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Social Constraints

No construction work could proceed in rural area without people’s involvement. The social factors constitute
constraints in the construction working environment. It is not surprised to learn that undesirable effects
come from a relative small number of persons and the constraints are human constraints. These social
constraints may appear minor and insignificant, but is very complicated to deal with. Sometimes it may
arouse big problems for the project and will at the same time affect the progress of the project.
According to the latest census 2015, the population of Barangay 8 is 137 and with that small number of
population, we can say that the construction of the project may involve lesser number of persons.
Living in a place near in jails can be somehow risky and the people who lives beside there may think any
possible circumstances that may harm their lives because of the capabilities of prisoners. But it depends on
the facility of the jail. Correctional facilities always aim for the security of both prisoners and community
The project may affect the social living of the people within that location but actually, the crime rate within
that area may fall because the community or the people in that place will think that if they do crime, it will
not be difficult for the cops to arrest them.
Corrective actions and treatment measures for the rehabilitation of PDLs are better achieved in a natural
environment such as the community where offenders can highlight and re-live the areas of their life they
want to change. Since the community is the natural reason for legal, socio-economic and cultural changes
and development, community based corrections enable PDLs to adapt more effectively to such changes in
a more realistic and flexible manner. The community also provides a network of relationships and a range
of activities that enable offenders to know themselves better in a variety of real life situations, thus
improving their social skills and enhancing their social functioning.

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