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1. Learn the slides of UNIT 5
2. What do you know about much, many & a lot of
3. Differentiate between little & a little, and between few & a few



The followings are the points that you have to do:

1. Highlight the Subject of each sentence in Yellow colour

2. Highlight the Predicate of each sentence in Green
3. Translate the sentences, but don’t use google translator

The Atomic Theory

The evidence that leads to stoichiometric equations for individual reactions originates
from the concept that matter is composed of atoms. The idea of atoms appears to have been first
discussed by two Greek philosophers, Leucippus and Democritus, in the fifth century B.C. It was
accepted without definite proof by many later workers, including Sir Isaac Newton. Not until the
nineteenth century, however, was any real scientific evidence presented in support of such a
theory. John Dalton conducted a number of careful experiments in which he determined the
weights of substance entering into chemical combination with each other. Before his work, the
Law of Definite Composition had been formulated, which states that the amount of one substance
that will combine with a given amount of another, to form a given compound, is always the
same. Dalton’s work confirmed this law and led him to formulate another law, the Law of
Multiple Proportions. Dalton’s theory is concerned with two elements combining in two
different proportions to give two different compounds. If two or more different compounds are
formed from the elements A and B, the weight of A that combines with a fixed weight of B to
form one compound bears a simple relationship to the weight of A that combines with the same
weight of B to form another compound. Dalton set fourth a number of hypotheses, of which the
following are the most important: (1) All matter is composed of individual atoms, which are
indivisible and indestructible; (2) A chemical combination, such as that of hydrogen and oxygen
to form water, produces a molecule in which the numbers of the atoms of different kinds are
simple whole numbers. (3) Atoms of a given substance have the same weight, but atoms of
different substance have different weights.

At first, it was found to be very difficult to apply Dalton’s theory to the experimental
results on combining weights. Dalton himself, for example, deduced the wrong formula for
water. He thought that a water molecule consisted of one atom of hydrogen and one of oxygen.
One part by weight of hydrogen combines with about eight parts by weight of oxygen, so that
this hypothesis led to the conclusion that the oxygen atom weights eight times as much as the
hydrogen atom. We now know, that the water molecule contains one atom of oxygen and two of
hydrogen, so that the oxygen atom actually weights sixteen times as much as the hydrogen atom.

PART 1 :

1. Learn the slides of UNIT 5

2. What do you know about much, many & a lot of

 Much

“Much” is used for an uncountable noun. Patterns : Much + uncountable noun. “Much” can also
act as a determiner and pronoun.

Example : much sugar, much time, etc.

 Many

“Many” is used for countable noun. Patterns : Many + Countable noun. The use of many in a
sentence can also change depending on its position as a determiner,pronoun,or adjective

Example : many beutiful flower, many friends, etc.

 A lot of

“A lot of” is used for countable noun or uncountable noun. Patterns : a lot of + all type of noun.

Example: Morry has got a lot free time .

3.Differentiate between little & a little, and between few & a few

 Little and a little

Use a little dan little + an uncountable, ex : a little es cream, a little hair, a little time.
When acting as a determiner, or more specifically a quantifier, both “little” and “a little”
are always followed by uncountable nouns. which is included in the uncountable noun
are the following groups of objects:
liquids: honey; abstract ideas: motivation; grain & powder: corn; mass nouns: hair.
 Few and a few
Use a few dan few + plural countable noun. Ex : few pens, few envelopes, few friend, a
few pens, a few envelopes, a few friend. Few means "not many (people or things)." It is
used to say that there are not a lot of people or things. A few means "some (people or
things)." It is used to say that there are a small number of people or things.


Bukti yang mengarah pada persamaan stoikiometri untuk reaksi individu berasal dari konsep
bahwa materi terdiri dari atom. Gagasan tentang atom tampaknya pertama kali didiskusikan oleh
dua filsuf Yunani, Leucippus dan Democritus, pada abad kelima SM. Itu diterima tanpa bukti
pasti oleh banyak pekerja kemudian, termasuk Sir Isaac Newton. Tidak sampai abad pertengahan
kesembilan belas, bukti ilmiah nyata disajikan untuk mendukung teori semacam itu. John Dalton
melakukan sejumlah eksperimen yang cermat di mana dia menentukan berat zat yang masuk ke
dalam kombinasi kimia satu sama lain. Sebelum pekerjaanya telah dirumuskan Hukum
Komposisi Pasti, yang menyatakan bahwa jumlah suatu zat yang akan bergabung dengan
sejumlah zat lain, untuk membentuk suatu senyawa, selalu sama. Pekerjaan Dalton menegaskan
hukum ini dan membawanya untuk merumuskan hukum lain, Hukum Proporsi Berganda. Teori
Dalton berkaitan dengan dua unsur yang bergabung dalam dua proporsi berbeda untuk
menghasilkan dua senyawa berbeda. Jika dua atau lebih senyawa berbeda dibentuk dari unsur A
dan B, berat A yang bergabung dengan berat tetap B membentuk satu senyawa memiliki
hubungan sederhana dengan berat A yang bergabung dengan berat B yang sama untuk
membentuk senyawa lain. Dalton mengemukakan keempat sejumlah hipotesis, di mana yang
paling penting adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Semua materi terdiri dari atom-atom individu, yang
tidak dapat dibagi dan tidak dapat dihancurkan; (2) Kombinasi kimiawi, seperti hidrogen dan
oksigen untuk membentuk air, menghasilkan molekul yang bilangan-bilangan atomnya adalah
bilangan bulat sederhana. (3) Atom dari suatu zat memiliki berat yang sama, tetapi atom dari zat
yang berbeda memiliki berat yang berbeda.

Pada awalnya, sangat sulit untuk menerapkan teori Dalton pada hasil eksperimental tentang
penggabungan bobot. Dalton sendiri, misalnya, menyimpulkan rumus air yang salah. Dia
mengira bahwa molekul air terdiri dari satu atom hidrogen dan satu oksigen. Satu bagian berat
hidrogen bergabung dengan sekitar delapan bagian berat oksigen, sehingga hipotesis ini
mengarah pada kesimpulan bahwa atom oksigen memiliki berat delapan kali lipat berat atom
hidrogen. Kita sekarang tahu, bahwa molekul air mengandung satu atom oksigen dan dua
hidrogen, sehingga atom oksigen sebenarnya memiliki berat enam belas kali lipat atom hidrogen.

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