantitative nya:
- Some : Some fruit, some drinking, etc
- any : any more,any where,etc
-much: much oil,much sugar,much rice,etc
-many : many student,many people, etc

D. Adverb/ Kata Keterangan

Memodifikasi verb + adjective namun tidak mendeskripsikan kata benda ,menjawab
- Momen: slowly, quickly, initially, etc
- Time : now, yesterday, seven o’clock ,etc
- Frequency: always, usually,seldom,etc

E. Preposition / proposisi
Dikelompokan menjadi:
- at : at the market,at the river, at the mosque,etc
- on: on the new year, on the street, on the july, on the day,etc
- in : in the market, in the home, in the kitchen,in the park, etc

F.Conjunction/ Kata penghubung

Diantaranya for,and,nor,but,or,yet,so ,etc
For example :
1. for : I brought chocolate for you
2. and: I like ice creem and chips
3. so : it’s already late so I wanna go home
4.but : - I believe you but you don’t believe me.
-I like designing clothes but I can’t sew.
5. or : -yes or not
- you want mango or apple
6. nor: my sister cant’t dance neither can me.
7. yet : I haven’t finished this speech yet even so they already rated it as good.

G. Pronoun/ Kata Ganti Benda

Digunakan agar tidak terjadi pengulangan kata.
example : beyonce ( noun kemudian dig anti ) she ( pronoun)
- I, you, we, they, he, she, it, me,us, them, him, her.
For example : Rita hobbies painting, she bought painting tools in a bookstore, her painting
are very good.

H. Action verb / aksi ,

Respon seseorang saat mendapati sesuatu yg menakjubkan atau mengejutkan dan selalu
diakhiri dengan tanda seru. Example:
- Aha! -excellent!
-wow! -good job!
-bravo! -stop!

Membentuk kata dengan menambah kata affix atau imbuhan yang berupa prefix atau
awalan , infix atau sisipan dan suffix atau akhiran.
For example :
-. prefix : a.sleep – asleep
b. plant – implant
-infix : a. getar – gemetar
c. tapak-telapak
- suffix :
a. inform - information e.angry – angered
b. active – activation f. sad – sadnees
c. marry – marriage g. happy – happiness ,etc
d. free – freedom
Derivation dibagi menjadi inflectional/ turunan dan derivasional yaitu sebagai berikut:
- Inflectional ( tidak berubah makna)
Example: 1. go ( verb) – goes ( verb) : artinya sama-sama pergi
2. child ( noun) – children ( noun) : artinya sama-sama anak.
3. eat ( verb) – eaten ( verb) : artinya sama-sama makan.
- Derivasional ( berubah makna)
Example : 1. Minum-minuman
2. drive – driver

3. Phrase
Kelompok kata lebih dari satu kata yang saling berkaitan namun tidak mengandung
unsur subject dan verb. Berikut struktur phrase :
A. Noun determiner (det) : - articles (a,an,the,etc)
- pronoun ( my,our,etc)
B. Sentence (S) : noun phrase (NP) and verb phrase (VP)
C. Noun phrase ( NP) : Articles ,Pronoun, Adjective/ Adjective phrase (AP), Conjunction
(C), Noun( N), Preposition phrase (PP).
D.Verb Phrase (VP) : Verb (V), NP,PP, adverbial (adv).
E. Preposition Phrase (PP) : Preposition (P), NP.
F. Adjective Phrase (PP) : Adjective (A) example: very good, very cute,etc
Examples :
- a book

Det(a) N(book)

- a very beautiful

Det(a) AP (very beautiful) N (baby)

- the cat drank the milk

Det(the) N(cat) V(drank) NP

Det( the) N( milk)

- I saw a monkey upon the tree

N( I ) V(saw ) NP PP
Det( a ) N (monkey) P ( upon)
Det( the) N(tree)

Susunan kata yang terdiri dari clause subject + predikat + object+complement yang
diawali dengan huruf kapital di akhiri dengan tanda( . / ! / ? ) atau
decralative,introgative,impretive,dan exclonating. Berikut adalah 4 tipe sentence:
1.simple sentence, terdiri dari one independent clause with out dependent.
Example : Rara drink milk in the livingroom.
2. Compound sentence, terdiri dari two independent with out dependent.
Example :
- Rara drink milk and Sasa cooking rice in the kitchen.

- do you want to eat meatball yourself or do you want to aet chicken noodles with me.

Independent conjuction Independent

3. Complex sentence terdiri dari one Independent clause and one dependent clause.
Example :
- you won’t know you can if you don’t try.

Independent C dependent

Dan jika di balik maka akan menjadi,

-If you don’t try , you won’t know you can.

C dependent koma independent

4. Compound complex sentence terdiri dari two Independent clause and one dependent
clause. Example :

-Rara drinks chocolate milk and Mega drinks white milk because the chocolate has added
Independent C Independent dependent

Dan jika di balik menjadi,

- Because the chocolate has added sugar , Rara drinks chocolate milk and Mega drinks white
Dependent koma independent C independent

5. How to make 5 W + 1 H.
Asking abaut something ( what)
Asking about time ( when )
Asking about place (where)
5W+1H Asking about person (who) , gunakan it untuk menyatakan bukan orang.
Asking about reason (why)

Asking about manner (How)

Membuat kalimat tanya dengan menggunakan 5W +1H.

I am She
You do He is does Berulang
They are It
I was/ were He was did Lampau
You did It
They were

- Untuk yang lampau:
a. when were you born? I was born 07 july,2 nd 2000.
b. where were you born? I was born in jawa timur.

a. linda mops the house every morning. 1. pada pertanyaan who tidak
Who what when menggunakan does karna who langsung
-who mops the house every morning? bertemu dengan verb.
- what does linda mops every morning? 2.pada pertanyaan what dan when
- when does linda mops the house? menggunakan does karna terjadi berulang
Berikut penjelasan penggunaan does: kali dan james adalah dia laki-laki atau he.

b. what is it? It is a book.

c.what is that? that is a book.
d. the students are in the class.
Who where
-who are in the class?
- where are the students?


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